Illegals Openly Campaign for Dems in Wash.

What world to you live in?

I live in a world where the inscription on Lady Liberty and the words of the 14th amendment mean what they say.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

I swear, aside from the 2nd amendment and some assinine interpretation of the 9th and 10th amendments, the righties don't seem to give a damn about the constitution.

That said, i would like to live in a world where race baiting, xenophobia and constant definition of "the other" didn't sway people to vote against their own economic self-interest and for the interest of a class of idle, super rich leeches. But, sadly, that world does not yet exist, at least not in the United States.
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who is also in a minority and encourages anything associated with minorities to flourish

Let me guess, you're white and you reside in Dixie or perhaps the agrcultural mid-west.

Am I right?
Maybe they should move the Statue of Liberty to the southern boarder

Yeah, maybe righties should recognize that the imigration into this country is no longer coming from Europe, for good reason. Maybe we should, as a nation, get over the idea that this is going to be an Aryan nation. Maybe the content of a person's character and a person's potential should matter more than the color of their skin, which idol the pray to or what they eat for breakfast. Yeah, maybe all of humanity is actually a brotherhood and there is no "us" and "them".

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who is also in a minority and encourages anything associated with minorities to flourish

Let me guess, you're white and you reside in Dixie or perhaps the agrcultural mid-west.

Am I right?

"Am I right?"

No, you're left....:lol: And a newbie.


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Let me guess, you're white and you reside in Dixie or perhaps the agrcultural mid-west.

Am I right?

I'm Texican,

ALL colors, 'cuz of the freckles,

a natural ginger,

AND a citizen of the world.

(I lived most of my life outside of the US)

Aqua is SPOT ON.

IOW, no banana for YOU.

Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:

Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or

Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or

Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;
has committed a federal crime.

Often times in this debate people tend to forget that everyone that is in this nation "illegally" has committed a crime and as such in their advocacy for them are endorsing violations of Federal law. People that enter into the United States are for the most part taken advantage of by a system on both sides of the debate none of which seems interested in actually enforcing the law or for that matter finding a common ssense solution to an issue that allows such things as human slavery, drug traffic , murder, and yes even to the point where you have people who have broken Federal Law knocking on doors advocating for political candidates.
Current immigration law is dysfunctional and has been for many, many years. The right will not allow reform though because the demagogeury on the issue is so fruitful for them. Given that state of affairs, i don't give a damn about that federal law. The "illegal" isn't doing anything that you or I wouldn't do in the same situation. I mean, if crossing that border meant a better life for you, your family and your progeny, would you cross that border? I would. Indeed, it can be argued that these intrepid souls who are willing to endure the dangerous crossing for the sake of self-improvement and liberty are exactly the sorts of people we want in the United States.

And a kid who is born here is a citizen. That's not statute, that the friggin' constitution. We fought the bloodiest war in our history to get that amendment and I'm not giving it up for the sake of those who are paranoid about the loss of our (white) culture.
Current immigration law is dysfunctional and has been for many, many years. The right will not allow reform though because the demagogeury on the issue is so fruitful for them. Given that state of affairs, i don't give a damn about that federal law. The "illegal" isn't doing anything that you or I wouldn't do in the same situation. I mean, if crossing that border meant a better life for you, your family and your progeny, would you cross that border? I would. Indeed, it can be argued that these intrepid souls who are willing to endure the dangerous crossing for the sake of self-improvement and liberty are exactly the sorts of people we want in the United States.

And a kid who is born here is a citizen. That's not statute, that the friggin' constitution. We fought the bloodiest war in our history to get that amendment and I'm not giving it up for the sake of those who are paranoid about the loss of our (white) culture.

Frist of all I agree completely that for the most part those iindividuals that are comming to the United States are doing so for the same reasons that people have come to this nation for generations. That said, if the law itself places the label " illegal" upon them then change the law , or enforce the law because it tells all those who come to this nation and do the hard work necessarcy to become citizens , was not needed and that they simply needed to enter into this nation illegally and pay someone who traffics in human beings to being them here.

The best solution is to recognize that people come here for various reason(s) to better themselves and provide a better life for themselves and their families and to make the process as simple as possible for everyone involved. Currently we have a system that promotes human slavery, drug traffic, murder, kidnapping, and all sorts of various crime for economic and political gain and caught in the middle are real people. So enforce the law, or change it, but do not label people who wish to protect this nation from crime because currently "illegal immigration" is a crime regardless of the noble intentions. So is the man who chooses to rob a bank to feed himself , it is still a crime regardless of the noble intentions. If you do not like the fact its a crime, change the law.

