Illegal Employer Problem

Republicans like to blame bleeding heart liberals for illegal immigration. But the fact is, if people weren't hiring them, they'd go home. Who's hiring them? Small business owners? Aren't they typically Republicans?

Here are three great articles on the subject: - Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind) - Illegal Workers: the Con's Secret Weapon - Reclaiming the Issues: "It's an Illegal Employer Problem"
Illegal Democrat politician problem is what we have.
All need is Standing. There is no provision for excuses in the federal doctrine.

If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
what, some right wing fantasy site?

No sir, a left wing pabulum puking site.
go ahead and pm me the site.
If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
what, some right wing fantasy site?

No sir, a left wing pabulum puking site. i expect you to be more serious than Any wo-man about a something, really really serious.

WTF are you babbling about after calling dudes "dear"? You are a girlie boy.
If that means anything, it is only to you. Se habla Ingles?
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
Show us the express immigration clause, don't imply it, right wingers.

You are freaking paranoid. Everybody that knows you're a fruit loop are not necessarily right wingers.
ad hominems as as non sequiturs are usually termed and styled, non-responsive, in more serious and less frivolous venues.

LMFAO, You just stole the right wing deflections to attack me with.You are the funniest comedian on this entire board. I give this silly performance by you a two thumbs up. Trump is so proud of you right now, he's masturbating and rereading the string of right wing deflections that are code for - you don't have shit, so you'll just a bunch of code words from the right. LOL ROTF LMFAO. Great job there dannyboy.
Before I landed the great corporate gig I have now I worked for a guy just lik you. He had a small business and he helped people who needed work but he payed very little.

I appreciated the job and it was my fault for taking it but I needed the work. He sort of lied about commissions and kept raising the sales goals, thus keeping me pretty much never making nothing, while growing his business.

But, it was my fault for taking the job. He kept saying show me what you got but never wanted to pay off.

Anyways, long story short is he also wrote me a great letter of recommendation that got me this great corporate gig. Good thing I left on good terms.

So in some ways I appreciate him and you, and part of me wants to kick you in the balls.

P.s. I treat small businesses differently than I do corporations. The Fortune 500s who have extreme out of control ceo pay. Those workers need to organize.

My brother is a 3rd level vote and he makes $800,000 a year. Ridiculous.

I still pay more than any other employer doing the same jobs.

The point is not that you are a bad person.

The point is that the market is effected by an excess of labor supply driving down the price.

You do realize that my take on economics is supported by a man who won a Nobel in economics, right?

If he doesn't believe that an excess of supply drives down prices, he was/is full of shit.

Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.
I asked lots of questions. I note that you are not denying my conclusion, nor offering any alternate.

I saw a lot of accusations. What, exactly, is it that you want to know?

There were no accusations. Your evasion is noted.

You're the one copping out. Is there something you really want to know about me? Ask your question (s) I will try to get to them tomorrow.

We already covered that ground, and I made my points. They are right there in the thread if you want to correct them.

Like I said, if you had a question, you would ask it. Making silly accusations is a waste of bandwidth and sheer arrogance on your part. You presume to read my mind and tell others what I think.

I have no questions. I asked all the questions already. I was just telling seely about what I learned.
I saw a lot of accusations. What, exactly, is it that you want to know?

There were no accusations. Your evasion is noted.

You're the one copping out. Is there something you really want to know about me? Ask your question (s) I will try to get to them tomorrow.

We already covered that ground, and I made my points. They are right there in the thread if you want to correct them.

Like I said, if you had a question, you would ask it. Making silly accusations is a waste of bandwidth and sheer arrogance on your part. You presume to read my mind and tell others what I think.

I have no questions. I asked all the questions already. I was just telling seely about what I learned.

Either you didn't learn anything OR you fed the other poster a line of shit to keep from hiding who and what YOU are.
I still pay more than any other employer doing the same jobs.

The point is not that you are a bad person.

The point is that the market is effected by an excess of labor supply driving down the price.

You do realize that my take on economics is supported by a man who won a Nobel in economics, right?

If he doesn't believe that an excess of supply drives down prices, he was/is full of shit.

Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.
I still pay more than any other employer doing the same jobs.

The point is not that you are a bad person.

The point is that the market is effected by an excess of labor supply driving down the price.

