Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

You're getting your information from the same media source that says the wall was cut through using a saw-saw.
Trump is my leader, what ever he says is the truth, what ever he tells me to do, I do, Trump is my god.
You are completely brainwashed by the cult of Trump. Your life is ruined
10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults - Online Psychology Degree Guide
And mainstream media works for the Dems
Trump is my leader, what ever he says is the truth, what ever he tells me to do, I do, Trump is my god. Those who question him are the devil. I will do anything to protect my messiah.

Still no pictures
You're getting your information from the same media source that says the wall was cut through using a saw-saw.
Trump is my leader, what ever he says is the truth, what ever he tells me to do, I do, Trump is my god.
You are completely brainwashed by the cult of Trump. Your life is ruined
10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults - Online Psychology Degree Guide
And mainstream media works for the Dems
Trump is my leader, what ever he says is the truth, what ever he tells me to do, I do, Trump is my god. Those who question him are the devil. I will do anything to protect my messiah.

Still no pictures
View attachment 288020

Midget killer rapist Mexicans?
You're getting your information from the same media source that says the wall was cut through using a saw-saw.
Trump is my leader, what ever he says is the truth, what ever he tells me to do, I do, Trump is my god.
You are completely brainwashed by the cult of Trump. Your life is ruined
10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults - Online Psychology Degree Guide
And mainstream media works for the Dems
Trump is my leader, what ever he says is the truth, what ever he tells me to do, I do, Trump is my god. Those who question him are the devil. I will do anything to protect my messiah.

Still no pictures
You're getting your information from the same media source that says the wall was cut through using a saw-saw.
Trump is my leader, what ever he says is the truth, what ever he tells me to do, I do, Trump is my god.
You are completely brainwashed by the cult of Trump. Your life is ruined
10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults - Online Psychology Degree Guide
And mainstream media works for the Dems
Trump is my leader, what ever he says is the truth, what ever he tells me to do, I do, Trump is my god. Those who question him are the devil. I will do anything to protect my messiah.

Still no pictures
View attachment 288020
This is the biggest fake story of 2019..

Trump is my leader, if he says the news is fake the news is fake, if he says the earth is flat, the earth is flat, if he says you cannot cut through my wonderful wall, you cannot cut through his wonderful wall
So rather than admit that 45 has lied to you dimwitted Russia Loving idiots, you laugh it off, which is what happens every time he lies to you.
No, we're just not dim-witted enough to believe it.

You defend and condone the lies told by 45. You accept the lies 45 has told.

Speaking lies told by 45 and his lawyers.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors
Trump’s lawyers had argued that, as president, he was immune from criminal investigation.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors | HuffPost.

A federal appeals court has ruled that President Donald Trump’s accounting firm Mazars must turn over his tax returns to New York prosecutors.

Now, here one lie that blown open early. 45 used Campaign Funds to payoff Adult Film Star Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels") AND Playboy Model Karen McDougal. Early on 45 lied out his ass about never having known these women yet he paid them over $250,000.00 in total to prevent them from talking about his extra-marital affairs with them.

The GroppenFuhrer's dimwitted believers said it had to true. Then the lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Lying Piece of Shit admitted to affairs. 45 used Campaign Funds for those payoffs. Using campaign funds to payoff your former side piece is a felony. 45 did it twice.

He denied doing it, and you dumb fucks believed it. Then he admits he lied and you seriously brain dead fucks did nothing.

45 has tried and failed at claiming he is immune from prosecution while in office, he is not. He has lied about being unable to release his taxes while under audit. According to the I.R.S., you can release your taxes under audit.

You accept the lies. You condone the lies. You do nothing to stop the lies. You want the lies. You need to be lied to.

Because without the lies, you have nothing.
This is the biggest fake story of 2019..

Trump is my leader, if he says the news is fake the news is fake, if he says the earth is flat, the earth is flat, if he says you cannot cut through my wonderful wall, you cannot cut through his wonderful wall
View attachment 288021

Fake pictures freak..
Trump is my leader, nothing will make me doubt him, I am happy to give up free thinking to be controlled by the great Mr. Trump, there is nothing I would not do for my great leader Trump, I will destroy those who do not follow his every commands
I never said there wasnt obstacles,,,

thats still no reason to ignore the ones we can deal with,,,

and I didnt know you were a DACA supporter,,,
I'm not. I asked a question.

well since it seems DACA is legal at this point that means they are not here illegally,,,

lets focus on the things we can use current laws on and deal with the rest when we can
sure they're here illegally, one wouldn't need DACA if they weren't.

they came here illegally and have since been given temporary legal status,,,
I may not like it but those are the facts
doesn't mean they aren't illegals. they are. they are not citizens and they came here without proper authority. They are being protected by the likes of you.
they are being p[rotected by dems and repubes that refuse to abide by their oaths,,,

and when did I protect them?? I just said I dont like it,,,
then have war declared and send 50K troops to the border,,,

to shoot down women and children to satisfy your emotions is evil,,,

If they don't want to be shot, then they need to stay the f••• out of our country. If they choose to participate in an illegal foreign invasion of our country, then they should do so knowing that death is a likely consequence.

