illegals from infected countries caught crossing border !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
according to the left we need open borders ! and to want a secure border is an act of extreme racism a xenophobia ! even if the people sneaking in are from countries infected by the leftwing virus from the far leftwing gov controlled China ! its also been reported that illegals from over 70 countries infected with the leftwing commie virus have been caught trying to sneak in ! the left continues to push policies that endanger us all ! whether its from a left wing virus from a far left communist country with gov controlled healthcare or whether its their leftwing allies in the US known as the democratic party they have all put us in danger of the virus the left has unleashed on the world !DHS officials fear illegal border crossings may spread coronavirus
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Not a shocker anyone with any amount of common sense knew that was going to happen. Which leaves leftists still not understanding
Not a shocker anyone with any amount of common sense knew that was going to happen. Which leaves leftists still not understanding
their ideological allies in China caused the outbreak and then hid it from the world and then the left in this country are trying to assist the spread of their leftwing virus by calling for open borders and denouncing travel bans as racist and xenophobic .
That's why tonight Trump has halted shipping for 30 days from China and Europe...because of the heavy stowaway problem that flows into NY...SF....LA....and Seattle....
according to the left we need open borders ! and to want a secure border is an act of extreme racism a xenophobia ! even if the people sneaking in are from countries infected by the leftwing virus from the far leftwing gov controlled China ! its also been reported that illegals from over 70 countries infected with the leftwing commie virus have been caught trying to sneak in ! the left continues to push policies that endanger us all ! whether its from a left wing virus from a far left communist country with gov controlled healthcare or whether its their leftwing allies in the US known as the democratic party they have all put us in danger of the virus the left has unleashed on the world !DHS officials fear illegal border crossings may spread coronavirus

As soon as this thing started in Wuhan, the entire Western World should have all immediately closed all Western borders and blanket banned all flights coming in from China and also rounded up all Chinese workers in their respective nations and put them into special Military type quarantine areas FAR AWAY from ALL civilian areas and after the two week quarantine process all these Chinese workers should have been sent BACK to China.

This is how it spread from China into The West, by Chinese peoples and also by Western peoples working in China returning back to their respective nations. IF The West would have taken the measures in my first paragraph then this COVID-19 could have been predominantly contained in China.

But it was of course because so many Western politicians were AFRAID of being called xenophobes that the above measures did not occur when they should have. Now many nations are in a situation of closing the door when the horse has already taken off. Also The International Globalists that control via Blackmail so many Western politicians DEMANDED NO borders to be closed because that goes AGAINST their insane plan to mass flood ONLY Western nations with unlimited amounts of Third World Shitholers.

So we have a problem and we have a CHOICE and only ONE choice is going to work in future - because there WILL be ANOTHER COVID-19 and possibly the next one like with the second round of the Spanish Flu it will be A LOT more horrific than the first round, read up on this the first round of Spanish Flu in 1918 was considered mild it was when it returned for a second round that the majority of those approx 100 millions deaths happened - so the ONLY choice we now have is this:

Do you want to live? or Do you want to die? Do you want to forward plan measures to contain and prevent spread? or Do you want to keep Borders Open and continue to allow Third World Shitholers in because it makes you FEEL better about yourself emotionally?

IF you want to live then everyone is going to have to forget about all this name calling and being afraid of being called xenophobes and racists when we say that borders are going to be shut and ZERO Immigration from Non-Western nations is now the official policy.

Of course for the Pro-Globalisation SJW types the headstones on their graves will read:

"Well yes I'm dead but at LEAST I wasn't a xenophobic racist"
Note to all illegals....

If you want to stay safe from deportation, make sure you head to a "sanctuary city"!!!!
according to the left we need open borders ! and to want a secure border is an act of extreme racism a xenophobia ! even if the people sneaking in are from countries infected by the leftwing virus from the far leftwing gov controlled China ! its also been reported that illegals from over 70 countries infected with the leftwing commie virus have been caught trying to sneak in ! the left continues to push policies that endanger us all ! whether its from a left wing virus from a far left communist country with gov controlled healthcare or whether its their leftwing allies in the US known as the democratic party they have all put us in danger of the virus the left has unleashed on the world !DHS officials fear illegal border crossings may spread coronavirus

Libs really don't give a shit, they are just trying to sabotage the President's plan to deal with coronavirus.

President Trump laid out some basic ideas last night, people need to be washing their hands after using the bathroom. But libs aren't doing that, they'd rather have a million people die, or a billion, if it is going to make Trump look bad. But it doesn't reflect on Trump or the GOP, but on them, if they aren't sanitary.
Fact Check: Department Of Homeland Security Officials Did NOT Say Illegal Border Crossings May Spread Coronavirus | Lead Stories

President Trump last week had floated the possibility of closing border crossings between the U.S. and Mexico, though this week he downplayed that option, saying he didn't see the border as much of a vulnerability.

"We're not seeing a lot of evidence in that area," he said -- though he added, "We're closing it, I guess, automatically because we have a very strong border there now."
Thank God we have Trump and not some weak kneed Democrat defending our border.
Not a shocker anyone with any amount of common sense knew that was going to happen. Which leaves leftists still not understanding
there is nothing dumber than a democrat ! thats why their dear leaders have no respect for them !
according to the left we need open borders ! and to want a secure border is an act of extreme racism a xenophobia ! even if the people sneaking in are from countries infected by the leftwing virus from the far leftwing gov controlled China ! its also been reported that illegals from over 70 countries infected with the leftwing commie virus have been caught trying to sneak in ! the left continues to push policies that endanger us all ! whether its from a left wing virus from a far left communist country with gov controlled healthcare or whether its their leftwing allies in the US known as the democratic party they have all put us in danger of the virus the left has unleashed on the world !DHS officials fear illegal border crossings may spread coronavirus

Libs really don't give a shit, they are just trying to sabotage the President's plan to deal with coronavirus.

President Trump laid out some basic ideas last night, people need to be washing their hands after using the bathroom. But libs aren't doing that, they'd rather have a million people die, or a billion, if it is going to make Trump look bad. But it doesn't reflect on Trump or the GOP, but on them, if they aren't sanitary.
and when this crisis passes in a few weeks voters will remember the lefts politicization of it ! and they will also be able to compare results taken by this administration to those of Obama's during the h1n1 outbreak that killed nearly 20 thousand Americans ! the left will once again eat its own shit !

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