Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

I'm thinking they used Jet Fuel. . .


Interesting if jet fuel got that hot it would melt portions of the jet engine LOL

In an engine, fuel is used to cool the engine, not air. Same goes for Rocket Motors. But if you introduce jet fuel or Kerosene into a cross ventilation you end up with a blast furnace capable of melting metal quickly. That is how a Blow Torch works. That's how a blast furnace works and that is what happened with the twin towers. Your conspiracy is dumb, really dumb.
Jet fuel dumb ass doesn't get hot enough to melt steel.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
Just remember, it is not Trump's wall-it is OUR wall. And an attack on it is an Attack on the United States. I say open season on any who attack us! let's throw billions and billions of dollars at a problem which will have absolutely no effect at all. I will say this again. I live 35 miles from the border and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans cross through the BP check point every day, and nobody knows if the return to Mexico or not.
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...
So, you are convinced that if Trump builds his wall, MS-13 will disappear?

Nope. Nothing I have ever said, would justify such a strawman from you.
I was just saying everyone keeps saying Congress needs to enact comprehensive immigration reform but no immigration reform will keep illegals from sneaking in unless we just let everyone in. I think it's time for our Military to secure our borders. We need to treat the illegals the same way Mexico treats US Citizens when they enter Mexico illegally.

Mexico arrests American citizens who enter Mexico with their military?
How long did it take to get our Veteran, with ptsd released from mexico when he accidentally got in the wrong lane at the border? How many months?

Well, now, that was the federals, not the military, and he was carrying a gun in his car, in spite of the fact that there are at least 15 signs that you have to drive past to get to Mexico that specifically state that guns and ammunition are prohibited. Frankly, the guy has got to be dumber than a rock.
Damn guns and ammo are prohibited in Mexico? Somebody better tell the drug cartels about that so they don't get in trouble
Also from the above link:

"In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego."

I guess that, Mexicans have learned to use ladders. Who could have known?

Let me ask.... do you think more... or less... or the same number would be crossing if there was absolutely not border whatsoever?

No one anywhere suggested that the number of illegal crossing would end up zero with the wall.

The number of illegal crossings from East to West Germany was not zero during that time, and the Soviets were shooting to kill those who crossed.

People can advocate this all day BUT it's something we are never going to do so it's not a solution.

Great, so what is a solution?

I'm all open to new ideas, but you have to actually have one. Until then, a wall is most certainly better than nothing.
Also from the above link:

"In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego."

I guess that, Mexicans have learned to use ladders. Who could have known?

Let me ask.... do you think more... or less... or the same number would be crossing if there was absolutely not border whatsoever?

No one anywhere suggested that the number of illegal crossing would end up zero with the wall.

The number of illegal crossings from East to West Germany was not zero during that time, and the Soviets were shooting to kill those who crossed.

Well, let's see. You can cut a hole through it. You can tunnel under it. You can fly over it. You can boat around it, or you can ignore it all together, and just walk through the BP portal gate. In view of those facts, I would say that your $40 billion in taxes to build, and maybe a billion per year to maintain, will stop 5% of illegals.

Oh please. You seriously expect me to believe that it only stops 5% of illegals? Really? How many illegals have planes in the backyard, just waiting for when they decide to fly over the wall? How many have tunnel building experience, concrete, and digging machines to tunnel under the wall? How many do you see boating around it?

You are talking about cartels. Cartels could possibly have that much money and resources, but they are only going to do that with big ticket items that can recover the cost of resources they use. Namely drugs. The average immigrant isn't going to have enough money to make it worth a cartels time to tunnel under a wall.

Drugs do.

Most illegals are going to be stopped by a wall.

Remember the caravan? Did you see them hauling drilling machines in their caravan? No. Did you see them flying in planes? Of course not.

...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
Just remember, it is not Trump's wall-it is OUR wall. And an attack on it is an Attack on the United States. I say open season on any who attack us! let's throw billions and billions of dollars at a problem which will have absolutely no effect at all. I will say this again. I live 35 miles from the border and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans cross through the BP check point every day, and nobody knows if the return to Mexico or not.
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...