You do realize that my take on economics is supported by a man who won a Nobel in economics, right?

If he doesn't believe that an excess of supply drives down prices, he was/is full of shit.

Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.

You haven't made a point. All you have done on this board is to try intimidate me and harass me. All you've done is stuff you are too chickenshit to do to people in public for obvious reasons.

Your punk ass don't know anything about me, but I can tell you one damn thing that is FACT: I've made more sacrifices for this country, spilled more blood, put myself in harm's way and given more than you ever could or would.

For you to lie about me, misrepresent my position, and think that you have the right to judge me is beyond any words I can post on the Internet. When I want to make the kind of comments to anyone that you have to me, it is done face to face and for a damn good reason. I don't pretend to be Dr. Phil on the Internet just to piss someone off for telling the truth.

The truth is, America was founded for the benefit of white people. They were instilled with a false guilt complex. So, now both sides want you to believe that they are the more dedicated negrophilists and to Hell with their own culture. They don't want to be called racists.

Meanwhile, people such as yourself, come onto the Internet and think that you can browbeat people into believing the fairy tales that you believe. There is one important element that you forget:

Back when all this anti-immigrant bullshit started, I already had a couple of decades of actual experience in think tanks working with the people who made up the talking points that you spew. Hell, some of it is my own work. THEN, to make damn sure nobody could call me racist, prejudiced or any of the other emotion laden buzz words the left likes to bandy about, I worked in immigration law... for six years.

Ultimately, all I could understand about people like you is that they are consistently wrong. What I see are lazy ass white people who have lowered themselves into the worship of drugs. America consumes over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; we have more heroin addicts than anywhere on this planet. Some of the people on your side, financing your losing war are drug dealers. One of my biggest critics on this very board claims to be a "legal" pot seller.

Rarely does a week go by that I'm not in some guy's house and I point to his mother and tell him, "that is the biggest enemy you have." Mommy brought her baby up thinking that drugs were necessary to get by from day to day. She mollycoddles him and allows him to stay at her house for free and he draws money from the welfare dole - usually a couple hundred bucks a month on a debit card for food. The mothers are telling me their sons contribute by putting food on the table. To which I say bullshit. That's my money your kid is using to put that food on the table.

The only people who don't have a job in my neighborhood are those that don't want a job. Virtually all of those are white males that smoke weed, waste their money on drugs, tattoos and body piercings while thinking Donald Trump (who is playing the right) is God. They're like you. They don't contribute a damn thing to their own welfare NOR to their country. I offer jobs to people and virtually all the work I do is in poor neighborhoods. I want to tell you a little fact:

A subcontractor offered me 25 percent of the net on any job I could refer him to. I declined the offer. I told him if I refer a job to him, he gives me $30 and charges the customer 20 percent less than if he is in neighborhoods with houses costing $200,000 and up. I get to verify it of course. I'm about helping people in the poor neighborhoods.

In order for the wheels of progress to turn, somebody has to work. I offer jobs and outright tell you I give preference to white males since I'd like to see the posterity of America reclaim their Rights. You don't have a smart ass comeback to that. But, in your little world of a government God, that is probably among the most egregious "crimes" I can commit. It's considered worse than raping a white woman. When people need their homes worked on and cannot afford some stupid jackass charging $985 an hour for doing stuff a monkey with a pipe wrench can do, I'll gladly pay the monkey and let Redneck Bubba worry about how to finance a lavish lifestyle he's living. You don't seem to get it. Many of the people I help sometimes have to choose between fixing their house (because the county will shut you down for the smallest infractions) or buying their medicines.

I own the jobs I create. When "Americans" don't show up, I gladly hire the foreigner. I don't work for the government. I'm not one of their agents, bitches, snitches, or tax collectors. IF / when the "Americans" in my neighborhood want to go back to work, build this community I'll sacrifice all I can to help them. But, there is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth that is going to tell me who I can hire. I'm going to keep my home going and when other people are in a bind, I'm going to help them. I want the posterity of the founders to rebuild their country, but I can't beat them into it. Well, I can beat 'em, but they would run off to Uncle Scam and I'd be in trouble and they'd still be worthless pieces of shit... from what you're written about me, they're probably people you'd get along with.
The point is not that you are a bad person.

The point is that the market is effected by an excess of labor supply driving down the price.

