If you're upset over unilateral decisions by the mob to tear down statues


Gold Member
May 28, 2020
Then use their tactics against them. Get a group of like-minded people and quietly sit around the statue. Do not come armed. For best optics and sympathy, do not wear anything political. Do not engage in arguments with anyone. As in, don't wear your MAGA hats or anti-biden/clinton or Qanon crazy gear. Wear an American flag shirt or speedos if you feel so compelled. Better yet, wear a Barack Obama t-shirt and drive your daughter's Prisus to the event. Also, bring some documentation to hand out that has guidelines how they can go about legal routes to have the statue removed based upon democratic processes. Be sure to wear masks, though.

You might worry that they would ignore you sitting at the base of the statue, but imagine the major propaganda victory it would be if they killed a reasonable and polite counter protester.
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....join the KKK--no worse than BLM....should be able to paint KKK on the streets in yellow paint

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