Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

The wall is a temporary inconvenience

Once Trump is gone, so will the wall
The only people its and inconvenience to is illegals trying to get in. Certainly not your stupid ass.

Oh and the wall will be there when Trump leaves office.

If I had my way they would electrify the whole thing. Let people get cooked who try to fuck with that wall.

More than works for me.
Once Trump is gone, the wall will crumble

It will become a tourist attraction as a monument to Conservative wasteful spending

LMAO The wall will be there when Trump leaves office and it will be a monument to saving billions of tax dollars and not letting illegals in.

It will also be a monument to booting the 20 million who are here the hell out.

Carry on dumbass.
The wall will come tumbling down

Mexicans are already showing how easy that is
'mexicans' are simply giving TRUMPS Wall maintanance crews some work to do RWinger .
We could address employers tomorrow. Except there seems to be no real political will to do so.

We could also build a Wall tomorrow. Except that our political class refuses to do so.

Not sure why you respect your own pet project on this, while disrespecting mine.

No, we could not build a wall tomorrow. Even if it was started in earnest tomorrow it would take decades. Getting the land will be tied up in the courts for years.

And that was the original idea presented by law in 2006 that every President has worked with until the Orange Rump came along with his various carny side shows. Bush Jr. and Obama built, on the average, 74 miles of new construction each year. This does not take into consideration for repairs and upgrades. All that is built into the original 1.3 billion dollar fiscal allocation. It was known then that the security could only be reasonably done for abut 1000 miles of the nearly 2000 miles. To date, there is about 733 miles done of various degrees. In the last 3 years, there has been ZERO (let me repeat that) ZERO new construction done although it's been allocated.

You want the wall built yet you won't force Rump into actually doing the things to build it. And that also means getting the right of way to place the facilities on private land. And it doesn't take a wall, necessarily, to guard the border. If a land owner doesn't want that ungodly looking Bollard Wall, it can be done with a simple road, border patrols and electronic listening devices. It can be done with little or no intrusive presence. It's not being done.

Instead, you are caught up in the Carny Side Show that is designed just to separate the Rubes from the money. And it's done a pretty good job of that with your assistance.

I don't think you have read anything I've said.

Why, because I don't agree with everything you have said? I could say the same thing about you. But history is not one of your strong suits.

No it's because I never said I wanted the wall built. I argued the exact opposite.

I am in favor of "The Wall" in certain areas. But we can use other methods in areas the wall or a security fencing won't work including on private land. The Border does not need to be open. Nor does it need a massive "Wall" built the entire 2000 miles either. The problem here is, one says, NO WALL and the other side just screams "BUILD THE WALL". And anyone not towing the line of one group or the other is just a bad person and not an American. I spent 20 years about Military secure areas. If it's done properly, a painted yellow or red line can work as well as a massive 50 foot Concrete Wall.
paint the TRUMP WALL , repair the TRUMP Wall . Its all in a days work as far as maintanence goes RWinger
Just remember, it is not Trump's wall-it is OUR wall. And an attack on it is an Attack on the United States. I say open season on any who attack us! let's throw billions and billions of dollars at a problem which will have absolutely no effect at all. I will say this again. I live 35 miles from the border and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans cross through the BP check point every day, and nobody knows if the return to Mexico or not.
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...
Yes. The majority of illegal immigration comes from people over staying their visas. I don't have to tell WaPo, they already know. And so does Trump. It is not a new story for any but the stupidest of red state nutters.

For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings
Wrong, it's not the majority. It's about 40%. So you believe the wall is a failure if even one person gets past it, but your plan is a great success if 60% get past it.

You're a dumbass, of course.
The wall is a stupid grade school idea. The money could be spent on much better technology. 21st century technology.

But Trump wants it because he operates at a 4th grade education level and thinks his magic wall is fun and he can put his name on it. It is big and beautiful and wonderful. And his uneducated cult members want him to have it because they love him and what he wants is all that matters.

Nothing else makes a lick of sense.
No, we could not build a wall tomorrow. Even if it was started in earnest tomorrow it would take decades. Getting the land will be tied up in the courts for years.

And that was the original idea presented by law in 2006 that every President has worked with until the Orange Rump came along with his various carny side shows. Bush Jr. and Obama built, on the average, 74 miles of new construction each year. This does not take into consideration for repairs and upgrades. All that is built into the original 1.3 billion dollar fiscal allocation. It was known then that the security could only be reasonably done for abut 1000 miles of the nearly 2000 miles. To date, there is about 733 miles done of various degrees. In the last 3 years, there has been ZERO (let me repeat that) ZERO new construction done although it's been allocated.

