Illegal Employer Problem

Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
My goodness...….(sarcasm on) if you prevent businesses from hiring them, aren't you engaging in institutional racism against brown people?(sarcasm off) If the government were to enforce those laws, they will be met with the same protests from liberals/Democrats of conservative racism. If you argue for open borders, the last thing you want to see happen is limiting jobs.

Look, I believe companies who hire illegals should be held accountable, but that isn't the end all be all for stopping illegal immigration. Would it help? Sure. Is it the cure? No. You'll never get Democrats in Congress to agree to support "racist" laws. The truth is, they want them here to build a new majority base. We give you citizenship, we give you healthcare, we give you free education and all we ask for in return is your vote. What they don't realize is that when they build this new majority, they will end up being booted from office and the party they seek to preserve will become a different party.

You are wrong on sooooo many levels. The government has NO authority to penalize an employer for giving a job to the person the employer deems to be the best employee.

If not for an ILLEGAL ACT by the United States Supreme Court in 1875, the federal government would not be involved in the issue of who the employer hires relative to foreigners. That is wholly a states rights issue. For the anti-immigrants to wail and bitch about the "Rule of Law," they don't give a rip when the government helps the anti-immigrant cause at the expense of any "Rule of Law."

The reality is, the globalists want a one world, one race, one religion society that is easily led around. What you are lobbying for is exactly the same thing the Democrat leadership wants. They simply sent in Donnie the Dictator to confuse you. I keep posting this, but the anti-immigrant types cannot see how they are being played:

How do you suppose the Ds and the Rs changed places? They didn't. The Democrats simply conned the Republicans into making this specious argument that Republicans are bigger negrophilists - one world, one race religionists than the Democrats are. So, the Democrats are using Trump (with his knowledge and permission of course) to pull the hood over your eyes (pun intended) and make this an absolute POLICE STATE. The build the wall guys get on this board every day with their hatred of the Constitution and a phony "Rule of Law" argument while helping the Democrats turn America into a socialist cesspool.

You want to punish employers for giving a job they created (and the employer OWNS) to someone besides an American? WTH? When the government owns and controls the jobs, that is called SOCIALISM. Where in the Hell were you people when civics classes talked about property Rights???

You are the master of your own destiny. Boycott the little brown people and American companies that cater to them. Vote with your wallet and your pocket book. Don't think the government can save you from yourself with small doses of socialism.
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
My goodness...….(sarcasm on) if you prevent businesses from hiring them, aren't you engaging in institutional racism against brown people?(sarcasm off) If the government were to enforce those laws, they will be met with the same protests from liberals/Democrats of conservative racism. If you argue for open borders, the last thing you want to see happen is limiting jobs.

Look, I believe companies who hire illegals should be held accountable, but that isn't the end all be all for stopping illegal immigration. Would it help? Sure. Is it the cure? No. You'll never get Democrats in Congress to agree to support "racist" laws. The truth is, they want them here to build a new majority base. We give you citizenship, we give you healthcare, we give you free education and all we ask for in return is your vote. What they don't realize is that when they build this new majority, they will end up being booted from office and the party they seek to preserve will become a different party.

That is just your right wing talking point.

A. We want them here because they will vote Democratic. BS. In fact if you weren't calling them murderers and rapist, hispanic people are very fucking conservative.
B. Going after illegal employers isn't the cure. Yes it is. Going after illegal immigrants is like playing wack a mole. If you go after illegal employers and they stop, the problems go home. We used to have migrants come here, pick fruit and veggies, then go home after the season was over. No one EVER minded that. Those were jobs Americans wouldn't do. But then during the time of Reagan he signaled to employers that there wouldn't be penalties for illegal employers. Soon Mexicans were coming here to do landscaping, construction, home remodeling, janitor, maid services, etc.... In other words jobs Americans were doing.

No liberal is going to cry if you start going after illegal employers. The fact is, Republicans won't even discuss illegal employers. They can't. This is why what Trump is doing is just a fucking con game. Until I see them penalizing illegal employers, I won't believe he is serious about fixing the problem. Don't build a wall they'll just climb over or dig under in order to go work for the illegal employers who are what is luring them here.
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
My goodness...….(sarcasm on) if you prevent businesses from hiring them, aren't you engaging in institutional racism against brown people?(sarcasm off) If the government were to enforce those laws, they will be met with the same protests from liberals/Democrats of conservative racism. If you argue for open borders, the last thing you want to see happen is limiting jobs.