That's odd. I cross the border about once per month, and all the Latinos in line with me just present a passport, and they are through.
Last edited:
Also from the above link:

"In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego."

I guess that, Mexicans have learned to use ladders. Who could have known?

Let me ask.... do you think more... or less... or the same number would be crossing if there was absolutely not border whatsoever?

No one anywhere suggested that the number of illegal crossing would end up zero with the wall.

The number of illegal crossings from East to West Germany was not zero during that time, and the Soviets were shooting to kill those who crossed.

Well, let's see. You can cut a hole through it. You can tunnel under it. You can fly over it. You can boat around it, or you can ignore it all together, and just walk through the BP portal gate. In view of those facts, I would say that your $40 billion in taxes to build, and maybe a billion per year to maintain, will stop 5% of illegals.

Oh please. You seriously expect me to believe that it only stops 5% of illegals? Really? How many illegals have planes in the backyard, just waiting for when they decide to fly over the wall? How many have tunnel building experience, concrete, and digging machines to tunnel under the wall? How many do you see boating around it?

You are talking about cartels. Cartels could possibly have that much money and resources, but they are only going to do that with big ticket items that can recover the cost of resources they use. Namely drugs. The average immigrant isn't going to have enough money to make it worth a cartels time to tunnel under a wall.

Drugs do.

Most illegals are going to be stopped by a wall.

Remember the caravan? Did you see them hauling drilling machines in their caravan? No. Did you see them flying in planes? Of course not.


Andy, for Christ sake, have you ever flown in a plane? Did you have to buy one to do that? As for tunnels, did you have to dig the Eisenhower Tunnel in Denver in order to go through it. Jesus, guy use a little imagination.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
Just remember, it is not Trump's wall-it is OUR wall. And an attack on it is an Attack on the United States. I say open season on any who attack us! let's throw billions and billions of dollars at a problem which will have absolutely no effect at all. I will say this again. I live 35 miles from the border and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans cross through the BP check point every day, and nobody knows if the return to Mexico or not.
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...

That's add. I cross the border about once per month, and all the Latinos in line with me just present a passport, and they are through.

A Mexican passport? Which direction? And they probably are on work visas, special visas for transport or other accomodations.. The border SHOULD BE very fluid.. And we SHOULD know who is crossing.. I have no problems with Mexicans taking their kids to the doctor or schools or shopping or working in the US...

I'm SURE the CBP has that part handled correctly....
Just remember, it is not Trump's wall-it is OUR wall. And an attack on it is an Attack on the United States. I say open season on any who attack us! let's throw billions and billions of dollars at a problem which will have absolutely no effect at all. I will say this again. I live 35 miles from the border and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans cross through the BP check point every day, and nobody knows if the return to Mexico or not.
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...

That's add. I cross the border about once per month, and all the Latinos in line with me just present a passport, and they are through.

A Mexican passport? Which direction? And they probably are on work visas, special visas for transport or other accomodations.. The border SHOULD BE very fluid.. And we SHOULD know who is crossing.. I have no problems with Mexicans taking their kids to the doctor or schools or shopping or working in the US...

I'm SURE the CBP has that part handled correctly....

Just plain old passports, just like the one that I use, but printed in Spanish.
MS-13, for one small specific example, is an extremely murderous gang, composed nearly completely of illegal aliens.

...which gang was actually started in the United States. Look it up in Wiki.

True. But it is still a powerful, specific example of a big pile of murderers who came into this country illegally.

It was true in 2018. And it is true now.

So, you are convinced that if Trump builds his wall, MS-13 will disappear?

Nope. Nothing I have ever said, would justify such a strawman from you.
I was just saying everyone keeps saying Congress needs to enact comprehensive immigration reform but no immigration reform will keep illegals from sneaking in unless we just let everyone in. I think it's time for our Military to secure our borders. We need to treat the illegals the same way Mexico treats US Citizens when they enter Mexico illegally.
Honestly Mexico doesn't really care. They will just extort money from you and let you be on your way.
So, you are convinced that if Trump builds his wall, MS-13 will disappear?

