If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

All his life he has shown a willingness to kick ass.

It is time to burn down the house. We need an arsonist.
Hitler fits that profile too. I'm not saying Trump is Hitler, but you have a pretty low bar for your vote.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.
I'm not willing to see leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court and government grown even more. And that's what your "message" will bring.

has anyone asked trump who he would put on the court

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let’s talk about some of the issues. Judges.
What kind of judges will you appoint?
Will they be conservative?
What does that mean to you and how will you ensure it?
TRUMP: Well, first of all, we have a lot of judges that have to be appointed because we have a lot of openings in terms of judges. And I’m very happy about that, to be honest, because I think, you know, appointing judges is a very important and a very, frankly, a very, very important element of what we’re doing.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But Ted Cruz says he’s going to appoint rock rib conservatives with a paper trail.
What are you going to do?
TRUMP: Well, I’m going to appoint conservative judges. I’m going to appoint people that have great reputations, that are great with the legal profession…
TRUMP: Well, I can say like any — you know a judge who is a totally underrated and not spoken is Justice Thomas. I mean, if you look at — if you look at some of the judges that we have like on the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts turned out to be a nightmare for conservatives. I mean…
STEPHANOPOULOS: But how are you going to…

TRUMP: Wait, let me first say. Ted Cruz, was the one that really wanted Justice Roberts to go on the Supreme Court. You know that, right? Have you heard that?

Donald Trump Falls Apart When Asked What Kind Of Judges He’d Appoint
Trump likes government using eminent domain to take private property to build casinos. Think he'll really appoint conservative judges?
Oh my God. I laughed at leftists falling for the unspecific Hope and Change BS, now conservatives are doing it with Trump. Oh vey.

He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

That's not "Hope and Change".

Those are polices.
Walk the talk.

Presumably when he is in office. Like all campaign promises.
Gullible lemming no different than a Hopey Changy supporter.
and you've become just like one the Hopey Changy supporters. you go make all these assumptions and pass them off as the facts. so you're out of control. who care if you leave and go where ever
When I vote I look at the actions in their lives. And with Trump, I see Obama II.
He says he will deport Illegals, build a wall, and renegotiate bad trade deals.

That's not "Hope and Change".

Those are polices.
Walk the talk.

Presumably when he is in office. Like all campaign promises.
Gullible lemming no different than a Hopey Changy supporter.
and you've become just like one the Hopey Changy supporters. you go make all these assumptions and pass them off as the facts. so you're out of control. who care if you leave and go where ever
When I vote I look at the actions in their lives. And with Trump, I see Obama II.

YOu really up for getting into a war with Russia over the Ukraine?
Walk the talk.

Presumably when he is in office. Like all campaign promises.
Gullible lemming no different than a Hopey Changy supporter.
and you've become just like one the Hopey Changy supporters. you go make all these assumptions and pass them off as the facts. so you're out of control. who care if you leave and go where ever
When I vote I look at the actions in their lives. And with Trump, I see Obama II.

YOu really up for getting into a war with Russia over the Ukraine?
I wouldn't put it past Trump to go to war so he can fill the Ukraine with casinos.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.

You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
and the alternative right now?
Republicans have a plethora of alternatives, why must they INSIST on picking the absolute WORST one?

Republicans are ready to give Donald Trump a pass on a plethora of left wing and pro-big gub'mint stances that he's held in the past (and some he admits to still holding) and yet they're ready to crucify Rubio for his immigration stance in the past (which he has recanted), Jeb Bush who has a strong conservative record as the Governor of Florida, or Kasich (who also has a strong conservative record in both Ohio and Washington) or any of the other candidates who are FAR superior to Trump in terms of both past behavior and suitability for the general election.

This just goes to confirm my theory: the Democrats are the Party of Authoritarian Criminals , the Republicans are the party of Inexplicable Stupidity.

none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump gives a lot of "impressions" one of those "impressions" he likes to give is that he actually cares about conservative principles. Let me ask his supporters this; What is the best indicator of future behavior, past behavior or lip service in pursuit of what one wants? Are you aware of the specifics of Donald Trumps PAST BEHAVIOR ?and if you are, can you point out anything in it that indicates he's an adherent to conservative principles?
Presumably when he is in office. Like all campaign promises.
Gullible lemming no different than a Hopey Changy supporter.
and you've become just like one the Hopey Changy supporters. you go make all these assumptions and pass them off as the facts. so you're out of control. who care if you leave and go where ever
When I vote I look at the actions in their lives. And with Trump, I see Obama II.

YOu really up for getting into a war with Russia over the Ukraine?
I wouldn't put it past Trump to go to war so he can fill the Ukraine with casinos.

That was just silly.

Cruz is stuck in a Cold War mentality where Russia is our enemy and a global threat.

The Cold War is over and we need to stop screwing around with Russia.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.