You do realize that my take on economics is supported by a man who won a Nobel in economics, right?

If he doesn't believe that an excess of supply drives down prices, he was/is full of shit.

Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.
The point is not that you are a bad person.

The point is that the market is effected by an excess of labor supply driving down the price.

You do realize that my take on economics is supported by a man who won a Nobel in economics, right?

If he doesn't believe that an excess of supply drives down prices, he was/is full of shit.

Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.

You haven't made a point. All you have done on this board is to try intimidate me and harass me. All you've done is stuff you are too chickenshit to do to people in public for obvious reasons.

Your punk ass don't know anything about me, but I can tell you one damn thing that is FACT: I've made more sacrifices for this country, spilled more blood, put myself in harm's way and given more than you ever could or would.

For you to lie about me, misrepresent my position, and think that you have the right to judge me is beyond any words I can post on the Internet. When I want to make the kind of comments to anyone that you have to me, it is done face to face and for a damn good reason. I don't pretend to be Dr. Phil on the Internet just to piss someone off for telling the truth.

The truth is, America was founded for the benefit of white people. .....h.

Yeah, I stopped reading there.

I'm not trying to harass you, nor intimidate you. I made a comment to Seely ABOUT you, sharing my conclusion about you.
You do realize that my take on economics is supported by a man who won a Nobel in economics, right?

If he doesn't believe that an excess of supply drives down prices, he was/is full of shit.

Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.
You do realize that my take on economics is supported by a man who won a Nobel in economics, right?

If he doesn't believe that an excess of supply drives down prices, he was/is full of shit.

Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.

You haven't made a point. All you have done on this board is to try intimidate me and harass me. All you've done is stuff you are too chickenshit to do to people in public for obvious reasons.

Your punk ass don't know anything about me, but I can tell you one damn thing that is FACT: I've made more sacrifices for this country, spilled more blood, put myself in harm's way and given more than you ever could or would.

For you to lie about me, misrepresent my position, and think that you have the right to judge me is beyond any words I can post on the Internet. When I want to make the kind of comments to anyone that you have to me, it is done face to face and for a damn good reason. I don't pretend to be Dr. Phil on the Internet just to piss someone off for telling the truth.

The truth is, America was founded for the benefit of white people. .....h.

Yeah, I stopped reading there.

I'm not trying to harass you, nor intimidate you. I made a comment to Seely ABOUT you, sharing my conclusion about you.

You can stop wherever you like. Seely might read up on you now. If not him, somebody whose opinion you want to influence. The way you present everything, if it is not responded to, then it must be true. So you gave your opinion of me; I returned the favor. It don't matter whether you read it or not. Given your rationale, if you don't address it, then it must be true.
If he doesn't believe that an excess of supply drives down prices, he was/is full of shit.

Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.
If he doesn't believe that an excess of supply drives down prices, he was/is full of shit.

Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.

You haven't made a point. All you have done on this board is to try intimidate me and harass me. All you've done is stuff you are too chickenshit to do to people in public for obvious reasons.

Your punk ass don't know anything about me, but I can tell you one damn thing that is FACT: I've made more sacrifices for this country, spilled more blood, put myself in harm's way and given more than you ever could or would.

For you to lie about me, misrepresent my position, and think that you have the right to judge me is beyond any words I can post on the Internet. When I want to make the kind of comments to anyone that you have to me, it is done face to face and for a damn good reason. I don't pretend to be Dr. Phil on the Internet just to piss someone off for telling the truth.

The truth is, America was founded for the benefit of white people. .....h.

Yeah, I stopped reading there.

I'm not trying to harass you, nor intimidate you. I made a comment to Seely ABOUT you, sharing my conclusion about you.

You can stop wherever you like. Seely might read up on you now. If not him, somebody whose opinion you want to influence. The way you present everything, if it is not responded to, then it must be true. So you gave your opinion of me; I returned the favor. It don't matter whether you read it or not. Given your rationale, if you don't address it, then it must be true.

Seely and I have had MORE back and forth, and MORE disagreement that you and I. He knows me better than YOU do.

So, go ahead, tell him your opinion on me.
Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.
Well, if you read the links I've provided, you know the answer.

not the way it works.

my point stands.

You haven't made a point. All you have done on this board is to try intimidate me and harass me. All you've done is stuff you are too chickenshit to do to people in public for obvious reasons.