Nope. Nothing I have ever said, would justify such a strawman from you.
I was just saying everyone keeps saying Congress needs to enact comprehensive immigration reform but no immigration reform will keep illegals from sneaking in unless we just let everyone in. I think it's time for our Military to secure our borders. We need to treat the illegals the same way Mexico treats US Citizens when they enter Mexico illegally.

Mexico arrests American citizens who enter Mexico with their military?
How long did it take to get our Veteran, with ptsd released from mexico when he accidentally got in the wrong lane at the border? How many months?

Well, now, that was the federals, not the military, and he was carrying a gun in his car, in spite of the fact that there are at least 15 signs that you have to drive past to get to Mexico that specifically state that guns and ammunition are prohibited. Frankly, the guy has got to be dumber than a rock.
We have those signs too, but ours warn against taking guns and/or marijuana into Mexico as both are illegal there.
Nope. Nothing I have ever said, would justify such a strawman from you.
I was just saying everyone keeps saying Congress needs to enact comprehensive immigration reform but no immigration reform will keep illegals from sneaking in unless we just let everyone in. I think it's time for our Military to secure our borders. We need to treat the illegals the same way Mexico treats US Citizens when they enter Mexico illegally.

Mexico arrests American citizens who enter Mexico with their military?
How long did it take to get our Veteran, with ptsd released from mexico when he accidentally got in the wrong lane at the border? How many months?

Well, now, that was the federals, not the military, and he was carrying a gun in his car, in spite of the fact that there are at least 15 signs that you have to drive past to get to Mexico that specifically state that guns and ammunition are prohibited. Frankly, the guy has got to be dumber than a rock.
We have those signs too, but ours warn against taking guns and/or marijuana into Mexico as both are illegal there.

Apparently, the guy could not read English or Spanish.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
Just remember, it is not Trump's wall-it is OUR wall. And an attack on it is an Attack on the United States. I say open season on any who attack us! let's throw billions and billions of dollars at a problem which will have absolutely no effect at all. I will say this again. I live 35 miles from the border and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans cross through the BP check point every day, and nobody knows if the return to Mexico or not.
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...
Yes. The majority of illegal immigration comes from people over staying their visas. I don't have to tell WaPo, they already know. And so does Trump. It is not a new story for any but the stupidest of red state nutters.

For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
Just remember, it is not Trump's wall-it is OUR wall. And an attack on it is an Attack on the United States. I say open season on any who attack us! let's throw billions and billions of dollars at a problem which will have absolutely no effect at all. I will say this again. I live 35 miles from the border and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans cross through the BP check point every day, and nobody knows if the return to Mexico or not.
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...
Yes. The majority of illegal immigration comes from people over staying their visas. I don't have to tell WaPo, they already know. And so does Trump. It is not a new story for any but the stupidest of red state nutters.

For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings

That's true.... but only because we have been doing a better and better job at the border.

If you look at the broader time line, you can see clearly the prior to the crash in 2008, the vast vast majority of the illegals in this country were here from just walking across the border.


Clearly.... CLEARLY... the vast vast majority of illegals in this country even today, came from the vast numbers just walking in the country 10 years ago.

Yes, it's true, that more of the NEW illegals *THIS YEAR* will be from VISA overstays, rather than walking the border. But that doesn't change the fact that the majority of illegals already here, are here because they walked the border.

That doesn't mean that VISA overstays are not a problem, obviously they are. And as your own link points out, Trump is also looking into that as well.

But one problems, doesn't negate another problem. Both are problems. Until you deal with people just walking across the border on foot, there is no point to dealing with the millions of illegals already in the country.
...with a power tool retailing for $100.

Smugglers are reportedly cutting holes in Trump’s newly constructed border wall with saws and power tools

How could anyone be surprised about this?
Just remember, it is not Trump's wall-it is OUR wall. And an attack on it is an Attack on the United States. I say open season on any who attack us! let's throw billions and billions of dollars at a problem which will have absolutely no effect at all. I will say this again. I live 35 miles from the border and hundreds, if not thousands of Mexicans cross through the BP check point every day, and nobody knows if the return to Mexico or not.
Exactly. I live 7 miles from the busiest border crossing in the world where 100,000+ people cross per day. That's where illegal immigration is coming from and that's where our efforts should be focused. Not a stupid wall that can be cut with a $100 reciprocating saw or climbed with a rebar ladder and rope, or defeated in many other ways.

