Ignorance Of The Law Is No Excuse

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
So, we've got numerous people, with Hillary Clinton being the very worst offender, who have not been charged with any crimes related to the mishandling of classified documents. Joe Biden was found to have classified documents against law and they kept it hush, hush because the election was right around the corner and, he continued having classified documents against the law months after that. He knowingly had classified documents in violation of the law and he and his lawyers and others purposely obstructed justice by keeping it quiet instead of returning them to the National Archives. They kept it all quiet until they knew it was coming out in the media and then decided to come clean.

Hillary had set up an illegal server in her basement where numerous classified documents were funneled through and could be hacked (some by Wikileaks), with some of them winding up on Anthony Wiener's laptop and Huma Abedin (a person with ties to radical Islam) had access to many classified documents. Did she or Anthony Weiner have clearance to see those classified documents? After receiving a subpoena to keep records for an investigation, Hillary obstructed justice and had 30,000 emails deleted.

And yet the DOJ is trying to claim that these people didn't intend on breaking the law so were not charged while claiming that Trump intended to break the law by not returning "classified" documents when ordered to do so. Apparently just the fact of having classified documents illegally was OK with the DOJ just as long as you returned them when asked or ordered to do so. If not, then, all of a sudden, having classified documents is not OK, even though it was OK beforehand.

Hillary certainly wasn't ignorant of the law (hell, she's a lawyer) at least when she had 30,000 emails deleted against a subpoena (and probably other aspects of her case as well). Why should Trump be held accountable for merely having documents in his possession that were OK to have before as well as numerous other people, including Biden, and why should Trump be held accountable for obstruction of justice when others weren't? Why can Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner and Wikileaks have access to classified documents and everyone who came in and out of Biden's garage and other places but Trump must be held accountable for others seeing classified documents? So, what happened to ignorance of the law is no excuse? The others should be charged even if the DOJ claims they were ignorant of the laws. Otherwise, it looks like weaponized law enforcement doing a political hit job.
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Well it was Bill Barr that supposedly looked at it and Trump, in his infinite wisdom, decided not to charge her for the good of the country. But yea, "lock her up" was an unfulfilled campaign promise.
Exactly. They decided not to prosecute "for the good of the country" but when Democrats and the TDS'rs are in power they have decided that "for the good of the country" Trump should be prosecuted, an obvious change in order to do a political hit job. Yes, Trump, Barr, and the Republicans were much more tolerant and moral over it all than Biden's weaponized DOJ who are abusing their power in order to take out a political enemy.
The law is often selectively applied. I have been let off several times when legally I should have gotten a traffic ticket. However, once you get deeper into the system it gets harder to escape.
The law is often selectively applied. I have been let off several times when legally I should have gotten a traffic ticket. However, once you get deeper into the system it gets harder to escape.
Was going through an INS checkpoint on Highway 77 in Texas earlier this year...
It was a Sunday...I think the checkpoint right outside of Sarita/Raymondville--dozens of miles from the border--had 400 cars and they broke out 4 lanes (usually they just run you through the INS permanent lanes; that day they were on the mainlanes). Anyway, I waited 10 minutes or so and creeped through the actual checkpoint...a border patrol agent took one look at me and just said, "have a good day". If I looked different; they would have torn my car inside out. Of course, I didn't do what Trump would have done in that case...gun the engine and dare them to stop him which is what he metaphorically did with his state secrets.
Was going through an INS checkpoint on Highway 77 in Texas earlier this year...
It was a Sunday...I think the checkpoint right outside of Sarita/Raymondville--dozens of miles from the border--had 400 cars and they broke out 4 lanes (usually they just run you through the INS permanent lanes; that day they were on the mainlanes). Anyway, I waited 10 minutes or so and creeped through the actual checkpoint...a border patrol agent took one look at me and just said, "have a good day". If I looked different; they would have torn my car inside out. Of course, I didn't do what Trump would have done in that case...gun the engine and dare them to stop him which is what he metaphorically did with his state secrets.
So, you're saying we do have open borders?
So, you're saying we do have open borders?
No, I'm saying my car wasn't searched because I don't look like I'd be trafficking narcotics, illegal aliens, or state secrets.

