If You're Thinking of Voting Trump

Its as if history is on repeat. Its actually fascinating yet alarming that people are voting on emotions again. This is eerily similar to when Mr. Obama had people fainting in the aisles from rehearsed and recycled sing song-like black church speeches. All the dreamy promises, all the ridiculous attacks on everybody and all the arrogance was off putting to me. The same goes for Mr.Trump minus the church fervor and fainting spells. Trump is giving us Obama all over again. No clear policy, lots of bravura and no experience. I just hope if he does win he will not break out the Greek Columns and proceed to walk on water because even for Mr. Trump its just tacky.
Its as if history is on repeat. Its actually fascinating yet alarming that people are voting on emotions again. This is eerily similar to when Mr. Obama had people fainting in the aisles from rehearsed and recycled sing song-like black church speeches. All the dreamy promises, all the ridiculous attacks on everybody and all the arrogance was off putting to me. The same goes for Mr.Trump minus the church fervor and fainting spells. Trump is giving us Obama all over again. No clear policy, lots of bravura and no experience. I just hope if he does win he will not break out the Greek Columns and proceed to walk on water because even for Mr. Trump its just tacky.

Trump has been touting Ricardian Free Trade for at least the last 10 years.
I actually pay attention to these things.
I like a lot of Trumps past "leftist" views. Hopefully he still holds them. Dems are light years ahead of Republicans on social issues. I dislike Republicans because of their idiotic social views. The word dumbshits comes to mind.

Social values from one that uses the moniker "cereal_killer", really?

What's wrong with the movie reference? :beer:

I guess you don't understand the difference in watching a movie and taking the title for a public persona. That or irony simply escapes you.
The hell are you babbling about? My username wasn't gleaned from a movie. No clue what movie you are even talking about
I like a lot of Trumps past "leftist" views. Hopefully he still holds them. Dems are light years ahead of Republicans on social issues. I dislike Republicans because of their idiotic social views. The word dumbshits comes to mind.

Social values from one that uses the moniker "cereal_killer", really?

What's wrong with the movie reference? :beer:

I guess you don't understand the difference in watching a movie and taking the title for a public persona. That or irony simply escapes you.
The hell are you babbling about? My username wasn't gleaned from a movie. No clue what movie you are even talking about

Jarlaxle said it was a movie reference, I thought it was just odd.
I support Trump because he makes sense.

IMHO, the professional politicians have ruined this country with bad trade deals, a porous border, a ballooning national debt. Our tax policy is so fucked up that huge corporations are leaving, and others paying next to nothing in taxes. Our jobs and factories have been outsourced to India, China, and Mexico. We invade countries, then treat our returning soldiers like shit. Out middle class is shrinking and most families are a flat tire away from homeless. The country is a fucking mess!

Oddly, it doesn't matter if the POTUS has a "D" or an "R" after his name. Bush was a trainwreck, and Obama is worse. That is why we need an outsider to break the cycle. Someone who owes nothing to special interests and lobbyists. I think Trump is the man that can do it. Here are his top 5 priorities:

Secure the border.
Renegotiate lousy trade agreements that cost American jobs
Reform the tax system
Strengthen our 2nd amendment rights
Reform the VA

I like a lot of Trumps past "leftist" views. Hopefully he still holds them. Dems are light years ahead of Republicans on social issues. I dislike Republicans because of their idiotic social views. The word dumbshits comes to mind.

Social values from one that uses the moniker "cereal_killer", really?

What's wrong with the movie reference? :beer:

I guess you don't understand the difference in watching a movie and taking the title for a public persona. That or irony simply escapes you.
The hell are you babbling about? My username wasn't gleaned from a movie. No clue what movie you are even talking about

Jarlaxle said it was a movie reference, I thought it was just odd.
I used to eat a couple of boxes a cereal a day when I was a kid...thus the username. Dad would throw fits that I kept eating them so quickly :lol: :lol:
Social values from one that uses the moniker "cereal_killer", really?

What's wrong with the movie reference? :beer:

I guess you don't understand the difference in watching a movie and taking the title for a public persona. That or irony simply escapes you.
The hell are you babbling about? My username wasn't gleaned from a movie. No clue what movie you are even talking about

Jarlaxle said it was a movie reference, I thought it was just odd.
I used to eat a couple of boxes a cereal a day when I was a kid...thus the username. Dad would throw fits that I kept eating them so quickly :lol: :lol:

Couldn't get enough of the prizes or what? Or did you use them to trade up?
Social values from one that uses the moniker "cereal_killer", really?