You're going to send a "strong message to Washington" by committing political suicide? because that is what nominating Donald Trump is.
and the alternative right now?
Republicans have a plethora of alternatives, why must they INSIST on picking the absolute WORST one?

Republicans are ready to give Donald Trump a pass on a plethora of left wing and pro-big gub'mint stances that he's held in the past (and some he admits to still holding) and yet they're ready to crucify Rubio for his immigration stance in the past (which he has recanted), Jeb Bush who has a strong conservative record as the Governor of Florida, or Kasich (who also has a strong conservative record in both Ohio and Washington) or any of the other candidates who are FAR superior to Trump in terms of both past behavior and suitability for the general election.

This just goes to confirm my theory: the Democrats are the Party of Authoritarian Criminals , the Republicans are the party of Inexplicable Stupidity.

none. No matter who you vote for the country is screwed. Trump gives the impression of moving to the right, he gives the impression that he is going to get rid of illegals, build a wall, make healthcare payments fair, fix the budget etc... Can he? NO. but as always the American public votes for what a candidate says he can/will do not what the reality of what the can/do.
Trump gives a lot of "impressions" one of those "impressions" he likes to give is that he actually cares about conservative principles. Let me ask his supporters this; What is the best indicator of future behavior, past behavior or lip service in pursuit of what one wants? Are you aware of the specifics of Donald Trumps PAST BEHAVIOR ?and if you are, can you point out anything in it that indicates he's an adherent to conservative principles?

Trump was the guy that aggressively slammed Immigration into the debate.

That's a lot more convincing than a recantation.
Hitler fits that profile too. I'm not saying Trump is Hitler, but you have a pretty low bar for your vote.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.
I'm not willing to see leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court and government grown even more. And that's what your "message" will bring.

has anyone asked trump who he would put on the court

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let’s talk about some of the issues. Judges.
What kind of judges will you appoint?
Will they be conservative?
What does that mean to you and how will you ensure it?
TRUMP: Well, first of all, we have a lot of judges that have to be appointed because we have a lot of openings in terms of judges. And I’m very happy about that, to be honest, because I think, you know, appointing judges is a very important and a very, frankly, a very, very important element of what we’re doing.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But Ted Cruz says he’s going to appoint rock rib conservatives with a paper trail.
What are you going to do?
TRUMP: Well, I’m going to appoint conservative judges. I’m going to appoint people that have great reputations, that are great with the legal profession…
TRUMP: Well, I can say like any — you know a judge who is a totally underrated and not spoken is Justice Thomas. I mean, if you look at — if you look at some of the judges that we have like on the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts turned out to be a nightmare for conservatives. I mean…
STEPHANOPOULOS: But how are you going to…

TRUMP: Wait, let me first say. Ted Cruz, was the one that really wanted Justice Roberts to go on the Supreme Court. You know that, right? Have you heard that?

Donald Trump Falls Apart When Asked What Kind Of Judges He’d Appoint
Trump likes government using eminent domain to take private property to build casinos. Think he'll really appoint conservative judges?

the government has always had the power to take real or personal property if certain steps are taken
Trump was on the other side of the fence back then...he had to suck up to pols...had to buy their influence ...had to pretend they were smart...had to manipulate them. That takes a whole different vocabulary than what he needs now. Back then he had to say please and thank you. Now he can say...go fuck yourself.
What outside of words has Trump to show actions to back up his speeches?
^ that
I wonder why the biggest conservatives in the race, Cruz and Rubio, did not attack Trump immediately on his alleged blatant liberalism. It sure seems a long time coming. I really only care we nominate someone who can beat Hillary...or whoever the dems put up.

They don't attack Trump because they want his supporters, who are by far the most fervent and loyal.
Gullible lemming no different than a Hopey Changy supporter.
and you've become just like one the Hopey Changy supporters. you go make all these assumptions and pass them off as the facts. so you're out of control. who care if you leave and go where ever
When I vote I look at the actions in their lives. And with Trump, I see Obama II.

YOu really up for getting into a war with Russia over the Ukraine?
I wouldn't put it past Trump to go to war so he can fill the Ukraine with casinos.

That was just silly.

Cruz is stuck in a Cold War mentality where Russia is our enemy and a global threat.

