If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

Do you really want anyone being able to waste your time=money, on a job they don't really want? The social costs alone are problematic.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't care if it's a job they really don't want, you have to support yourself and others in your family. I hate working. I wish I could quit today and stay on USMB all day long, but I have to work in order to keep a roof over my head.

There are only social costs when people don't support themselves and working people have to partially or fully support them.
the difference, my goode fascist, friend, is the difference between motivated and efficient labor, and unmotivated and inefficient labor.

Henry Ford understood the difference and counted on capital based morals to "win the day".

If you are underperforming on your job, you get fired and have to find a new one. That's how industry handles unmotivated and inefficient employees.
or they quit in the middle of work and you lose time=money having to get someone else. Henry Ford understood the true nature of employment at will.
We have people in our company that won't produce very well no matter what my employer does. They just don't have the intelligence to perform good work. My employer could double their wage and they wouldn't produce anymore than they are today. Their work ethic is "I'm here to make a paycheck" not "I'm here to make the company profitable."
those people may be better off on unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour, so you can pay motivated labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't care if it's a job they really don't want, you have to support yourself and others in your family. I hate working. I wish I could quit today and stay on USMB all day long, but I have to work in order to keep a roof over my head.

There are only social costs when people don't support themselves and working people have to partially or fully support them.
the difference, my goode fascist, friend, is the difference between motivated and efficient labor, and unmotivated and inefficient labor.

Henry Ford understood the difference and counted on capital based morals to "win the day".

If you are underperforming on your job, you get fired and have to find a new one. That's how industry handles unmotivated and inefficient employees.
or they quit in the middle of work and you lose time=money having to get someone else. Henry Ford understood the true nature of employment at will.
We have people in our company that won't produce very well no matter what my employer does. They just don't have the intelligence to perform good work. My employer could double their wage and they wouldn't produce anymore than they are today. Their work ethic is "I'm here to make a paycheck" not "I'm here to make the company profitable."
those people may be better off on unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour, so you can pay motivated labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum.

And who is paying them that unemployment compensation? The money has to come from somewhere.
the difference, my goode fascist, friend, is the difference between motivated and efficient labor, and unmotivated and inefficient labor.

Henry Ford understood the difference and counted on capital based morals to "win the day".

If you are underperforming on your job, you get fired and have to find a new one. That's how industry handles unmotivated and inefficient employees.
or they quit in the middle of work and you lose time=money having to get someone else. Henry Ford understood the true nature of employment at will.
We have people in our company that won't produce very well no matter what my employer does. They just don't have the intelligence to perform good work. My employer could double their wage and they wouldn't produce anymore than they are today. Their work ethic is "I'm here to make a paycheck" not "I'm here to make the company profitable."
those people may be better off on unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour, so you can pay motivated labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum.

And who is paying them that unemployment compensation? The money has to come from somewhere.
I am advocating for a general tax on Firms instead of our current regime.
If you are underperforming on your job, you get fired and have to find a new one. That's how industry handles unmotivated and inefficient employees.
or they quit in the middle of work and you lose time=money having to get someone else. Henry Ford understood the true nature of employment at will.
We have people in our company that won't produce very well no matter what my employer does. They just don't have the intelligence to perform good work. My employer could double their wage and they wouldn't produce anymore than they are today. Their work ethic is "I'm here to make a paycheck" not "I'm here to make the company profitable."
those people may be better off on unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour, so you can pay motivated labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum.

And who is paying them that unemployment compensation? The money has to come from somewhere.
I am advocating for a general tax on Firms instead of our current regime.

So you want businesses to pay people to stay home. When did that become a responsibility for businesses? How long should these lazy people be able to stay on unemployment?
or they quit in the middle of work and you lose time=money having to get someone else. Henry Ford understood the true nature of employment at will.
We have people in our company that won't produce very well no matter what my employer does. They just don't have the intelligence to perform good work. My employer could double their wage and they wouldn't produce anymore than they are today. Their work ethic is "I'm here to make a paycheck" not "I'm here to make the company profitable."
those people may be better off on unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour, so you can pay motivated labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum.

And who is paying them that unemployment compensation? The money has to come from somewhere.
I am advocating for a general tax on Firms instead of our current regime.

So you want businesses to pay people to stay home. When did that become a responsibility for businesses? How long should these lazy people be able to stay on unemployment?
You are already paying for a War on Poverty and our current regime of unemployment compensation, and that is what you come up with?

A general Tax on Firms is much more market friendly and convenient than our current regime of unemployment compensation. It could be that simple, on an at-will basis.
We have people in our company that won't produce very well no matter what my employer does. They just don't have the intelligence to perform good work. My employer could double their wage and they wouldn't produce anymore than they are today. Their work ethic is "I'm here to make a paycheck" not "I'm here to make the company profitable."
those people may be better off on unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour, so you can pay motivated labor fifteen dollars an hour, minimum.