Look, I believe companies who hire illegals should be held accountable, but that isn't the end all be all for stopping illegal immigration. Would it help? Sure. Is it the cure? No. You'll never get Democrats in Congress to agree to support "racist" laws. The truth is, they want them here to build a new majority base. We give you citizenship, we give you healthcare, we give you free education and all we ask for in return is your vote. What they don't realize is that when they build this new majority, they will end up being booted from office and the party they seek to preserve will become a different party.

You are wrong on sooooo many levels. The government has NO authority to penalize an employer for giving a job to the person the employer deems to be the best employee.

If not for an ILLEGAL ACT by the United States Supreme Court in 1875, the federal government would not be involved in the issue of who the employer hires relative to foreigners. That is wholly a states rights issue. For the anti-immigrants to wail and bitch about the "Rule of Law," they don't give a rip when the government helps the anti-immigrant cause at the expense of any "Rule of Law."

The reality is, the globalists want a one world, one race, one religion society that is easily led around. What you are lobbying for is exactly the same thing the Democrat leadership wants. They simply sent in Donnie the Dictator to confuse you. I keep posting this, but the anti-immigrant types cannot see how they are being played:

How do you suppose the Ds and the Rs changed places? They didn't. The Democrats simply conned the Republicans into making this specious argument that Republicans are bigger negrophilists - one world, one race religionists than the Democrats are. So, the Democrats are using Trump (with his knowledge and permission of course) to pull the hood over your eyes (pun intended) and make this an absolute POLICE STATE. The build the wall guys get on this board every day with their hatred of the Constitution and a phony "Rule of Law" argument while helping the Democrats turn America into a socialist cesspool.

You want to punish employers for giving a job they created (and the employer OWNS) to someone besides an American? WTH? When the government owns and controls the jobs, that is called SOCIALISM. Where in the Hell were you people when civics classes talked about property Rights???

You are the master of your own destiny. Boycott the little brown people and American companies that cater to them. Vote with your wallet and your pocket book. Don't think the government can save you from yourself with small doses of socialism.

If illegal employers are afraid of the penalties, they won't hire illegal workers who aren't supposed to be here.

Did you file for a HB1 visa before you hired them? You're supposed to prove to the government that you tried but couldn't find any Americans to do the job before you start outsourcing.

Can I buy my drugs from Canada? Why not? How come I'm forced to buy from an American drug manufacturer? I should be able to go outside the United States to get my drugs.
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
My goodness...….(sarcasm on) if you prevent businesses from hiring them, aren't you engaging in institutional racism against brown people?(sarcasm off) If the government were to enforce those laws, they will be met with the same protests from liberals/Democrats of conservative racism. If you argue for open borders, the last thing you want to see happen is limiting jobs.

Look, I believe companies who hire illegals should be held accountable, but that isn't the end all be all for stopping illegal immigration. Would it help? Sure. Is it the cure? No. You'll never get Democrats in Congress to agree to support "racist" laws. The truth is, they want them here to build a new majority base. We give you citizenship, we give you healthcare, we give you free education and all we ask for in return is your vote. What they don't realize is that when they build this new majority, they will end up being booted from office and the party they seek to preserve will become a different party.

You are wrong on sooooo many levels. The government has NO authority to penalize an employer for giving a job to the person the employer deems to be the best employee.

If not for an ILLEGAL ACT by the United States Supreme Court in 1875, the federal government would not be involved in the issue of who the employer hires relative to foreigners. That is wholly a states rights issue. For the anti-immigrants to wail and bitch about the "Rule of Law," they don't give a rip when the government helps the anti-immigrant cause at the expense of any "Rule of Law."

The reality is, the globalists want a one world, one race, one religion society that is easily led around. What you are lobbying for is exactly the same thing the Democrat leadership wants. They simply sent in Donnie the Dictator to confuse you. I keep posting this, but the anti-immigrant types cannot see how they are being played:

How do you suppose the Ds and the Rs changed places? They didn't. The Democrats simply conned the Republicans into making this specious argument that Republicans are bigger negrophilists - one world, one race religionists than the Democrats are. So, the Democrats are using Trump (with his knowledge and permission of course) to pull the hood over your eyes (pun intended) and make this an absolute POLICE STATE. The build the wall guys get on this board every day with their hatred of the Constitution and a phony "Rule of Law" argument while helping the Democrats turn America into a socialist cesspool.

