Illegals already cutting through Trump's multi billion $ wall...

You made a claim, about how and why he was elected, that smeared him and his supporters.

It was a false claim. My point addressed that. You smeared tens of millions of good people in this country, with a lie.

We voted for him, for valid reasons. Your claim otherwise, was you being a bad person.

I was not wrong....

operation Wetback worked pretty nicely in the 50s but at that time there was National will to get rid of Wetbacks . Yep , OPERATION Wetback cleaned up my schools and general society PKknop.

Our nation is flooded with hostile aliens, and you are focusing on harsh language?

Are you insane?


Seriously. Are you insane?
Yes, and he's stupid.
who didn't see what was coming when these aliens . 'mexicans' and 'otm' were allowed to open bank accounts 30 some years ago . And then the ability to get drivers licences and Gov issued 'ID' .

Why don't you want to make sure the local employee knows our rules of the road? You would prefer they simply continue to drive to work with no education of our laws?

We would prefer the jobs go to fucking Americans.

Business would prefer otherwise. They can pay illegals under the table. Less than legal wages and for more than legal hours.

And you side with them. You support them. You support the candidates they buy, to make sure they get their cheap labor.

I didn't support Trump. He is the one doing this......or more specific, not doing what is needed.

I choose to oppose them. I support the candidate they opposed. The one that they fought against with all their might. And they lost.

They are still working by the millions, still coming and business is still immune from immigration laws.

Thanks to scum like you.
What "resort beach areas" are there on our Southern border?

It would be a hundred times easier to take a boat from anywhere in Mexico to anywhere in the U.S. than hiking across the desert. People have been doing it from Cuba for years.
How many such boats do you imagine there are in Mexico? People who own boats capable of such a trip are comparatively wealthy. Why would they go? Why aren't they doing it now?

Only a handful of people from Cuba do it, and a lot of them die in the process. Do you recall what happened to the people who crossed with Elian Gonzalas?

It doesn't take an expensive boat. The cartels can buy them by the truck load at that.
Oh puhleeze. Do you actually believe they can launch their boats one mile south of the border and then land one mile up the beach from the border? The border patrol has men stationed for at least the first 100 miles to watch the beach, and the coast guard is swarming all over the area. The will have to travel hundreds of miles by sea to get around that.

Leftwingers are so stupid they don't believe anyone has ever thought of ways to thwart their childish schemes.

Yes, they can come by boat by the thousands.
No they can't, turd. Your own article says so.
It doesn't take an expensive boat. The cartels can buy them by the truck load at that.
Oh puhleeze. Do you actually believe they can launch their boats one mile south of the border and then land one mile up the beach from the border? The border patrol has men stationed for at least the first 100 miles to watch the beach, and the coast guard is swarming all over the area. The will have to travel hundreds of miles by sea to get around that.

Leftwingers are so stupid they don't believe anyone has ever thought of ways to thwart their childish schemes.

Yes, they can come by boat by the thousands.
Then why aren't they doing it?

They do.

Migrants turn to sea to enter U.S. illegally
Your article admits the numbers are small, the trip is dangerous and it's expensive for the illegal aliens - $5000 for the trip.

It has been small. It won't stay that way. As long as the jobs are here they will find a way to get here. Over, under or around, they will get here. I would do the same.
Why don't you want to make sure the local employee knows our rules of the road? You would prefer they simply continue to drive to work with no education of our laws?

We would prefer the jobs go to fucking Americans.

Business would prefer otherwise. They can pay illegals under the table. Less than legal wages and for more than legal hours.

And you side with them. You support them. You support the candidates they buy, to make sure they get their cheap labor.

I didn't support Trump. He is the one doing this......or more specific, not doing what is needed.

I choose to oppose them. I support the candidate they opposed. The one that they fought against with all their might. And they lost.

They are still working by the millions, still coming and business is still immune from immigration laws.

Thanks to scum like you.

I have zero ability to enforce the laws. Trump does. He will not. But sure, calling me names will change that.
Oh puhleeze. Do you actually believe they can launch their boats one mile south of the border and then land one mile up the beach from the border? The border patrol has men stationed for at least the first 100 miles to watch the beach, and the coast guard is swarming all over the area. The will have to travel hundreds of miles by sea to get around that.

Leftwingers are so stupid they don't believe anyone has ever thought of ways to thwart their childish schemes.

Yes, they can come by boat by the thousands.
Then why aren't they doing it?

They do.

Migrants turn to sea to enter U.S. illegally
Your article admits the numbers are small, the trip is dangerous and it's expensive for the illegal aliens - $5000 for the trip.

It has been small. It won't stay that way. As long as the jobs are here they will find a way to get here. Over, under or around, they will get here. I would do the same.
So, do nothing? You are a serious fool.
We would prefer the jobs go to fucking Americans.

Business would prefer otherwise. They can pay illegals under the table. Less than legal wages and for more than legal hours.

And you side with them. You support them. You support the candidates they buy, to make sure they get their cheap labor.