Your punk ass don't know anything about me, but I can tell you one damn thing that is FACT: I've made more sacrifices for this country, spilled more blood, put myself in harm's way and given more than you ever could or would.

For you to lie about me, misrepresent my position, and think that you have the right to judge me is beyond any words I can post on the Internet. When I want to make the kind of comments to anyone that you have to me, it is done face to face and for a damn good reason. I don't pretend to be Dr. Phil on the Internet just to piss someone off for telling the truth.

The truth is, America was founded for the benefit of white people. .....h.

Yeah, I stopped reading there.

I'm not trying to harass you, nor intimidate you. I made a comment to Seely ABOUT you, sharing my conclusion about you.

You can stop wherever you like. Seely might read up on you now. If not him, somebody whose opinion you want to influence. The way you present everything, if it is not responded to, then it must be true. So you gave your opinion of me; I returned the favor. It don't matter whether you read it or not. Given your rationale, if you don't address it, then it must be true.

Seely and I have had MORE back and forth, and MORE disagreement that you and I. He knows me better than YOU do.

So, go ahead, tell him your opinion on me.

I did.
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
what, some right wing fantasy site?

No sir, a left wing pabulum puking site. i expect you to be more serious than Any wo-man about a something, really really serious.

WTF are you babbling about after calling dudes "dear"? You are a girlie boy.
i can only, condescend so much.
you only get away with that in totally frivolous venues.

i know you won't try it in a more, superior venue.

Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
Show us the express immigration clause, don't imply it, right wingers.

You are freaking paranoid. Everybody that knows you're a fruit loop are not necessarily right wingers.
ad hominems as as non sequiturs are usually termed and styled, non-responsive, in more serious and less frivolous venues.

LMFAO, You just stole the right wing deflections to attack me with.You are the funniest comedian on this entire board. I give this silly performance by you a two thumbs up. Trump is so proud of you right now, he's masturbating and rereading the string of right wing deflections that are code for - you don't have shit, so you'll just a bunch of code words from the right. LOL ROTF LMFAO. Great job there dannyboy.
show us the express immigration clause, don't imply it, right wingers. Enforce express Naturalization law, right wingers. Don't be illegal to express law.
Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
Show us the express immigration clause, don't imply it, right wingers.

You are freaking paranoid. Everybody that knows you're a fruit loop are not necessarily right wingers.
ad hominems as as non sequiturs are usually termed and styled, non-responsive, in more serious and less frivolous venues.

LMFAO, You just stole the right wing deflections to attack me with.You are the funniest comedian on this entire board. I give this silly performance by you a two thumbs up. Trump is so proud of you right now, he's masturbating and rereading the string of right wing deflections that are code for - you don't have shit, so you'll just a bunch of code words from the right. LOL ROTF LMFAO. Great job there dannyboy.
show us the express immigration clause, don't imply it, right wingers. Enforce express Naturalization law, right wingers. Don't be illegal to express law.

Nobody paid you any attention today, dannyboy?

What are you babbling about? WTF makes you think I'm on the right when they have nothing but contempt for me? Don't you think that B.S. kind of negates the rest of your argument (?) if that is what that bullshit is.

Express, implied... who gives a fuck dannyboy? Who cares? Congress has one duty when it comes to foreigners and that is to pass a uniform Rule of Naturalization (which they did.) The rest was to be left to the states.

I don't understand what you keep yapping about. You need some new material because what you're saying doesn't make a Hell of a lot of sense and hundreds of people have told you that over the years.

Is this shit your whole life? You need to get out and explore the world. Posting the same meaningless words over and over must get monotonous. The fact that you said you had to practice it tells us that you are about two french fries shy of a Happy Meal.
Some new words, no new meaning. I know a debate site if you'd like to PM me and challenge me.
what, some right wing fantasy site?

No sir, a left wing pabulum puking site. i expect you to be more serious than Any wo-man about a something, really really serious.

WTF are you babbling about after calling dudes "dear"? You are a girlie boy.
i can only, condescend so much.

Does someone pay you to be condescending? Is that what your meaningless posts are about? You need some new material. You're doing a shitty job and destroying your own credibility.
what, some right wing fantasy site?

No sir, a left wing pabulum puking site. i expect you to be more serious than Any wo-man about a something, really really serious.