You want to punish employers for giving a job they created (and the employer OWNS) to someone besides an American? WTH? When the government owns and controls the jobs, that is called SOCIALISM. Where in the Hell were you people when civics classes talked about property Rights???

You are the master of your own destiny. Boycott the little brown people and American companies that cater to them. Vote with your wallet and your pocket book. Don't think the government can save you from yourself with small doses of socialism.

If illegal employers are afraid of the penalties, they won't hire illegal workers who aren't supposed to be here.

Did you file for a HB1 visa before you hired them? You're supposed to prove to the government that you tried but couldn't find any Americans to do the job before you start outsourcing.

Can I buy my drugs from Canada? Why not? How come I'm forced to buy from an American drug manufacturer? I should be able to go outside the United States to get my drugs.

Bullshit. The government has criminalized drugs. Most of it is felonies. Does that stop it? Do you know why? Most people feel they own their bodies and it is none of your business what they do with it.

If the government comes down on businesses, they simply relocate to other countries that won't screw with them. Instead of penalizing them, you could incentivize them. When Trump gave tax breaks to businesses for no reason, that was stupidity. IF he were not a globalist and cared about you, he would have made businesses EARN their tax breaks:

* A tax break for employers who hire an ALL American staff
* Tax breaks to take people off unemployment, welfare, and disability
* Tax breaks to bring jobs to the United States
* Tax breaks for employers who start their employees off at a wage that is a given percentage over poverty level

Employers own the jobs they create. Penalizing them to enforce racist laws enacted by Democrats is freaking hilarious - especially when it's Trump supporters advocating it.
Federal law allows for the forfeiture of assets of those hiring undocumented aliens. But of course this administration would rather squander resources by keeping people in cages.
Federal law allows for the forfeiture of assets of those hiring undocumented aliens. But of course this administration would rather squander resources by keeping people in cages.
There is no express immigration clause and we should not be losing money on border policy with a Commerce Clause and welfare clause General.
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
My goodness...….(sarcasm on) if you prevent businesses from hiring them, aren't you engaging in institutional racism against brown people?(sarcasm off) If the government were to enforce those laws, they will be met with the same protests from liberals/Democrats of conservative racism. If you argue for open borders, the last thing you want to see happen is limiting jobs.

Look, I believe companies who hire illegals should be held accountable, but that isn't the end all be all for stopping illegal immigration. Would it help? Sure. Is it the cure? No. You'll never get Democrats in Congress to agree to support "racist" laws. The truth is, they want them here to build a new majority base. We give you citizenship, we give you healthcare, we give you free education and all we ask for in return is your vote. What they don't realize is that when they build this new majority, they will end up being booted from office and the party they seek to preserve will become a different party.

That is just your right wing talking point.

A. We want them here because they will vote Democratic. BS. In fact if you weren't calling them murderers and rapist, hispanic people are very fucking conservative.
B. Going after illegal employers isn't the cure. Yes it is. Going after illegal immigrants is like playing wack a mole. If you go after illegal employers and they stop, the problems go home. We used to have migrants come here, pick fruit and veggies, then go home after the season was over. No one EVER minded that. Those were jobs Americans wouldn't do. But then during the time of Reagan he signaled to employers that there wouldn't be penalties for illegal employers. Soon Mexicans were coming here to do landscaping, construction, home remodeling, janitor, maid services, etc.... In other words jobs Americans were doing.

No liberal is going to cry if you start going after illegal employers. The fact is, Republicans won't even discuss illegal employers. They can't. This is why what Trump is doing is just a fucking con game. Until I see them penalizing illegal employers, I won't believe he is serious about fixing the problem. Don't build a wall they'll just climb over or dig under in order to go work for the illegal employers who are what is luring them here.
Bovine feces. It is simply another arrow in the liberal quiver to falsely claim conservatives as racist and if you can't see that, you are willfully blind. Let's say that legislation is written to penalize employers, how many Democrats are going to vote for it and how many are going to say it's a racist ploy to deny "brown people" the American dream? I can tell you which way that will fall and if you were honest, you'd admit it. Democrats aren't promising free shit out of altruism. It's designed to replace the base they've grown ashamed of and are trying to drive away. If you're a Democrat, you need to look in the mirror and see if you look anything like the bitter clingers Obama dismissed or the deplorables Hillary dismissed. Tell me, how can they tell who is and who isn't? Sure, you look in the mirror and say, "I'm not deplorable. I'm not xenophobic, homophobic, racist, etc." But your own party leadership sees you that way and they are building a new base that doesn't include you. They'll gladly take your vote as a useful idiot, but they will give you the same treatment Biden is getting by the new kids on the block. YOU are not part of their future.
Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
My goodness...….(sarcasm on) if you prevent businesses from hiring them, aren't you engaging in institutional racism against brown people?(sarcasm off) If the government were to enforce those laws, they will be met with the same protests from liberals/Democrats of conservative racism. If you argue for open borders, the last thing you want to see happen is limiting jobs.

