Illegal migrants first to get pallets of hard to find baby formula

None of the criminal invaders babies are breastfed? What did they eat before they crossed the border into Magicland?

Give them a bottle and send them back.
A lot of unknowns here. But if they are in poor physical condition from the journey they might not be able to breast feed. Either way it is irrelevant.

If the state incarcerates a person, they become responsible for them. Most of these people have not yet had their hearings - innocent until proven guilty. Once their appeal to asylum is denied, sure, deport them, but until then we are responsible for them.
A lot of unknowns here. But if they are in poor physical condition from the journey they might not be able to breast feed. Either way it is irrelevant.

If the state incarcerates a person, they become responsible for them. Most of these people have not yet had their hearings - innocent until proven guilty. Once their appeal to asylum is denied, sure, deport them, but until then we are responsible for them.
You've definitely scrapped the very bottom of the barrel to come up with this shit.
No, I have a problem with wokeism gone wild. STFU of FFS lest anyone has given you the benefit of the doubt.
I don't think you know what "wokeism" is, or more likely, it no longer has any consistent definition when you apply it to what has long been regarded as legal responsibility when you incarerate someone. Anyone. Wokeism has nothing to do with it.
They were just too lazy to they drama'd it up to save the embarrassment of being too fucking lazy and selfish to breastfeed (which is FAR better for the child than ANY baby formula)..

Every baby in existence before 100 years ago or so was breastfed.
Funny how almost every mother ever back then got by alright.

Tell your bitches online to grow up and stop being drama queens.

We are done here.
Alot of these women are working mothers who can't breastfeed kids at work.
Babies start crying and some of them can't feed them unless they go to a bathroom.
Also, some women's nipples get really sensitive to feeding so they supplement their feeding with baby formula.
I don't think you know what "wokeism" is, or more likely, it no longer has any consistent definition when you apply it to what has long been regarded as legal responsibility when you incarerate someone. Anyone. Wokeism has nothing to do with it.
Only in woke-world are babies incarcerated. If you take the babies away from their illegal-alien mothers then you are responsible. Otherwise you feed the mother and the mother feeds the baby.

You're a woke dingbat.
A lot of unknowns here. But if they are in poor physical condition from the journey they might not be able to breast feed. Either way it is irrelevant.

If the state incarcerates a person, they become responsible for them. Most of these people have not yet had their hearings - innocent until proven guilty. Once their appeal to asylum is denied, sure, deport them, but until then we are responsible for them.
They aren't incarcerated. Send them back. Send them to Rwanda like the UK.
I agree. If the government wasn't buying up all the formula for the border, then that commodity would be available to ordinary Moms needing to feed their children.

But this nonsense about how we don't consider each baby's life as precious because we want to care of our own first is the lowest form of rhetoric there is.
You know, this whole meme about the "government buying up all the formula for the border", is probably one of the best representation of just what sacks of shit Republicans are. From what I can tell, it all started early THIS MONTH, almost three months after the shortage began. As is often the case, it was a tweet. And that tweet was from none other that Kat Cammack. What a despicable human being.

Now here is the thing, Republicans will beat the shit out of a dead horse, and not give a damn. And they will twist things around, distort reality, and even fabricate shit if they believe it will earn them some votes. In this case, we only have Kat Cammack's word that the photo taken is recent, and I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her, which sure isn't very far.

The tweet goes out, and looks like Stefanick is first on board, after she reads an article from Townhall, even tweeting a picture from Townhall. The picture is of a quite attractive Hispanic woman and her child, a dollar to a damn doughnut a child that doesn't need any baby formula. Next to jump the shark is Governor Abbott. And in less than 48 hours every right wing news site, from Fox to Newsmax, and dozens of idiot Republican representatives, are caterwalling--yeah, good old Southern word, about this bullshit. And even worse, you dumbshit, undeducated, hillbilly ass racist rednecks buy the whole damn think hook, line, and sinker.

So, now to the reality. First, we are talking about a few pallets of baby formula. I can guarantee more baby formula was tossed into dumpsters because it went out of date. Those few pallets are insignificant in the scheme of things. And although I might excuse Cammack, because she is a stupid ass bitch, I don't excuse Abbott or Stefanick. The Biden administration is required BY LAW, to provide baby formula to those infants in their custody if they need it. It is called the Flore's decision. I know it, Abbott knows it, and Stefanick knows it.

