Ilhan Omar stated: take down President Trump and end "Western imperialism," at the Sanders Rally!

How does she define “Western Imperialism?” She is at many angles at variance with the vision of America with respect to Life, Liberty, and Opportunity. The culture she comes from and the ideologies she admires do not share these values. She is about power, disrupting, and transforming US into something worse. Just looking at her own district, beating and oppressing persons of other color and speech is accepted behavior. Is this the direction we as voters want to take America?
It must be. Her clone was just elected to a city office in Maine.
Um, that's my point, you stupid inbred fuck. Since Ronald Reagan declared war on Unions, starting with the PATCO strike, the Middle Class in this country has been in a tailspin.

Which is why I get so bent out of shape when I see Trump running around the rust belt screaming "MAGA" when it was people like him who fucked it up for the White Working Class to start with.

I want to believe you're simply ignorant of the facts and not simply lying.

President Ronald Reagan didn't declare war on unions, The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization or PATCO, ILLEGALLY declared war on the public and our economy by going on strike. They (PATCO) picked the wrong man to screw with. President Reagan did not roll over, he stood up to them, told them what he expected. They thumbed their nose and made the choice to endanger our country. They left President Reagan no choice. He fired their behinds, much to their utter and complete shock. President Reagan did the right thing, the only thing!

Specifically, how did President Trump "f*** up the working class? How many millions of jobs has he provided? He has gone further to help the "working man". Why are you living in denial?

The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession
Update - October 4, 2019
Oct. 4, 2019 10:29 AM ET

|The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession: Update - October 4, 2019 | Seeking Alpha


Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists


Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states


Again, this is where you are a bit confused. Most Japanese and German Cars are made in- wait for it - Japan and Germany.

As for the few plants that are here - they were only built here because Ronnie Ray-Gun threatened tariffs on them.

Volkswagen wanted the auto workers in their plants to have union representation... but the rednecks voted it down, cause they done don't need them no union, Cleetus.

Again, this is where you are a bit confused. Most Japanese and German Cars are made in- wait for it - Japan and Germany.

Cute dodge attempt.

Wait for it now, where are most Japanese and German cars, sold in America, built?
Specifically, what are you saying? That there was any sort of "negotiations" between the Teacher's Union and the city of Chicago? You're making my point. Of course, the teacher's got everything they asked for, the government has nothing to gain and everything to lose by standing firm against the teachers and demanding results.

Actually, the City was in a poor position because the parents and citizens supported the teachers...

One cool moment, was when Mayor Butch tried to claim there was no money, they showed up at the Lincoln Yards Development that got A billion in tax subsidies and said, "Hey, here's some money!"

"( - Seventy-nine percent of the 8th graders in the Chicago Public Schools are not grade-level proficient in reading, according to the U.S. Department of Education, and 80 percent are not grade-level proficient in math."

Wow, you had to go back to 2012 to diss the teachers.

The reality-

Last year, a study from Stanford University showed that over the last two decades, Chicago's students have learned at a faster rate than 96 percent of all school districts in the country, including its wealthier and more well-resourced peers. Moreover, its students' average test scores improved by roughly six grade-levels in five years – 20 percent more growth than on average.

My big sis works for the Catholic System. She was bemoaning the fact that Public Schools in Chicago are so much better now that people aren't sending their kids to the Catholic System.
I want to believe you're simply ignorant of the facts and not simply lying.

President Ronald Reagan didn't declare war on unions, The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization or PATCO, ILLEGALLY declared war on the public and our economy by going on strike. They (PATCO) picked the wrong man to screw with. President Reagan did not roll over, he stood up to them, told them what he expected. They thumbed their nose and made the choice to endanger our country. They left President Reagan no choice. He fired their behinds, much to their utter and complete shock. President Reagan did the right thing, the only thing!

Endangering people in airplanes by putting people who had no idea what they were doing in the control towers?

Reagan fucked the working man in this country. All you dumb-ass white trash are too dumb to see it.
I want to believe you're simply ignorant of the facts and not simply lying.

President Ronald Reagan didn't declare war on unions, The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization or PATCO, ILLEGALLY declared war on the public and our economy by going on strike. They (PATCO) picked the wrong man to screw with. President Reagan did not roll over, he stood up to them, told them what he expected. They thumbed their nose and made the choice to endanger our country. They left President Reagan no choice. He fired their behinds, much to their utter and complete shock. President Reagan did the right thing, the only thing!

Endangering people in airplanes by putting people who had no idea what they were doing in the control towers?

Reagan fucked the working man in this country. All you dumb-ass white trash are too dumb to see it.

Naaa, we're just not hate filled takers like you are. All you ever post is hate and how you wee screwed because someone didn't give you what you wanted. You are going to die bitter and alone.
Wow, you had to go back to 2012 to diss the teachers.

The reality-

Last year, a study from Stanford University showed that over the last two decades, Chicago's students have learned at a faster rate than 96 percent of all school districts in the country, including its wealthier and more well-resourced peers. Moreover, its students' average test scores improved by roughly six grade-levels in five years – 20 percent more growth than on average.

I have never, ever "dissed" teachers! I firmly believe that 90+% of teachers go into the profession because they are sincere and WANT to do a good job. The problem comes from top-heavy administrations who hamstring teachers with responsibilities that have nothing, whatsoever to do with teaching. Prove that I am wrong!

