Illegal migrants first to get pallets of hard to find baby formula

I’ve found it to be far more useful than any peaceful option.

I don’t believe Love exists outside of the fictional world. I’ve never actually seen an example of it in the world; never mind a useful example of it.
That's because you are not capable of it.
There is nothing to stop women from breast feeding-----medical issues for the baby or mother at times prevent breast feeding, babies now 4 months used to being fed the bottle now aren't going to be getting breast milk from their mothers. And if you think women should just breast fed--then the damn illegals should be breast feeding long before american mothers.
Many women can't do it...either not at all, or they can't make enough milk for a baby. I follow someone on FB whose sister had that problem-her son was in the top 2% of the growth curve since birth and had a metabolism like a furnace. (And he still does.) If she had only nursed him, he might have died.
Have you stupid hicks never heard of 'breastfeeding?
Breast feeding is far better for a baby - especially during his/her first 6 months.

Shit...I cannot get over how dumb you people are.
You're the dumb one. I will use simple words: not all babies can be exclusively breastfed. Talk to a pediatrician and correct your ignorance.
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They were just too lazy to they drama'd it up to save the embarrassment of being too fucking lazy and selfish to breastfeed (which is FAR better for the child than ANY baby formula)..

Every baby in existence before 100 years ago or so was breastfed.
Funny how almost every mother ever back then got by alright.

Tell your bitches online to grow up and stop being drama queens.

We are done here.
You. Are. Fucking. Stupid.

Are you a doctor? Thought not.

Alot of these women are working mothers who can't breastfeed kids at work.
Babies start crying and some of them can't feed them unless they go to a bathroom.
Also, some women's nipples get really sensitive to feeding so they supplement their feeding with baby formula.
And some women simply CANNOT DO IT. They simply cannot make enough milk to nourish a baby-especially with a large baby, twins, or an older mother.
They were just too lazy to they drama'd it up to save the embarrassment of being too fucking lazy and selfish to breastfeed (which is FAR better for the child than ANY baby formula)..

Every baby in existence before 100 years ago or so was breastfed.
Funny how almost every mother ever back then got by alright.

Tell your bitches online to grow up and stop being drama queens.

We are done here.
I nursed three , but lots of women can't. How about you? In the past babies were given goat's milk.
And some women simply CANNOT DO IT. They simply cannot make enough milk to nourish a baby-especially with a large baby, twins, or an older mother.
Selective's Mother Nature's way of improving the species.
Now you know why men love big breastises

I nursed three , but lots of women can't. How about you? In the past babies were given goat's milk.
If you're a woman I'm gonna go easy on you in the future.
Sorry about past posts. I thought you were a guy.
They were just too lazy to they drama'd it up to save the embarrassment of being too fucking lazy and selfish to breastfeed (which is FAR better for the child than ANY baby formula)..

Every baby in existence before 100 years ago or so was breastfed.
Funny how almost every mother ever back then got by alright.

Tell your bitches online to grow up and stop being drama queens.

We are done here.
You really are, an ignorant son of a bitch.

My kid was breast fed for four of the six months. . . his mom had to give it up, she worked light industrial, and could not always get off the line when she needed to pump.

You see, when a woman is lactating, there are several factor that affect the quantity and quality of milk supply,

I won't get into them all, but the two biggest? Are stress, and making sure that they either have the child feed regularly, or the pump at regular intervals. For working mom's that are under a lot of stress, and/or have jobs that cannot accommodate the regular timing that they need to pump? This may not be convenient, can a lot of times can lead to milk running dry.

Now, if you happen to be a stay at home mom, or in a job that is more accommodating, if you have more money, more power, less stress. . this won't be as much of a problem.

But? Your post either belies your extreme ignorance, or your extreme privilege.
No....I'm just organic.
I don't like fighting nature.
There's a reason women with big breasts and big hips are more attractive to men.

At first, I thought you were just trying to be funny. . . but you really are this ignorant, aren't you?

". . .The short answer is no. Although your breasts will likely grow larger before and during your breastfeeding journey, breast size is irrelevant when it comes to how much milk you produce. A mom with small breasts might have just as much milk supply as a mom with large breasts. The amount of milk you produce usually depends on how much your baby feeds – the more they feed, the more milk you’ll naturally produce.. . "
You're's better to let a baby starve. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I didn’t say that now did I? The prudent thing to do is get in touch with the pediatrician and find out what to do…Certainly NOT take advice from anonymous message board trolls that haven’t the first clue what to do.

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