Illegal kids Have " Lice So Bad They Can Be Seen Crawling Down Their Faces"

The above statement was probably spoken verbatim about the Irish around the late 19th century by white WASP nationalists.

Oh, yes, the gangs of New York, and all...

Still waiting to hear when your going to open your home to all those lice ridden MS 13 kids??

Oh wait. I forgot. Your only generous with other people money and your sure as hell don't want any lice ridden MS 13 killers in your house. Never mine. Your a fucking idiot.

lice is the least of it. try TB, some of them are racked with TB and coughing up blood. what kind of an asshole parent would put a sick kid on top of a train to travel alone for 1000 miles?

No way should we taxpayers foot the bill for these folks. They aren't American and should go back to wherever the hell they came from.

Let there countries deal with em. Just get the hell out of mine. Good God. We have enough people on Welfare in this country and we sure as hell don't need more.

Send the fuckers home.

The above statement was probably spoken verbatim about the Irish around the late 19th century by white WASP nationalists.

Asshole. I'm American and damned proud of it. My Mother was of Irish decent so you can stuff that bullshit right up your fat ass. Idiot.

Oh, so your mother was one of the "******" whites and you want to act sanctimonious??..haha!!!...only on usmb.
Oh, yes, the gangs of New York, and all...

Still waiting to hear when your going to open your home to all those lice ridden MS 13 kids??

Oh wait. I forgot. Your only generous with other people money and your sure as hell don't want any lice ridden MS 13 killers in your house. Never mine. Your a fucking idiot.

Still waiting for your stupidity and propaganda to dissipate so that you can stop lying and saying that these kids are members of ms13.

Yeah, I know you're a RWer and lying comes naturally to you, however you do have a choice not to combine it with willful ignorance.

A recent report on the child migrant crisis from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) includes testimony from several children who came to the US to escape gang violence. Here's 17-year-old Alfonso, explaining why he fled after receiving threats from Mara-18 members at his school:
Children are uniquely vulnerable to gang violence. The street gangs known as "maras" — M-18 and Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13 — target kids for forced recruitment, usually in their early teenage years, but sometimes as young as kindergarten. They also forcibly recruit girls as "girlfriends," a euphemistic term for a non-consensual relationship that involves rape by one or more gang members.
The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

Hey! Do you have proof that there are no gang members? either put up or shut up.
Your ancestors and mine were AMERICANS. These people are not.

Your not the only Indian out there Cochise. My Native American roots go to the Cherokee. Stuff that up your arrrogant ass you prick.

No way should my taxdollar be used for them at all. Send them all back to wherever the hell they came from.

bla bla :lol:
Oh, yes, the gangs of New York, and all...

Still waiting to hear when your going to open your home to all those lice ridden MS 13 kids??

Oh wait. I forgot. Your only generous with other people money and your sure as hell don't want any lice ridden MS 13 killers in your house. Never mine. Your a fucking idiot.

lice is the least of it. try TB, some of them are racked with TB and coughing up blood. what kind of an asshole parent would put a sick kid on top of a train to travel alone for 1000 miles?

Now the aggrieved parents will have another claim against the gringos who caused their precious offspring to die.
You stupid liberals better ask yourself if you really want this disease-ridden vermin in school with YOUR kids.

Report: Illegal Immigrant Children Have Lice So Bad ‘They Can Be Seen Crawling Down’ Their Faces (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

July 7, 2014, 9:38 PM

Todd Starnes told Sean Hannity on FOX News tonight that the illegal immigrant children held at Lackland Air Force base in Oklahoma are bringing diseases into America. The children have tuberculosis, scabies and lice so bad you can see them running down their faces.

“It’s one giant emergency room. They tell me tuberculosis has become a very dangerous issue there. Nurses say the number of children representing symptoms of tuberculosis is ‘simply staggering.’ Spitting up blood, chest pains, constant coughing. There are at least three confirmed cases for the illegals in Austin, Texas… The federal government is covering up the threat of the health crisis. They say the kids have scabies. They also say they have chicken pox. And lice so severe they can be seen crawling down the faces of the children.“
Nazis used to say that about Jews, Gypsies, and Liberals.

What a POS you are.

Just review his posting history, it'll make you gag at the ignorance and racism.
Me, I just discredit and laugh at him.
Oh, yes, the gangs of New York, and all...

Still waiting to hear when your going to open your home to all those lice ridden MS 13 kids??

Oh wait. I forgot. Your only generous with other people money and your sure as hell don't want any lice ridden MS 13 killers in your house. Never mine. Your a fucking idiot.

lice is the least of it. try TB, some of them are racked with TB and coughing up blood. what kind of an asshole parent would put a sick kid on top of a train to travel alone for 1000 miles?
Bullshit. The incidence of TB is no different in the refugee population that it has ever been.

Reports of immigrant children carrying Tuberculosis into U.S.
Still waiting to hear when your going to open your home to all those lice ridden MS 13 kids??

Oh wait. I forgot. Your only generous with other people money and your sure as hell don't want any lice ridden MS 13 killers in your house. Never mine. Your a fucking idiot.

Still waiting for your stupidity and propaganda to dissipate so that you can stop lying and saying that these kids are members of ms13.

Yeah, I know you're a RWer and lying comes naturally to you, however you do have a choice not to combine it with willful ignorance.

