IIhan Omar splits with her husband the father of her three children

Like clockwork.....a Leftist loses the argument, and out come the juvenile vulgarity.

Muslim President
And this is why no one takes you seriously.
Yes they do. She knows who Barack Obama worships, and so does Barack: Here it is in his own words, and nobody else's:

That is a really interesting vid.

Outside of what you and I have posted, what possible explanation is there for this:

After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

October 7 2008, in the second presidential debate: "We cannot allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon. It would be a game-changer in the region. Not only would it threaten Israel, our strongest ally in the region and one of our strongest allies in the world, but it would also create a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists. And so it's unacceptable. And I will do everything that's required to prevent it. And we will never take military options off the table"

This is like how you continue to insist that Obama gave Iran hundreds of millions of dollars. Just another lie from a lying liar.

Everything Obama did was a fuck up... live with it. Bed wetter
Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.)

She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges.

Blah blah blah. You can’t answer the question.

She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators.

Yet she refused to say it under oath. Because perjury is a felony.
And once again, Copy/Paste Baozhai can’t answer a simple question, so she deflects.

I’ve once again kicked her ass up and down the forum!
No you didn't. But I have to tell you plz trim your toenails. If you cannot reach them due to a pot belly, do give a local pedacurist a call and give them a double tip. A really good tip is "Vote Republican!" And it shows you have their best interests at heart. <giggle> (For once in your life.)
I didn’t? Then point me to her answer why Broaderick refused to say under oath that Clinton raped her.

Or you can take a shot at it.
She was never asked.
You didn't read a word PoliticalChic wrote
Copy/Paste Barbie (or is that Baozhai?) doesn’t “write” anything except lame insults. She just regurgitates wingnut propaganda.
Well, you have to admit you have fun razzing people like me who razz you right back, don't you. PoliticalChic is made of finer clay than me, Synth. If I made straight A's in college, Ms. PC made straight A+'s, and it doesn't bother me at all, for she is that fine clay that makes the best porcelain. My little ceramics only go into the microwave for quick breakfasts, her porcelain graces palaces and might be found in the WH at 1600 PA.

I'd read her posts if I were you. It wouldn't surprise me if she or someone in her family who loves science finds a cure for the worst kinds of cancer. She's the real deal, and she brings it in a dignified manner based with solid truth, because she checks her sources. You'll never be in the dark if you read by her light. It's a good and a true light, and to me, it's an honor to be able to read her resourceful stuff and validate it almost immediately with a couple of educated clicks of the mouse. Each and every time.

Best wishes, Mr. Synth. :p
She’s a moron without a single original thought in her head. That’s why she doesn’t write anything original, just cut and pastes from Ann Coulter and Dinesh D’Souza, wingnut examples of fact-free ‘intellectuals’ who are easily debunked.

But you do you. Admire Alex Jones as a prophet, too, if it makes you happy.
No, Mr. Synth. I only have enough time to follow one person on a long-term basis because he rings true, and if he ever makes a mistake, he owns it before I'm even aware of it. And he's a political speaker/writer, not a spiritual one, although he is a devout believer trained in the ministry. A firm base as a friend of the Lord enables one to see what others cannot even enunciate.

When I looked up :Alex Jones" I clicked images to see his face, and I'm pretty certain I've never seen Mr. Jones speak and am unfamiliar with his writings. A conscientious person is never a moron, Mr. Synth. You should try looking on the heart sometime and not the shell. You have it in you, but you don't always use that asset. When you find it, and you employ it, it will lead you back to a trueness state and you will drop the righteous judge sham you hide behind for what it is. Don't mind me, I'm just more observant than most and love to see people I like renew their life with happiness that is a gift from the heart of God and not a mortal like old me. ;) I gotta water the grass where it's brown. Y'all have a lovely evening.
IIhan Omar splits with her husband the father of her three children
Donald Trump splits with his wife the mother of his three children


Donald Trump splits with his wife the mother of his fourth child


Donald Trump cheats on his wife the mother of his fifth child

And? All five kids love and admire him? What is your point?
Fear him. Fear they won’t get grandpa’s money, left to Agent Orange. Fear that Agent Orange will lose everything, while all of them go to prison.

But this wasn’t the point of the OP. Omar’s children love her and their father, also.

So do they love him or fear him? Your post is bi polar like the poster.
Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.)

She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges.

Blah blah blah. You can’t answer the question.

She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators.

Yet she refused to say it under oath. Because perjury is a felony.
And once again, Copy/Paste Baozhai can’t answer a simple question, so she deflects.

I’ve once again kicked her ass up and down the forum!
No you didn't. But I have to tell you plz trim your toenails. If you cannot reach them due to a pot belly, do give a local pedacurist a call and give them a double tip. A really good tip is "Vote Republican!" And it shows you have their best interests at heart. <giggle> (For once in your life.)
I didn’t? Then point me to her answer why Broaderick refused to say under oath that Clinton raped her.

