Ilhan Omar stated: take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," at the Sanders Rally!

I read the article, son. The first paragraph is your copy and paste with the rest an interview of where she came from and what were her plans.

Once again...

Show us the grade level of reading and math the students are in the eighth grade and when they graduate.

What I did see is this: "The city's schools currently boast an all-time high graduation rate of 77.3 percent". Isn't the National average around 85 percent?

As you know, no one has any confidence in numbers put out by Chicago.

I go by the more practical measure. The Catholic Church is shutting down their indoctrination camps in Chicago because you can get just as good of an education for "Free" at a Public School now.

For those playing along at home, my family are all kind of nutty Catholics... 20 years ago, my sister whined that the Catholic Schools were downplaying the Dogma because so many of their students were non-Cathoics trying to get away from the Public Schools. One kid was even - GASP- a Muslim.

Recently, she whined that because the Public Schools are so good now, few people are putting their kids in Catholic school. And now they don't have any hoo, boo hoo, boo fucking hoo...

The Catholic School we went to... Two of their three school buildings are no longer being used for teaching. Awww... what a pity.
I read the article, son. The first paragraph is your copy and paste with the rest an interview of where she came from and what were her plans.

Once again...

Show us the grade level of reading and math the students are in the eighth grade and when they graduate.

What I did see is this: "The city's schools currently boast an all-time high graduation rate of 77.3 percent". Isn't the National average around 85 percent?

As you know, no one has any confidence in numbers put out by Chicago.

I go by the more practical measure. The Catholic Church is shutting down their indoctrination camps in Chicago because you can get just as good of an education for "Free" at a Public School now.

For those playing along at home, my family are all kind of nutty Catholics... 20 years ago, my sister whined that the Catholic Schools were downplaying the Dogma because so many of their students were non-Cathoics trying to get away from the Public Schools. One kid was even - GASP- a Muslim.

Recently, she whined that because the Public Schools are so good now, few people are putting their kids in Catholic school. And now they don't have any hoo, boo hoo, boo fucking hoo...

The Catholic School we went to... Two of their three school buildings are no longer being used for teaching. Awww... what a pity.

Sadly SO typical! When challenged to produce FACTS supporting your phony allegations and bluster, you wimp out and change the rules.

I go by the more practical measure.

What the heck is this supposed to mean?

More importantly, what does this have to do with Ilhan Omar's attempt to overthrow President Donald Trump?
Recessions are cyclicals. Every President deals with one. Why any President would push policies that delay recovery can only be explained that power and appeasing masters is more important than the American People.

Quite the contrary, Republicans are the ones who love recessions... it lets them knock the legs out from under working people while the rich get richer. Except what happens during a recession usually is that the dumb-ass inbred white trash start putting the checkbooks over their bibles and vote Democrat... so the rich are trying their best to delay the next recession until AFTER Trump loses in 2020. They'll fail.

Wage growth is great when you have a job.
Obama’s economy was stagnant at best and not one Democrat can point to a policy that moved the economy in the right direction. The Obama Jobs performance was so bad his administration needed to redefine UE criteria.

Obama inherited the worst recession in 80 years, and got us to under 5% unemployment when he left.

The guy who redefined the UE was Ronnie Reagan, who when it peaked at 11%, got Active Military counted as "Employed".

What did Obama do besides keep more money from the Middle Class paychecks, pursue expensive energy policies, and slur small businesses while he was President to pull out of recession? Oh, he blamed Bush the whole time and did not do anything to grow the economy. As for UE, Obama and his team kicked out people no longer looking for work because they could not find work from being considered unemployed. That will get you down to 5 percent easily.

Keep up your Reagan and Bush bashing yet you can’t site a specific Obama policy or growth position that improved the economy.
Sadly SO typical! When challenged to produce FACTS supporting your phony allegations and bluster, you wimp out and change the rules.

I go by the more practical measure.

What the heck is this supposed to mean?

You posted articles from 10 years ago. I posted articles from NOW.
But more importantly I LIVE IN CHICAGO. I know what is going on here, and you really don't.

What did Obama do besides keep more money from the Middle Class paychecks, pursue expensive energy policies, and slur small businesses while he was President to pull out of recession?

Let's see now. The Stimulus.
The Auto bailout... KNow that personally saved my job at the time.

Here's something from the Financial Times..

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

But look, we've already established you are a racist sack of crap and that you'd never give the black guy credit for anything.
Sadly SO typical! When challenged to produce FACTS supporting your phony allegations and bluster, you wimp out and change the rules.

I go by the more practical measure.

What the heck is this supposed to mean?

You posted articles from 10 years ago. I posted articles from NOW.
But more importantly I LIVE IN CHICAGO. I know what is going on here, and you really don't.

What did Obama do besides keep more money from the Middle Class paychecks, pursue expensive energy policies, and slur small businesses while he was President to pull out of recession?

Let's see now. The Stimulus.
The Auto bailout... KNow that personally saved my job at the time.

Here's something from the Financial Times..

Subscribe to read | Financial Times

But look, we've already established you are a racist sack of crap and that you'd never give the black guy credit for anything.

The “Stimulus” and auto bailout were “stop the bleeding” moves I give him credit for that. I also give him credit for not changing up the defense and intel infrastructure. My critique is pushing policies simultaneously that hundred growth/delayed recovery. Factually speaking, any critique or opposition to Obama is met with “you’re a racist”. My top choices to run for President in 2012 were Herman Cain and Condoleeza Rice before the DNC put their attack dogs on them to smear them. Your racism charges are old and pathetic.
The “Stimulus” and auto bailout were “stop the bleeding” moves I give him credit for that. I also give him credit for not changing up the defense and intel infrastructure. My critique is pushing policies simultaneously that hundred growth/delayed recovery.