A recent report on the child migrant crisis from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) includes testimony from several children who came to the US to escape gang violence. Here's 17-year-old Alfonso, explaining why he fled after receiving threats from Mara-18 members at his school:
Children are uniquely vulnerable to gang violence. The street gangs known as "maras" — M-18 and Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13 — target kids for forced recruitment, usually in their early teenage years, but sometimes as young as kindergarten. They also forcibly recruit girls as "girlfriends," a euphemistic term for a non-consensual relationship that involves rape by one or more gang members.
The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

Hey! Do you have proof that there are no gang members? either put up or shut up.

Hey do you have proof that they are gang members??? Either put up or stfu!!!!
I included a link, the intelligent can read it.

It slipped by you, not surprisingly...
Reports of diseased immigrant children mirror Nazi propaganda
A far more insidious technique employed by writers in anti-immigrant press, however, takes a page out of the Nazi propaganda handbook. It involves using legitimate examples of sick immigrant children with various ailments, some serious, and depicting it as far more widespread and dangerous than it actually is.

The website GOPTheDailyDose ran a story titled “TB Outbreak in Sacramento School Is America’s Future Thanks To Obama’s Open Borders” on July 3. It blames a tuberculosis outbreak in a Sacramento school on immigrants, and attempts to link it to the child refugees held at the border. The inflammatory headline was widely shared on social media, but it is not even remotely true. The student responsible for the TB outbreak was not an immigrant, and had no connection to the refugee children. The outbreak actually began in February, long before the border crisis started. While the source of the tuberculosis is still not known, it should be noted that TB vaccines are widely used in Mexico and Central America, but are not given in the United States. TB in the U.S. tends to originate from Southeast Asia, not Central America as the article suggests.
The “filthy, disease-ridden immigrant” stereotype isn’t particularly new, and while this hysteria over a case of lice may be tearing up social media, its inspiration in Nazi propaganda seems to escape the recollection of those engaging in it. The mere idea that both anti-immigrant stories and Nazi propaganda used identical tactics of lice infestation to demonize their targets should give modern writers pause.

Reports of diseased immigrant children mirror Nazi propaganda | Cafe Con Leche RepublicansCafe Con Leche Republicans
Seems the only disease ridden vermin scurrying around are the posters venturing out from the "racist and racism" section of usmb...

My ancestors could have behaved that way, but instead, they fed the starving Pilgrims. Then, they were rewarded for their compassion and kindness by being killed and robbed.

What a lie. Before the white man came indians were savages living in caves and dying at 35. Now they all have homes and TVs and cars thanks to the welfare provided by whites.
Seems the only disease ridden vermin scurrying around are the posters venturing out from the "racist and racism" section of usmb...

HAHA. The board notes you never addressed the issue and instead made a personal attack on conservative posters. Thanks for admitting we're right.
Still waiting for your stupidity and propaganda to dissipate so that you can stop lying and saying that these kids are members of ms13.

Yeah, I know you're a RWer and lying comes naturally to you, however you do have a choice not to combine it with willful ignorance.

A recent report on the child migrant crisis from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) includes testimony from several children who came to the US to escape gang violence. Here's 17-year-old Alfonso, explaining why he fled after receiving threats from Mara-18 members at his school:
Children are uniquely vulnerable to gang violence. The street gangs known as "maras" — M-18 and Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13 — target kids for forced recruitment, usually in their early teenage years, but sometimes as young as kindergarten. They also forcibly recruit girls as "girlfriends," a euphemistic term for a non-consensual relationship that involves rape by one or more gang members.
The awful reason tens of thousands of children are seeking refuge in the United States - Vox

Hey! Do you have proof that there are no gang members? either put up or shut up.

Hey do you have proof that they are gang members??? Either put up or stfu!!!!
I included a link, the intelligent can read it.

It slipped by you, not surprisingly...

Your link is no proof. Truth is the Feds don't have a clue as to who is here coming across that border, could be Al Qaeda . So take your link and place it where the moon don't shine.

lice is the least of it. try TB, some of them are racked with TB and coughing up blood. what kind of an asshole parent would put a sick kid on top of a train to travel alone for 1000 miles?

The parents are just using their own kids. They send them here expecting obozo will let the kid stay and later let the parents come. They'll all be on welfare the rest of their lives and they'll vote for the welfare party.
Bullshit. The incidence of TB is no different in the refugee population that it has ever been.

Stop calling these criminals refugees. They aren't being persecuted in their home country. They just come here for the freebies of our insane welfare system.
btw, a word to the wise, SS, if you get scabies (and I kind of hope you do), I'm told the only sure cure is suicide.
Got Lice?

No Problamo!!!

Close the border. Start mass deportations. It's not that difficult.

The inscription on the statue of liberty is not a suicide note.
Your ancestors and mine were AMERICANS. These people are not.

Your not the only Indian out there Cochise. My Native American roots go to the Cherokee. Stuff that up your arrogant ass you prick.

No way should my taxdollar be used for them at all. Send them all back to wherever the hell they came from.

Don't be so shy. Tell us how you really feel.
Hey! Do you have proof that there are no gang members? either put up or shut up.

Hey do you have proof that they are gang members??? Either put up or stfu!!!!
I included a link, the intelligent can read it.

It slipped by you, not surprisingly...

Your link is no proof. Truth is the Feds don't have a clue as to who is here coming across that border, could be Al Qaeda . So take your link and place it where the moon don't shine.

AAhhh, so I posted a link to sustain my original statement, which you weren't bright enough to catch.
I instructed you to try harder at attempting to understand what you have read so that even you would notice that the link was there as big as day.

So now you can't discredit my link OR support your original statement of typical.

Run along...

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