The Cold War is over and we need to stop screwing around with Russia.
I disagree. I've been to Russia, they are the same paranoid government of the past. But that's a different thread.
even though cruz called mitch mcconnel a rino

oddly mitch mcconnels lawyer are forming a super pac for cruz

that certainly is strange
Trump was on the other side of the fence back then...he had to suck up to pols...had to buy their influence ...had to pretend they were smart...had to manipulate them. That takes a whole different vocabulary than what he needs now. Back then he had to say please and thank you. Now he can say...go fuck yourself.
What outside of words has Trump to show actions to back up his speeches?
where, outside of words has Trump had the opportunity to make or suggest law to back up his speeches.
Cruz and Rubio are part of the problem in DC right now, just as much a part of the problem as Hillary and Sanders.
Are you willing to just let things continue like they are?
How much of a debt is it going to take until people like you say enough, pay off what we owe.
so are you suggesting that we just suck it up and go with yet another party recommended socialist?
I think its time to send a strong message to washington that the citizens are tired of business as usual. Best choice or not, Trump is going to force both parties to recognize the fact that we are tired of them BOTH.
If we lived (barely) through two terms of the idiot obama, I pretty sure we can make it through another 8 years with an American in office.
I'm not willing to see leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court and government grown even more. And that's what your "message" will bring.

has anyone asked trump who he would put on the court

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let’s talk about some of the issues. Judges.
What kind of judges will you appoint?
Will they be conservative?
What does that mean to you and how will you ensure it?
TRUMP: Well, first of all, we have a lot of judges that have to be appointed because we have a lot of openings in terms of judges. And I’m very happy about that, to be honest, because I think, you know, appointing judges is a very important and a very, frankly, a very, very important element of what we’re doing.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But Ted Cruz says he’s going to appoint rock rib conservatives with a paper trail.
What are you going to do?
TRUMP: Well, I’m going to appoint conservative judges. I’m going to appoint people that have great reputations, that are great with the legal profession…
TRUMP: Well, I can say like any — you know a judge who is a totally underrated and not spoken is Justice Thomas. I mean, if you look at — if you look at some of the judges that we have like on the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts turned out to be a nightmare for conservatives. I mean…
STEPHANOPOULOS: But how are you going to…

TRUMP: Wait, let me first say. Ted Cruz, was the one that really wanted Justice Roberts to go on the Supreme Court. You know that, right? Have you heard that?

Donald Trump Falls Apart When Asked What Kind Of Judges He’d Appoint
Trump likes government using eminent domain to take private property to build casinos. Think he'll really appoint conservative judges?

the government has always had the power to take real or personal property if certain steps are taken
Never for taking private property so private investors can make more money until recent history. And people who support such actions are anti conservative.
I'm not willing to see leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court and government grown even more. And that's what your "message" will bring.

has anyone asked trump who he would put on the court

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let’s talk about some of the issues. Judges.
What kind of judges will you appoint?
Will they be conservative?
What does that mean to you and how will you ensure it?
TRUMP: Well, first of all, we have a lot of judges that have to be appointed because we have a lot of openings in terms of judges. And I’m very happy about that, to be honest, because I think, you know, appointing judges is a very important and a very, frankly, a very, very important element of what we’re doing.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But Ted Cruz says he’s going to appoint rock rib conservatives with a paper trail.
What are you going to do?
TRUMP: Well, I’m going to appoint conservative judges. I’m going to appoint people that have great reputations, that are great with the legal profession…
TRUMP: Well, I can say like any — you know a judge who is a totally underrated and not spoken is Justice Thomas. I mean, if you look at — if you look at some of the judges that we have like on the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts turned out to be a nightmare for conservatives. I mean…
STEPHANOPOULOS: But how are you going to…

TRUMP: Wait, let me first say. Ted Cruz, was the one that really wanted Justice Roberts to go on the Supreme Court. You know that, right? Have you heard that?

Donald Trump Falls Apart When Asked What Kind Of Judges He’d Appoint
Trump likes government using eminent domain to take private property to build casinos. Think he'll really appoint conservative judges?

the government has always had the power to take real or personal property if certain steps are taken
Never for taking private property so private investors can make more money until recent history. And people who support such actions are anti conservative.

stop it now --LOL
Trump was on the other side of the fence back then...he had to suck up to pols...had to buy their influence ...had to pretend they were smart...had to manipulate them. That takes a whole different vocabulary than what he needs now. Back then he had to say please and thank you. Now he can say...go fuck yourself.
What outside of words has Trump to show actions to back up his speeches?
where, outside of words has Trump had the opportunity to make or suggest law to back up his speeches.
Cruz and Rubio are part of the problem in DC right now, just as much a part of the problem as Hillary and Sanders.
Are you willing to just let things continue like they are?
How much of a debt is it going to take until people like you say enough, pay off what we owe.
I know Dr Carson is a conservative because how he has led his life.
I know Trump is a leftist because how he has led his life.
Neither has ever voted upon a bill.
I'm not willing to see leftist judges appointed to the Supreme Court and government grown even more. And that's what your "message" will bring.

