I'll be avoiding threads started by liberal lunatics, starting right now......

I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
The repukes are the ones who post inane and robustly stupid things. But then it is all they can do with their lack of IQ.
I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
OMG I totally agree. I was in another thread that is negative to Democrats and I have 19 replies. I'm not going to bump that thread/topic.

Republicans love to control the conversation. They'll never talk to you about

1. Trump suggesting people inject bleach and expose their inner bodies to ultraviolet rays.

2. Trump only have 2.3% growth in 2019

3. The massive Debt Trump has built up even before Corona. Remember Republicans complained Obama spent his way out of his recession? And that his stimulus didn't work? Well Trump's tax breaks didn't work if 2019 only had 2.9% growth. That's pretty weak. It was Trump's trade war that held the economy back

4. Trump tried to get the President of Ukraine to lie for him. Just say you're opening up an investigation. Doesn't matter if it's true.

5. No wall. Trump totally failed on this one.
Well, it's obvious who has been injecting the bleach.
Trump supporters flooded governors offices all across the nation with calls after trump said that shit.

theres only certain people who take him seriously so you tell us who was dumb enough to call hospitals to see if they are giving bleach injections or putting light inside the body. They wer3 trump believers
I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
A sound strategy to be sure. The reality is that at this point, there really isn’t anything worth discussing with to “opposition”. Their feelings, outlooks, and opinions are totally irrelevant; not even worthy of ones time...
I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
A sound strategy to be sure. The reality is that at this point, there really isn’t anything worth discussing with to “opposition”. Their feelings, outlooks, and opinions are totally irrelevant; not even worthy of ones time...
I think democrats would really be wise to warn Americans that if trump wins again, we get another kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. I would point out that all their decisions since alito and Roberts have been pro corporation and anti labor or we the people.
I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
A sound strategy to be sure. The reality is that at this point, there really isn’t anything worth discussing with to “opposition”. Their feelings, outlooks, and opinions are totally irrelevant; not even worthy of ones time...
I think democrats would really be wise to warn Americans that if trump wins again, we get another kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. I would point out that all their decisions since alito and Roberts have been pro corporation and anti labor or we the people.

That's why Americans voted for him, and will do so again.
I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
A sound strategy to be sure. The reality is that at this point, there really isn’t anything worth discussing with to “opposition”. Their feelings, outlooks, and opinions are totally irrelevant; not even worthy of ones time...
I think democrats would really be wise to warn Americans that if trump wins again, we get another kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. I would point out that all their decisions since alito and Roberts have been pro corporation and anti labor or we the people.

That's why Americans voted for him, and will do so again.
More Americans voted for Hillary. Fact. And more will vote for Joe and this time he takes PA, MI, FL, etc. And Joe like Hillary doesn't need them all like Trump does. Trump pulled a miracle and after telling people to inject bleach, and hiding the virus from us in the beginning, and only having 2.3% growth last year that he's going to win again?
I leave the democommiecrats alone. There is no real discussion with them. It just gives them more of an opportunity to lie.
I feel your pain, homie....I took off about a month because of the daily stream of covidiocy coming from the moonbats.

But I have noted that the maudes have been *reasonably* prompt in moving those flaming sacks of dog shit to the proper dumpster.

Twitter is a total sewer...4Chan /pol is where the action is at, if you can get used to their odd thread structure.


trump NAZI
Saul Alinsky circa 1972 redux
I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
A sound strategy to be sure. The reality is that at this point, there really isn’t anything worth discussing with to “opposition”. Their feelings, outlooks, and opinions are totally irrelevant; not even worthy of ones time...
I think democrats would really be wise to warn Americans that if trump wins again, we get another kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. I would point out that all their decisions since alito and Roberts have been pro corporation and anti labor or we the people.

