IG Horowitz just testified to the Senate that FBI did not follow Woods procedures

It wasn’t debunked unless you bend reality again.
I never have, so no need to do that ever.

Inventing national conspiracy theories to cover up lies would be considered such.
But seriously, Page was wiretapped but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
I know he was. they admitted he was. and they spied on him why?

Who is they and when did they admit it?
oh right, I forgot, you have no brain. they= FBI, the topic in here.

You never can be too careful. Where did they admit it?
... but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
Why would you ask such a question when for actually YEARS now, that's been common knowledge, and you could take just seconds and do an internet search and find page after page after page of information and proof that Trump tower was wire tapped?
Common knowledge isn’t always correct.

There has never been any proof or even any evidence that a Trump tower was wiretapped.
Horowitz stated he was illegally surveilled. You really need to listen to the hearing. If you really were, you would have heard it.
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
The warrants were illegal. The only question is whether the "issues and errors" are criminal.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
If corrupt means were used to obtain FISA warrants, then that makes the FISA warrants themselves corrupt.

Use your head.
Yes, just like in any investigation when protocol is broken in collecting evidence... cops can get loose with their power and push too hard when trying to catch bad guys and oversight and accountability are important. But the misconduct in FISA does not invalidate the investigation. It means some agents pushed too hard to monitor Page. So yes, good catch, punish and reform as necessary but don’t push false narratives that Obama illegally spied on trump for a politically motivated which hunt. That’s BS and we all know it.
No we don't all know it.

Obama contributed $1 Million to The Dirty Dossier and then Gave The Order to The FBI to take Trump down based Soley on The Dirty Dossier he purchased from Russian Agents to use to Smear Trump.

Did Obama, Brennan And Clinton Illegally Collude To Take Trump Down?

"Not only did President Obama know about the investigation, he seems to have pushed it from the very beginning.

But don't take our word for it. Here's what Obama's Director of National Intelligence, the nation's former spy master, James Clapper, told CNN's Anderson Cooper:

"If it weren't for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller's investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place."
Horowitz stated he was illegally surveilled. You really need to listen to the hearing. If you really were, you would have heard it.
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
The warrants were illegal. The only question is whether the "issues and errors" are criminal.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
If corrupt means were used to obtain FISA warrants, then that makes the FISA warrants themselves corrupt.

Use your head.
Yes, just like in any investigation when protocol is broken in collecting evidence... cops can get loose with their power and push too hard when trying to catch bad guys and oversight and accountability are important. But the misconduct in FISA does not invalidate the investigation. It means some agents pushed too hard to monitor Page. So yes, good catch, punish and reform as necessary but don’t push false narratives that Obama illegally spied on trump for a politically motivated which hunt. That’s BS and we all know it.
Yes, the Mueller investigation was PREDICATED on the FAKE DOSSIER. Comey illegally LEAKED it INTENDING for that leak to START the investigation, and it worked, as the slimy little turd Rosenstein is up to his eye balls in this as well. We also know it was the "INSURANCE POLICY," as clearly stated by Petey and his illicit lover Lisa in text messages that they did NOT want to Trump to win the election. That's ALL, CLEAR, PROVEN, FACT.

Did the kenyan know... we'll find out when the Barr/Durham criminal investigation is done. My guess is he was in on the whole deal. The kenyan is as big a lying corrupt shyster as the rest of them. He hand picked them all.
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unless the report sucks trump to a happy ending his drones could care less what it said -

same shit different day .......


Woods procedure not followed, illegal warrant and illegal spying.

It’s that fucking simple,

the feds were tapping trump tower when he was selling condos to russians LONG BEFORE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT -

Oh....so Trump deserved to be spied on. Cuz he's a racist.
... but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
Why would you ask such a question when for actually YEARS now, that's been common knowledge, and you could take just seconds and do an internet search and find page after page after page of information and proof that Trump tower was wire tapped?
Common knowledge isn’t always correct.

There has never been any proof or even any evidence that a Trump tower was wiretapped.
For Christ sake col, use your damn internet and do a search, instead of whining on here like you're a day old turnip.

google search - Google Search
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
The warrants were illegal. The only question is whether the "issues and errors" are criminal.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
If corrupt means were used to obtain FISA warrants, then that makes the FISA warrants themselves corrupt.