But if they asked to see my trunk, I wouldn't have said "no". If they asked again, I wouldn't have told my attorney to deny there is even a trunk to my car. If they started jimmying the latch on the trunk, I wouldn't have tweeted that they are "raiding my car" needlessly.
And yet the DOJ is trying to claim that these people didn't intend on breaking the law so were not charged while claiming that Trump intended to break the law by not returning "classified" documents when ordered to do so. Apparently just the fact of having classified documents illegally was OK with the DOJ just as long as you returned them when asked or ordered to do so. If not, then, all of a sudden, having classified documents is not OK, even though it was OK beforehand.
The espionage act indicates that you have to knowingly and willingly retain classified documents.

You couldn’t make that case with Clinton. You can with Trump.

Ignorance of the law isn’t the excuse, it’s ignorance of what you have in your possession.
The espionage act indicates that you have to knowingly and willingly retain classified documents.

You couldn’t make that case with Clinton. You can with Trump.

Ignorance of the law isn’t the excuse, it’s ignorance of what you have in your possession.
Maybe Trump didn't think some of that stuff needed to be 'classified' at all. Maybe the government is "classify happy". We know they are 'redacting happy'.
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Maybe Trump didn't think some of that stuff needed to be 'classified' at all. Maybe the government is "classify happy".
Yea cause you know, those military secrets about attacking and retaliating after an attack should be common knowledge. And we all know the Donald knows more than the Generals.
Maybe Trump didn't think some of that stuff needed to be 'classified' at all. Maybe the government is "classify happy".
Maybe. What Trump thinks isn’t as relevant here as what they clearly are.
So, we've got numerous people, with Hillary Clinton being the very worst offender, who have not been charged with any crimes related to the mishandling of classified documents. Joe Biden was found to have classified documents against law and they kept it hush, hush because the election was right around the corner and, he continued having classified documents against the law months after that. He knowingly had classified documents in violation of the law and he and his lawyers and others purposely obstructed justice by keeping it quiet instead of returning them to the National Archives. They kept it all quiet until they knew it was coming out in the media and then decided to come clean.

Hillary had set up an illegal server in her basement where numerous classified documents were funneled through and could be hacked (some by Wikileaks), with some of them winding up on Anthony Wiener's laptop and Huma Abedin (a person with ties to radical Islam) had access to many classified documents. Did she or Anthony Weiner have clearance to see those classified documents? After receiving a subpoena to keep records for an investigation, Hillary obstructed justice and had 30,000 emails deleted.

And yet the DOJ is trying to claim that these people didn't intend on breaking the law so were not charged while claiming that Trump intended to break the law by not returning "classified" documents when ordered to do so. Apparently just the fact of having classified documents illegally was OK with the DOJ just as long as you returned them when asked or ordered to do so. If not, then, all of a sudden, having classified documents is not OK, even though it was OK beforehand.

Hillary certainly wasn't ignorant of the law (hell, she's a lawyer) at least when she had 30,000 emails deleted against a subpoena (and probably other aspects of her case as well). Why should Trump be held accountable for merely having documents in his possession that were OK to have before as well as numerous other people, including Biden, and why should Trump be held accountable for obstruction of justice when others weren't? Why can Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner and Wikileaks have access to classified documents and everyone who came in and out of Biden's garage and other places but Trump must be held accountable for others seeing classified documents? So, what happened to ignorance of the law is no excuse? The others should be charged even if the DOJ claims they were ignorant of the laws. Otherwise, it looks like weaponized law enforcement doing a political hit job.
Yea cause you know, those military secrets about attacking and retaliating after an attack should be common knowledge. And we all know the Donald knows more than the Generals.
He sure as shit knows more than Milley.

THAT rotten bastard is a traitor and he should have been dismissed on the spot.

BUT NO. The stupid Demofucks think their bullshit is more important than national security.
The country isn't going down the toilet because Trump took some classified material home. What is 'relevant' is what is destroying the country.
So we are only allowed to prosecute crimes that cause out country to “go down the toilet”?

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