I didn't support Trump. He is the one doing this......or more specific, not doing what is needed.

I choose to oppose them. I support the candidate they opposed. The one that they fought against with all their might. And they lost.

They are still working by the millions, still coming and business is still immune from immigration laws.

Thanks to scum like you.

I have zero ability to enforce the laws. Trump does. He will not. But sure, calling me names will change that.
Trump has been trying to enforce the laws, shit for brains. Leftwing judges and politicians have been obstructing him at every turn. Anyone who doesn't admit that is either a moron or a douchebag.
Yes, they can come by boat by the thousands.
Then why aren't they doing it?

They do.

Migrants turn to sea to enter U.S. illegally
Your article admits the numbers are small, the trip is dangerous and it's expensive for the illegal aliens - $5000 for the trip.

It has been small. It won't stay that way. As long as the jobs are here they will find a way to get here. Over, under or around, they will get here. I would do the same.
So, do nothing? You are a serious fool.

Do nothing? I argue over and over to enforce our laws. Trump won't.
Business would prefer otherwise. They can pay illegals under the table. Less than legal wages and for more than legal hours.

And you side with them. You support them. You support the candidates they buy, to make sure they get their cheap labor.

I didn't support Trump. He is the one doing this......or more specific, not doing what is needed.

I choose to oppose them. I support the candidate they opposed. The one that they fought against with all their might. And they lost.

They are still working by the millions, still coming and business is still immune from immigration laws.

Thanks to scum like you.

I have zero ability to enforce the laws. Trump does. He will not. But sure, calling me names will change that.
Trump has been trying to enforce the laws, shit for brains. Leftwing judges and politicians have been obstructing him at every turn. Anyone who doesn't admit that is either a moron or a douchebag.

Never happened. Show me where he has charged an employer and a judge blocked that.
Trump sup[porters hire illegals to save money and increase profits. Trump's businesses have done it for years and even had illegals working while Trump was President.

Then since you are afflicted with TDS you should be against open borders to deny Trump his cheap labor. Don't tell any of your Moon Bat buddies that you oppose open borders because they will call you a racist.
I am against open borders but a plan that is put together with critical thinking and consideration of the many different people who are trying to enter our country.
Not a plan based on stereotyping immigrants and based on hate because of the false claim that unemployed white males will have high paying jobs if we eliminate illegal work force.
The unemployed white males will be mowing lawns, working in slaughter houses, picking fruit, working in fields if illegals are stopped, but they will not do it.
Go after those who hire them.

I have a white guy who cuts my lawn. What is the problem?
How do you know he is not an illegal. The mindset of a Trump minion. A white man must be a legal. A brown man is probably an illegal.
You are disgusting.

Sure. Just based on the fact that the vast majority of illegals are brown.

Nothing disgusting about basing conclusions on known facts.

Even if they have racial components.

You are a fool.
you mean like everyone who supports Trump is uneducated, white supremacist missing several teeth and lives in a single wide trailer. You have a point.
Your article admits the numbers are small, the trip is dangerous and it's expensive for the illegal aliens - $5000 for the trip.

It has been small. It won't stay that way. As long as the jobs are here they will find a way to get here. Over, under or around, they will get here. I would do the same.
So, do nothing? You are a serious fool.

Do nothing? I argue over and over to enforce our laws. Trump won't.
You vote for politicians who refuse to enforce laws, douchebag.
And you side with them. You support them. You support the candidates they buy, to make sure they get their cheap labor.

I didn't support Trump. He is the one doing this......or more specific, not doing what is needed.

I choose to oppose them. I support the candidate they opposed. The one that they fought against with all their might. And they lost.

They are still working by the millions, still coming and business is still immune from immigration laws.

Thanks to scum like you.

I have zero ability to enforce the laws. Trump does. He will not. But sure, calling me names will change that.
Trump has been trying to enforce the laws, shit for brains. Leftwing judges and politicians have been obstructing him at every turn. Anyone who doesn't admit that is either a moron or a douchebag.

Never happened. Show me where he has charged an employer and a judge blocked that.
That is too stupid to even bother with a substantive response.

You're just a sleazy dishonest moron.
Then since you are afflicted with TDS you should be against open borders to deny Trump his cheap labor. Don't tell any of your Moon Bat buddies that you oppose open borders because they will call you a racist.
I am against open borders but a plan that is put together with critical thinking and consideration of the many different people who are trying to enter our country.
Not a plan based on stereotyping immigrants and based on hate because of the false claim that unemployed white males will have high paying jobs if we eliminate illegal work force.
The unemployed white males will be mowing lawns, working in slaughter houses, picking fruit, working in fields if illegals are stopped, but they will not do it.
Go after those who hire them.

I have a white guy who cuts my lawn. What is the problem?
How do you know he is not an illegal. The mindset of a Trump minion. A white man must be a legal. A brown man is probably an illegal.
You are disgusting.

Sure. Just based on the fact that the vast majority of illegals are brown.

