Ilhan Omar denied a Holocaust

You didn’t answer mine.

You’re so outraged that someone can vote “present”, denying a holocaust. Yet you fail to show the same outrage for the several Republicans who flatly voted AGAINST this.

Apparently denying a holocaust doesn’t really matter to you when Republicans do it.
Didn’t realize that til you pointed it out. Shame on them. Now answer my question
So Muslims murdering millions of people in the Eastern Hemisphere is cool because they live in the Eastern Hemisphere?
Never said that, dipshit. Why do you people seemingly all have a reading comprehension problem? And please tell us the Muslims that killed "millions" of people, with links. This should be good.
We already know that many liberal Jews are driven more by their liberalism than their Judaism, which is why some can accept an antisemite like a Omar. But to be fair, Jewish leaders in her district, from before she was elected to Congress, called her out for her Jew-hate.

Of course, there’s no way to know what percent of liberal Jews held their nose and voted for the antisemite. Her district is largely Somalian Muslims immigrants, and that’s why the POS won.
Yes, yes that is entirely accurate, then they turned right around and voted for her, twice!
Why the hatred of Jews?
My theory about why people hate Jews is based in jealousy. Just think….a teensy minority, persecuted for 2000 years, and In the face of pervasive and often extreme antisemitism, Jews as a group manage to be successful, have among the highest educational attainment levels, and top the charts in income and net worth.
Didn’t realize that til you pointed it out. Shame on them. Now answer my question
Of course you didn’t realize that. You didn’t even bother to look into it.

Those 11 Republicans took a much harder stance on this. Paul Gosar is a Republican favorite around here and he did the exact same thing as Omar. Go start a thread and condemn them now. Aren’t you outraged by this?

You pretend to be morally outraged by this until you find out that your own party did it. Selective outrage.
Of course you didn’t realize that. You didn’t even bother to look into it.

Those 11 Republicans took a much harder stance on this. Go start a thread and condemn them now. Aren’t you outraged by this?

You pretend to be morally outraged by this until you find out that your own party did it.
You still didn't answer my question. LOL.

You're just an asshole
Its lifted right from ballotpedia you fucking dumb ass, do your own reading!
It is the responsibility of the person making the claim to provide the link, and not for me to find it. I ask again, please show us, with a link, where the Jewish people in District 5 "overwhelmingly" voted for Omar. You have yet to show proof even if you want to keep pointing to an earlier post that does not support your argument. Omar is antisemitic. You know it, I know it, and most of the US knows it.
What Omar did NOT so is deny the Holocaust.

The OP is a blatant liar
I answered You and you said you would answer me. You’re not a man of your word so you can fuck off.
Actually you haven’t addressed your selective outrage.

You simply acknowledged that you were ignorant of the fact that several Republicans voted against this. Now that I’ve informed you that so many Republicans voted AGAINST this, why don’t you go start a thread and condemn them?

You still haven’t shown the same level of outrage toward Republicans. Why is that? Can it be because you’re a hypocrite?

You still won’t address that.
Actually you haven’t addressed your selective outrage.

You simply acknowledged that you were ignorant of the fact that several Republicans voted against this. Now that I’ve informed you that so many Republicans voted AGAINST this, why don’t you go start a thread and condemn them?

You still haven’t shown the same level of outrage toward Republicans. Why is that? Can it be because you’re a hypocrite?

You still won’t address that.
Sure. You answer me and I ll do that. Why won’t you answer me?
You can go ahead and address your selective outrage any day now, hypocrite.

Still have not answered me. Amazing. You can go ahead and fuck off. Ilhan Omar was voted antisemite of the year in 2019. When a Republican wins that prestigious award let me know. Until then fuck off.

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