Ilhan Omar stated: take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," at the Sanders Rally!

I want to cut spending. There are many wasteful subcategories in this graph. Finally, anyone who considers Social Security a “spend” is in serious need of economic fundamentals.

Again, give me programs and dollar amounts.

Social Security is a spend. Money is taken in and paid out. The problem is, it should have been put in a reserve, but instead, the GOP used it to buy weapons and tax cuts for rich people, and now the old folks are looking for their money.

Does the government NOT write millions of checks to Social Security recipients? That's not spending?

Naw, it's "White People Welfare".
Minnesota Dims have elected a traitor to the United States Congress.

Really? Because it seems to me that America isn't the Oil Companies....

When did they take over? "I Pledge Allegiance to Exxon, and their profit margin, under God.
Joe would vote for anyone who works to tear down America.

Actually, I stopped voting for Republicans in 2008.

They are the ones who tore down the America I grew up in. The one where my Dad could go to his good union job and bring home a good union wage to support a family.
Joe would vote for anyone who works to tear down America.

Actually, I stopped voting for Republicans in 2008.

They are the ones who tore down the America I grew up in. The one where my Dad could go to his good union job and bring home a good union wage to support a family.

My dear JOE------I is a registered democrat since my 21st birthdays LONG LONG ago------my grandmother was an active UNIONIST as an adolescent------in the early 1900s. As a kid I was told NEVAH CROSS A PICKETT LINE----etc etc etc etc -----------the very first repub for which I voted was -----DONALD TRUMP--------the donkey is ------kinda indisposed
I want to cut spending. There are many wasteful subcategories in this graph. Finally, anyone who considers Social Security a “spend” is in serious need of economic fundamentals.

Again, give me programs and dollar amounts.

Social Security is a spend. Money is taken in and paid out. The problem is, it should have been put in a reserve, but instead, the GOP used it to buy weapons and tax cuts for rich people, and now the old folks are looking for their money.

It is a reserve that Democrats think is a combination slush and surplus to spend more against.

You need to look at the definition of a transfer payment. If you continue to call it a spend then that means the Government is recognizing it as revenue which means it is a tax and therefore never was a reserve.
Social Security is a spend. Money is taken in and paid out. The problem is, it should have been put in a reserve, but instead, the GOP used it to buy weapons and tax cuts for rich people, and now the old folks are looking for their money.

Ilhan Omar stated: take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," at the Sanders Rally!

I wonder, did Socialist Bernie Sanders knew this was part of Iilhan Omar's prepared remarks?

"Amid repeated chants of "Lock him up!" and "Green New Deal," Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., issued a full-throated endorsement of Bernie Sanders at a spirited rally in Minneapolis' Williams Arena on Sunday night, saying a "mass movement of the working class" is needed to take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," as she put it."
Ilhan Omar, at Bernie Sanders rally, calls for 'mass movement of the working class' amid 'Lock him up' chants

This is one of "The Squad" outspokenly advocating violence to take down President Donald Trump and take down America. Silence from the Democrats and the media.

Disgusting and dangerous!
Well of course. Like most democrats she is a terrorist sympathizer.
Actually, I stopped voting for Republicans in 2008.

They are the ones who tore down the America I grew up in. The one where my Dad could go to his good union job and bring home a good union wage to support a family.

As you know, unions have long outlived their purpose and destroyed numerous industries. How is that a good thing? How did those unions work out for the American Auto Workers in Michigan? Unions in the private sector are justifiably dead. Unions in the public sector should never, ever be allowed.
Omar puts the "infidel" in infidelity

when she watches Black Hawk Down, she probably roots for the Somalis
Ilhan Omar stated: take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," at the Sanders Rally!

I wonder, did Socialist Bernie Sanders knew this was part of Iilhan Omar's prepared remarks?

"Amid repeated chants of "Lock him up!" and "Green New Deal," Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., issued a full-throated endorsement of Bernie Sanders at a spirited rally in Minneapolis' Williams Arena on Sunday night, saying a "mass movement of the working class" is needed to take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," as she put it."
Ilhan Omar, at Bernie Sanders rally, calls for 'mass movement of the working class' amid 'Lock him up' chants

This is one of "The Squad" outspokenly advocating violence to take down President Donald Trump and take down America. Silence from the Democrats and the media.

Disgusting and dangerous!

Adding to the list of reasons to vote for Trump.
Trump should hire Omar, as an unofficial campaign manager.
It is a reserve that Democrats think is a combination slush and surplus to spend more against.

You need to look at the definition of a transfer payment. If you continue to call it a spend then that means the Government is recognizing it as revenue which means it is a tax and therefore never was a reserve.

