If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.
Now you're posting nonsense.
Trump ran and WON on the policy of lowering taxes on businesses.
Hillary ran and LOST on Obama's socialist policy of the bigger government is the better.
You REALLY need to smarten up pal.

Wrong, Foreigner. Trump won running against the trade deals. Period.
How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.

What are you talking about? It's the right that has been pushing the agenda for a smaller and fairer tax code.
I am talking about ending our regime of unemployment compensation in favor of a general tax. It could be that simple and that cost effective.

So what would be the difference and how would that save any kind of money at all?
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.

What are you talking about? It's the right that has been pushing the agenda for a smaller and fairer tax code.
I am talking about ending our regime of unemployment compensation in favor of a general tax. It could be that simple and that cost effective.

So what would be the difference and how would that save any kind of money at all?
not having to do anything other than pay a general tax for unemployment, as your input; seems pretty cost effective to me. time=money.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.

What are you talking about? It's the right that has been pushing the agenda for a smaller and fairer tax code.
I am talking about ending our regime of unemployment compensation in favor of a general tax. It could be that simple and that cost effective.

So what would be the difference and how would that save any kind of money at all?
not having to do anything other than pay a general tax for unemployment, as your input; seems pretty cost effective to me. time=money.

How? Please show the dynamics of that. Let me explain this to you so you understand:

When government collects tax money, it goes into one giant trough. It gains nothing because it's not invested in anything. When you pay money to your insurance companies, they use premiums for investments to help offset claims. Government doesn't do that. Insurance companies dedicate a staff of people to detect, find, and prosecute fraud. Again, government doesn't do that.

So I'm having a real problem trying to figure out how paying a tax (instead of an insurance) will save anybody money. Private industry is way more responsible with money than government. In fact, government hires private insurance companies to process Medicare and Medicaid claims because they can't do it efficiently enough.
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.

What are you talking about? It's the right that has been pushing the agenda for a smaller and fairer tax code.
I am talking about ending our regime of unemployment compensation in favor of a general tax. It could be that simple and that cost effective.

So what would be the difference and how would that save any kind of money at all?
not having to do anything other than pay a general tax for unemployment, as your input; seems pretty cost effective to me. time=money.

How? Please show the dynamics of that. Let me explain this to you so you understand:

When government collects tax money, it goes into one giant trough. It gains nothing because it's not invested in anything. When you pay money to your insurance companies, they use premiums for investments to help offset claims. Government doesn't do that. Insurance companies dedicate a staff of people to detect, find, and prosecute fraud. Again, government doesn't do that.

So I'm having a real problem trying to figure out how paying a tax (instead of an insurance) will save anybody money. Private industry is way more responsible with money than government. In fact, government hires private insurance companies to process Medicare and Medicaid claims because they can't do it efficiently enough.
Employers already pay an unemployment tax and maintain an account for each individual.

Here is some information for California:

UI is paid by the employer. Tax-rated employers pay a percentage on the first $7,000 in wages paid to each employee in a calendar year. The UI rate schedule and amount of taxable wages are determined annually. New employers pay 3.4 percent (.034) for a period of two to three years. The EDD notifies employers of their new rate each December. The maximum tax is $434 per employee per year. (Calculated at the highest UI tax rate of 6.2 percent x $7,000.)--http://www.edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Taxes/What_Are_State_Payroll_Taxes.htm

A simplification would mean paying a general tax to the unemployment compensation fund.

No more need to waste time and effort on any administrative actions.

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