Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily

Those are the exception more than the rule. And those jobs used to be done by americans or those here legally until the employers found out they could get cheap labor thanks to the Chamber of Commerce.
Those are the exception more than the rule. And those jobs used to be done by americans or those here legally until the employers found out they could get cheap labor thanks to the Chamber of Commerce.

Um...yeah....that's why I suggested prosecuting the employers.

So, you're saying there's a vast unseen sea of Illegal Aliens that are simply lounging about in comfortable apartments throughout the USA, watching Musicales Mexicano, and aspiring to do nothing more than live on foodstamps?

Gee, those guys planting flowers, picking cabbages, and cleaning toilets must be totally retarded.
'See, your problem is that he belief in high rates of immigrant criminal activity is a common misconception fostered by tabloidism and focus on anecdotal cases rather than statistical analysis of large data sets.'

Saladin, if ONE ILLEGAL kills ONE AMERICAN, to ME that is one too many. Nothing else matters one iota for the simple reason that the illegal should NOT have been here in the first place. That americans kill, that foreigners kill is not the problem - the problem is that they are in this country without permission free to commit whatever crime suits their purpose. If you want chaos to reign here in the USA, keep turning the other cheek; keep the borders unprotected.

Wouldn't it be easier to prosecute those that hire people that are illegally in the USA?


OMG...this is the exact problem with all of this. THIS WONT HAPPEN too often. If it really did, it would show how America really wanted to get rid of the illegals.

No jobs, no illegals. Its a simple process really, but America really does want them here, whether they admit it or not.

Its all aobut $$

If you would listen to the advise of an outsider?

The fastest way to cure your illegal problem......

$1million fine for every illegal hired. 90 days in jail for the CEO of a company for every illegal on the payroll.
Over night the jobs dry up, and the illegals stop coming....

Simple as.
Many of us oppose the murder of anybody by anybody.

It is nevertheless worthy of some consideration that FEWER of US would be getting murdered if we had no illegal aliens in the population behaving, in their illegal presence with their violence.

Wouldn't it be easier to prosecute those that hire people that are illegally in the USA?


OMG...this is the exact problem with all of this. THIS WONT HAPPEN too often. If it really did, it would show how America really wanted to get rid of the illegals.

No jobs, no illegals. Its a simple process really, but America really does want them here, whether they admit it or not.

Its all aobut $$

If you would listen to the advise of an outsider?

The fastest way to cure your illegal problem......

$1million fine for every illegal hired. 90 days in jail for the CEO of a company for every illegal on the payroll.
Over night the jobs dry up, and the illegals stop coming....

Simple as.

Well, according to Angelhair, you are a Naive Martian for believing that, despite all the Messkins you see picking fruit, cleaning toilets, pouring tar, and cutting grass, there isn't a Hoard of Illegals comfortably sitting around their subsidized apartment complex pools, eating government surplus chili-con questo, and listening to NPR Hispania.

Many of us oppose the murder of anybody by anybody.

It is nevertheless worthy of some consideration that FEWER of US would be getting murdered if we had no illegal aliens in the population behaving, in their illegal presence with their violence.

☭proletarian☭;1787705 said:
Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily

Blacks killed 17 people a day in 2005

Whites killed 14

Men killed 30

* Stats are low, as the data was not known in all cases

Expanded Homicide Data Table 3 - Crime in the United States 2005

I think we can all agree to Deport Blacks, Whites, and Messkins: Murder Problem Solved, assuming Asians and Martians don't become violent.
☭proletarian☭;1789277 said:
deport fucking everyone

Except the Really Hot Wimmins.

We need them.


Bad enough to spank with a riding crop.:redface:

(Sorry, I regress pretty easily)
what good will that do? We deported all the men cause they kept killing people

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