Ilhan Omar Sworn In - Immediately Engages In Identity Politics

I don't travel much, so Christian.

I answered yours. Now it's your turn.

Oh really?

Do tell - how many Christian inspired terrorist attacks have their been in the USA in the past 10 years? How many Islamic?

You didn't pose a viable question, you just misconstrued my post to suit some wild personal assertion. Ask something that makes sense and I'll be happy to answer it.

Since 9/11: 23 Islamic extremist attacks and 62 far-right extremist attacks. Shouldn't be much of a surprise considering the make-up of our country.

Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys with a fascination in guns, or white guys without a fascination in guns?

There you go skewing the questions again.

I didn't ask how many were far right extremists, I asked how many were CHRISTIAN INSPIRED. Do you not understand English? How many of your supposed "62 far right extremist attacks" (I'd love to see this list, btw.) were committed IN THE NAME OF CHRIST?

"Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys with a fascination in guns, or white guys without a fascination in guns?"

And I told you, this question makes no sense. It's like asking which is more likely to murder: a white guy who likes pepsi or a white guy who doesn't? What qualifies as a "fascination with guns"? Owning one? Owning more than one? A subscription to Field and Stream magazine?

As you stated before, "We're talking about ideologies, not skin color." Right-wing extremism is an ideology just as Islamic extremism is. I'm more likely to be involved in a right-wing extremist attack in this country than in an Islamic extremist attack. How many of those right-wing extremists are Christian, you're right, is unknown. If you want to continue to argue semantics by distinguishing between religions and ideologies, go for it, but that's not my point. I can just as easily argue with your same reasoning that you and all other right-wingers (rather than Christians) are adherents to a murderous ideology because of what a few right-wing extremists have done. You know, if I was a bigoted retard.


I don't know what part of that question was unclear to you. But here, I'll modify it just for you.
Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys who own at least one gun, or white guys who don't own any guns?

If you look at murder statistics, you'll see that a gun is used more often than not.

Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2017 | Statistic

Are we therefore to conclude that any white guy right-winger is a murdering piece of shit? How about we grow the fuck up here? Every ideology is going to have some bad people in it.
Two words : Ignorant bigot.

Five words: I. Don'.t Give. A. Shit.

Fuck Allah. Fuck Mohammed. Fuck the Quran. And fuck every regressive savage that follows it.

When are you gonna go on a shooting spree?

No need. Your brethren have that covered. I'm sure another nightclub or office party somewhere is overdue to get shot up by one of Allah's divine soldiers. There's also quite a few skyscrapers still standing in NY City. Maybe you should send out a memo.

i SEE you like to shoot schools, and people in concerts, and black people in churches, Muslims in mosques, Jews in the synagogue. Dude God will be busy with you in the afterlife.
I don't travel much, so Christian.

I answered yours. Now it's your turn.

Oh really?

Do tell - how many Christian inspired terrorist attacks have their been in the USA in the past 10 years? How many Islamic?

You didn't pose a viable question, you just misconstrued my post to suit some wild personal assertion. Ask something that makes sense and I'll be happy to answer it.

Since 9/11: 23 Islamic extremist attacks and 62 far-right extremist attacks. Shouldn't be much of a surprise considering the make-up of our country.

Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys with a fascination in guns, or white guys without a fascination in guns?

There you go skewing the questions again.

I didn't ask how many were far right extremists, I asked how many were CHRISTIAN INSPIRED. Do you not understand English? How many of your supposed "62 far right extremist attacks" (I'd love to see this list, btw.) were committed IN THE NAME OF CHRIST?

"Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys with a fascination in guns, or white guys without a fascination in guns?"

And I told you, this question makes no sense. It's like asking which is more likely to murder: a white guy who likes pepsi or a white guy who doesn't? What qualifies as a "fascination with guns"? Owning one? Owning more than one? A subscription to Field and Stream magazine?