Blah, blah, blah... Fact is, what he did worked just fine, given the fact the GOP pretty much opposed him at every step.

Factually speaking, any critique or opposition to Obama is met with “you’re a racist”.

Yeah, because that's pretty much what motivated all the anger against him. How dare this uppity negro save our economy.

My top choices to run for President in 2012 were Herman Cain and Condoleeza Rice before the DNC put their attack dogs on them to smear them. Your racism charges are old and pathetic.

Again, trotting out some pathetic Uncle Toms you know were never going to get the nomination doesn't buy you much with me.

Nobody cared about Condi Rice, (the war criminal) who was never running to start with, and Herman Cain was a joke.
The “Stimulus” and auto bailout were “stop the bleeding” moves I give him credit for that. I also give him credit for not changing up the defense and intel infrastructure. My critique is pushing policies simultaneously that hundred growth/delayed recovery.

Blah, blah, blah... Fact is, what he did worked just fine, given the fact the GOP pretty much opposed him at every step.

Factually speaking, any critique or opposition to Obama is met with “you’re a racist”.

Yeah, because that's pretty much what motivated all the anger against him. How dare this uppity negro save our economy.

My top choices to run for President in 2012 were Herman Cain and Condoleeza Rice before the DNC put their attack dogs on them to smear them. Your racism charges are old and pathetic.

Again, trotting out some pathetic Uncle Toms you know were never going to get the nomination doesn't buy you much with me.

Nobody cared about Condi Rice, (the war criminal) who was never running to start with, and Herman Cain was a joke.

You use the phrase “Uncle Tom” to refer to a Black Presidential candidate yet call me racist? And you still can’t empirically map any policy of Obama’s that led to economic growth.
I agree ^^^

That incestuous terrorist savage Omar has no place in America or the rest of the civilized world.

If a moronic twat like you can call the US home, then a well educated immigrant can too. That's how it works. She can even be elected to govt! How good's that!
And you still can’t empirically map any policy of Obama’s that led to economic growth.

Sure. Shoring up the auto sector after the GFC for a start. And if you look at all the economic indicators, they were all on an upward trend long before the Orange Buffoon entered the Oval office.

Is Trump or Obama Best for the Economy?

The Auto bailout was not a growth move. It was a save move. Record food stamp participants, stagnant gdp, high unemployment. When Orange came in, the cash leaped off the sidelines as businesses felt safe to go out without worry of egregious regulation and taxes. Further, the working class and middle class are keeping more of their take home pay, unemployment dropped to all time lows; including substantially lower unemployment among Blacks when compared to Black Unemployment under Obama.
The Auto bailout was not a growth move. It was a save move. Record food stamp participants, stagnant gdp, high unemployment. When Orange came in, the cash leaped off the sidelines as businesses felt safe to go out without worry of egregious regulation and taxes. Further, the working class and middle class are keeping more of their take home pay, unemployment dropped to all time lows; including substantially lower unemployment among Blacks when compared to Black Unemployment under Obama.

All started under Obama. The lot. And no, all Trump has done is borrow the bejesus out of the US. Someone's gonna have to pay sometime. It won't be him.
The Auto bailout was not a growth move. It was a save move. Record food stamp participants, stagnant gdp, high unemployment. When Orange came in, the cash leaped off the sidelines as businesses felt safe to go out without worry of egregious regulation and taxes. Further, the working class and middle class are keeping more of their take home pay, unemployment dropped to all time lows; including substantially lower unemployment among Blacks when compared to Black Unemployment under Obama.

All started under Obama. The lot. And no, all Trump has done is borrow the bejesus out of the US. Someone's gonna have to pay sometime. It won't be him.

The link you provided simply does a side by side policy comparison between the two Presidents yet fails to definitively map the Obama policy(s) which accelerated growth.
The link you provided simply does a side by side policy comparison between the two Presidents yet fails to definitively map the Obama policy(s) which accelerated growth.

I think it gives enough of an insight.

I still don't know any Trump policies. And by that I mean, his policies as opposed to someone else's that has bee enacted. Plus, as I said, all he has done is continue the growth that Obama. That being said, I still haven't figured out how he is going to pay back the money he is using to fund it. It's all on borrowings at the moment. Where's Toro when you need him...
The link you provided simply does a side by side policy comparison between the two Presidents yet fails to definitively map the Obama policy(s) which accelerated growth.

I think it gives enough of an insight.

I still don't know any Trump policies. And by that I mean, his policies as opposed to someone else's that has bee enacted. Plus, as I said, all he has done is continue the growth that Obama. That being said, I still haven't figured out how he is going to pay back the money he is using to fund it. It's all on borrowings at the moment. Where's Toro when you need him...

Both Obama and Trump have been negligent in the deficit and debt department. Since you asked the question “how”? The answer is cut spending. The Democrats are going to nail Trump in the debates for not driving down debt but that is going to be nothing more than a gotcha. If they get back more power, the Middle Class can kiss more of their take home pay goodbye as will Small Businesses see increased taxes and regulation. Democrats demonize the wealthy and the corporations but end up sticking it to the Middle Class and Small Business which is why I don’t vote Democrat. The worst part is deficit and debt will still be climbing.

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