Illegal migrants first to get pallets of hard to find baby formula

Examples of starving people in Texas?

Yes, we've had all kinds of supply chain issues due to the hyping of the pandemic. No one that has a car to wait in line at a food bank - and has a food band to wait in line at - is starving from poverty. A grip, sir! Get one . . .
Yeah, I'm sure they were all out there because it was fun to wait in line for hours on end.

You're as delusional as you are dishonest.
Yeah, I'm sure they were all out there because it was fun to wait in line for hours on end.

You're as delusional as you are dishonest.

Did you listen to story of Erica Compos at 1:54?

"She drives a nice car, and wears stylish eyeglasses over her face mask."

She was doing fine until the pandemic panic hyped up by Fauci, which crashed the economy. Still, she wasn't "starving." I think you misunderstand the meaning of the word.
Not that many. They've decided just to turn them loose as soon as they can be processed.

Here's the deal.....the feds demanded a recall on baby formula over a month ago...and now won't allow the manufacturers to make replacement formula..
So....once again.....Biden caused this and is in no great hurry to fix the problem....claiming he's just trying to be careful.

Abbott's formula killed two babies and got lots sick. Something like 40% of the formula on shelves was recalled.

The recall was necessary.

The regulations limited production for each of the 4 formula manufacturers so they could trace quickly, who was the manufacturer of unsafe product..... This was congress over the years making laws and regulations.

Biden did not stop anyone....the laws did.

Biden is the one who just released the regulation requirement so the other formula manufacturers could make the Abbott formulas recalled, even from Europe I believe???
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We’re sure the freaks who are clueless will tell you just how un true it all is lmfao.
Orange man bad, and so your deep state whores decided to starve American babies and send your shit to Mexico wasn’t that nice of them. Some day you leftist pigs out there , someday if you are lucky you will figure out just how much YOUR AMERICAN GOVERNMENT HATES YOUR FKN GUTS!!!

Everyone else sees it but you lunatics on the left.

Have you stupid hicks never heard of 'breastfeeding?
Breast feeding is far better for a baby - especially during his/her first 6 months.

Shit...I cannot get over how dumb you people are.
Have you stupid hicks never heard of 'breastfeeding?
Breast feeding is far better for a baby - especially during his/her first 6 months.

Shit...I cannot get over how dumb you people are.
Not everyone can breastfeed successfully. Are you a mother?

Abbott's formula killed two babies and got lots sick. Something like 40% of the formula on shelves was recalled.

The recall was necessary.

The regulations limited production for each of the 4 formula manufacturers so they could trace quickly, who was the manufacturer of unsafe product..... This was congress over the years making laws and regulations.

Biden did not stop anyone....the laws did.

Biden is the one who just released the regulation requirement so the other formula manufacturers could make the Abbott formulas recalled.
If you do business with a country that wants to murder your people (China, Russia, Iran) then this sort of thing is going to happen over and over.

Ask yourself why there are only 4 American baby formula companies. Shutting one down results in cutting off 40% of the supply. You can blame BYE-DUMB for that.
Considering the fact that baby formula is bottled in the US but what goes in the bottles is made in China and only lasts for a few months, some of it went bad.
Biden held up the supply with red-tap....of course babies are getting sick off of it.
You can blame Washington for that.
If they're off-shoring manufacturing to China......well....that's also who's to blame.
The reason you can't get a car or a dishwasher is because they only assemble the parts in factories in the U.S.
All the parts are made in China.
Have you stupid hicks never heard of 'breastfeeding?
Breast feeding is far better for a baby - especially during his/her first 6 months.

Shit...I cannot get over how dumb you people are.
I've been talking to a couple of women online and they say breastfeeding was a nightmare for they shifted to baby formula.
Evaporated milk mixed with a little water and carbs or find a goat farm. Lot's of resources. I have no idea how us old folks got by in 1948 without baby formula.
Then tell me Debbie, why are doctors advising against that?
Yea, well I and many others have survived over 70 years without the FDA and I thought on your side the FDA was full of shit.
Whatever the thought about the FDA they hold the power to allow production do they not? So, since they are part of this administration they get the blame.
From the article:

But babies in U.S. government custody need sustenance, too, and their parents don’t have the option of leaving detention to buy supplies. If the government didn’t provide food to the babies in its custody, they would starve.

When you incarcerate people you become responsible for them.
None of the criminal invaders babies are breastfed? What did they eat before they crossed the border into Magicland?

Give them a bottle and send them back.
I guess it's partly because this should have been old news about something that should have been taken in hand months ago....I remember starting a thread a good month or so back how liquid formula was being rationed at my local CVS.

At that time they could still get all the powdered formula that they wanted but now that's gone.
. .. . and BACK THEN, the press should have been investigating WHY?
But no one is doing their jobs anymore. . . we are all in the dark.

This link is from 2011. . .

It makes clear, that the government has procurement programs that have priority in purchasing formula before distribution to public commercial outlets. . .

This link? Shows that one of these government programs supplies it to refugees.

This link, proves Ukrainian relief was authorized as early as January. . .

Why don't we have a press that is actually doing its job anymore?

I actually ran into trying to access an independent press site last night? It would not resolve, I went to the Ron Paul site to find out, the FBI went to one of the journalists of that site in 2020 to harass them. . . things are really getting INSANE!
I've been talking to a couple of women online and they say breastfeeding was a nightmare for they shifted to baby formula.
They were just too lazy to they drama'd it up to save the embarrassment of being too fucking lazy and selfish to breastfeed (which is FAR better for the child than ANY baby formula)..

Every baby in existence before 100 years ago or so was breastfed.
Funny how almost every mother ever back then got by alright.

Tell your bitches online to grow up and stop being drama queens.

We are done here.
Babies get bacterial infections easily and a couple out of 20 million die, another 0.005% Covid like panic, and Biden finds Yet Another Way to punish self supporting Americans by putting them behind the 8 ball Once Again.
Every week or two a new Right wing out rage is put forward and picked up & posted here. some true some half truth some out right lies. No one checks for facts or both sides of the story. Its to keep the anger & hate going, promoted for political party advantage. Do left wing people have their own party propaganda, of course. But no one can stir the pot as well as the the Anti everything crowd.
I thought all lives mattered.
No you dont think that, you feel that
Move somewhere else since you consider babies from another nation who are here in an unlawful and impermissible manner to be able to “butt in line” over American babies
Now go dry your crocodile tears pussyfoot

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