Or you can take a shot at it.
"...point me to her answer why Broaderick refused to say under oath that Clinton raped her. Or you can take a shot at it.​

Okay, but I really don't remember much about Juanita Broderick other than that Clinton bit her on the mouth after sexing her against her protests, and told her to "put some ice on it."

This woman was a supporter of Clinton, that I remember. She may have been married but I don't remember if she was or wasn't. Seems she said "no" but then said he forced her, then bit her on the mouth and told her put ice on it and left her. I wasn't there, I only know part of what she said because it's been a long time since I even thought about her problems, and didn't know about any hearing.

All I know is that it was not one enchanted evening. And I'm feeling sick at my stomach right now because I was date raped my second year of college by being overpowered when I said no. So I recuse myself from this discussion because I trusted that I was in good hands, not brutal ones. 50 years later it still makes me sick at my stomach to hear a woman who trusted who she thought was a good man was betrayed because of what happened to me when I was young and not experienced. I do pray for women who have this experience whether young or old. There's nothing good about afterwards of the evening from hell. Nothing.
What wife is Trump on? You Trump Humpers are joke.
Why do YOU PEOPLE suck at driving? Every time, without exception btw, I drive behind one of YOU PEOPLE, my jaws tighten.

I mean it is amazing really. Slow, all over the road.

What's your best guess?
Clinton Is Guilty: Broaddrick's initial denials indicate only that she shunned publicity. That's why she never reported the rape; rebuffed advances from Clinton's political enemies who, in 1992, urged her to go public; and lied to Paula Jones' lawyers. She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators. (At the time, it was reasonable to suspect she'd be hauled before a grand jury.)

She granted media interviews only after her name was released by Paula Jones' lawyers, and after tabloids printed wildly untrue stories about her. Given her aversion to politics and celebrity, Broaddrick would seem to have little or nothing to gain by falsely accusing Clinton of rape. Clinton, on the other hand, has plenty to gain from falsely denying her charges.

Blah blah blah. You can’t answer the question.

She eventually told the FBI the truth in 1998 only because her son--a lawyer--advised her against lying to federal investigators.

Yet she refused to say it under oath. Because perjury is a felony.
And once again, Copy/Paste Baozhai can’t answer a simple question, so she deflects.

I’ve once again kicked her ass up and down the forum!
No you didn't. But I have to tell you plz trim your toenails. If you cannot reach them due to a pot belly, do give a local pedacurist a call and give them a double tip. A really good tip is "Vote Republican!" And it shows you have their best interests at heart. <giggle> (For once in your life.)
I didn’t? Then point me to her answer why Broaderick refused to say under oath that Clinton raped her.

Or you can take a shot at it.
"...point me to her answer why Broaderick refused to say under oath that Clinton raped her. Or you can take a shot at it.​

Okay, but I really don't remember much about Juanita Broderick other than that Clinton bit her on the mouth after sexing her against her protests, and told her to "put some ice on it."

This woman was a supporter of Clinton, that I remember. She may have been married but I don't remember if she was or wasn't. Seems she said "no" but then said he forced her, then bit her on the mouth and told her put ice on it and left her. I wasn't there, I only know part of what she said because it's been a long time since I even thought about her problems, and didn't know about any hearing.

All I know is that it was not one enchanted evening. And I'm feeling sick at my stomach right now because I was date raped my second year of college by being overpowered when I said no. So I recuse myself from this discussion because I trusted that I was in good hands, not brutal ones. 50 years later it still makes me sick at my stomach to hear a woman who trusted who she thought was a good man was betrayed because of what happened to me when I was young and not experienced. I do pray for women who have this experience whether young or old. There's nothing good about afterwards of the evening from hell. Nothing.
I think it is pretty funny how dumb blacks love the fact that the lilly white Bill is scott free regardless of the vast evidence against lilly white Bill. Including physical evidence and corroborating witnesses in other cases.

Meanwhile the black Bill (cosby) is doing hard time.

Fucking hilarious
If we didnt know who trump married in the past, you wouldn't have been able to make your original post. Youre dumb. Got any other stupid questions, dummy?

That is only the ones we know about Shit head, hell he could have 2 or 3 more for all I know. You act like you are up his ass and knows his every move.
Hey dummy... marriages licenses are in public records.

Yea Dummy I bet you knew he paid off Stormy to didn't you. Silly bastard.

If we dont know about it, then there wasnt a "marriage". :laugh:

So if you don't hear a tree fall in the forest does that mean it didn't fall.
So what youre saying is, he had a secret marriage and he never told a judge about it? If thats the case, then he was never actually married, so who cares? How is that scandalous? :laugh:

What I am saying is I really don't give a damn how many times he was married, it's just funny how you clowns try to hold other folks to a different set of standards than you do your God.
He never married his sibling. They arent anything alike.
IIhan Omar splits with her husband the father of her three children
Donald Trump splits with his wife the mother of his three children


Donald Trump splits with his wife the mother of his fourth child


Donald Trump cheats on his wife the mother of his fifth child

So you are equating Trump being a shitty husband to someone marrying their own sibling? How do you make that leap? You should just go back to calling Trump a racist like brocholi and milk.

