If you're working for minimum wage your financial problems are yours alone

i am not the one relying on cheap labor.

Yes, you advocate overpaying them for the work they do and you think paying them more will make them work harder. A big factor in why you are good at not making money. In my entire 28 year career, I've never seen an employee work harder because they got a raise without earning it.

Obviously you've never managed anything
In our historical record, Henry Ford competed through gains in efficiency and invented the efficiency wage, as a result. He did not whine about taxes regulations or minimum wages; only lousy capitalists do that.

One of the reasons that Ford paid his workers so well was that he wanted them to be able to buy a car as well.
Mr. Ford understood a positive multiplier effect.

He understood the value in reliable, loyal hard workers.

What you do not understand is he didn't make crappy workers good workers by paying them more, he weeded them out by firing the ones who weren't that. You've obviously never hired or managed anyone
He doubled wages and expected better labor.
Also, if you live in the most powerful country in the world and your skill is one that somebody in the Phillipines can do for $2 an hour, when they get your job your problems are yours alone.
Exactly. About damn time you realized that.

Also it's imperative to realize that Dumbocrats have made it so that moving those jobs to the Philippines is lucrative. If they didn't make it impossible to compete with other nations, it wouldn't be an issue. Progressives have given the U.S. the highest taxes in the world (out of their greed) and the most costly regulations in the world (again, out of their greed).

So cry us a river ToS. It's the idiotic policies that you support which have placed jobs overseas.
Cool; let's hire management from the Third World, to lower costs.
Hey dumb ass....that's exactly what has happened. All of the manufacturing overseas is managed by managers overseas. :eusa_doh:
only lousy capitalists don't understand the concept of efficiency through efficiency wages.
Only lousy socialists don't understand the concept of efficiency through the Free Market. There is literally no such thing as "efficient wages". A wage can be neither efficient nor inefficient. Efficiency is the ability to achieve maximum productivity through minimum effort.

A wage does not alter productivity. A person's output is a person's output. More or less money does not alter their maximum ability to output. If less money causes them to intentionally output less, then they should be fired for cheating/stealing from the company.

There is nothing more comical than progressives sitting around at a university and coming up with theories that are based on no rational real world experience whatsoever. You people are mindless nitwits who really need to get up off the sidelines and get into the game. Spewing "theory" that has no basis in experience is ridiculous.
Yes, there is. That concept exists. Only the right, never gets.

a tip, is a form of efficiency wage, To Insure Promptness.
Dude...I just obliterated your entire false narrative. A waitress is required by her employer to provide "prompt service". If she doesn't, she gets fired (or should anyway). A tip is not an "efficiency wage". A tip is is a gesture of appreciation by a customer.

Would you like to try again?
Henry Ford competed through gains in efficiency and invented the efficiency wage, as a result. He did not whine about taxes regulations or minimum wages; only lousy capitalists do that.
Bwahahahaha! That's because none of that shit existed back then, nitwit. One cannot complain about government policies which are detrimental to a business that do not exist.

Henry Ford created his first vehicle in 1896. He founded his first official automotive company in 1899. He creates the legendary Model-T in 1908. Minimum wage doesn't get implemented until 1938, nitwit. Or 30 years later.

Ford Motor Company Timeline

Minimum wage since 1938 - CNNMoney
One of the reasons that Ford paid his workers so well was that he wanted them to be able to buy a car as well.
Beautiful! That's the way capitalism is supposed to work. Henry Ford made his own free decision of his own free will. He was not coerced by a government overstepping its authority.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.
Also, if you live in the most powerful country in the world and your skill is one that somebody in the Phillipines can do for $2 an hour, when they get your job your problems are yours alone.
Exactly. About damn time you realized that.

Also it's imperative to realize that Dumbocrats have made it so that moving those jobs to the Philippines is lucrative. If they didn't make it impossible to compete with other nations, it wouldn't be an issue. Progressives have given the U.S. the highest taxes in the world (out of their greed) and the most costly regulations in the world (again, out of their greed).

So cry us a river ToS. It's the idiotic policies that you support which have placed jobs overseas.
Cool; let's hire management from the Third World, to lower costs.
Hey dumb ass....that's exactly what has happened. All of the manufacturing overseas is managed by managers overseas. :eusa_doh:
why does cheap labor come over here, but not cheap management?
only lousy capitalists don't understand the concept of efficiency through efficiency wages.
Only lousy socialists don't understand the concept of efficiency through the Free Market. There is literally no such thing as "efficient wages". A wage can be neither efficient nor inefficient. Efficiency is the ability to achieve maximum productivity through minimum effort.

A wage does not alter productivity. A person's output is a person's output. More or less money does not alter their maximum ability to output. If less money causes them to intentionally output less, then they should be fired for cheating/stealing from the company.

