IG Horowitz just testified to the Senate that FBI did not follow Woods procedures

And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?


Property records show that Vadim Trincher — who’s finishing up a five-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy — transferred ownership of the apartment to his wife in 2014, but the feds slapped a $75,000 lien on it last year, to cover his unpaid fine.

now STFU
So they spied on Trump for three years, WIRETAPPING TRUMP Tower, something you have denied for three years happened, even going so far to ridicule The President, and tell people he was Mentally Ill, and Unfit for Office, and then The Wiretapping FBI, Charged Trump with NOTHING, because he DID NOTHING ILLEGAL, but slapped a lien on some Russian nobody knows and no one gives a fuck about?

Am I right?

That's what you said, not me....YOU!
No one tapped Trump tower. The report makes that abundantly clear.
You and Your COMRADES in your ZEAL to Promote More Hate and Disinformation just Told us VER BATEM, that TRUMP TOWER WAS WIRE TAPPED BY THE FBI!

Why did Obama Pay Putin for The Dirty Dossier, and once he received it, order his Loyal Foot Soldiers to Take out President Trump?

Is this why Obama Bin Lying is the only President in US History that decided he just LOVED Washington so MUCH, he had to live a mere block from THE WHITE HOUSE?

Is this why he communicated with Hillary Clinton on a Secret Illegal Server Using an Alias and LIED ABOUT IT?

I don’t care who told you Trump tower was wiretapped but it’s not true.
They found surveillance equipment in Trump Tower. Stop Lying. Rogers also had to tip President Trump off that his Civil Rights were being violated.

Again, I am going to ask you:

Why did Obama pay Putin for The Dirty Russian Dossier, and once he received it, Immediately Ordered his Loyal Foot soldiers in The Obama FBI to take Trump Down?
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Are you actually listening or are you just looking for things to spin?

main point is the investigation was not politically motivated, it was justified, so not a hoax. Yes there were procedure errors and corners cut and misconduct woth the warrant process so there may be some personnel and systematic changes that need to be made, which is a good thing.

nowhere did he say that Obama illegally spies on Trump. Stop lying
Horowitz stated he was illegally surveilled. You really need to listen to the hearing. If you really were, you would have heard it.
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
The warrants were illegal. The only question is whether the "issues and errors" are criminal.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
And what was The Result of That Illegal Wire Tapping of Trump Tower which you Russian Trolls told us NEVER HAPPENED?

They wire tapped TRUMP TOWER for 3 years?

and yet another stated trump lie debunked.
It wasn’t debunked unless you bend reality again.
I never have, so no need to do that ever.

Inventing national conspiracy theories to cover up lies would be considered such.
But seriously, Page was wiretapped but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
I know he was. they admitted he was. and they spied on him why?

Who is they and when did they admit it?
Property records show that Vadim Trincher — who’s finishing up a five-year sentence for racketeering conspiracy — transferred ownership of the apartment to his wife in 2014, but the feds slapped a $75,000 lien on it last year, to cover his unpaid fine.

now STFU
So they spied on Trump for three years, WIRETAPPING TRUMP Tower, something you have denied for three years happened, even going so far to ridicule The President, and tell people he was Mentally Ill, and Unfit for Office, and then The Wiretapping FBI, Charged Trump with NOTHING, because he DID NOTHING ILLEGAL, but slapped a lien on some Russian nobody knows and no one gives a fuck about?

Am I right?

That's what you said, not me....YOU!
No one tapped Trump tower. The report makes that abundantly clear.
You and Your COMRADES in your ZEAL to Promote More Hate and Disinformation just Told us VER BATEM, that TRUMP TOWER WAS WIRE TAPPED BY THE FBI!

Why did Obama Pay Putin for The Dirty Dossier, and once he received it, order his Loyal Foot Soldiers to Take out President Trump?

Is this why Obama Bin Lying is the only President in US History that decided he just LOVED Washington so MUCH, he had to live a mere block from THE WHITE HOUSE?