That's 4th grade level problem solving. We can do better.

REALLY?? Majority of illegal immigration is coming from day passes at an authorized border crossing? THat's a new story.. Call the WaPO and CBP....

If you are NOT on preapproved VISA or a day pass, you'll be processed under "amnesty"... And granted that's about 1/2 of the illegal volume.. But why would ANYONE with a winnable amnesty case choose to crash thru cartel thugs and smugglers and the desert to force their way in OUTSIDE of a legal border crossing?

That's the other 1/2 or more of the problem... And by logic and reason, it contains the folks with the MOST PROBLEMS that would prevent their applications at a CBP checkpoint...
Yes. The majority of illegal immigration comes from people over staying their visas. I don't have to tell WaPo, they already know. And so does Trump. It is not a new story for any but the stupidest of red state nutters.

For 7th Consecutive Year, Visa Overstays Exceeded Illegal Border Crossings
Wrong, it's not the majority. It's about 40%. So you believe the wall is a failure if even one person gets past it, but your plan is a great success if 60% get past it.

You're a dumbass, of course.
Also from the above link:

"In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego."

I guess that, Mexicans have learned to use ladders. Who could have known?

Let me ask.... do you think more... or less... or the same number would be crossing if there was absolutely not border whatsoever?

No one anywhere suggested that the number of illegal crossing would end up zero with the wall.

The number of illegal crossings from East to West Germany was not zero during that time, and the Soviets were shooting to kill those who crossed.

Well, let's see. You can cut a hole through it. You can tunnel under it. You can fly over it. You can boat around it, or you can ignore it all together, and just walk through the BP portal gate. In view of those facts, I would say that your $40 billion in taxes to build, and maybe a billion per year to maintain, will stop 5% of illegals.

Oh please. You seriously expect me to believe that it only stops 5% of illegals? Really? How many illegals have planes in the backyard, just waiting for when they decide to fly over the wall? How many have tunnel building experience, concrete, and digging machines to tunnel under the wall? How many do you see boating around it?

You are talking about cartels. Cartels could possibly have that much money and resources, but they are only going to do that with big ticket items that can recover the cost of resources they use. Namely drugs. The average immigrant isn't going to have enough money to make it worth a cartels time to tunnel under a wall.

Drugs do.

Most illegals are going to be stopped by a wall.

Remember the caravan? Did you see them hauling drilling machines in their caravan? No. Did you see them flying in planes? Of course not.


Andy, for Christ sake, have you ever flown in a plane? Did you have to buy one to do that? As for tunnels, did you have to dig the Eisenhower Tunnel in Denver in order to go through it. Jesus, guy use a little imagination.

I am baffled by this comment. I can't tell if you are mentally disabled, or are so partisan in your incompetence, that you actually believe what you are saying.

Drug smugglers are not going to start shuffling people through the tunnels. It's too risky. You lose that tunnel, and then you can't get your millions of dollars in drugs through.

Same with a plane. You are not going to fly 5 people in that tiny prop plane, who are going to give you $50 each in pesos, and risk losing the plane if you are caught, when you could be tossing $100,000 bags of drugs out to be picked up by someone already in the US, and flying back to Mexico before being caught.

We catch planes and tunnels routinely. How do you think you know about them enough to post about it here?
Also from the above link:

"In addition to cutting through the walls, officials told the Post that smugglers have also repeatedly scaled and climbed over the walls with makeshift ladders, particularly in areas near San Diego."

I guess that, Mexicans have learned to use ladders. Who could have known?

Let me ask.... do you think more... or less... or the same number would be crossing if there was absolutely not border whatsoever?

No one anywhere suggested that the number of illegal crossing would end up zero with the wall.

The number of illegal crossings from East to West Germany was not zero during that time, and the Soviets were shooting to kill those who crossed.