There is nothing more comical than progressives sitting around at a university and coming up with theories that are based on no rational real world experience whatsoever. You people are mindless nitwits who really need to get up off the sidelines and get into the game. Spewing "theory" that has no basis in experience is ridiculous.
Yes, there is. That concept exists. Only the right, never gets.

a tip, is a form of efficiency wage, To Insure Promptness.
Dude...I just obliterated your entire false narrative. A waitress is required by her employer to provide "prompt service". If she doesn't, she gets fired (or should anyway). A tip is not an "efficiency wage". A tip is is a gesture of appreciation by a customer.

Would you like to try again?
To Insure Promptness is the capital reason for that "efficiency wage".
Henry Ford competed through gains in efficiency and invented the efficiency wage, as a result. He did not whine about taxes regulations or minimum wages; only lousy capitalists do that.
Bwahahahaha! That's because none of that shit existed back then, nitwit. One cannot complain about government policies which are detrimental to a business that do not exist.

Henry Ford created his first vehicle in 1896. He founded his first official automotive company in 1899. He creates the legendary Model-T in 1908. Minimum wage doesn't get implemented until 1938, nitwit. Or 30 years later.

Ford Motor Company Timeline

Minimum wage since 1938 - CNNMoney

You miss the point; he "invented it"; he did not whine about taxes regulations, or minimum wage hikes. He doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages.

Our Standard of Living is much better now, with minimum wages. Even the right complains about our Best form of Socialism in the Entire world, by claiming our poor are not really poor enough by True, Third World capital standards.
One of the reasons that Ford paid his workers so well was that he wanted them to be able to buy a car as well.
Beautiful! That's the way capitalism is supposed to work. Henry Ford made his own free decision of his own free will. He was not coerced by a government overstepping its authority.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.
Yes, Mr. Ford did not whine about minimum wages, he doubled autoworker wages.
One of the reasons that Ford paid his workers so well was that he wanted them to be able to buy a car as well.
Beautiful! That's the way capitalism is supposed to work. Henry Ford made his own free decision of his own free will. He was not coerced by a government overstepping its authority.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.

Once again you are not that fucking bright are you? To put Henry Ford up on a fucking pedestal shows how fucking stupid as you are... And ignorant of history to boot.

Now the real story:.......

So, if creating that blue collar middle class that could afford the cars wasn’t why Ford brought in his $5 a day wages, what was the reason?

Actually, it was the turnover of his staff.

At the time, workers could count on about $2.25 per day, for which they worked nine-hour shifts. It was pretty good money in those days, but the toll was too much for many to bear. Ford’s turnover rate was very high. In 1913, Ford hired more than 52,000 men to keep a workforce of only 14,000. New workers required a costly break-in period, making matters worse for the company. Also, some men simply walked away from the line to quit and look for a job elsewhere. Then the line stopped and production of cars halted. The increased cost and delayed production kept Ford from selling his cars at the low price he wanted. Drastic measures were necessary if he was to keep up this production.

One of the reasons that Ford paid his workers so well was that he wanted them to be able to buy a car as well.
Beautiful! That's the way capitalism is supposed to work. Henry Ford made his own free decision of his own free will. He was not coerced by a government overstepping its authority.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.
Yes, Mr. Ford did not whine about minimum wages, he doubled autoworker wages.

He didn't double it cash wise... Half of it was about making a quota

One of the reasons that Ford paid his workers so well was that he wanted them to be able to buy a car as well.
Beautiful! That's the way capitalism is supposed to work. Henry Ford made his own free decision of his own free will. He was not coerced by a government overstepping its authority.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.
Yes, Mr. Ford did not whine about minimum wages, he doubled autoworker wages.

He didn't double it cash wise... Half of it was about making a quota


The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees’ homes to ensure that they were doing things the “American way.” They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become “Americanized.” Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.

One of the reasons that Ford paid his workers so well was that he wanted them to be able to buy a car as well.
Beautiful! That's the way capitalism is supposed to work. Henry Ford made his own free decision of his own free will. He was not coerced by a government overstepping its authority.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.
Once again you are not that fucking bright are you? To put Henry Ford up on a fucking pedestal shows how fucking stupid as you are... And ignorant of history to boot.

Now the real story:.......

So, if creating that blue collar middle class that could afford the cars wasn’t why Ford brought in his $5 a day wages, what was the reason?

Actually, it was the turnover of his staff.

At the time, workers could count on about $2.25 per day, for which they worked nine-hour shifts. It was pretty good money in those days, but the toll was too much for many to bear. Ford’s turnover rate was very high. In 1913, Ford hired more than 52,000 men to keep a workforce of only 14,000. New workers required a costly break-in period, making matters worse for the company. Also, some men simply walked away from the line to quit and look for a job elsewhere. Then the line stopped and production of cars halted. The increased cost and delayed production kept Ford from selling his cars at the low price he wanted. Drastic measures were necessary if he was to keep up this production.
Apparently in your drunken stupor, you hit "reply" on the wrong post. Because not only did you not disprove me, you actually just proved everything I said.
Beautiful! That's the way capitalism is supposed to work. Henry Ford made his own free decision of his own free will. He was not coerced by a government overstepping its authority.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.
Yes, Mr. Ford did not whine about minimum wages, he doubled autoworker wages.