That's why Americans voted for him, and will do so again.
More Americans voted for Hillary. Fact. And more will vote for Joe and this time he takes PA, MI, FL, etc. And Joe like Hillary doesn't need them all like Trump does. Trump pulled a miracle and after telling people to inject bleach, and hiding the virus from us in the beginning, and only having 2.3% growth last year that he's going to win again?
It's match play not stroke play....Deal with it, loser.
I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
A sound strategy to be sure. The reality is that at this point, there really isn’t anything worth discussing with to “opposition”. Their feelings, outlooks, and opinions are totally irrelevant; not even worthy of ones time...
I think democrats would really be wise to warn Americans that if trump wins again, we get another kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. I would point out that all their decisions since alito and Roberts have been pro corporation and anti labor or we the people.

That's why Americans voted for him, and will do so again.
More Americans voted for Hillary. Fact. And more will vote for Joe and this time he takes PA, MI, FL, etc. And Joe like Hillary doesn't need them all like Trump does. Trump pulled a miracle and after telling people to inject bleach, and hiding the virus from us in the beginning, and only having 2.3% growth last year that he's going to win again?
It's match play not stroke play....Deal with it, loser.
Are you unemployed right now? I'm not. And I make $100K. So how am I a loser? I bet if we look at your life, you are the loser.
I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
A sound strategy to be sure. The reality is that at this point, there really isn’t anything worth discussing with to “opposition”. Their feelings, outlooks, and opinions are totally irrelevant; not even worthy of ones time...
I think democrats would really be wise to warn Americans that if trump wins again, we get another kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. I would point out that all their decisions since alito and Roberts have been pro corporation and anti labor or we the people.

That's why Americans voted for him, and will do so again.
More Americans voted for Hillary. Fact. And more will vote for Joe and this time he takes PA, MI, FL, etc. And Joe like Hillary doesn't need them all like Trump does. Trump pulled a miracle and after telling people to inject bleach, and hiding the virus from us in the beginning, and only having 2.3% growth last year that he's going to win again?
It's match play not stroke play....Deal with it, loser.
Are you unemployed right now? I'm not. And I make $100K.

Doing what?
I'm tired of seeing their innocuous, inane, and asinine threads. I truly believe they post the crap they do in an effort to get conservatives SO mad they'll respond in a such a way to get banned. I USED to be on Twitter, and this happened all the time. A raging liberal lunatic would post something incredibly stupid and inane, in hopes of getting a conservative to rip them a new one, which always ended in the conservative getting a ban. It happened to me and quite a few others I knew on there. And it took very little to get a ban. So I'm not even going to click on a thread posted by ANY liberal that looks like garbage and bait to try to get conservatives to bite in rude fashion and possibly get a ban. I WILL continue to respond to threads started by reasonable and intelligent conservatives on these threads. In a nutshell, I'm onto what the liberal miscreants on here are up to, and won't take the bait. As always, thank you, and have a very pleasant rest of your Sunday evening.
A sound strategy to be sure. The reality is that at this point, there really isn’t anything worth discussing with to “opposition”. Their feelings, outlooks, and opinions are totally irrelevant; not even worthy of ones time...
I think democrats would really be wise to warn Americans that if trump wins again, we get another kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. I would point out that all their decisions since alito and Roberts have been pro corporation and anti labor or we the people.

That's why Americans voted for him, and will do so again.
More Americans voted for Hillary. Fact. And more will vote for Joe and this time he takes PA, MI, FL, etc. And Joe like Hillary doesn't need them all like Trump does. Trump pulled a miracle and after telling people to inject bleach, and hiding the virus from us in the beginning, and only having 2.3% growth last year that he's going to win again?
It's match play not stroke play....Deal with it, loser.
Are you unemployed right now? I'm not. And I make $100K.

Doing what?
Sales. Right now my company isn't selling any machines. I'm aftermarket. Before Corona I was selling $175K a month. Last month I sold $120K. My company expected we might sell $40K. I literally paid for everyone to keep healthcare and 100% pay.

It was funny when they furloughed me I was like, "are you sure? Do you know how much money you are going to cost us if you don't have me selling?" After 2 days they realized they lost $10K in sales and that's about $3000 profit. So they called me back, told me to take my computer from home and here I am working from my living room.

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