And who is paying them that unemployment compensation? The money has to come from somewhere.
I am advocating for a general tax on Firms instead of our current regime.

So you want businesses to pay people to stay home. When did that become a responsibility for businesses? How long should these lazy people be able to stay on unemployment?
You are already paying for a War on Poverty and our current regime of unemployment compensation, and that is what you come up with?

A general Tax on Firms is much more market friendly and convenient than our current regime of unemployment compensation. It could be that simple, on an at-will basis.

An at-will basis, huh? And tell me, what company would be at-will to pay people not to work? Unemployment is an insurance, not a social program. Companies have to buy that insurance through the state or through private insurance companies. After that insurance is exhausted, either the state or federal government can continue it which at that point, it becomes a social program.

And you didn't answer the question: how long should these people be allowed to collect? After all, if they don't want to perform on one job, they certainly are not going to perform on the next.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.
The one thing in common about 100% of "rich people" who have started with very little and got "rich" is HAVING A WORK ETHIC! you moron!
Also there is NO GREATER pressure on someone then coming from a "rich" family and being given ONE SHOT at turning say a million bucks into more millions of bucks.
They fuck up and almost 100% of the time the "rich" family disowns them or at the very least NEVER trusts the 'loser' with investment money again.
I've seen that happen a few times. The 'losers' never get over the stigma that comes from starting out on 'third base' economically and failing to get to home plate.
Also the government could seize every fucking dime from every "rich" person in the country and it wouldn't make fuck all difference to the economy/deficit ........except to make sure the "rich' would not be able to employ anyone anymore. That would result in millions of middle class people jobless.
You REALLY need to wake up pal!
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.
The one thing in common about 100% of "rich people" who have started with very little and got "rich" is HAVING A WORK ETHIC! you moron!
Also there is NO GREATER pressure on someone then coming from a "rich" family and being given ONE SHOT at turning say a million bucks into more millions of bucks.
They fuck up and almost 100% of the time the "rich" family disowns them or at the very least NEVER trusts the 'loser' with investment money again.
I've seen that happen a few times. The 'losers' never get over the stigma that comes from starting out on 'third base' economically and failing to get to home plate.
Also the government could seize every fucking dime from every "rich" person in the country and it wouldn't make fuck all difference to the economy/deficit ........except to make sure the "rich' would not be able to employ anyone anymore. That would result in millions of middle class people jobless.
You REALLY need to wake up pal!
Only the right wing is that fantastical; it only takes a loan from daddy or Uncle Sam, to make it.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.

Do you understand the difference between profit and war profits?

Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.

Do you understand the difference between profit and war profits?

Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
do you understand the difference between commodity forms of war and fiat forms of war under any form of Capitalism?

the poor get entitled to our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror, more than the rich; why not complain about that.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.

Do you understand the difference between profit and war profits?

Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
do you understand the difference between commodity forms of war and fiat forms of war under any form of Capitalism?

the poor get entitled to our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror, more than the rich; why not complain about that.

Not really. Terror is not specific to any group, class or race. It can happen anywhere. Poverty? You don't think it's possible for a rich person to become poor? Not possible for a wealthy person to get hooked on dope?
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.

What are you talking about? It's the right that has been pushing the agenda for a smaller and fairer tax code.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.

Do you understand the difference between profit and war profits?

Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
do you understand the difference between commodity forms of war and fiat forms of war under any form of Capitalism?

the poor get entitled to our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror, more than the rich; why not complain about that.

Not really. Terror is not specific to any group, class or race. It can happen anywhere. Poverty? You don't think it's possible for a rich person to become poor? Not possible for a wealthy person to get hooked on dope?
care to compare crime statistics? all it takes is a petty cash fund for that legal purpose.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.

What are you talking about? It's the right that has been pushing the agenda for a smaller and fairer tax code.
I am talking about ending our regime of unemployment compensation in favor of a general tax. It could be that simple and that cost effective.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.
Now you're posting nonsense.
Trump ran and WON on the policy of lowering taxes on businesses.
Hillary ran and LOST on Obama's socialist policy of the bigger government is the better.
You REALLY need to smarten up pal.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.
Now you're posting nonsense.
Trump ran and WON on the policy of lowering taxes on businesses.
Hillary ran and LOST on Obama's socialist policy of the bigger government is the better.
You REALLY need to smarten up pal.
Mr. Trump won on running for office for private profit. I hope you won't mind if i don't thank you for that.

I am advocating lowering taxes through simplification of government, not simply lower taxes and whine about our national debt.

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