You want the wall built yet you won't force Rump into actually doing the things to build it. And that also means getting the right of way to place the facilities on private land. And it doesn't take a wall, necessarily, to guard the border. If a land owner doesn't want that ungodly looking Bollard Wall, it can be done with a simple road, border patrols and electronic listening devices. It can be done with little or no intrusive presence. It's not being done.

Instead, you are caught up in the Carny Side Show that is designed just to separate the Rubes from the money. And it's done a pretty good job of that with your assistance.

I don't think you have read anything I've said.

Why, because I don't agree with everything you have said? I could say the same thing about you. But history is not one of your strong suits.

No it's because I never said I wanted the wall built. I argued the exact opposite.

I am in favor of "The Wall" in certain areas. But we can use other methods in areas the wall or a security fencing won't work including on private land. The Border does not need to be open. Nor does it need a massive "Wall" built the entire 2000 miles either. The problem here is, one says, NO WALL and the other side just screams "BUILD THE WALL". And anyone not towing the line of one group or the other is just a bad person and not an American. I spent 20 years about Military secure areas. If it's done properly, a painted yellow or red line can work as well as a massive 50 foot Concrete Wall.

Some of us argue "enforce our current laws".
And that was the original idea presented by law in 2006 that every President has worked with until the Orange Rump came along with his various carny side shows. Bush Jr. and Obama built, on the average, 74 miles of new construction each year. This does not take into consideration for repairs and upgrades. All that is built into the original 1.3 billion dollar fiscal allocation. It was known then that the security could only be reasonably done for abut 1000 miles of the nearly 2000 miles. To date, there is about 733 miles done of various degrees. In the last 3 years, there has been ZERO (let me repeat that) ZERO new construction done although it's been allocated.

You want the wall built yet you won't force Rump into actually doing the things to build it. And that also means getting the right of way to place the facilities on private land. And it doesn't take a wall, necessarily, to guard the border. If a land owner doesn't want that ungodly looking Bollard Wall, it can be done with a simple road, border patrols and electronic listening devices. It can be done with little or no intrusive presence. It's not being done.

Instead, you are caught up in the Carny Side Show that is designed just to separate the Rubes from the money. And it's done a pretty good job of that with your assistance.

I don't think you have read anything I've said.

Why, because I don't agree with everything you have said? I could say the same thing about you. But history is not one of your strong suits.

No it's because I never said I wanted the wall built. I argued the exact opposite.

I am in favor of "The Wall" in certain areas. But we can use other methods in areas the wall or a security fencing won't work including on private land. The Border does not need to be open. Nor does it need a massive "Wall" built the entire 2000 miles either. The problem here is, one says, NO WALL and the other side just screams "BUILD THE WALL". And anyone not towing the line of one group or the other is just a bad person and not an American. I spent 20 years about Military secure areas. If it's done properly, a painted yellow or red line can work as well as a massive 50 foot Concrete Wall.

Some of us argue "enforce our current laws".

I don't have a problem with that. And some of us argue that we need to start locking up employers that hire the illegals. Take away the jobs and their ability to live and the incentive to come here is gone. Hunger and Cold does strange things.
No, we could not build a wall tomorrow. Even if it was started in earnest tomorrow it would take decades. Getting the land will be tied up in the courts for years.

And that was the original idea presented by law in 2006 that every President has worked with until the Orange Rump came along with his various carny side shows. Bush Jr. and Obama built, on the average, 74 miles of new construction each year. This does not take into consideration for repairs and upgrades. All that is built into the original 1.3 billion dollar fiscal allocation. It was known then that the security could only be reasonably done for abut 1000 miles of the nearly 2000 miles. To date, there is about 733 miles done of various degrees. In the last 3 years, there has been ZERO (let me repeat that) ZERO new construction done although it's been allocated.

You want the wall built yet you won't force Rump into actually doing the things to build it. And that also means getting the right of way to place the facilities on private land. And it doesn't take a wall, necessarily, to guard the border. If a land owner doesn't want that ungodly looking Bollard Wall, it can be done with a simple road, border patrols and electronic listening devices. It can be done with little or no intrusive presence. It's not being done.

Instead, you are caught up in the Carny Side Show that is designed just to separate the Rubes from the money. And it's done a pretty good job of that with your assistance.