As you stated before, "We're talking about ideologies, not skin color." Right-wing extremism is an ideology just as Islamic extremism is. I'm more likely to be involved in a right-wing extremist attack in this country than in an Islamic extremist attack. How many of those right-wing extremists are Christian, you're right, is unknown. If you want to continue to argue semantics by distinguishing between religions and ideologies, go for it, but that's not my point. I can just as easily argue with your same reasoning that you and all other right-wingers (rather than Christians) are adherents to a murderous ideology because of what a few right-wing extremists have done. You know, if I was a bigoted retard.


I don't know what part of that question was unclear to you. But here, I'll modify it just for you.
Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys who own at least one gun, or white guys who don't own any guns?

If you look at murder statistics, you'll see that a gun is used more often than not.

Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2017 | Statistic

Are we therefore to conclude that any white guy right-winger is a murdering piece of shit? How about we grow the fuck up here? Every ideology is going to have some bad people in it.

Once again you misrepresent the core discussion in this thread. There are endless ideologies involving an endless amount of topics and positions. Islam is a religious ideology, which is what this thread morphed into within a few posts. You cannot just willy-nilly compare Islamic extremism to right-wing extremism because the two do not directly correlate. This is apples and oranges. If you want to compare Islamic extremism to right wing religious extremism, fine You have not done so. You might was well compare IRA terrorism to Boko Haram terrorism for all the sense your position makes. So I ask you again, how many CHRISTIAN INSPIRED terrorist attacks were committed in the past 10 years vs ISLAMIC INSPIRED.

Per your now revised question: You've changed the context from a "fascination of guns" to "someone who owns a gun". I suspect you realized that the term 'fascination' is entirely subjective. That being said, I cannot tell you who is more likely to commit a murder based upon the conditions you outlay, because while the presence of a gun may make murder EASIER it does not necessarily make it more likely. A plethora of people are murdered every year by other methods - including, but not limited to: stabbing, strangulation, arson, and being beaten to death.

So once again, I'd be happy to answer you, but I don't have enough data to form a proper opinion. You would need to provide an extensive array of statistics:

1) How many homicides are committed per year via firearms (NOT suicides, which the leftist media likes to include)
2) How many of those were JUSTIFIED homicides (Because once again, leftist media includes those)
3) How many of the unjustified homicides were committed by white men
4) How many of the unjustified homicides were committed by white men with illegally possessed firearms.

Only after this information has been provided could I give you an honest answer.
Two words : Ignorant bigot.

Five words: I. Don'.t Give. A. Shit.

Fuck Allah. Fuck Mohammed. Fuck the Quran. And fuck every regressive savage that follows it.

When are you gonna go on a shooting spree?

No need. Your brethren have that covered. I'm sure another nightclub or office party somewhere is overdue to get shot up by one of Allah's divine soldiers. There's also quite a few skyscrapers still standing in NY City. Maybe you should send out a memo.

i SEE you like to shoot schools, and people in concerts, and black people in churches, Muslims in mosques, Jews in the synagogue. Dude God will be busy with you in the afterlife.

Back with the false equivalencies I see. Which one of these was done in the name of Christ again?

BTW - since we last talked ~24 hours ago there was another 6 Islamic terrorist attacks in Syria, The Philippines, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Somalia, and India. How many Christian ones were there? I can't seem to find any....
I'm loving how a black, Muslim woman got all you right wing bigots shook. Lol

You fuckers spew your Christian crap on a daily basis. With your disdain for anything scientifically related, attack on women's rights and their right to choose and complaining about shit like coffee cups.

I guess you're afraid of religious competition . lol
I'm loving how a black, Muslim woman got all you right wing bigots shook. Lol

Oh look, another left wing moron referencing skin color.

You leftists are so fucking predictable it's laughable.
I'm loving how a black, Muslim woman got all you right wing bigots shook. Lol

You fuckers spew your Christian crap on a daily basis. With your disdain for anything scientifically related, attack on women's rights and their right to choose and complaining about shit like coffee cups.

I guess you're afraid of religious competition . lol

Ahh I see you've edited your post since I replied. Would you like to turn this into an abortion debate now? I'm game. Whatchu got, baby killer?
Two words : Ignorant bigot.