Use your head.
Yes, just like in any investigation when protocol is broken in collecting evidence... cops can get loose with their power and push too hard when trying to catch bad guys and oversight and accountability are important. But the misconduct in FISA does not invalidate the investigation. It means some agents pushed too hard to monitor Page. So yes, good catch, punish and reform as necessary but don’t push false narratives that Obama illegally spied on trump for a politically motivated which hunt. That’s BS and we all know it.
No we don't all know it.

Obama contributed $1 Million to The Dirty Dossier and then Gave The Order to The FBI to take Trump down based Soley on The Dirty Dossier he purchased from Russian Agents to use to Smear Trump.

Did Obama, Brennan And Clinton Illegally Collude To Take Trump Down?

"Not only did President Obama know about the investigation, he seems to have pushed it from the very beginning.

But don't take our word for it. Here's what Obama's Director of National Intelligence, the nation's former spy master, James Clapper, told CNN's Anderson Cooper:

"If it weren't for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller's investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place."
if you don’t know the witch-hunt narrative is BS then you are delusional... I think we already knew that as well.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now

Nope. No spying on political opponent. You lose.
You know there was, and everyone here knows you know there was.

You're just spewing stupid crap to see what kind of shit you can stir.

Give it a rest, idiot.

That is not what the Horowitz report said. You are factless.
The Horowitz report is virtually worthless. I honestly don't give a rats ass what it says. Horowitz didn't have the power to do squat. If someone lied to him, all he's doing is REPEATING THE LIE, not to mention his investigation was very narrow and virtually toothless. He's an obama hold over anyway. He's a tool.

The Barr/Durham CRIMINAL investigation is what MATTERS.
The warrants were illegal. The only question is whether the "issues and errors" are criminal.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
If corrupt means were used to obtain FISA warrants, then that makes the FISA warrants themselves corrupt.

Use your head.
Yes, just like in any investigation when protocol is broken in collecting evidence... cops can get loose with their power and push too hard when trying to catch bad guys and oversight and accountability are important. But the misconduct in FISA does not invalidate the investigation. It means some agents pushed too hard to monitor Page. So yes, good catch, punish and reform as necessary but don’t push false narratives that Obama illegally spied on trump for a politically motivated which hunt. That’s BS and we all know it.
No we don't all know it.

Obama contributed $1 Million to The Dirty Dossier and then Gave The Order to The FBI to take Trump down based Soley on The Dirty Dossier he purchased from Russian Agents to use to Smear Trump.

Did Obama, Brennan And Clinton Illegally Collude To Take Trump Down?

"Not only did President Obama know about the investigation, he seems to have pushed it from the very beginning.

But don't take our word for it. Here's what Obama's Director of National Intelligence, the nation's former spy master, James Clapper, told CNN's Anderson Cooper:

"If it weren't for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller's investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place."
if you don’t know the witch-hunt narrative is BS then you are delusional... I think we already knew that as well.
What do you get for each time you post such IDIOTIC LEFTIST DRIVEL... a NICKEL?

From who... GEORGE SOROS?

You vapid moron.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Are you actually listening or are you just looking for things to spin?

main point is the investigation was not politically motivated, it was justified, so not a hoax. Yes there were procedure errors and corners cut and misconduct woth the warrant process so there may be some personnel and systematic changes that need to be made, which is a good thing.

nowhere did he say that Obama illegally spies on Trump. Stop lying
Horowitz stated he was illegally surveilled. You really need to listen to the hearing. If you really were, you would have heard it.
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
The warrants were illegal. The only question is whether the "issues and errors" are criminal.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
They certainly weren't legal. You don't commit fraud and perjury to obtain a legal warrant. What possible basis could you have for claiming they were legal?
There are many villains in this attempted coup of Trump.

Mike Horowitz is one of them by not having the courage to make his summary match his findings.

He gave aid and comfort to the other villains by giving them the ammunition to say that their attempted coupe was a no never mind and that makes him a shithass.
Woods procedure not followed
The FISA warrant was illegal
Obama illegally spied on a political opponent.