Nothing disgusting about basing conclusions on known facts.

Even if they have racial components.

You are a fool.
you mean like everyone who supports Trump is uneducated, white supremacist missing several teeth and lives in a single wide trailer. You have a point.


The vast majority of illegal aliens are brown. Assuming that a white guy, is not an illegal, makes complete sense.

Trump's support was a widespread majority of the white population.

It was, especially in the primaries, especially strong among those without any college education.

THe rest of your spin, is just you being a hateful bigot, with your hate filled spin based on nothing but your own hate.

Your hate makes no sense. YOur race baiting is noted. You are a race baiting asshole.
You made a claim, about how and why he was elected, that smeared him and his supporters.

It was a false claim. My point addressed that. You smeared tens of millions of good people in this country, with a lie.

We voted for him, for valid reasons. Your claim otherwise, was you being a bad person.

I was not wrong....

operation Wetback worked pretty nicely in the 50s but at that time there was National will to get rid of Wetbacks . Yep , OPERATION Wetback cleaned up my schools and general society PKknop.

Our nation is flooded with hostile aliens, and you are focusing on harsh language?

Are you insane?


Seriously. Are you insane?
Yes, and he's stupid.
--------------------------------------------------- I THINK that he [pk] is simply unamerican with tendencies of a Traitor
Your article admits the numbers are small, the trip is dangerous and it's expensive for the illegal aliens - $5000 for the trip.

It has been small. It won't stay that way. As long as the jobs are here they will find a way to get here. Over, under or around, they will get here. I would do the same.
So, do nothing? You are a serious fool.

Do nothing? I argue over and over to enforce our laws. Trump won't.
You vote for politicians who refuse to enforce laws, douchebag.

I should be different than you?
I didn't support Trump. He is the one doing this......or more specific, not doing what is needed.

They are still working by the millions, still coming and business is still immune from immigration laws.

Thanks to scum like you.

I have zero ability to enforce the laws. Trump does. He will not. But sure, calling me names will change that.
Trump has been trying to enforce the laws, shit for brains. Leftwing judges and politicians have been obstructing him at every turn. Anyone who doesn't admit that is either a moron or a douchebag.

Never happened. Show me where he has charged an employer and a judge blocked that.
That is too stupid to even bother with a substantive response.

You're just a sleazy dishonest moron.

It was your claim. So yeah, you are likely right.
conservative business owners look to hire illegals to save money and increase profits.

...and Democrats import Illegals to do the job that real American think is repulsive - vote for Democrats.
Trump sup[porters hire illegals to save money and increase profits. Trump's businesses have done it for years and even had illegals working while Trump was President.

Then since you are afflicted with TDS you should be against open borders to deny Trump his cheap labor. Don't tell any of your Moon Bat buddies that you oppose open borders because they will call you a racist.
I am against open borders but a plan that is put together with critical thinking and consideration of the many different people who are trying to enter our country.
Not a plan based on stereotyping immigrants and based on hate because of the false claim that unemployed white males will have high paying jobs if we eliminate illegal work force.
The unemployed white males will be mowing lawns, working in slaughter houses, picking fruit, working in fields if illegals are stopped, but they will not do it.
Go after those who hire them.
Horseshit. You are obviously for open borders.

These dishonest Moon Bats are in denial when cornered about the issue but they vote for all the Democrat clowns that support open borders.
Your article admits the numbers are small, the trip is dangerous and it's expensive for the illegal aliens - $5000 for the trip.

It has been small. It won't stay that way. As long as the jobs are here they will find a way to get here. Over, under or around, they will get here. I would do the same.
So, do nothing? You are a serious fool.

Do nothing? I argue over and over to enforce our laws. Trump won't.
You vote for politicians who refuse to enforce laws, douchebag.

I should be different than you?
I don't vote for politicians who refuse to enforce our immigration laws. You do.
...and Democrats import Illegals to do the job that real American think is repulsive - vote for Democrats.
Trump sup[porters hire illegals to save money and increase profits. Trump's businesses have done it for years and even had illegals working while Trump was President.

Then since you are afflicted with TDS you should be against open borders to deny Trump his cheap labor. Don't tell any of your Moon Bat buddies that you oppose open borders because they will call you a racist.
I am against open borders but a plan that is put together with critical thinking and consideration of the many different people who are trying to enter our country.
Not a plan based on stereotyping immigrants and based on hate because of the false claim that unemployed white males will have high paying jobs if we eliminate illegal work force.
The unemployed white males will be mowing lawns, working in slaughter houses, picking fruit, working in fields if illegals are stopped, but they will not do it.
Go after those who hire them.
Horseshit. You are obviously for open borders.

These dishonest Moon Bats are in denial when cornered about the issue but they vote for all the Democrat clowns that support open borders.
I always howl with laughter whenever the claim the aren't for open borders.
Dems are probably behind facilitating the damage to the wall - without a steady stream of violent criminal illegals how would they keep their federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities running?!


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