WTF are you babbling about after calling dudes "dear"? You are a girlie boy.
i can only, condescend so much.

Does someone pay you to be condescending? Is that what your meaningless posts are about? You need some new material. You're doing a shitty job and destroying your own credibility.
lol. no, i don't. You need valid arguments not merely ad hominems.
you have no valid rebuttals. you know you Have to lose if we have to get, supreme.
Daniel, I think I agree with you but it's hard to tell because you keep saying shit only you understand.
like what? i usually ask questions until i win my arguments. the right wing is simply too lazy even with their alleged subscription to a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

Here you go again with another riddle I have do decipher. LOL.

Like what? Like you saying this: the right wing is simply too lazy even with their alleged subscription to a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

Age of Iron? Is that a Marvel movie?
just my perception of the right wing.

i have no confidence in their sincerity.

Trump won't go after illegal employers but he will waste taxpayer money putting migrants in prison just to score political points.

Trump Administration Prosecutes Migrant Workers Arrested In Mississippi ICE Raid
Forty-one of the workers face criminal prosecution under immigration laws

Immigration officials rounded up some 680 unauthorized migrants working at the plants

You telling me the company didn't know 680 of their employees were unauthorized? Impossible.

Critics like immigration lawyer David Leopold contend that ICE’s worksite investigations should focus on employers who exploit undocumented labor, rather than on workers.

One of the workers charged with felony reentry had been sent back to Mexico twice in 2006, after getting arrested both times at the border in Calexico, California. After finally making his way past the border, immigration officials arrested him during a 2008 worksite raid of Howard Industries in Laurel, Mississippi. At the time, it was the largest single-state worksite operation in ICE history, with 600 arrests.

Correct me if I'm wrong but Mississippi doesn't have any sanctuary cities right?

Who should be going to jail? The owner of Koch Industries and Howard Industries. Are you trying to tell me Mr. Koch didn't hear about the raid on Howard Industries in 2008?

I read the entire article. Not one mention of going after the illegal employer.
No sir, a left wing pabulum puking site. i expect you to be more serious than Any wo-man about a something, really really serious.

WTF are you babbling about after calling dudes "dear"? You are a girlie boy.
i can only, condescend so much.

Does someone pay you to be condescending? Is that what your meaningless posts are about? You need some new material. You're doing a shitty job and destroying your own credibility.
lol. no, i don't. You need valid arguments not merely ad hominems.

The right wing should teach you how to use those right wing standard talking points, dannyboy. You are trying to switch sides. Saw you recruiting on another site. What militia are you in, BTW?
you have no valid rebuttals. you know you Have to lose if we have to get, supreme.
Daniel, I think I agree with you but it's hard to tell because you keep saying shit only you understand.
like what? i usually ask questions until i win my arguments. the right wing is simply too lazy even with their alleged subscription to a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

Here you go again with another riddle I have do decipher. LOL.

Like what? Like you saying this: the right wing is simply too lazy even with their alleged subscription to a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

Age of Iron? Is that a Marvel movie?
just my perception of the right wing.

i have no confidence in their sincerity.

Trump won't go after illegal employers but he will waste taxpayer money putting migrants in prison just to score political points.

Trump Administration Prosecutes Migrant Workers Arrested In Mississippi ICE Raid
Forty-one of the workers face criminal prosecution under immigration laws

Immigration officials rounded up some 680 unauthorized migrants working at the plants

You telling me the company didn't know 680 of their employees were unauthorized? Impossible.

Critics like immigration lawyer David Leopold contend that ICE’s worksite investigations should focus on employers who exploit undocumented labor, rather than on workers.

One of the workers charged with felony reentry had been sent back to Mexico twice in 2006, after getting arrested both times at the border in Calexico, California. After finally making his way past the border, immigration officials arrested him during a 2008 worksite raid of Howard Industries in Laurel, Mississippi. At the time, it was the largest single-state worksite operation in ICE history, with 600 arrests.

Correct me if I'm wrong but Mississippi doesn't have any sanctuary cities right?

Who should be going to jail? The owner of Koch Industries and Howard Industries. Are you trying to tell me Mr. Koch didn't hear about the raid on Howard Industries in 2008?

I read the entire article. Not one mention of going after the illegal employer.
I think we are wasting money on border policy. Why are we losing money?

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