I don't think you have read anything I've said.

Why, because I don't agree with everything you have said? I could say the same thing about you. But history is not one of your strong suits.

No it's because I never said I wanted the wall built. I argued the exact opposite.

I am in favor of "The Wall" in certain areas. But we can use other methods in areas the wall or a security fencing won't work including on private land. The Border does not need to be open. Nor does it need a massive "Wall" built the entire 2000 miles either. The problem here is, one says, NO WALL and the other side just screams "BUILD THE WALL". And anyone not towing the line of one group or the other is just a bad person and not an American. I spent 20 years about Military secure areas. If it's done properly, a painted yellow or red line can work as well as a massive 50 foot Concrete Wall.
----------------------------------------- I think that Trump WALL Construction is up to TRUMP as he moves around building the TRUMP Wall 'mgcontrol' Daryl and PKnop ..
I don't think you have read anything I've said.

Why, because I don't agree with everything you have said? I could say the same thing about you. But history is not one of your strong suits.

No it's because I never said I wanted the wall built. I argued the exact opposite.

I am in favor of "The Wall" in certain areas. But we can use other methods in areas the wall or a security fencing won't work including on private land. The Border does not need to be open. Nor does it need a massive "Wall" built the entire 2000 miles either. The problem here is, one says, NO WALL and the other side just screams "BUILD THE WALL". And anyone not towing the line of one group or the other is just a bad person and not an American. I spent 20 years about Military secure areas. If it's done properly, a painted yellow or red line can work as well as a massive 50 foot Concrete Wall.

Some of us argue "enforce our current laws".

I don't have a problem with that. And some of us argue that we need to start locking up employers that hire the illegals. Take away the jobs and their ability to live and the incentive to come here is gone. Hunger and Cold does strange things.

And being that we will not do that, I do not support wasting billions on something that is not even going to work. As long as the jobs are here they will come. let's throw billions and billions of dollars at a problem which will have absolutely no effect at all. I will say this again. I live 35 miles from the border and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans cross through the BP check point every day, and nobody knows if the return to Mexico or not.
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...
Yes. The majority of illegal immigration comes from people over staying their visas. I don't have to tell WaPo, they already know. And so does Trump. It is not a new story for any but the stupidest of red state nutters.

For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings
Wrong, it's not the majority. It's about 40%. So you believe the wall is a failure if even one person gets past it, but your plan is a great success if 60% get past it.

You're a dumbass, of course.
The wall is a stupid grade school idea. The money could be spent on much better technology. 21st century technology.

But Trump wants it because he operates at a 4th grade education level and thinks his magic wall is fun and he can put his name on it. It is big and beautiful and wonderful. And his uneducated cult members want him to have it because they love him and what he wants is all that matters.

Nothing else makes a lick of sense.
--------------------------------- I can see it now . As the TRUMP WALL is illuminated in lights NYBod .
Trump sup[porters hire illegals to save money and increase profits. Trump's businesses have done it for years and even had illegals working while Trump was President.

Then since you are afflicted with TDS you should be against open borders to deny Trump his cheap labor. Don't tell any of your Moon Bat buddies that you oppose open borders because they will call you a racist.
I am against open borders but a plan that is put together with critical thinking and consideration of the many different people who are trying to enter our country.
Not a plan based on stereotyping immigrants and based on hate because of the false claim that unemployed white males will have high paying jobs if we eliminate illegal work force.
The unemployed white males will be mowing lawns, working in slaughter houses, picking fruit, working in fields if illegals are stopped, but they will not do it.
Go after those who hire them.

I have a white guy who cuts my lawn. What is the problem?

Why that just UnMerican. How dare you deprive an illegal immigrant his job like that.

The problem is, we bag the illegal worker and let the company or individual off with a cross look and they just do it again and again. You want it to stop? Start by sending companies and individuals to prison for hiring them in the first place.

And don't give me that crap about the Employer doesn't know who is and who isn't a legal worker. There is a wink and a nod system in place. ......

1. Deport the illegal.

2. If it can be shown that the employer knew, then yes, the employer should also be punished.
I call bullshit on that. It is the employers job to know if he is hiring an illegal.

1. Fine and jail the employer who committed the crime of hiring an illegal worker.

2. Deport the illegal.
Why, because I don't agree with everything you have said? I could say the same thing about you. But history is not one of your strong suits.

No it's because I never said I wanted the wall built. I argued the exact opposite.