Well, let's see. You can cut a hole through it. You can tunnel under it. You can fly over it. You can boat around it, or you can ignore it all together, and just walk through the BP portal gate. In view of those facts, I would say that your $40 billion in taxes to build, and maybe a billion per year to maintain, will stop 5% of illegals.

Oh please. You seriously expect me to believe that it only stops 5% of illegals? Really? How many illegals have planes in the backyard, just waiting for when they decide to fly over the wall? How many have tunnel building experience, concrete, and digging machines to tunnel under the wall? How many do you see boating around it?

You are talking about cartels. Cartels could possibly have that much money and resources, but they are only going to do that with big ticket items that can recover the cost of resources they use. Namely drugs. The average immigrant isn't going to have enough money to make it worth a cartels time to tunnel under a wall.

Drugs do.

Most illegals are going to be stopped by a wall.

Remember the caravan? Did you see them hauling drilling machines in their caravan? No. Did you see them flying in planes? Of course not.


Andy, for Christ sake, have you ever flown in a plane? Did you have to buy one to do that? As for tunnels, did you have to dig the Eisenhower Tunnel in Denver in order to go through it. Jesus, guy use a little imagination.

I am baffled by this comment. I can't tell if you are mentally disabled, or are so partisan in your incompetence, that you actually believe what you are saying.

Drug smugglers are not going to start shuffling people through the tunnels. It's too risky. You lose that tunnel, and then you can't get your millions of dollars in drugs through.

Same with a plane. You are not going to fly 5 people in that tiny prop plane, who are going to give you $50 each in pesos, and risk losing the plane if you are caught, when you could be tossing $100,000 bags of drugs out to be picked up by someone already in the US, and flying back to Mexico before being caught.

We catch planes and tunnels routinely. How do you think you know about them enough to post about it here?
The open borders douchebags are just desperate to find any excuse to oppose building the wall.
Let me ask.... do you think more... or less... or the same number would be crossing if there was absolutely not border whatsoever?

No one anywhere suggested that the number of illegal crossing would end up zero with the wall.

The number of illegal crossings from East to West Germany was not zero during that time, and the Soviets were shooting to kill those who crossed.

Well, let's see. You can cut a hole through it. You can tunnel under it. You can fly over it. You can boat around it, or you can ignore it all together, and just walk through the BP portal gate. In view of those facts, I would say that your $40 billion in taxes to build, and maybe a billion per year to maintain, will stop 5% of illegals.

Oh please. You seriously expect me to believe that it only stops 5% of illegals? Really? How many illegals have planes in the backyard, just waiting for when they decide to fly over the wall? How many have tunnel building experience, concrete, and digging machines to tunnel under the wall? How many do you see boating around it?

You are talking about cartels. Cartels could possibly have that much money and resources, but they are only going to do that with big ticket items that can recover the cost of resources they use. Namely drugs. The average immigrant isn't going to have enough money to make it worth a cartels time to tunnel under a wall.

Drugs do.

Most illegals are going to be stopped by a wall.

Remember the caravan? Did you see them hauling drilling machines in their caravan? No. Did you see them flying in planes? Of course not.


Andy, for Christ sake, have you ever flown in a plane? Did you have to buy one to do that? As for tunnels, did you have to dig the Eisenhower Tunnel in Denver in order to go through it. Jesus, guy use a little imagination.

I am baffled by this comment. I can't tell if you are mentally disabled, or are so partisan in your incompetence, that you actually believe what you are saying.

Drug smugglers are not going to start shuffling people through the tunnels. It's too risky. You lose that tunnel, and then you can't get your millions of dollars in drugs through.

Same with a plane. You are not going to fly 5 people in that tiny prop plane, who are going to give you $50 each in pesos, and risk losing the plane if you are caught, when you could be tossing $100,000 bags of drugs out to be picked up by someone already in the US, and flying back to Mexico before being caught.