It’s not rocket surgery ladies and gentlemen.
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Cut the crap,just ask IG Horowitz WHAT he did to rule out possibility FBI officials & agents were motivated by politics, or some other agenda, & intentionally made all these "mistakes"! Exactly HOW did you arrive at your conclusion of no bias? Did u review all emails, texts, DMs?

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) December 11, 2019
... but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
Why would you ask such a question when for actually YEARS now, that's been common knowledge, and you could take just seconds and do an internet search and find page after page after page of information and proof that Trump tower was wire tapped?
Common knowledge isn’t always correct.

There has never been any proof or even any evidence that a Trump tower was wiretapped.
For Christ sake col, use your damn internet and do a search, instead of whining on here like you're a day old turnip.

google search - Google Search

You think I didn’t already do that? I did. Nothing with any proof, and if anything a lot of proof that contradicts the claim.

For a while people claimed Trump was vindicated because Manafort supposedly had a phone tap and Manafort has a condo in Trump tower, but lo and behold the reporting on Manafort was false and he was never tapped.

The genius Kelly Anne Conway speculated for a time they used Trump’s microwave to spy on him, who could forget that gem.

So yeah, the claim is bullshit. Your common wisdom is bullshit and unless you check your assumptions every once in a while you going to be manipulated by the bullshit artists.
While we ignore concentration camps?
The new “racist” response for all liberal buffoons
So yes, americans do ignore our own concentration camps, just as we do our bogus illegal unconstitutional wars without end, Amen.
no we don't, the demofks run everyone of those camps and they make sure to maintain the level of need in those camps. Detroit, LA, Atlanta, we got plenty that the demofks ignore. No other americans ignore them, only the leftist elites. school choice and stop and frisk. without those two things, the left maintain the camps. Feel free to denounce the left
So why don't you vote Republiocan then?
you don't, that's why I explained it to you.
It doesn't seem to be gittin-r-done fer ya.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
If corrupt means were used to obtain FISA warrants, then that makes the FISA warrants themselves corrupt.

Use your head.
Yes, just like in any investigation when protocol is broken in collecting evidence... cops can get loose with their power and push too hard when trying to catch bad guys and oversight and accountability are important. But the misconduct in FISA does not invalidate the investigation. It means some agents pushed too hard to monitor Page. So yes, good catch, punish and reform as necessary but don’t push false narratives that Obama illegally spied on trump for a politically motivated which hunt. That’s BS and we all know it.
No we don't all know it.

Obama contributed $1 Million to The Dirty Dossier and then Gave The Order to The FBI to take Trump down based Soley on The Dirty Dossier he purchased from Russian Agents to use to Smear Trump.

Did Obama, Brennan And Clinton Illegally Collude To Take Trump Down?

"Not only did President Obama know about the investigation, he seems to have pushed it from the very beginning.

But don't take our word for it. Here's what Obama's Director of National Intelligence, the nation's former spy master, James Clapper, told CNN's Anderson Cooper:

"If it weren't for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, including Special Counsel (Robert) Mueller's investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place."
if you don’t know the witch-hunt narrative is BS then you are delusional... I think we already knew that as well.
What do you get for each time you post such IDIOTIC LEFTIST DRIVEL... a NICKEL?

From who... GEORGE SOROS?

You vapid moron.
Georgie gives me $100 a post. Not a bad deal
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?

and yet another stated trump lie debunked.
It wasn’t debunked unless you bend reality again.
I never have, so no need to do that ever.

Inventing national conspiracy theories to cover up lies would be considered such.
But seriously, Page was wiretapped but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
I know he was. they admitted he was. and they spied on him why?
Because he confesses on live tv.
Ignorance of the law isn’t an excuse.

Next time you get pulled over for rolling through a stop sign, try telling the cop you didn’t know you had to stop! :113:
I never have, so no need to do that ever.

Inventing national conspiracy theories to cover up lies would be considered such.
But seriously, Page was wiretapped but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
I know he was. they admitted he was. and they spied on him why?

Who is they and when did they admit it?
oh right, I forgot, you have no brain. they= FBI, the topic in here.

You never can be too careful. Where did they admit it?
when they doctored an email and submitted it for a warrant against Carter page.

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