What's wrong with the movie reference? :beer:

I guess you don't understand the difference in watching a movie and taking the title for a public persona. That or irony simply escapes you.
The hell are you babbling about? My username wasn't gleaned from a movie. No clue what movie you are even talking about

Jarlaxle said it was a movie reference, I thought it was just odd.
I used to eat a couple of boxes a cereal a day when I was a kid...thus the username. Dad would throw fits that I kept eating them so quickly :lol: :lol:
Cheerios was my favorite cereal when a kid and there was always a prize in the box usually near the bottom.
What a beautiful yet completely repetitive, expected, fear-driven, talking point-recited, opinionated liberal rant about a conservative threat currently predicted to kick the liberal candidate's - whichever one the Democrats get stuck with - ass.

Every time a liberal posts another PLEA like this I get the feeling of satisfaction knowing the influence to post such a thread is desparation, fear, and the slowly growing realization that the best candidates the DNC has to offer is an old, crooked, unethical thyroid-problematic, incompetent crone 2 steps ahead of an indictment and a guy who is not a Democrat but instead an avowed Socialist party member, neither of whom can win the 2016 election.

'I love the smell of fear / desparation in the morning'...and evening. :p
No emotions involved, just common sense. Hillary vs Trump. That decision takes less than one second.
So no conservative values vs no conservative values.

I think I'll just stay home on Election Day and eat wine glasses. More enjoyable than voting.
That makes no sense.
It makes total sense. Trump is more of a leftist than Obama, his life proves it.
And I'm not voting for Hillary or Obama II.
No emotions involved, just common sense. Hillary vs Trump. That decision takes less than one second.

Cruz beats Hillary just as surely as Trump does. So do most of the GOP hopefuls. I know Trump uses all the slogans to show how he is the opposite of Barry da incompetent fairy, but he is no conservative and most of his populist rhetoric will not survive a legal challenge. PLUS what sort of justices will he want to appoint to the SCOTUS? This is vital as Scalia and Ginsburg are near the end of their lives.
Trump is the one most likely to build the wall, deport the illegals who don't go back on their own after cutting off their welfare, and keeping more Islamic terrorists from entering the country. And I doubt if the others will stand up to the liberal bullies who will undoubtedly be active participants in the debates.
No emotions involved, just common sense. Hillary vs Trump. That decision takes less than one second.
Not really. But I sure as hell ain't voting for Hillary. Too bad Trump sucks too.
No emotions involved, just common sense. Hillary vs Trump. That decision takes less than one second.
So no conservative values vs no conservative values.

I think I'll just stay home on Election Day and eat wine glasses. More enjoyable than voting.
Same here actually. I held my nose and voted for the last two. Not really feeling like standing in line to do it again. Requires too much effort just to get the same result.
Trump was on the other side of the fence back then...he had to suck up to pols...had to buy their influence ...had to pretend they were smart...had to manipulate them. That takes a whole different vocabulary than what he needs now. Back then he had to say please and thank you. Now he can say...go fuck yourself.
What outside of words has Trump to show actions to back up his speeches?
What, outside of speeches shows that Hillary can follow rules and laws?
The discussion is why someone would vote for Trump over the other Republicans.

Where I am baffled is everyone says we need a Reagan, but Trump is the furthest from Reagan. By far.
I don't get this either. Especially when you have several good candidates this go round. Unlike the last two elections.
If the GOP wasn't a total train wreck, and conservatism a rotting corpse, Trump would be competing against Clinton and Sanders in the primaries right now.

He's pro-choice, pro-Clintons (both of them), pro-socialized medicine, would not even ban partial birth abortions, pro-higher taxes, pro-big government, pro-gambling, and an adulterer who never cracked open a bible until a few days ago. If that doesn't define a Democrat...

Wake up, rubes.

Trump went where he saw the most weakness. That he saw the GOP as weaker than the party supporting CLINTON, of all people, should really tell you something. Especially since that is the water he swam in most of his life.

But it doesn't tell you anything. It doesn't wake you up. Because you're fucking stupid goldfish.

(Goldfish. LMAO)

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