We catch planes and tunnels routinely. How do you think you know about them enough to post about it here?
The open borders douchebags are just desperate to find any excuse to oppose building the wall.

our border isnt open you douchebag -

Overall, U.S. border authorities made 977,509 arrests during fiscal 2019, up 88 percent from last year and the highest total since 2007.

more than 52,000 migrants were taken into custody in September at U.S. ports of entry and between them, a decline of 18 percent from August.

no need for a wall -
Still no pictures huh. Gee, if it were actually happening you would think some would have surfaced by now.

Looks like another leftist lie.

Pictures have been presented but you scream "Fake News" when they are presented. A clip where Rump is admitting to it but is playing id down with his 2nd grade engineering also has been shown in here. The only fake news here is YOU.

The pictures that have been presented were test cuts made during testing, and those were accomplished with cutting torches.

This has already been proven dude.
Anyone can get a cutting torch. What is your point.

eastcorner is doing nothing but a "Hey, look over there" once again. He's picking nits hoping we won't see just how vulnerable the wall without the other features are. The wall, by itself failed the Chinese in the 12th through 16th century for the same reasons.

The wall HAS other features as did the GWofC. You are quite the ignorant one.


Let's see. The GWofC was defeated by bribery, tunneling, cutting holes in it, the Dynasties didn't have the manpower to man the entire wall, there were breaks in it for long stretches, electronics were about 400 to 800 years into the future so that wasn't a factor. If you can't go over it, you go under it. If you can't go under it, you go through it. If you can't go through it, you bribe your way through the check points. If you can't bribe your way through it you just go around it. The Dynasties invested millions of workers in building their wall and in the end, it didn't stop them from being invaded and overthrown not once but many times. Yes, it looks good from space but it ended up being a failure.

The Wall, without the other features is just a bother. It's an expensive failure. When Rump too over and created the Border Problem, he ended up taking Border Patrol people off their beats and they ended up being glorified Baby Sitters or Jailers. The investments in the Immigration Court Systems was reduced to pay for these holding facilities and transports. The Funds for electronic listening was diminished to pay for these programs as well. It's a failed system. And you are too busy bowing to your Orange Rump to see where it needs to be changed. Actually, it needs to be changed BACK to the original idea that was presented in 2006.

Your "Wall" is as much a success as the GWofC.
conservative business owners look to hire illegals to save money and increase profits.

...and Democrats import Illegals to do the job that real American think is repulsive - vote for Democrats.
Trump sup[porters hire illegals to save money and increase profits. Trump's businesses have done it for years and even had illegals working while Trump was President.

Then since you are afflicted with TDS you should be against open borders to deny Trump his cheap labor. Don't tell any of your Moon Bat buddies that you oppose open borders because they will call you a racist.
I am against open borders but a plan that is put together with critical thinking and consideration of the many different people who are trying to enter our country.
Not a plan based on stereotyping immigrants and based on hate because of the false claim that unemployed white males will have high paying jobs if we eliminate illegal work force.
The unemployed white males will be mowing lawns, working in slaughter houses, picking fruit, working in fields if illegals are stopped, but they will not do it.
Go after those who hire them.

I have a white guy who cuts my lawn. What is the problem?

Why that just UnMerican. How dare you deprive an illegal immigrant his job like that.

The problem is, we bag the illegal worker and let the company or individual off with a cross look and they just do it again and again. You want it to stop? Start by sending companies and individuals to prison for hiring them in the first place.

And don't give me that crap about the Employer doesn't know who is and who isn't a legal worker. There is a wink and a nod system in place. I have seen it in may jobs around here. You have one legal Lupi with a birth certificate but you have 4 other Lupis using that same birth certificate (with minor changes) to gain work at the same company. And you have to send all 5 Lupis out on the same job because the only one that speak English is the original US born Lupi. Everyone in the Company is aware of this. But if you make waves, you are out of a job.

Mara Largo (spelling) workers that built it were almost all Illegals. One of the tricks used, they worked for less than minimum wage and benefits. The Corporation transported them in (or in many cases just looked the other way), helped them with the falsifying of the paperwork and then paid them less than agreed upon. If an illegal raised a stink about it it was time for an ICE raid. Not to worry, you just bring in the next batch. Is it still happening? Your guess is as good as mine. But rest assured, other Corporations are doing it as I type this.

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