Five words: I. Don'.t Give. A. Shit.

Fuck Allah. Fuck Mohammed. Fuck the Quran. And fuck every regressive savage that follows it.

When are you gonna go on a shooting spree?

No need. Your brethren have that covered. I'm sure another nightclub or office party somewhere is overdue to get shot up by one of Allah's divine soldiers. There's also quite a few skyscrapers still standing in NY City. Maybe you should send out a memo.

i SEE you like to shoot schools, and people in concerts, and black people in churches, Muslims in mosques, Jews in the synagogue. Dude God will be busy with you in the afterlife.

Back with the false equivalencies I see. Which one of these was done in the name of Christ again?

BTW - since we last talked ~24 hours ago there was another 6 Islamic terrorist attacks in Syria, The Philippines, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Somalia, and India. How many Christian ones were there? I can't seem to find any....
When you do you do thousands at once :).
Two words : Ignorant bigot.

Five words: I. Don'.t Give. A. Shit.

Fuck Allah. Fuck Mohammed. Fuck the Quran. And fuck every regressive savage that follows it.

When are you gonna go on a shooting spree?

No need. Your brethren have that covered. I'm sure another nightclub or office party somewhere is overdue to get shot up by one of Allah's divine soldiers. There's also quite a few skyscrapers still standing in NY City. Maybe you should send out a memo.

i SEE you like to shoot schools, and people in concerts, and black people in churches, Muslims in mosques, Jews in the synagogue. Dude God will be busy with you in the afterlife.

Back with the false equivalencies I see. Which one of these was done in the name of Christ again?

BTW - since we last talked ~24 hours ago there was another 6 Islamic terrorist attacks in Syria, The Philippines, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Somalia, and India. How many Christian ones were there? I can't seem to find any....
When you do you do thousands at once :).

If there are thousands at once then you should at least be able to name ONE Christian inspired terrorist attack in the past 24 hours. So do it.
All the Democrats and politicians like these have is Identity Politics, and RACE. As they have no real ideas that anyone would want, they use race, and gender as a way to divide, and create a "purpose" for themselves as some type of crusader. All they have is Trump hate, nothing productive, nor anything positive that would help U.S. citizens.
I don't travel much, so Christian.

I answered yours. Now it's your turn.

Oh really?

Do tell - how many Christian inspired terrorist attacks have their been in the USA in the past 10 years? How many Islamic?

You didn't pose a viable question, you just misconstrued my post to suit some wild personal assertion. Ask something that makes sense and I'll be happy to answer it.

Since 9/11: 23 Islamic extremist attacks and 62 far-right extremist attacks. Shouldn't be much of a surprise considering the make-up of our country.

Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys with a fascination in guns, or white guys without a fascination in guns?

There you go skewing the questions again.

I didn't ask how many were far right extremists, I asked how many were CHRISTIAN INSPIRED. Do you not understand English? How many of your supposed "62 far right extremist attacks" (I'd love to see this list, btw.) were committed IN THE NAME OF CHRIST?

"Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys with a fascination in guns, or white guys without a fascination in guns?"

And I told you, this question makes no sense. It's like asking which is more likely to murder: a white guy who likes pepsi or a white guy who doesn't? What qualifies as a "fascination with guns"? Owning one? Owning more than one? A subscription to Field and Stream magazine?

As you stated before, "We're talking about ideologies, not skin color." Right-wing extremism is an ideology just as Islamic extremism is. I'm more likely to be involved in a right-wing extremist attack in this country than in an Islamic extremist attack. How many of those right-wing extremists are Christian, you're right, is unknown. If you want to continue to argue semantics by distinguishing between religions and ideologies, go for it, but that's not my point. I can just as easily argue with your same reasoning that you and all other right-wingers (rather than Christians) are adherents to a murderous ideology because of what a few right-wing extremists have done. You know, if I was a bigoted retard.


I don't know what part of that question was unclear to you. But here, I'll modify it just for you.
Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys who own at least one gun, or white guys who don't own any guns?

