Illegal kids Have " Lice So Bad They Can Be Seen Crawling Down Their Faces"

You stupid liberals better ask yourself if you really want this disease-ridden vermin in school with YOUR kids.

Report: Illegal Immigrant Children Have Lice So Bad ‘They Can Be Seen Crawling Down’ Their Faces (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

July 7, 2014, 9:38 PM

Todd Starnes told Sean Hannity on FOX News tonight that the illegal immigrant children held at Lackland Air Force base in Oklahoma are bringing diseases into America. The children have tuberculosis, scabies and lice so bad you can see them running down their faces.

“It’s one giant emergency room. They tell me tuberculosis has become a very dangerous issue there. Nurses say the number of children representing symptoms of tuberculosis is ‘simply staggering.’ Spitting up blood, chest pains, constant coughing. There are at least three confirmed cases for the illegals in Austin, Texas… The federal government is covering up the threat of the health crisis. They say the kids have scabies. They also say they have chicken pox. And lice so severe they can be seen crawling down the faces of the children.“

gawd damn but you are a sad and nasty piece of work.

If left to RWs, children, brown, white, black, all of them, would starve to death in our streets.

More and more, I just despise the right.

There are medications that can help with those voices in your head
"Jacobin"? The bigots give us such delightful insults.

Curing lice in kids in easy. Fixing the maggot-riddled souls of the ugly bigots here, not so much. That's what the fires of hell are for.
"Jacobin"? The bigots give us such delightful insults.

Curing lice in kids in easy. Fixing the maggot-riddled souls of the ugly bigots here, not so much. That's what the fires of hell are for.

You liberals don't care a bit about the kids. You know they'll go on welfare and vote dem the rest of their lives. That's all you care about.
Funny, LEGAL immigrants aren't asking for compassion and a free pass. My last post, ignored, is meant to point out what a fraud illegal immigration IS. Like telemarketers soliciting for money, or E-mails telling of a million dollar lottery prize if only you sent them the deposit of 1000 bucks. ALL immigrants can come here, BUT they had better follow ALL the god damned rules first. That Hungarian guy that is my boss, that Lithuanian gal that is my neighbor, that polish guy that works down at the foam factory...THEY HAD to immigrate legally, they followed all the rules. But these kids? pack them all up and ship them BACK. Don't fall for this game they are playing, nobody else pulls this crap. I am not buying it NOW.

Conveniently forgotten is the fact that most of us who object to this invasion are not opposed to legal immigration. Those are the type of people who strengthen us as a nation. I think that by allowing these criminals to break the law, and rewarding them before legal immigrants have been allowed to come here, we are sending the wrong message...obviously.
All of this could have been avoided if the REPUBLICANS had voted on the bill they agreed to and have had for more than a year.

Tell your R congress-slime to get off his butt and do his job.

Even Rick (oops) Perry asked Obama to do it by exec action because the Rs won't do their jobs.

You bought another lie. Rick Perry did not ask for executive action. He said "Mr. president you have the power unilaterally to order the DOD to put the National Guard on that border." How stupid will democrats like you get?

Selective interpretation?
"Jacobin"? The bigots give us such delightful insults.

Curing lice in kids in easy. Fixing the maggot-riddled souls of the ugly bigots here, not so much. That's what the fires of hell are for.

You liberals don't care a bit about the kids. You know they'll go on welfare and vote dem the rest of their lives. That's all you care about.

I wasn't aware that those who claim to not believe in "god" do happen to believe in "hell".
Be aware that the right is lying about the condition of the refugee children.

Like, they're saying they have ebola. They don't :rolleyes:

Just shows what scum the right is.
All of this could have been avoided if the REPUBLICANS had voted on the bill they agreed to and have had for more than a year.

Tell your R congress-slime to get off his butt and do his job.

Even Rick (oops) Perry asked Obama to do it by exec action because the Rs won't do their jobs.

You bought another lie. Rick Perry did not ask for executive action. He said "Mr. president you have the power unilaterally to order the DOD to put the National Guard on that border." How stupid will democrats like you get?

Yes, actually he did.

But, the little weasel changed his tune pretty quick.

Nonetheless, its time for the pubs do just do their job.

Instead of band aids, they need to vote to close the border.

Anyone wanna bet they won't do it?
Proof that illegal immigration is a major problem.
It certainly is. And this situation is making it clear just how serious the problem is.

In the past we have been insulated from the reality of starving and oppressed children by the barriers of distance, multiple borders, or oceans. But this time the problem has been deposited on our doorstep and what to do with it is one hell of a quandary.

To turn these children away would occur as cruelly apathetic both in the eyes of the world and in our own collective conscience. But to welcome them will set a precedent which we simply cannot accommodate -- because that would initiate a wave of asylum-seeking refugees from every economically depressed nation in the world.

So what to do?
All of this could have been avoided if the REPUBLICANS had voted on the bill they agreed to and have had for more than a year.

Tell your R congress-slime to get off his butt and do his job.

Even Rick (oops) Perry asked Obama to do it by exec action because the Rs won't do their jobs.

You bought another lie. Rick Perry did not ask for executive action. He said "Mr. president you have the power unilaterally to order the DOD to put the National Guard on that border." How stupid will democrats like you get?

Selective interpretation?

You did notice he ignored getting his ass set straight. He'll just keep repeating his stupid lie over and over. :eusa_liar:
You bought another lie. Rick Perry did not ask for executive action. He said "Mr. president you have the power unilaterally to order the DOD to put the National Guard on that border." How stupid will democrats like you get?

Selective interpretation?

You did notice he ignored getting his ass set straight. He'll just keep repeating his stupid lie over and over. :eusa_liar:

Of course he will. It's the lie-du-jour issued by his libtard-socialist masters. It must be repeated lest he lose his dessert card.
Be aware that the right is lying about the condition of the refugee children.

Like, they're saying they have ebola. They don't :rolleyes:

Just shows what scum the right is.

When the Right have nothing, they resort to name calling and attacking children.:mad:

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