Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

well since it seems DACA is legal at this point that means they are not here illegally,,,

lets focus on the things we can use current laws on and deal with the rest when we can

It's not legal.

The President does not have the authority, but executive action, to supersede established law, as Obama presumed to do with DACA. Various corrupt court rulings notwithstanding, DACA has no legitimate legal standing whatsoever.

THATS WHY i SAID i DONT LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


your obsession with twisting my words to meet your critique of me is making you look like a dumbass,,,
meanwhile, Trumps wall has no effect on border crossings -

Only savages murder innocent women and children
they arent [sic] exactly innocent,,,its just there [sic] crime doesnt [sic] deserve a death penalty,,,

Perhaps it is fair to say that most soldiers don't deserve to die. But dying is a likely and expected consequence of participating in a war.

And make no mistake—invading a foreign country is an act of war. A sovereign nation has every right to defend its borders against foreign invasion, and a duty to protect its citizens from any such invasion. If this means killing the invaders, then so be it. And if there are women and children among the invading force, who get killed as a result, then their blood is on the hands of those who put them up to participating in the invasion. Only cowards hide behind women and children while committing warlike acts of aggression against a foreign country. All the more reason to defend our country against these savages, lest they be allowed to contaminate and degrade our own culture.
Absolutely. People who commit misdemeanors should be gunned down. People like speeders, and people with an once of marijuana. We trust our government to give them the authority to gun down anyone they suspect of doing those things without a trial, because we know that our government is so careful about our civil rights!

Right. Because driving over the speed limit, or possessing marijuana, is exactly comparable to committing illegal acts of war against a foreign nation.
Only savages murder innocent women and children
they arent [sic] exactly innocent,,,its just there [sic] crime doesnt [sic] deserve a death penalty,,,

Perhaps it is fair to say that most soldiers don't deserve to die. But dying is a likely and expected consequence of participating in a war.

And make no mistake—invading a foreign country is an act of war. A sovereign nation has every right to defend its borders against foreign invasion, and a duty to protect its citizens from any such invasion. If this means killing the invaders, then so be it. And if there are women and children among the invading force, who get killed as a result, then their blood is on the hands of those who put them up to participating in the invasion. Only cowards hide behind women and children while committing warlike acts of aggression against a foreign country. All the more reason to defend our country against these savages, lest they be allowed to contaminate and degrade our own culture.

until such time as congress declares war on mexico this is a domestic criminal issue,,,

sorry youre just going to have to put your blood lust in check for now,,,
Absolutely. People who commit misdemeanors should be gunned down. People like speeders, and people with an once of marijuana. We trust our government to give them the authority to gun down anyone they suspect of doing those things without a trial, because we know that our government is so careful about our civil rights!

Right. Because driving over the speed limit, or possessing marijuana, is exactly comparable to committing illegal acts of war against a foreign nation.

maybe if you republicans and your democrat buddies stop giving them welfare and start enforcing the laws currently on the books they might not want to come here,,,
problem solved,,,
Trumps wall gets holes cut in it so now we are at war ..

goddamn wall idnt work lets bomb the shit out of mexico --

until such time as congress declares war on mexico this is a domestic criminal issue,,,

sorry youre [sic] just going to have to put your blood lust in check for now,,,

No, by definition, it is not any kind of domestic issue. Do you even understand what “domestic” means? Probably not, given the general level of abject illiteracy displayed in your posts.

Whether Congress officially recognizes it or not, our country is under attack by foreign invaders. We are at war, whether we officially, legally recognize it as such, or not. Congress' failure to recognize and declare the state of war is an act of grotesque malfeasance and negligence on its part.
until such time as congress declares war on mexico this is a domestic criminal issue,,,

sorry youre [sic] just going to have to put your blood lust in check for now,,,

No, by definition, it is not any kind of domestic issue. Do you even understand what “domestic” means? Probably not, given the general level of abject illiteracy displayed in your posts.

Whether Congress officially recognizes it or not, our country is under attack by foreign invaders. We are at war, whether we officially, legally recognize it as such, or not. Congress' failure to recognize and declare the state of war is an act of grotesque malfeasance and negligence on its part.
if we are at war then why do we not have a large military force on the border???

could it be you repubes like your dem buddies are full of shit and trying to keep the country divided???
if we are at war then why do we not have a large military force on the border???

Because our corrupt and treasonous Congress refuses to do its job. Many of our Congresscriminals openly commit treason by using the power of their positions to promote the interests of these invaders. Every last one of them should be put on trial for treason, and conviction, put to death.

Our society should not have any tolerance for traitors, especially those who infiltrate our government.
Get back to us when a caravan gets through.
Will do! How long, do you figure? A year? Two?

They keep finding tunnels under the walls and fences in California that the drug smugglers dig. These tunnels even have ventilation and lights. They transport small pickup trucks through them. They go from a house or building on the Mexican side to a house or building on the US side. Those aren't dug with shovels.
In one recent case, they came up inside a storage unit located right across the border from Tijuana. Clever!
if we are at war then why do we not have a large military force on the border???

Because our corrupt and treasonous Congress refuses to do its job. Many of our Congresscriminals openly commit treason by using the power of their positions to promote the interests of these invaders. Every last one of them should be put on trial for treason, and conviction, put to death.

Our society should not have any tolerance for traitors, especially those who infiltrate our government.

I couldnt agree more,,,thats still no reason to murder women and children to satisfy your blood lust for revenge,,,

I just wonder what would if you took that passion and used it against those elected instead of women and children,,,
Wait a minute here. You leftards told us we didn’t need a wall because illegals and drugs were coming through the check points. And now you tell us they’re trying to get through the wall?
No. You are mistaken, again. We told you that drugs and illegals would continue to come into the United States and a wall would not stop them. And we were correct.
meanwhile, Trumps wall has no effect on border crossings -

It's amazing that a few months ago there was going to be no wall, and now you're whining about its supposed ineffectiveness.

You'd think you'd be tired of losing. :)
There isn't any new wall, only replacement wall. And the replacement wall is no more effective than the old wall.
I couldnt [sic] agree more,,,thats [sic] still no reason to murder women and children to satisfy your blood lust for revenge,,,

Nobody is talking about murdering innocent women and children. That you would use such terms in order to describe the legitimate defense of a sovereign nation against an illegal foreign invasion, and characterize such defense as being driven by “blood lust” only demonstrates your own depraved and traitorous nature.
meanwhile, Trumps wall has no effect on border crossings -

It's amazing that a few months ago there was going to be no wall, and now you're whining about its supposed ineffectiveness.

You'd think you'd be tired of losing. :)
There isn't any new wall, only replacement wall. And the replacement wall is no more effective than the old wall.
I am going to repeat myself, but I don't suffer fools gladly.

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