And only the most evil of savages send women and children into war. The blood is on their hands.
Only savages murder innocent women and children
they arent exactly innocent,,,its just there crime doesnt deserve a death penalty,,,
killing a family just because they want a better life is the essence of evil,,,

enforce the law and be done with it,,,
I know thats a lot to ask a dem or repube [sic] but murder is murder

ALL criminals want a better life. The home invader killer does it to better his circumstances. Wanting a better life is not license to tresspass [sic] and break into this country. Kill a few and most of the rest will stop. The rest take their chances.

Just goes to show what we all already know, that in general, LIbErals are on the side of criminals, and against that of their victims.

Reminds me of this recent story, wherein some subhuman piece of sh•t tried to rob a store at gunpoint, and was shot and killed, and his family complaining about how unfair it is that the clerk whose life was threatened in the failed robbery happened to be armed, and was able to shoot and kill the piece of sh•t in self-defense.

Illegally invading a foreign country is a bigger deal than robbing a Dollar General store. Those who contemplate such an action should do so knowing that they are likely to be killed if they try.

Absolutely. People who commit misdemeanors should be gunned down. People like speeders, and people with an once of marijuana. We trust our government to give them the authority to gun down anyone they suspect of doing those things without a trial, because we know that our government is so careful about our civil rights!
then have war declared and send 50K troops to the border,,,

to shoot down women and children to satisfy your emotions is evil,,,

If they don't want to be shot, then they need to stay the f••• out of our country. If they choose to participate in an illegal foreign invasion of our country, then they should do so knowing that death is a likely consequence.

And only the most evil of savages send women and children into war. The blood is on their hands.
Only savages murder innocent women and children
they arent exactly innocent,,,its just there crime doesnt deserve a death penalty,,,
So rather than admit that 45 has lied to you dimwitted Russia Loving idiots, you laugh it off, which is what happens every time he lies to you.
No, we're just not dim-witted enough to believe it.

You defend and condone the lies told by 45. You accept the lies 45 has told.

Speaking lies told by 45 and his lawyers.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors
Trump’s lawyers had argued that, as president, he was immune from criminal investigation.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors | HuffPost.

A federal appeals court has ruled that President Donald Trump’s accounting firm Mazars must turn over his tax returns to New York prosecutors.

Now, here one lie that blown open early. 45 used Campaign Funds to payoff Adult Film Star Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels") AND Playboy Model Karen McDougal. Early on 45 lied out his ass about never having known these women yet he paid them over $250,000.00 in total to prevent them from talking about his extra-marital affairs with them.

The GroppenFuhrer's dimwitted believers said it had to true. Then the lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Lying Piece of Shit admitted to affairs. 45 used Campaign Funds for those payoffs. Using campaign funds to payoff your former side piece is a felony. 45 did it twice.

He denied doing it, and you dumb fucks believed it. Then he admits he lied and you seriously brain dead fucks did nothing.

45 has tried and failed at claiming he is immune from prosecution while in office, he is not. He has lied about being unable to release his taxes while under audit. According to the I.R.S., you can release your taxes under audit.

You accept the lies. You condone the lies. You do nothing to stop the lies. You want the lies. You need to be lied to.

Because without the lies, you have nothing.
I simply don't suffer fools well. Nothing personal.
then have war declared and send 50K troops to the border,,,

to shoot down women and children to satisfy your emotions is evil,,,

If they don't want to be shot, then they need to stay the f••• out of our country. If they choose to participate in an illegal foreign invasion of our country, then they should do so knowing that death is a likely consequence.

And only the most evil of savages send women and children into war. The blood is on their hands.
Only savages murder innocent women and children
they arent exactly innocent,,,its just there crime doesnt deserve a death penalty,,,
trespassing is still a crime,,,
The reality is Trump's border fence proves his incompetence, broken promises, and failure. Wall turned into a fence, but the lie that his fence is a big beautiful concrete wall continues echoed by his brainwashed followers. Mexico has never and will never pay for the boondoggle.
So rather than admit that 45 has lied to you dimwitted Russia Loving idiots, you laugh it off, which is what happens every time he lies to you.
No, we're just not dim-witted enough to believe it.

You defend and condone the lies told by 45. You accept the lies 45 has told.

Speaking lies told by 45 and his lawyers.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors
Trump’s lawyers had argued that, as president, he was immune from criminal investigation.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors | HuffPost.

A federal appeals court has ruled that President Donald Trump’s accounting firm Mazars must turn over his tax returns to New York prosecutors.

Now, here one lie that blown open early. 45 used Campaign Funds to payoff Adult Film Star Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels") AND Playboy Model Karen McDougal. Early on 45 lied out his ass about never having known these women yet he paid them over $250,000.00 in total to prevent them from talking about his extra-marital affairs with them.

The GroppenFuhrer's dimwitted believers said it had to true. Then the lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Lying Piece of Shit admitted to affairs. 45 used Campaign Funds for those payoffs. Using campaign funds to payoff your former side piece is a felony. 45 did it twice.

He denied doing it, and you dumb fucks believed it. Then he admits he lied and you seriously brain dead fucks did nothing.