And here is the thing, remember how all you Trumpnuts bitched and moaned about the federal government making those six figure payments to illegal immigrants. I mean if it were me, I would assess those payments to Stephen Miller. But it turned out that separating children from their parents was wrong, and the six figure payments were a deal considering court actions were calling for SEVEN FIGURES. Well I am here to tell you, violate Flores, leave some infants hungry, and some seven figure settlements are going to be coming down.

We’re sure the freaks who are clueless will tell you just how un true it all is lmfao.
Orange man bad, and so your deep state whores decided to starve American babies and send your shit to Mexico wasn’t that nice of them. Some day you leftist pigs out there , someday if you are lucky you will figure out just how much YOUR AMERICAN GOVERNMENT HATES YOUR FKN GUTS!!!

Everyone else sees it but you lunatics on the left.

Stop listening to Sean Hannity dumbass.
You know, this whole meme about the "government buying up all the formula for the border", is probably one of the best representation of just what sacks of shit Republicans are. From what I can tell, it all started early THIS MONTH, almost three months after the shortage began. As is often the case, it was a tweet. And that tweet was from none other that Kat Cammack. What a despicable human being.

Now here is the thing, Republicans will beat the shit out of a dead horse, and not give a damn. And they will twist things around, distort reality, and even fabricate shit if they believe it will earn them some votes. In this case, we only have Kat Cammack's word that the photo taken is recent, and I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her, which sure isn't very far.

The tweet goes out, and looks like Stefanick is first on board, after she reads an article from Townhall, even tweeting a picture from Townhall. The picture is of a quite attractive Hispanic woman and her child, a dollar to a damn doughnut a child that doesn't need any baby formula. Next to jump the shark is Governor Abbott. And in less than 48 hours every right wing news site, from Fox to Newsmax, and dozens of idiot Republican representatives, are caterwalling--yeah, good old Southern word, about this bullshit. And even worse, you dumbshit, undeducated, hillbilly ass racist rednecks buy the whole damn think hook, line, and sinker.

So, now to the reality. First, we are talking about a few pallets of baby formula. I can guarantee more baby formula was tossed into dumpsters because it went out of date. Those few pallets are insignificant in the scheme of things. And although I might excuse Cammack, because she is a stupid ass bitch, I don't excuse Abbott or Stefanick. The Biden administration is required BY LAW, to provide baby formula to those infants in their custody if they need it. It is called the Flore's decision. I know it, Abbott knows it, and Stefanick knows it.

And here is the thing, remember how all you Trumpnuts bitched and moaned about the federal government making those six figure payments to illegal immigrants. I mean if it were me, I would assess those payments to Stephen Miller. But it turned out that separating children from their parents was wrong, and the six figure payments were a deal considering court actions were calling for SEVEN FIGURES. Well I am here to tell you, violate Flores, leave some infants hungry, and some seven figure settlements are going to be coming down.
Unkatore, I see you disagree. Grow a set of nuts and show me what was wrong with what I said. A few pallets of baby formula is insignificant. The Biden administration is required, by law, to provide that baby formula. This is what is called a "manufactured crisis". I mean here is a thought, what are the Republican proposals to take care of the infant formula crisis? Any bills proposed in Congress to address the problem? And where the fawk was the Republican party at months ago, when this crisis began to develop? And what about providing flexibility to WIC? Why are there states that still haven't done that? What is up with that?

No issue more clearly represents the Republican's party total disdain for the American people than this one. They provide no answers to the problem. They actually go out of their way to exacerbate the problem simply to provide them with an issue for election day specifically directed toward the mentally challenged. I got to be honest, there is a special place in hell for these assholes.
Wht do you think of begruging food for babies to paying customers, and looting those customers, via taxes, in order to send that food to invaders free of charge?
We are not living in time of food shortage. All children must have food and medical help.
You are an idiot!

"The FDA does not recommend that parents and caregivers make infant formulas at home because of serious health and safety concerns. The potential problems with homemade formulas include contamination and absence of or inadequate amounts of critical nutrients. These problems are very serious, and the consequences range from severe nutritional imbalances to foodborne illnesses, both of which can be life-threatening."

You're's better to let a baby starve. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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