She didn't marry her own sibling.

I find it very interesting and lame that you people think you can just say something and it's true.

It's not.

I have yet to see any proof she married her brother.

On the other hand I've seen proof he wasn't her brother. Like the fact that the man was born a year after Ilhan's mom died. Like the fact that his name isn't on any list Ilhan's dad made on the government forms for amnesty. He listed 5 kids. The youngest being Ilhan. Then there's the fact that the man was a British citizen and as soon as their relationship ended he went back to Britain. Then there's the fact that if he was her brother he would have gotten here under family reunification and marriage isn't needed.

Yet you have zero proof of your claim.

Show credible proof of your claims.
Instagram posts show Omar and Elmi communicating via social media until October 2013. Adding to the belief that Elmi is indeed Omar’s brother, the social media postsinclude comments in which Elmi refers to Omar’s two girls as his nieces, and Omar says he is the “best uncle.”

Take A Walk Through Ilhan Omar’s Controversial Marriage History - Alpha News

What wife is Trump on? You Trump Humpers are joke.
Trump never married his sibling.

How do you know who he has or hasn't married.
How do we know Obama isn't married to a man?

Because he is marrted to Michelle Obama, a female.

Look, I know you a candy ass white supremacists hate it when woman are way more smart, way more succesfull than you & can kick your sorry fat asses.

Man up for a change.
What wife is Trump on? You Trump Humpers are joke.
Trump never married his sibling.

How do you know who he has or hasn't married.
How do we know Obama isn't married to a man?

Because he is marrted to Michelle Obama, a female.

Look, I know you a candy ass white supremacists hate it when woman are way more smart, way more succesfull than you & can kick your sorry fat asses.

Man up for a change.
You really shouldnt be so excited about incest loving congresswomen in your party. Normal people (moderates and the right) are repulsed by it.
is she marrying her father now?

first she married her brother....that didn't seem to work....

so ....curious minds want to know..:popcorn:
is she marrying her father now?

first she married her brother....that didn't seem to work....

so ....curious minds want to know..:popcorn:
And...the forum dumbass weighs in. A thread hasn’t truly devolved into shear idiocy until Stupid Skye posts in it.
She was never asked.
You’re such a fucking liar, why should anyone ever believe anything you say?

Clinton Rape Charge Can't Be Proved

* Broaddrick says she can remember every detail of the rape, except the month and day it occurred. If it scarred her for life, wouldn’t she remember the date? Or at least the month?

* Broaddrick says she told her husband, David, what happened. But, at the time, David was not her husband. He was her boyfriend, with whom she was cheating on her first husband. Question: What if Clinton and Broaddrick had consensual sex? If you’re cheating on your husband, and then cheat on your boyfriend, do you tell your boyfriend the truth?

* Within one year of the alleged rape, Broaddrick attended a fund-raiser for Clinton and accepted appointment by him to a state advisory board. Why did she still want to support a man who raped her?

* Broaddrick claims Clinton kissed her so hard he left her lip visibly black and blue, and she covered up by telling people she’d had an accident. But her first husband, Gary Hickey, says he remembers no such injury when she returned from Little Rock, nor such a story.

* One year later, Broaddrick filed divorce papers against Hickey, claiming he struck her on the mouth. Was that the only time?

* Broaddrick also told two girlfriends, who are sisters, what happened, which both confirm. But both admit they hate Clinton because he commuted the death sentence of the man who murdered their father. Can they be trusted?

* In 1997, Broaddrick signed an affidavit and gave a deposition in the Jones case, denying twice under oath that Clinton raped her. “These allegations are untrue and there is no truth to these rumors.” If Clinton did rape her, 20 years later, why would she still not tell the truth?

* Last year, Broaddrick told independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr that her Jones testimony was false, but that she had been under absolutely no pressure from the president or the White House to file a false affidavit. So, did she lie to the Jones team? Or did she lie to Starr? Or is she now lying to NBC? How do we know?

The truth is, we don’t know. And we’ll never know. But we do know this. We know that Starr’s investigators talked to Broaddrick and listened to her story--and decided not to pursue it. That, in itself, casts huge doubts on Broaddrick’s credibility. If Starr would impeach Clinton for oral sex, he would certainly indict or impeach him for rape, if he could prove it. Which nobody can.
What wife is Trump on? You Trump Humpers are joke.
He even cheats while his (third) wife is home with their newborn. Yet the "religious" praise him, praise him. Just what is his diaper count through all of these children who he contributed sperm to? Oh, paleezzee. Not a person to be voted likely to be at home tending his infants.
What wife is Trump on? You Trump Humpers are joke.
Trump never married his sibling.

How do you know who he has or hasn't married.
How do we know Obama isn't married to a man?

Because he is marrted to Michelle Obama, a female.

Look, I know you a candy ass white supremacists hate it when woman are way more smart, way more succesfull than you & can kick your sorry fat asses.

Man up for a change.
She is a transvestite, the reason she might be able to kick my ass.

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