45 has tried and failed at claiming he is immune from prosecution while in office, he is not. He has lied about being unable to release his taxes while under audit. According to the I.R.S., you can release your taxes under audit.

You accept the lies. You condone the lies. You do nothing to stop the lies. You want the lies. You need to be lied to.

Because without the lies, you have nothing.
I simply don't suffer fools well. Nothing personal.
You just need to look into a mirror
So rather than admit that 45 has lied to you dimwitted Russia Loving idiots, you laugh it off, which is what happens every time he lies to you.
No, we're just not dim-witted enough to believe it.

You defend and condone the lies told by 45. You accept the lies 45 has told.

Speaking lies told by 45 and his lawyers.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors
Trump’s lawyers had argued that, as president, he was immune from criminal investigation.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors | HuffPost.

A federal appeals court has ruled that President Donald Trump’s accounting firm Mazars must turn over his tax returns to New York prosecutors.

Now, here one lie that blown open early. 45 used Campaign Funds to payoff Adult Film Star Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels") AND Playboy Model Karen McDougal. Early on 45 lied out his ass about never having known these women yet he paid them over $250,000.00 in total to prevent them from talking about his extra-marital affairs with them.

The GroppenFuhrer's dimwitted believers said it had to true. Then the lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Lying Piece of Shit admitted to affairs. 45 used Campaign Funds for those payoffs. Using campaign funds to payoff your former side piece is a felony. 45 did it twice.

He denied doing it, and you dumb fucks believed it. Then he admits he lied and you seriously brain dead fucks did nothing.

45 has tried and failed at claiming he is immune from prosecution while in office, he is not. He has lied about being unable to release his taxes while under audit. According to the I.R.S., you can release your taxes under audit.

You accept the lies. You condone the lies. You do nothing to stop the lies. You want the lies. You need to be lied to.

Because without the lies, you have nothing.
I simply don't suffer fools well. Nothing personal.
You just need to look into a mirror

No. Not at all. The truth is what Cons hate. They love to lied to.
then have war declared and send 50K troops to the border,,,

to shoot down women and children to satisfy your emotions is evil,,,

If they don't want to be shot, then they need to stay the f••• out of our country. If they choose to participate in an illegal foreign invasion of our country, then they should do so knowing that death is a likely consequence.

And only the most evil of savages send women and children into war. The blood is on their hands.
Only savages murder innocent women and children
they arent exactly innocent,,,its just there crime doesnt deserve a death penalty,,,
trespassing is still a crime,,,

But NOT a crime worthy of having children taken from their parents at gun point.
If they don't want to be shot, then they need to stay the f••• out of our country. If they choose to participate in an illegal foreign invasion of our country, then they should do so knowing that death is a likely consequence.

And only the most evil of savages send women and children into war. The blood is on their hands.
Only savages murder innocent women and children
they arent exactly innocent,,,its just there crime doesnt deserve a death penalty,,,
trespassing is still a crime,,,

But NOT a crime worthy of having children taken from their parents at gun point.
anytime you commit a crime and go to jail that happens,,,if you dont like it dont do the crime ,,,

pretty simple,,,
So rather than admit that 45 has lied to you dimwitted Russia Loving idiots, you laugh it off, which is what happens every time he lies to you.
No, we're just not dim-witted enough to believe it.

You defend and condone the lies told by 45. You accept the lies 45 has told.

Speaking lies told by 45 and his lawyers.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors
Trump’s lawyers had argued that, as president, he was immune from criminal investigation.

Court Orders Trump Accounting Firm To Turn Over Tax Returns To New York Prosecutors | HuffPost.

A federal appeals court has ruled that President Donald Trump’s accounting firm Mazars must turn over his tax returns to New York prosecutors.

Now, here one lie that blown open early. 45 used Campaign Funds to payoff Adult Film Star Stephanie Clifford (a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels") AND Playboy Model Karen McDougal. Early on 45 lied out his ass about never having known these women yet he paid them over $250,000.00 in total to prevent them from talking about his extra-marital affairs with them.

The GroppenFuhrer's dimwitted believers said it had to true. Then the lying 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Lying Piece of Shit admitted to affairs. 45 used Campaign Funds for those payoffs. Using campaign funds to payoff your former side piece is a felony. 45 did it twice.

He denied doing it, and you dumb fucks believed it. Then he admits he lied and you seriously brain dead fucks did nothing.

45 has tried and failed at claiming he is immune from prosecution while in office, he is not. He has lied about being unable to release his taxes while under audit. According to the I.R.S., you can release your taxes under audit.

You accept the lies. You condone the lies. You do nothing to stop the lies. You want the lies. You need to be lied to.

Because without the lies, you have nothing.
I simply don't suffer fools well. Nothing personal.
how do you live with yourself
well since it seems DACA is legal at this point that means they are not here illegally,,,

lets focus on the things we can use current laws on and deal with the rest when we can

It's not legal.

The President does not have the authority, but executive action, to supersede established law, as Obama presumed to do with DACA. Various corrupt court rulings notwithstanding, DACA has no legitimate legal standing whatsoever.

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