He didn't double it cash wise... Half of it was about making a quota


The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees’ homes to ensure that they were doing things the “American way.” They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become “Americanized.” Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.


Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.
Yes, Mr. Ford did not whine about minimum wages, he doubled autoworker wages.

He didn't double it cash wise... Half of it was about making a quota


The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees’ homes to ensure that they were doing things the “American way.” They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become “Americanized.” Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.



Yes good ol` Henry Ford

In 1918, when Henry Ford purchased a small weekly newspaper called The Dearborn Independent and turned it into a platform for the political views of himself and his friends. Unfortunately for everyone, those views centered largely around Jews and how horrible Jews were and how Jews were Jewing up the Jeworld Jewith their Jewiness.

From 1920 to 1927 The Dearborn Independentproduced dozens of articles about the menace of Jewry and reprinted pretty much every horrible screed and forged document relating to the evilness of Jews. Ford would later deny he had any knowledge of the contents of The Dearborn Independent, even though he was quoted in respectable (and less Jew-hating) newspapers as making comments about the infamously fake evil Jew document Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. It is a document which, by the way, Ford's presses just happened to print as part of an anti-Jew anthology of fun entitled The International Jew, The World's Foremost Problem.
One of the reasons that Ford paid his workers so well was that he wanted them to be able to buy a car as well.
Beautiful! That's the way capitalism is supposed to work. Henry Ford made his own free decision of his own free will. He was not coerced by a government overstepping its authority.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.
Yes, Mr. Ford did not whine about minimum wages, he doubled autoworker wages.

He didn't double it cash wise... Half of it was about making a quota

He invested in his Firm and his employees. It was about, only being able to spend, one percent, not ninety-nine percent, to get our economy moving. Good Capitalists know, one percent is only good for one percent Things.
One of the reasons that Ford paid his workers so well was that he wanted them to be able to buy a car as well.
Beautiful! That's the way capitalism is supposed to work. Henry Ford made his own free decision of his own free will. He was not coerced by a government overstepping its authority.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.

Once again you are not that fucking bright are you? To put Henry Ford up on a fucking pedestal shows how fucking stupid as you are... And ignorant of history to boot.

Now the real story:.......

So, if creating that blue collar middle class that could afford the cars wasn’t why Ford brought in his $5 a day wages, what was the reason?

Actually, it was the turnover of his staff.

At the time, workers could count on about $2.25 per day, for which they worked nine-hour shifts. It was pretty good money in those days, but the toll was too much for many to bear. Ford’s turnover rate was very high. In 1913, Ford hired more than 52,000 men to keep a workforce of only 14,000. New workers required a costly break-in period, making matters worse for the company. Also, some men simply walked away from the line to quit and look for a job elsewhere. Then the line stopped and production of cars halted. The increased cost and delayed production kept Ford from selling his cars at the low price he wanted. Drastic measures were necessary if he was to keep up this production.

Henry Ford realized gains from efficiency and invented the efficiency wage. He did not whine about regulations, taxes, or wages.
Mr. Ford realized gains from efficiency, and competed with other capitalists in that same market, for market share.
Ok? And again.....beautiful. You're proving that the free market operates flawlessly when left alone. Henry Ford was not burdened with government minimum wage, government regulations, and crushing government taxes (as I proved in the previous post) so he could do what all businesses want to do - invest in their own business and invest in their own people.

Idiotic progressive marxism sadly prevents that in today's world. So what do you do? Call for more of the idiotic policies that are creating the problems that you are whining about.
Yes, Mr. Ford did not whine about minimum wages, he doubled autoworker wages.

He didn't double it cash wise... Half of it was about making a quota


The $5-a-day rate was about half pay and half bonus. The bonus came with character requirements and was enforced by the Socialization Organization. This was a committee that would visit the employees’ homes to ensure that they were doing things the “American way.” They were supposed to avoid social ills such as gambling and drinking. They were to learn English, and many (primarily the recent immigrants) had to attend classes to become “Americanized.” Women were not eligible for the bonus unless they were single and supporting the family. Also, men were not eligible if their wives worked outside the home.



This is special pleading;
But in any case there is a fundamental flaw in the argument: Surely the benefits of low turnover and high morale in your work force come not from paying a high wage, but from paying a high wage "compared with other companies"
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage competes favorably with the cost of social services, as a rational choice, opportunity cost.
Your boss didn't kill your ambition.
Your boss didn't make you fail your education.
I didn't kill your ambition.
I didn't make you fail in school.

If you're an adult working for minimum wage it is YOUR irresponsible choices that led you there.
But trump said it wasn't their fault the corporations and politicians sent millions of good jobs overseas.

But I do agree. Basically if you are poor maybe your parents shouldn't have had children. It's not president Kim Jung un"'s fault some north Korean couplle decided to have kids. It's not Castro's fault some stupid poor Cuban couple decided to have kids.

Poor people decide to be poor when they have kids and they are responsible for their children's shitty lives.

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