If you look at murder statistics, you'll see that a gun is used more often than not.

Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2017 | Statistic

Are we therefore to conclude that any white guy right-winger is a murdering piece of shit? How about we grow the fuck up here? Every ideology is going to have some bad people in it.

Once again you misrepresent the core discussion in this thread. There are endless ideologies involving an endless amount of topics and positions. Islam is a religious ideology, which is what this thread morphed into within a few posts. You cannot just willy-nilly compare Islamic extremism to right-wing extremism because the two do not directly correlate. This is apples and orange.

"You cannot just willy-nilly compare Islamic extremism to right-wing extremism because the two do not directly correlate. This is apples and orange."

Sure I can. Because my point is that not ALL adherents to a certain ideology are bad. Not all Muslims are bad. Not all right-wingers are bad. You just don't like it because you can't continue to logically support your bigoted nonsense once I put the ball in your court.
I don't travel much, so Christian.

I answered yours. Now it's your turn.

Oh really?

Do tell - how many Christian inspired terrorist attacks have their been in the USA in the past 10 years? How many Islamic?

You didn't pose a viable question, you just misconstrued my post to suit some wild personal assertion. Ask something that makes sense and I'll be happy to answer it.

Since 9/11: 23 Islamic extremist attacks and 62 far-right extremist attacks. Shouldn't be much of a surprise considering the make-up of our country.

Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys with a fascination in guns, or white guys without a fascination in guns?

There you go skewing the questions again.

I didn't ask how many were far right extremists, I asked how many were CHRISTIAN INSPIRED. Do you not understand English? How many of your supposed "62 far right extremist attacks" (I'd love to see this list, btw.) were committed IN THE NAME OF CHRIST?

"Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys with a fascination in guns, or white guys without a fascination in guns?"

And I told you, this question makes no sense. It's like asking which is more likely to murder: a white guy who likes pepsi or a white guy who doesn't? What qualifies as a "fascination with guns"? Owning one? Owning more than one? A subscription to Field and Stream magazine?

As you stated before, "We're talking about ideologies, not skin color." Right-wing extremism is an ideology just as Islamic extremism is. I'm more likely to be involved in a right-wing extremist attack in this country than in an Islamic extremist attack. How many of those right-wing extremists are Christian, you're right, is unknown. If you want to continue to argue semantics by distinguishing between religions and ideologies, go for it, but that's not my point. I can just as easily argue with your same reasoning that you and all other right-wingers (rather than Christians) are adherents to a murderous ideology because of what a few right-wing extremists have done. You know, if I was a bigoted retard.


I don't know what part of that question was unclear to you. But here, I'll modify it just for you.
Which group of white guys are more likely to murder: white guys who own at least one gun, or white guys who don't own any guns?

If you look at murder statistics, you'll see that a gun is used more often than not.

Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2017 | Statistic

Are we therefore to conclude that any white guy right-winger is a murdering piece of shit? How about we grow the fuck up here? Every ideology is going to have some bad people in it.

Per your now revised question: You've changed the context from a "fascination of guns" to "someone who owns a gun". I suspect you realized that the term 'fascination' is entirely subjective. That being said, I cannot tell you who is more likely to commit a murder based upon the conditions you outlay, because while the presence of a gun may make murder EASIER it does not necessarily make it more likely. A plethora of people are murdered every year by other methods - including, but not limited to: stabbing, strangulation, arson, and being beaten to death.

So once again, I'd be happy to answer you, but I don't have enough data to form a proper opinion. You would need to provide an extensive array of statistics:

1) How many homicides are committed per year via firearms (NOT suicides, which the leftist media likes to include)
2) How many of those were JUSTIFIED homicides (Because once again, leftist media includes those)
3) How many of the unjustified homicides were committed by white men
4) How many of the unjustified homicides were committed by white men with illegally possessed firearms.

Only after this information has been provided could I give you an honest answer.

"A plethora of people are murdered every year by other methods - including, but not limited to: stabbing, strangulation, arson, and being beaten to death."