Look, I believe companies who hire illegals should be held accountable, but that isn't the end all be all for stopping illegal immigration. Would it help? Sure. Is it the cure? No. You'll never get Democrats in Congress to agree to support "racist" laws. The truth is, they want them here to build a new majority base. We give you citizenship, we give you healthcare, we give you free education and all we ask for in return is your vote. What they don't realize is that when they build this new majority, they will end up being booted from office and the party they seek to preserve will become a different party.

You are wrong on sooooo many levels. The government has NO authority to penalize an employer for giving a job to the person the employer deems to be the best employee.

If not for an ILLEGAL ACT by the United States Supreme Court in 1875, the federal government would not be involved in the issue of who the employer hires relative to foreigners. That is wholly a states rights issue. For the anti-immigrants to wail and bitch about the "Rule of Law," they don't give a rip when the government helps the anti-immigrant cause at the expense of any "Rule of Law."

The reality is, the globalists want a one world, one race, one religion society that is easily led around. What you are lobbying for is exactly the same thing the Democrat leadership wants. They simply sent in Donnie the Dictator to confuse you. I keep posting this, but the anti-immigrant types cannot see how they are being played:

How do you suppose the Ds and the Rs changed places? They didn't. The Democrats simply conned the Republicans into making this specious argument that Republicans are bigger negrophilists - one world, one race religionists than the Democrats are. So, the Democrats are using Trump (with his knowledge and permission of course) to pull the hood over your eyes (pun intended) and make this an absolute POLICE STATE. The build the wall guys get on this board every day with their hatred of the Constitution and a phony "Rule of Law" argument while helping the Democrats turn America into a socialist cesspool.

You want to punish employers for giving a job they created (and the employer OWNS) to someone besides an American? WTH? When the government owns and controls the jobs, that is called SOCIALISM. Where in the Hell were you people when civics classes talked about property Rights???

You are the master of your own destiny. Boycott the little brown people and American companies that cater to them. Vote with your wallet and your pocket book. Don't think the government can save you from yourself with small doses of socialism.

If illegal employers are afraid of the penalties, they won't hire illegal workers who aren't supposed to be here.

Did you file for a HB1 visa before you hired them? You're supposed to prove to the government that you tried but couldn't find any Americans to do the job before you start outsourcing.

Can I buy my drugs from Canada? Why not? How come I'm forced to buy from an American drug manufacturer? I should be able to go outside the United States to get my drugs.

Since I don't owe anyone a job AND let me repeat: THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT DOES NOT HAVE ANY CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO TELL ME WHO I CAN AND CANNOT HIRE, THEN I DON'T WORRY ABOUT PAPERWORK. There is a wide berth of difference between power and authority.

From what I infer (and you can correct me if I'm wrong) you think I'm too stupid to know there are a lot of statutes that say you can do this and can't do that relative to foreigners. The reality is, those unconstitutional laws, forced into law by Democrats, and with the intent to dilute the white vote, have as much meaning to me as the Constitution had to the younger George Bush (who referred to the Constitution as just a "god damned piece of paper.")

Anybody that would tell you I don't love my country is a liar and a coward. NONE of them have sweated more, sacrificed more, and put their lives on the line any more times than I have for this country. I can tell you what it's like to be beat; I can tell you what it's like to be shot at; I can tell you what it's like to be tortured; I can tell you what it feels like to face the so - called "Patriot Act" with no Due Process and my very life on the line. I don't owe any man out there any more than I've already given.

What you need to do is get off your high horse and ask yourself what YOU'VE done for this country. I offer jobs and help people locked out of the system to find jobs. I save a lot of poor people from losing their homes. Unfortunately, MANY Americans are drug addicts with no education, no skill sets, no work ethic, no driver's license, and not even a work history... going into their 30s and beyond. They have a criminal record, lots of tattoos, body piercings, a smoking habit, a drinking habit.... and a mortal enemy that I cannot compete against - and that would be their mother.