I am in favor of "The Wall" in certain areas. But we can use other methods in areas the wall or a security fencing won't work including on private land. The Border does not need to be open. Nor does it need a massive "Wall" built the entire 2000 miles either. The problem here is, one says, NO WALL and the other side just screams "BUILD THE WALL". And anyone not towing the line of one group or the other is just a bad person and not an American. I spent 20 years about Military secure areas. If it's done properly, a painted yellow or red line can work as well as a massive 50 foot Concrete Wall.

Some of us argue "enforce our current laws".

I don't have a problem with that. And some of us argue that we need to start locking up employers that hire the illegals. Take away the jobs and their ability to live and the incentive to come here is gone. Hunger and Cold does strange things.

And being that we will not do that, I do not support wasting billions on something that is not even going to work. As long as the jobs are here they will come.
---------------------------------------- doesn't look like your SUPPORT is needed as from what I hear , the TRUMP WALL is being built PK .
No it's because I never said I wanted the wall built. I argued the exact opposite.

I am in favor of "The Wall" in certain areas. But we can use other methods in areas the wall or a security fencing won't work including on private land. The Border does not need to be open. Nor does it need a massive "Wall" built the entire 2000 miles either. The problem here is, one says, NO WALL and the other side just screams "BUILD THE WALL". And anyone not towing the line of one group or the other is just a bad person and not an American. I spent 20 years about Military secure areas. If it's done properly, a painted yellow or red line can work as well as a massive 50 foot Concrete Wall.

Some of us argue "enforce our current laws".

I don't have a problem with that. And some of us argue that we need to start locking up employers that hire the illegals. Take away the jobs and their ability to live and the incentive to come here is gone. Hunger and Cold does strange things.

And being that we will not do that, I do not support wasting billions on something that is not even going to work. As long as the jobs are here they will come.
---------------------------------------- doesn't look like your SUPPORT is needed as from what I hear , the TRUMP WALL is being built PK .

No it isn't. There has been maintenance long scheduled. Trump claims that maintenance is building new wall. It's not. I'm not all that impressed with what "you hear".
Then since you are afflicted with TDS you should be against open borders to deny Trump his cheap labor. Don't tell any of your Moon Bat buddies that you oppose open borders because they will call you a racist.
I am against open borders but a plan that is put together with critical thinking and consideration of the many different people who are trying to enter our country.
Not a plan based on stereotyping immigrants and based on hate because of the false claim that unemployed white males will have high paying jobs if we eliminate illegal work force.
The unemployed white males will be mowing lawns, working in slaughter houses, picking fruit, working in fields if illegals are stopped, but they will not do it.
Go after those who hire them.

I have a white guy who cuts my lawn. What is the problem?

Why that just UnMerican. How dare you deprive an illegal immigrant his job like that.

The problem is, we bag the illegal worker and let the company or individual off with a cross look and they just do it again and again. You want it to stop? Start by sending companies and individuals to prison for hiring them in the first place.

And don't give me that crap about the Employer doesn't know who is and who isn't a legal worker. There is a wink and a nod system in place. ......

1. Deport the illegal.

2. If it can be shown that the employer knew, then yes, the employer should also be punished.
I call bullshit on that. It is the employers job to know if he is hiring an illegal.

1. Fine and jail the employer who committed the crime of hiring an illegal worker.

2. Deport the illegal.


I am in favor of "The Wall" in certain areas. But we can use other methods in areas the wall or a security fencing won't work including on private land. The Border does not need to be open. Nor does it need a massive "Wall" built the entire 2000 miles either. The problem here is, one says, NO WALL and the other side just screams "BUILD THE WALL". And anyone not towing the line of one group or the other is just a bad person and not an American. I spent 20 years about Military secure areas. If it's done properly, a painted yellow or red line can work as well as a massive 50 foot Concrete Wall.

Some of us argue "enforce our current laws".

I don't have a problem with that. And some of us argue that we need to start locking up employers that hire the illegals. Take away the jobs and their ability to live and the incentive to come here is gone. Hunger and Cold does strange things.

And being that we will not do that, I do not support wasting billions on something that is not even going to work. As long as the jobs are here they will come.
---------------------------------------- doesn't look like your SUPPORT is needed as from what I hear , the TRUMP WALL is being built PK .

No it isn't. There has been maintenance long scheduled. Trump claims that maintenance is building new wall. It's not. I'm not all that impressed with what "you hear".