All of those methods are vastly outnumbered. I've already shown you this.

"So once again, I'd be happy to answer you, but I don't have enough data to form a proper opinion. You would need to provide an extensive array of statistics:"

No, you're just trying to spin out of the question. Again.

You already asked me to clarify the question, so I did. NOW you need a bunch of statistics to answer it. Well I'm not doing your homework for you. I suppose if I were to get all of these statistics for you, you would find fault in the sources. And if I clarified the sources, then you would find yet another reason to bitch out of it.

I've answered your question truthfully and yet you haven't answered mine. You can call it an apples/oranges comparison but you and I both know that it disproves your bigoted claims. And the only way you can avoid this conclusion is it to put your head in the sand. See ya.
I've answered your question truthfully and yet you haven't answered mine. You can call it an apples/oranges comparison but you and I both know that it disproves your bigoted claims. And the only way you can avoid this conclusion is it to put your head in the sand. See ya.

"REEEE you won't answer my nonsensical question because I refuse to provide the appropriate data!"

Well, fuck off then.
I've answered your question truthfully and yet you haven't answered mine. You can call it an apples/oranges comparison but you and I both know that it disproves your bigoted claims. And the only way you can avoid this conclusion is it to put your head in the sand. See ya.

"REEEE you won't answer my nonsensical question because I refuse to provide the appropriate data!"

Well, fuck off then.

So now you're back to calling it a nonsensical question lol. I adjusted it at your request to something that you suggested. And I actually answered yours instead of rattling off a list of excuses.

Face it. You're just looking for any excuse to avoid answering. Because you're a pussy.
I've answered your question truthfully and yet you haven't answered mine. You can call it an apples/oranges comparison but you and I both know that it disproves your bigoted claims. And the only way you can avoid this conclusion is it to put your head in the sand. See ya.

"REEEE you won't answer my nonsensical question because I refuse to provide the appropriate data!"

Well, fuck off then.

So now you're back to calling it a nonsensical question lol. I adjusted it at your request to something that you suggested. And I actually answered yours instead of rattling off a list of excuses.

Face it. You're just looking for any excuse to avoid answering. Because you're a pussy.

Listen, brainlet, I cannot answer something based completely on your wild speculations. You want an answer? Fine, then give me the appropriate fucking data to provide one. Unlike leftists I don't just make shit up. I want evidence.

If you want to claim that "white men who own guns are more prone to commit murder than white men who don't own guns" that's you're prerogative, but the burden of proof is on YOU. If you're not willing to research and provide the breakdown of how many unjustified homicides are committed by white men who are legal gun owners vs all the appropriate opposing metrics then fuck off, I'm not doing it for you.
I've answered your question truthfully and yet you haven't answered mine. You can call it an apples/oranges comparison but you and I both know that it disproves your bigoted claims. And the only way you can avoid this conclusion is it to put your head in the sand. See ya.

"REEEE you won't answer my nonsensical question because I refuse to provide the appropriate data!"

Well, fuck off then.

So now you're back to calling it a nonsensical question lol. I adjusted it at your request to something that you suggested. And I actually answered yours instead of rattling off a list of excuses.

Face it. You're just looking for any excuse to avoid answering. Because you're a pussy.

Listen, brainlet, I cannot answer something based completely on your wild speculations. You want an answer? Fine, then give me the appropriate fucking data to provide one. Unlike leftists I don't just make shit up. I want evidence.

If you want to claim that "white men who own guns are more prone to commit murder than white men who don't own guns" that's you're prerogative, but the burden of proof is on YOU. If you're not willing to research and provide the breakdown of how many unjustified homicides are committed by white men who are legal gun owners vs all the appropriate opposing metrics then fuck off, I'm not doing it for you.

Blah blah blah. Lots of typing. But unfortunately, very little answering of questions. Pussy.

Let's recap: I answered your question of who is more likely to kill me. You didn't. And that makes you a pussy.