Is this why he communicated with Hillary Clinton on a Secret Illegal Server Using an Alias and LIED ABOUT IT?

I don’t care who told you Trump tower was wiretapped but it’s not true.
They found surveillance equipment in Trump Tower. Stop Lying. Rogers also had to tip President Trump off that his Civil Rights were being violated.

Again, I am going to ask you:

Why did Obama pay Putin for The Dirty Russian Dossier, and once he received it, Immediately Ordered his Loyal Foot soldiers in The Obama FBI to take Trump Down?
Who is they and what did they find and when did they find it?
and yet another stated trump lie debunked.
It wasn’t debunked unless you bend reality again.
I never have, so no need to do that ever.

Inventing national conspiracy theories to cover up lies would be considered such.
But seriously, Page was wiretapped but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
I know he was. they admitted he was. and they spied on him why?

Who is they and when did they admit it?
oh right, I forgot, you have no brain. they= FBI, the topic in here.
You will notice that Russian asset Donald Trump and his horde of lickspittles consistently fail to mention the FBI investigation uncovered massive Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation caught the Russians red-handed and in real time.

You have to wonder why Trump and his horde of lickspittles fail to acknowledge this.

These findings completely legitimize that investigation.

The end.

... but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
Why would you ask such a question when for actually YEARS now, that's been common knowledge, and you could take just seconds and do an internet search and find page after page after page of information and proof that Trump tower was wire tapped?
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Are you actually listening or are you just looking for things to spin?

main point is the investigation was not politically motivated, it was justified, so not a hoax. Yes there were procedure errors and corners cut and misconduct woth the warrant process so there may be some personnel and systematic changes that need to be made, which is a good thing.

nowhere did he say that Obama illegally spies on Trump. Stop lying
Horowitz stated he was illegally surveilled. You really need to listen to the hearing. If you really were, you would have heard it.
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
The warrants were illegal. The only question is whether the "issues and errors" are criminal.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
If corrupt means were used to obtain FISA warrants, then that makes the FISA warrants themselves corrupt.

Use your head.
... but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
Why would ask such a question when for actually YEARS now, that's been common knowledge, and you could take just seconds and do an internet search and find page after page after page of information and proof that Trump tower was wire tapped?
be easy on that one, he doesn't put in his brain.
Are you actually listening or are you just looking for things to spin?

main point is the investigation was not politically motivated, it was justified, so not a hoax. Yes there were procedure errors and corners cut and misconduct woth the warrant process so there may be some personnel and systematic changes that need to be made, which is a good thing.

nowhere did he say that Obama illegally spies on Trump. Stop lying
Horowitz stated he was illegally surveilled. You really need to listen to the hearing. If you really were, you would have heard it.
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
The warrants were illegal. The only question is whether the "issues and errors" are criminal.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
If corrupt means were used to obtain FISA warrants, then that makes the FISA warrants themselves corrupt.

Use your head.
ahhh now you really confused him.
... but where does anyone think that Trump tower was?
Why would ask such a question when for actually YEARS now, that's been common knowledge, and you could take just seconds and do an internet search and find page after page after page of information and proof that Trump tower was wire tapped?
be easy on that one, he doesn't put in his brain.
I see not many people even bother responding to him/her. I suppose it's because so many of their assertions and questions are just too vacant of reality to bother with.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Well everyone knew that. The Democrats Especially and that is why They Rushed to push through their FAKE IMPEACHMENT before The IG Report, and Durham Report and subsequent Indictments and Criminal Investigations came out.

Fox Live Feed. You need to know your cable company.

Watch Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network Online
Omg knees news and rush.
Terrific unbiased basic sources
Horowitz's answers and comments in today's senate hearing are virtually meaningless. They won't have any effect on anything what so ever, zip, zero, zilch. They care no weight at all. I actually don't get why they even bothered questioning him. Hoping for a talking point?
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Even one of our trumpanzees here says the teen peeper never said he was spied on
Too much time sucking off your commie SS Medicare?
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Well everyone knew that. The Democrats Especially and that is why They Rushed to push through their FAKE IMPEACHMENT before The IG Report, and Durham Report and subsequent Indictments and Criminal Investigations came out.

