Illegals and the Scream that they are Hurting America.

Then Brandon told illegals to flood in when he was elected, shitforbrains.

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bullshit. In fact Biden was the one who put together the best bill to slow down the influx of Migrants through our southern border. The court overturned his bill because of the law. You ass holes want to break the law to stop them but even you right leaning supreme court isn't going to allow it. You people are idiots.
bullshit. In fact Biden was the one who put together the best bill to slow down the influx of Migrants through our southern border. The court overturned his bill because of the law. You ass holes want to break the law to stop them but even you right leaning supreme court isn't going to allow it. You people are idiots.
Was it Joes EO ordering the INS to not raid businesses?
His order to dismantle the wall protecting us?
His speech telling illegals to flood into America?
Democrats never going within a hundred miles of the border?
Blacks getting jobs taken?
People who just come in here to throw out lies are a waste and should be pulled from the thread.
Was it Joes EO ordering the INS to not raid businesses?
His order to dismantle the wall protecting us?
His speech telling illegals to flood into America?
Democrats never going within a hundred miles of the border?
Blacks getting jobs taken?
What a fucking waste of bandwidth , you can't back one of your points up . Is there even a grain of truth to anything you say. Where do you get this crap. Here is your dismantle lie

What the border wall executive order said​

The claim is referring to Biden’s executive order that ended border wall construction projects and will redirect the project funds elsewhere.

In his proclamation, Biden wrote that the government would no longer divert taxpayer dollars to construct a border wall. It is one of several executive actions the president signed since taking office on Jan. 20.

" everything you say is a lie . I of course will have to dump your ass if you will not contribute one thing that is true. You are the lowest form of humanity and you are normal for the hate group you call the party.
weather man is scum a total waste of bandwidth , a total waste of a human . him and people like him are this countries biggest thread and of course this countries biggest enemy, he is trying to get to where he wants to be with lies and distortion, kind of reminds me of the 30000 lies Trump shit our during his four years.
Representation Is a Re-presentation of All the Tyrannies That Drove Our Forefathers to Emigrate to America

Then get rid of the elitist anti-majority Constitution. It's ironic that those who are most taken in by that manifesto hate politicians, yet the Constitution empowers such a political oligarchy and that those people are entitled to make decisions a lot more rational and realistic than the common people would.
Kamala couldn’t have made a better word salad
Here shithead, your claim about Biden not raiding businesses for undocumented aliens. So why did he do that, to use the budget which there was no way it could increase to go after the business instead , He decided to go after the corporate heads that exploit these undocumented people , exactly what should have been done all along. If they arrest and charge this corporate heads , they will not hire these undocumented workers. That will end it. By the way the party that has protected against these corpoate heads being arrested has been the right wing. for decades they have protected these corporations. THE WORM isn't doing very well on facts ,

Democrats are so good at controlling immigration they hand freebie benefits to illegals that Americans don’t get, open the borders and sue any state that tries to curb illegal immigration.

Fuckhead, illegals stayed in Mexico under Trump. Brandon flies them into America for free.
You don't even know this law ass hole, title 42 stupid, the day that ended no one could keep them in Mexico anymore. BY the way you fucking brain dead , people who are here and request asylum are legally here and have to work in a set period of time. You not evern close on one of your lies , they are all MAGA Maggiot lies so weird and far out that they are laughable. What a brain dead ifdiot.

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