Show us the grade level of reading and math the students are in the eighth grade and when they graduate.
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Funny how the FBI is on the hunt for any alleged "white supremacist" who makes outrageous threats but a Muslem babe who tells Americans that the President of the United States needs to be "taken out" gets a pass.
Bernie is the elderly scold who some millennials adore. Was their upbringing so absent of discipline and responsibility that they now crave the admonition?
Naaa, we're just not hate filled takers like you are. All you ever post is hate and how you wee screwed because someone didn't give you what you wanted. You are going to die bitter and alone.

I'm sure you are very happy living in your trailer park, Cleetus.
I have never, ever "dissed" teachers! I firmly believe that 90+% of teachers go into the profession because they are sincere and WANT to do a good job. The problem comes from top-heavy administrations who hamstring teachers with responsibilities that have nothing, whatsoever to do with teaching. Prove that I am wrong!

Show us the grade level of reading and math the students are in the eighth grade and when they graduate.

Read the article, dummy... you had to go back to 2012 to slander Chicago Teachers, without giving credit to the great stride they've made since then. (And yes, I largely credit Rahm Emmanuel for this, even though he did a lot of other stuff that was fucked up.)
I want to believe you're simply ignorant of the facts and not simply lying.

President Ronald Reagan didn't declare war on unions, The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization or PATCO, ILLEGALLY declared war on the public and our economy by going on strike. They (PATCO) picked the wrong man to screw with. President Reagan did not roll over, he stood up to them, told them what he expected. They thumbed their nose and made the choice to endanger our country. They left President Reagan no choice. He fired their behinds, much to their utter and complete shock. President Reagan did the right thing, the only thing!

Endangering people in airplanes by putting people who had no idea what they were doing in the control towers?

Reagan fucked the working man in this country. All you dumb-ass white trash are too dumb to see it.

Fucking the working man is when your policies reduce available jobs, reduce take-home pay, and increase the cost of healthcare and energy.
Fucking the working man is when your policies reduce available jobs, reduce take-home pay, and increase the cost of healthcare and energy.

So much to unpack here.

So, why is it that we have recessions when Republicans are in charge.

2008, 2001, 1990, 1981 - all happened when you guys were in charge... and one is coming next year.


As for wages, check out this chart, where real wages declined after Reagan, only started going up again under Clinton, dipped again under Bush, and started going up again under Obama... Now how is that?
Fucking the working man is when your policies reduce available jobs, reduce take-home pay, and increase the cost of healthcare and energy.

So much to unpack here.

So, why is it that we have recessions when Republicans are in charge.

2008, 2001, 1990, 1981 - all happened when you guys were in charge... and one is coming next year.


As for wages, check out this chart, where real wages declined after Reagan, only started going up again under Clinton, dipped again under Bush, and started going up again under Obama... Now how is that?

Recessions are cyclicals. Every President deals with one. Why any President would push policies that delay recovery can only be explained that power and appeasing masters is more important than the American People.

Wage growth is great when you have a job.
Obama’s economy was stagnant at best and not one Democrat can point to a policy that moved the economy in the right direction. The Obama Jobs performance was so bad his administration needed to redefine UE criteria.
I have never, ever "dissed" teachers! I firmly believe that 90+% of teachers go into the profession because they are sincere and WANT to do a good job. The problem comes from top-heavy administrations who hamstring teachers with responsibilities that have nothing, whatsoever to do with teaching. Prove that I am wrong!

Show us the grade level of reading and math the students are in the eighth grade and when they graduate.

Read the article, dummy... you had to go back to 2012 to slander Chicago Teachers, without giving credit to the great stride they've made since then. (And yes, I largely credit Rahm Emmanuel for this, even though he did a lot of other stuff that was fucked up.)

I read the article, son. The first paragraph is your copy and paste with the rest an interview of where she came from and what were her plans.

Once again...

Show us the grade level of reading and math the students are in the eighth grade and when they graduate.

What I did see is this: "The city's schools currently boast an all-time high graduation rate of 77.3 percent". Isn't the National average around 85 percent?

As you know, no one has any confidence in numbers put out by Chicago.

Falsifying student records still a problem at CPS, inspector general finds
DEC 14, 2016
Administrators at a Chicago high school for years falsely recorded hundreds of students who were truant, missing or had dropped out as transfers to home-school programs in an effort to put a better light on attendance and graduation rates, according to the annual report from the Chicago Public Schools' inspector general.
Falsifying student records still a problem at CPS, inspector general finds
Recessions are cyclicals. Every President deals with one. Why any President would push policies that delay recovery can only be explained that power and appeasing masters is more important than the American People.

Quite the contrary, Republicans are the ones who love recessions... it lets them knock the legs out from under working people while the rich get richer. Except what happens during a recession usually is that the dumb-ass inbred white trash start putting the checkbooks over their bibles and vote Democrat... so the rich are trying their best to delay the next recession until AFTER Trump loses in 2020. They'll fail.

Wage growth is great when you have a job.
Obama’s economy was stagnant at best and not one Democrat can point to a policy that moved the economy in the right direction. The Obama Jobs performance was so bad his administration needed to redefine UE criteria.

Obama inherited the worst recession in 80 years, and got us to under 5% unemployment when he left.

The guy who redefined the UE was Ronnie Reagan, who when it peaked at 11%, got Active Military counted as "Employed".

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