Fox Live Feed. You need to know your cable company.

Watch Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network Online
Omg knees news and rush.
Terrific unbiased basic sources
Well then go back to your DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING and get brain washed some more and STFU.
Are you actually listening or are you just looking for things to spin?

main point is the investigation was not politically motivated, it was justified, so not a hoax. Yes there were procedure errors and corners cut and misconduct woth the warrant process so there may be some personnel and systematic changes that need to be made, which is a good thing.

nowhere did he say that Obama illegally spies on Trump. Stop lying
Horowitz stated he was illegally surveilled. You really need to listen to the hearing. If you really were, you would have heard it.
Listening to it right now. You are mischaracterizing what he is saying. There was misconduct with the FISA in that the agents didn’t tell the court all the information they had.... that is quite different than illegal spying. I know you are desperate for a headline but let’s have an honest talk about this shall we?
The warrants were illegal. The only question is whether the "issues and errors" are criminal.
the warrants were legal. The actions to obtain the warrants were flawed and one guy may be charged for changing an email to discredit a witness. But I agree with what you wrote for the most part
If corrupt means were used to obtain FISA warrants, then that makes the FISA warrants themselves corrupt.

Use your head.
Yes, just like in any investigation when protocol is broken in collecting evidence... cops can get loose with their power and push too hard when trying to catch bad guys and oversight and accountability are important. But the misconduct in FISA does not invalidate the investigation. It means some agents pushed too hard to monitor Page. So yes, good catch, punish and reform as necessary but don’t push false narratives that Obama illegally spied on trump for a politically motivated which hunt. That’s BS and we all know it.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Well everyone knew that. The Democrats Especially and that is why They Rushed to push through their FAKE IMPEACHMENT before The IG Report, and Durham Report and subsequent Indictments and Criminal Investigations came out.

Fox Live Feed. You need to know your cable company.

Watch Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network Online
Do they provide antacids and free college to subscribers?.
Got to be an old white, uneducated fart sucking off commie benefits
Inspector General Michael Horowitz found that there was a proper legal basis for the FBI to seek a surveillance warrant against Carter Page, a former foreign policy advisor to the Trump campaign, according to the report, which runs more than 400 pages in length.

Horowitz also reported that there was no evidence of political bias at the root of the investigation — rebuffing President Donald Trump’s repeated claims about a concerted effort to undermine his campaign being led by “deep state” Washington bureaucrats.

“We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the FBI’s decision” to seek surveillance warrants on Page, Horowitz’s report concludes.

Justice Department watchdog finds Trump-Russia probe was not tainted by political bias

So the IG backed a point Democratic Civil Rights Orgs have been saying for years, the FISA system can be manipulated.

But this was not politically motivated and a lot of people are in jail..
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now

Nope. No spying on political opponent. You lose.
You know there was, and everyone here knows you know there was.

You're just spewing stupid crap to see what kind of shit you can stir.

Give it a rest, idiot.

That is not what the Horowitz report said. You are factless.
He just said it 30 seconds ago. Turn on the TV.

The FBI did not follow procedures to get the warrant.

Obama and his DOJ spied ILLEGALLY ON A POLITICAL OPPONENT! Horowitz is laying it out now
Horowitz has not said anyone was spied on illegally.

Stop lying.
Horrowitz' boss did, and he is The One with Subpoeana Power.

Stop lying.

FBI chief: No evidence of illegal spying on Trump campaign
Wray is not The AG, who is Wray's boss. Both Horrowitz and Wray are internal to The FBI.

Wray also said that there were serious issues with FBI management, and that he is going to have to make massive reforms to correct all the "issues" that were exposed.
Wray said the FBI did nothing wrong....and he was going to take massive corrective action to fix what happened and they'll never do it again.

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