has anyone asked trump who he would put on the court

STEPHANOPOULOS: Let’s talk about some of the issues. Judges.
What kind of judges will you appoint?
Will they be conservative?
What does that mean to you and how will you ensure it?
TRUMP: Well, first of all, we have a lot of judges that have to be appointed because we have a lot of openings in terms of judges. And I’m very happy about that, to be honest, because I think, you know, appointing judges is a very important and a very, frankly, a very, very important element of what we’re doing.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But Ted Cruz says he’s going to appoint rock rib conservatives with a paper trail.
What are you going to do?
TRUMP: Well, I’m going to appoint conservative judges. I’m going to appoint people that have great reputations, that are great with the legal profession…
TRUMP: Well, I can say like any — you know a judge who is a totally underrated and not spoken is Justice Thomas. I mean, if you look at — if you look at some of the judges that we have like on the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts turned out to be a nightmare for conservatives. I mean…
STEPHANOPOULOS: But how are you going to…

TRUMP: Wait, let me first say. Ted Cruz, was the one that really wanted Justice Roberts to go on the Supreme Court. You know that, right? Have you heard that?

Donald Trump Falls Apart When Asked What Kind Of Judges He’d Appoint
Trump likes government using eminent domain to take private property to build casinos. Think he'll really appoint conservative judges?

the government has always had the power to take real or personal property if certain steps are taken
Never for taking private property so private investors can make more money until recent history. And people who support such actions are anti conservative.
and people who dont support getting rid of the illegals are Anti American. which one is going to take us down faster.
Democrats should be giving their full-throated support to Trump.

Think about it.

To some people, Obama can never do anything right. Right? He has a (D) after his name. When gas prices are high, they whine. Now that gas prices are low, they whine!

If Obama wipes his ass with his left hand, they whine he should use his right hand.

You know what I mean. Not one of the millions of parroting rubes would ever be caught dead acknowledging anything positive about Obama.

The exact converse is true for anyone with an (R) after their name. A Republican can do no wrong. We even have some tard on this forum claiming there is no such thing as "far right"! The Crazy Train has gone so far off the rails it is circling Jupiter now.

Even when a Republican is caught red-handed doing wrong, the Tu Quoque Brigade rushes into the breech to defend him. It never fails.

So here's the thing.

Donald Trump supports single payer health care.

Think about that. If Trump is elected, he will try to get single payer health care enacted. And because he will have an (R) after his name, the rubes will do the most amazing mental gymnastics EVAH to make it a conservative Republican cause. The entertainment value of this freak show alone is worth the price of admission.

Socialized medicine would become a bi-partisan movement. It would have unstoppable momentum.

You know that's what would happen. You can feel it in your bones.

So, Democrats, if you were smart, you would be backing Trump, big time.
Trump was on the other side of the fence back then...he had to suck up to pols...had to buy their influence ...had to pretend they were smart...had to manipulate them. That takes a whole different vocabulary than what he needs now. Back then he had to say please and thank you. Now he can say...go fuck yourself.
What outside of words has Trump to show actions to back up his speeches?
where, outside of words has Trump had the opportunity to make or suggest law to back up his speeches.
Cruz and Rubio are part of the problem in DC right now, just as much a part of the problem as Hillary and Sanders.
Are you willing to just let things continue like they are?
How much of a debt is it going to take until people like you say enough, pay off what we owe.
I know Dr Carson is a conservative because how he has led his life.
I know Trump is a leftist because how he has led his life.
My next door neighbor is a conservative too, Should I vote for him? he has a much chance of winning as Carson does at this point.
where, when did he use those EXACT words??
he didn't. the lies being spread about him is something. I thought the Obama campaigns were dirty. this is out of hand
Umm.. yes he did.

"With the terrorists, you have to take out their families"

"When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," he repeated. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourselves. But they say they don't care about their lives. You have to take out their families" -- Donald Trump, Fox & Friends Interview Dec 2nd, 2015

ok so he did. I guess I'm suppose to feel sorry for them?
Umm.. yes, we don't murder people just because one of their family members is a criminal, that's an act of barbarism not the act of people that care anything about morality and ethics.

Donald Trump (once again) has shown himself to be what he is; an outlandish, egomaniac snake oil salesman that puts even Barack Obama to shame. If the Republicans nominate this guy they're going to be very sorry, since they will be giving away all their advantages this cycle against a what is likely to be a very weak general election candidate (Hillary Clinton) and the curve of history which has shown that it's very, very difficult for one party to keep the Presidency for more than 2 terms.

Didn't you guys learn anything from the Christine O'Donnell and Sharon Angle debacles of 2010? Are You folks really going to repeat the same mistake and hand the Presidency to Hillary Clinton by nominating this outlandish bomb thrower that is going to disappoint you if (on the slim chance) he gets into office? I thought the Republicans were supposed to represent American Conservatism and it's principles, what the hell does Donald Trump have to do with that?

I am so over the BS over Trump. these people are hysterical they take one thing he says and actually thinks that's what he is going do. it's ridiculous. I beginning to hope all this let Hillary win. the hell with it. They deserve another Obama only in a pantsuit

So are you saying you don't expect Trump to do what he says he will do?

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