I'll tell you what, let's go back to your question and I'll add a wide range of idiotic questions that need to be answered first.
Your question: "So, tell me, who do you think is more likely to kill you: A Christian or a Muslim?"

In order to answer this question, I need some more information. You see, I'm not able to answer that question of yours until you provide me with the following information:

1) How many kills are committed per year by Christians (NOT suicides, which the leftist media likes to include)
2) How many of those were JUSTIFIED kills (Because once again, leftist media includes those)
3) How many of the unjustified kills were committed by Christians
4) How many of the unjustified kills were committed by Christians with illegally possessed firearms.

If you're not willing to research and provide the breakdown of how many unjustified kills are committed by Christians who are legal gun owners vs all the appropriate opposing metrics then fuck off, I'm not doing it for you.

See, I can throw a bunch of stupid questions at you too, with the intent of you NOT answering them so that I can skirt around your question too. But I didn't because I'm not a pussy.

Last edited:
I'm sorry her scarf makes you shit your pants.

This post literally had nothing to do with her "scarf"...

And yet, somehow, I was right. How about that!

... but since you mentioned it I'll point that out too, and emphatically state this right now: Islam has NO PLACE in Western governments.

Now go on, call me a racist.

No, being prejudiced against Muslims is bigotry, not racism, retard. :lol:

And you are most definitely a bigot.

No one is more bigoted and hateful than Muslims.

Ask any devout Muslim how they feel about Jews, gays, and women’s rights.

Look at any Muslim majority country, and look at how many Jews there are, how they treat gays, and what their women’s rights are.

Calling Americans “bigots” for not liking Muslims is like calling a Jew a bigot for not liking Nazis.
I'm sorry her scarf makes you shit your pants.

This post literally had nothing to do with her "scarf"...

And yet, somehow, I was right. How about that!

... but since you mentioned it I'll point that out too, and emphatically state this right now: Islam has NO PLACE in Western governments.

Now go on, call me a racist.

No, being prejudiced against Muslims is bigotry, not racism, retard. :lol:

And you are most definitely a bigot.

No one is more bigoted and hateful than Muslims.

Ask any devout Muslim how they feel about Jews, gays, and women’s rights.

Look at any Muslim majority country, and look at how many Jews there are, how they treat gays, and what their women’s rights are.

Calling Americans “bigots” for not liking Muslims is like calling a Jew a bigot for not liking Nazis.

And that's the real crux of the issue for us "true liberals" (classical liberals, centrists, whatever the fuck we should call ourselves today)

Hating Christians is fine, but hating Islam is wrong. Hating white people is fine, but hating black people is wrong. Hating men is fine, but hating women is wrong. The D's have become walking parodies of everything they hate... Racists, bigots, and cisphobes. Hateful, spiteful, and against free press, free speech, and actual freedom. It's quite pathetic.
I'm sorry her scarf makes you shit your pants.

This post literally had nothing to do with her "scarf"...

And yet, somehow, I was right. How about that!

... but since you mentioned it I'll point that out too, and emphatically state this right now: Islam has NO PLACE in Western governments.

Now go on, call me a racist.

No, being prejudiced against Muslims is bigotry, not racism, retard. :lol:

And you are most definitely a bigot.

No one is more bigoted and hateful than Muslims.

Ask any devout Muslim how they feel about Jews, gays, and women’s rights.

Look at any Muslim majority country, and look at how many Jews there are, how they treat gays, and what their women’s rights are.

Calling Americans “bigots” for not liking Muslims is like calling a Jew a bigot for not liking Nazis.

Considering how many men calling themselves both American and Christian feel about Jews, gays, and women's rights, including those jerks who spout off on USMB, your attempt to attack Muslims with regard to opinions about Jews, gays, and equal women is pure BS.

These "straight," "American," so-called "men" are anti-semitic, hate LGBTQs, sometimes encouraging violence against them, hate women who they cannot dominate, subdue, and screw, openly practice identity politics, and many times fail to acknowledge the U.S. Constitution, so they have no room to talk about Muslims. Remember the old saying about cleaning up one's own backyard first..

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