He must be planning one hell of a Mickey Ds and Burger King run with the money left over. I wonder if either place deliver to his new Gold Course built by detained Illegal Workers outside of Flagstaff?
Some of us argue "enforce our current laws".

I don't have a problem with that. And some of us argue that we need to start locking up employers that hire the illegals. Take away the jobs and their ability to live and the incentive to come here is gone. Hunger and Cold does strange things.

And being that we will not do that, I do not support wasting billions on something that is not even going to work. As long as the jobs are here they will come.
---------------------------------------- doesn't look like your SUPPORT is needed as from what I hear , the TRUMP WALL is being built PK .

No it isn't. There has been maintenance long scheduled. Trump claims that maintenance is building new wall. It's not. I'm not all that impressed with what "you hear".

He must be planning one hell of a Mickey Ds and Burger King run with the money left over. I wonder if either place deliver to his new Gold Course built by detained Illegal Workers outside of Flagstaff?

Being that we are Trillions in debt there is nothing left over.
I am in favor of "The Wall" in certain areas. But we can use other methods in areas the wall or a security fencing won't work including on private land. The Border does not need to be open. Nor does it need a massive "Wall" built the entire 2000 miles either. The problem here is, one says, NO WALL and the other side just screams "BUILD THE WALL". And anyone not towing the line of one group or the other is just a bad person and not an American. I spent 20 years about Military secure areas. If it's done properly, a painted yellow or red line can work as well as a massive 50 foot Concrete Wall.

Some of us argue "enforce our current laws".

I don't have a problem with that. And some of us argue that we need to start locking up employers that hire the illegals. Take away the jobs and their ability to live and the incentive to come here is gone. Hunger and Cold does strange things.

And being that we will not do that, I do not support wasting billions on something that is not even going to work. As long as the jobs are here they will come.
---------------------------------------- doesn't look like your SUPPORT is needed as from what I hear , the TRUMP WALL is being built PK .

No it isn't. There has been maintenance long scheduled. Trump claims that maintenance is building new wall. It's not. I'm not all that impressed with what "you hear".
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU are the problem and no one cares what you problem types think . claim or spin PK . [so there] --- chuckle !!
I don't have a problem with that. And some of us argue that we need to start locking up employers that hire the illegals. Take away the jobs and their ability to live and the incentive to come here is gone. Hunger and Cold does strange things.

And being that we will not do that, I do not support wasting billions on something that is not even going to work. As long as the jobs are here they will come.
---------------------------------------- doesn't look like your SUPPORT is needed as from what I hear , the TRUMP WALL is being built PK .

No it isn't. There has been maintenance long scheduled. Trump claims that maintenance is building new wall. It's not. I'm not all that impressed with what "you hear".

He must be planning one hell of a Mickey Ds and Burger King run with the money left over. I wonder if either place deliver to his new Gold Course built by detained Illegal Workers outside of Flagstaff?

Being that we are Trillions in debt there is nothing left over.
------------------------------------- things are cool in the USA . As example , I am eating breakfast in a very nice little town as I type PK .
And being that we will not do that, I do not support wasting billions on something that is not even going to work. As long as the jobs are here they will come.
---------------------------------------- doesn't look like your SUPPORT is needed as from what I hear , the TRUMP WALL is being built PK .

No it isn't. There has been maintenance long scheduled. Trump claims that maintenance is building new wall. It's not. I'm not all that impressed with what "you hear".

He must be planning one hell of a Mickey Ds and Burger King run with the money left over. I wonder if either place deliver to his new Gold Course built by detained Illegal Workers outside of Flagstaff?

Being that we are Trillions in debt there is nothing left over.
------------------------------------- things are cool in the USA . As example , I am eating breakfast in a very nice little town as I type PK .

That's the problem. We only care about today or the next earnings statement.
---------------------------------------- doesn't look like your SUPPORT is needed as from what I hear , the TRUMP WALL is being built PK .

No it isn't. There has been maintenance long scheduled. Trump claims that maintenance is building new wall. It's not. I'm not all that impressed with what "you hear".

He must be planning one hell of a Mickey Ds and Burger King run with the money left over. I wonder if either place deliver to his new Gold Course built by detained Illegal Workers outside of Flagstaff?

Being that we are Trillions in debt there is nothing left over.
------------------------------------- things are cool in the USA . As example , I am eating breakfast in a very nice little town as I type PK .

That's the problem. We only care about today or the next earnings statement.
--------------------------------------- America first and the TRUMP is in charge of the 'ship of state' PK .

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