Mothers got their kids hooked on drugs at a young age, divorced the father, and treat their kids like little children well into middle age. They encourage grown men to live with mommy, never work a job, suck off the welfare teat, and be human parasites. They are in my family and they are in your family. These people do not contribute a damn thing to society - and unless you want to go with me and drag their sorry asses out of the house and FORCE them to work, then you got the wrong guy to try and shame. You might want to try these women who are enabling their kids that are now in their 20s, 30s and 40s to sit on their ass and not work or get a job.

I don't like the situation. I give people who say they can't get a job because they don't have a high school diploma or they have a criminal record opportunities. They'd rather sit on their ass and the reality is America doesn't operate when the posterity of the founders are lazy ass mother fuckers and dope dealers are swarming all over Dictator Donnie as if he hung the moon, falsely thinking he's against foreign laborers. So, you run the businesses out, provide a safe haven for dope addicts, and think we can remain a superpower on the world scene??? Ain't gonna happen.

Clean up your own culture. Complain about the lack of young white men without an education, tell them to clean up their act, and dress like human beings instead of circus clowns. They need a GED, a life coach and they need to get the Hell out of mommy's house. They don't need more weed or heroin - not even cigarettes and booze. They need my size 9 1/2 boot stuck in their ass so that they are motivated to move. But, for those pumping drugs into society, enabling the lazy to remain lazy have NO room to criticize me for hiring people on the basis of whether they will show up and DO the job.

And if you want drugs, you shouldn't have to go to Canada and there is no sound constitutional reason why you shouldn't be able to buy drugs from another country. All that is really amounts to drug dealers with legal licenses protecting their turf from competition.
Federal law allows for the forfeiture of assets of those hiring undocumented aliens. But of course this administration would rather squander resources by keeping people in cages.
There is no express immigration clause and we should not be losing money on border policy with a Commerce Clause and welfare clause General.

You need some new material. BTW, is this some of that practice so that you don't forget your standard canard?
Federal law allows for the forfeiture of assets of those hiring undocumented aliens. But of course this administration would rather squander resources by keeping people in cages.
There is no express immigration clause and we should not be losing money on border policy with a Commerce Clause and welfare clause General.

You need some new material. BTW, is this some of that practice so that you don't forget your standard canard?
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.
Federal law allows for the forfeiture of assets of those hiring undocumented aliens. But of course this administration would rather squander resources by keeping people in cages.
There is no express immigration clause and we should not be losing money on border policy with a Commerce Clause and welfare clause General.

You need some new material. BTW, is this some of that practice so that you don't forget your standard canard?
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
Federal law allows for the forfeiture of assets of those hiring undocumented aliens. But of course this administration would rather squander resources by keeping people in cages.
There is no express immigration clause and we should not be losing money on border policy with a Commerce Clause and welfare clause General.

You need some new material. BTW, is this some of that practice so that you don't forget your standard canard?
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.
Federal law allows for the forfeiture of assets of those hiring undocumented aliens. But of course this administration would rather squander resources by keeping people in cages.
There is no express immigration clause and we should not be losing money on border policy with a Commerce Clause and welfare clause General.

You need some new material. BTW, is this some of that practice so that you don't forget your standard canard?
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
There is no express immigration clause and we should not be losing money on border policy with a Commerce Clause and welfare clause General.

You need some new material. BTW, is this some of that practice so that you don't forget your standard canard?
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
what, some right wing fantasy site?
There is no express immigration clause and we should not be losing money on border policy with a Commerce Clause and welfare clause General.

You need some new material. BTW, is this some of that practice so that you don't forget your standard canard?
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
Show us the express immigration clause, don't imply it, right wingers.
You need some new material. BTW, is this some of that practice so that you don't forget your standard canard?
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
Show us the express immigration clause, don't imply it, right wingers.

You are freaking paranoid. Everybody that knows you're a fruit loop are not necessarily right wingers.
You need some new material. BTW, is this some of that practice so that you don't forget your standard canard?
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
what, some right wing fantasy site?

No sir, a left wing pabulum puking site.
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
Show us the express immigration clause, don't imply it, right wingers.

You are freaking paranoid. Everybody that knows you're a fruit loop are not necessarily right wingers.
ad hominems as as non sequiturs are usually termed and styled, non-responsive, in more serious and less frivolous venues.
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
what, some right wing fantasy site?

No sir, a left wing pabulum puking site. i expect you to be more serious than Any wo-man about a something, really really serious.

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