Of course it's a tax, dummy. And of course it's revenue. That the reserves were mismananged by Republicans giving tax cuts to rich people is the problem here.
As you know, unions have long outlived their purpose and destroyed numerous industries. How is that a good thing? How did those unions work out for the American Auto Workers in Michigan? Unions in the private sector are justifiably dead. Unions in the public sector should never, ever be allowed.

Unions are needed for the same reason that they were needed 100 years ago... because capitalists are too fucking greedy and will try to fuck working people at any opportunity.

Your argument about the Car Industry would make sense if Detroit lost out to non-union corporations.

They didn't. They lost out to Japanese and German companies that have stronger unions than the UAW would ever be.
It is a reserve that Democrats think is a combination slush and surplus to spend more against.

You need to look at the definition of a transfer payment. If you continue to call it a spend then that means the Government is recognizing it as revenue which means it is a tax and therefore never was a reserve.

Of course it's a tax, dummy. And of course it's revenue. That the reserves were mismananged by Republicans giving tax cuts to rich people is the problem here.

Transfer payment. Taxes and revenues are meant for the State to keep. Have you ever cracked an Econ book? You are so quick to name call and smear you expose your limited knowledge. Tax cuts to high income earners did not create Social Security shortages.... it was Democrats who considered it a found “tax surplus” and dipped into it for a spend.
Unions are needed for the same reason that they were needed 100 years ago... because capitalists are too fucking greedy and will try to fuck working people at any opportunity.

Your argument about the Car Industry would make sense if Detroit lost out to non-union corporations.

They didn't. They lost out to Japanese and German companies that have stronger unions than the UAW would ever be.

As you know, unions have outlived their purpose. EVEN George Meany -- the former president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O -- in 1955 said “It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government.”

In 2016, there were 14.6 million members in the U.S., down from 17.7 million in 1983. The percentage of workers belonging to a union in the United States (or total labor union "density") was 10.7%, compared to 20.1% in 1983.[1][2] Union membership in the private sector has fallen under 7%[3]—levels not seen since 1932. From a global perspective, in 2016 the US had the fifth lowest trade union density of the 36 OECD member nations.

Where did all the foreign car manufacturers build their plants? In Detroit or Right to Work states?
Transfer payment. Taxes and revenues are meant for the State to keep. Have you ever cracked an Econ book? You are so quick to name call and smear you expose your limited knowledge. Tax cuts to high income earners did not create Social Security shortages.... it was Democrats who considered it a found “tax surplus” and dipped into it for a spend.

Quite the contrary... We were posting surpluses in the late 1990's.. And Bush couldn't wait to give a tax cut to rich people and turn them into Trillion Dollar Deficits.

As you know, unions have outlived their purpose. EVEN George Meany -- the former president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O -- in 1955 said “It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government.”

Yet they do now, all the time. Chicago just had a Teacher's Strike, and the Teachers got most of what they were asking for.

In 2016, there were 14.6 million members in the U.S., down from 17.7 million in 1983. The percentage of workers belonging to a union in the United States (or total labor union "density") was 10.7%, compared to 20.1% in 1983.[1][2] Union membership in the private sector has fallen under 7%[3]—levels not seen since 1932. From a global perspective, in 2016 the US had the fifth lowest trade union density of the 36 OECD member nations.

Um, that's my point, you stupid inbred fuck. Since Ronald Reagan declared war on Unions, starting with the PATCO strike, the Middle Class in this country has been in a tailspin.

Which is why I get so bent out of shape when I see Trump running around the rust belt screaming "MAGA" when it was people like him who fucked it up for the White Working Class to start with.

Where did all the foreign car manufacturers build their plants? In Detroit or Right to Work states?

Again, this is where you are a bit confused. Most Japanese and German Cars are made in- wait for it - Japan and Germany.

As for the few plants that are here - they were only built here because Ronnie Ray-Gun threatened tariffs on them.

Volkswagen wanted the auto workers in their plants to have union representation... but the rednecks voted it down, cause they done don't need them no union, Cleetus.
My post, to which you responded:
As you know, unions have outlived their purpose. EVEN George Meany -- the former president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O -- in 1955 said “It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government.”

Yet they do now, all the time. Chicago just had a Teacher's Strike, and the Teachers got most of what they were asking for.

Specifically, what are you saying? That there was any sort of "negotiations" between the Teacher's Union and the city of Chicago? You're making my point. Of course, the teacher's got everything they asked for, the government has nothing to gain and everything to lose by standing firm against the teachers and demanding results.

"( - Seventy-nine percent of the 8th graders in the Chicago Public Schools are not grade-level proficient in reading, according to the U.S. Department of Education, and 80 percent are not grade-level proficient in math."

U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading

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