As to your last point, the constitution is VERY clear on this point, people born here are US citizens period. It also mentions subject to the jurisdition, if a person can be arrested and detained for a crime within the borders of this nation then they are said to be subject to its jurisdiction, and as such if someone is born here then they are US Citizens.
then change the law

Been trying for decades but here's the thing. The right loves this issue cause it's a classic divide and conquer thing. They can play to people's xenophobia and get votes that they should never, in a sane world, get.

or enforce the law

Nobody wants the law enforced. The businesses who benefit from imigrant labor don't want it for sure. The Republicans don't even want it cause if they actually got it, they'd lose the ability to demagogue the issue.

"illegal immigration" is a crime regardless of the noble intentions.

So is smoking a joint and jay walking. These imigrants aren't criminals. And their kids are CITIZENS.

if someone is born here then they are US Citizens.

Obviously. So, these kids getting into college that the rightie was wailing about are Citizens. But, they aren't the right color so in his/her estimation, not "real Americans". The white kids should be going to college not because they are better tudents, but because they are white.

That's fucking disgusting.
then change the law

Been trying for decades but here's the thing. The right loves this issue cause it's a classic divide and conquer thing. They can play to people's xenophobia and get votes that they should never, in a sane world, get.

or enforce the law

Nobody wants the law enforced. The businesses who benefit from imigrant labor don't want it for sure. The Republicans don't even want it cause if they actually got it, they'd lose the ability to demagogue the issue.

"illegal immigration" is a crime regardless of the noble intentions.

So is smoking a joint and jay walking. These imigrants aren't criminals. And their kids are CITIZENS.

if someone is born here then they are US Citizens.

Obviously. So, these kids getting into college that the rightie was wailing about are Citizens. But, they aren't the right color so in his/her estimation, not "real Americans". The white kids should be going to college not because they are better tudents, but because they are white.

That's fucking disgusting.

I think both sides like this issue for different reasons, on the one side you have a political party that see's cheap immigrant labor as a means of supply for keeping costs down and on the other political side you see them being used as politcal pawns in vote gathering. The real problem is, that in the end these people are being used by both sides of the politcal spectrum and until such time as they both address the issue in a real manner then it will continue. Further, as long as illegal immigration remains a crime those that engage in it are "criminals" regardless of why they are doing it. An arresting officer in a crime arrests an individual because they are in violation of the law, state loacl or federal take your choice, and the nobility behind the cime is not a means by which a person is judged in our courts. Again I will say, if the fact that comming across the border without documentation or in a vaild port of entry is a crime, then advocate for changing the law. I see none of those that are so noble on the side of the poor illegal immigrant so concerned for their welfare out on the streets protesting the number of people that die each year at the hands of those who traiffic in human misery, murder, and all sorts of other crimes and use these poor people for this. What I do see is people complaining more about states and individuals that wish nothing more than equal enforcement and application of the law , be it jay walking, pot smoking or illegal immigration.
until such time as they both address the issue in a real manner then it will continue.

Tell me, which side is stopping that from happening? This equivalence you're trying to manufacture is illusory.

those that engage in it are "criminals" regardless of why they are doing it.

I'm asking you to expand your thinking beyond definition one in Miriam Websters. Can you do it?

An arresting officer in a crime arrests an individual because they are in violation of the law

Come on man, get out of the books and into the real world. I've had cops bust me for smoking a joint but I've never been arrested. Things just aren't as simple as you are making them out to be.

then advocate for changing the law.

I have been, for decades. Tell me, which side won't let it happen?

I see none of those that are so noble on the side of the poor illegal immigrant so concerned for their welfare out on the streets protesting the number of people that die each year at the hands of those who traiffic in human misery, murder, and all sorts of other crimes and use these poor people for this.

I have no idea what you are talking about here. Do you?
until such time as they both address the issue in a real manner then it will continue.

Tell me, which side is stopping that from happening? This equivalence you're trying to manufacture is illusory.

those that engage in it are "criminals" regardless of why they are doing it.

I'm asking you to expand your thinking beyond definition one in Miriam Websters. Can you do it?

An arresting officer in a crime arrests an individual because they are in violation of the law

Come on man, get out of the books and into the real world. I've had cops bust me for smoking a joint but I've never been arrested. Things just aren't as simple as you are making them out to be.

then advocate for changing the law.

I have been, for decades. Tell me, which side won't let it happen?

I see none of those that are so noble on the side of the poor illegal immigrant so concerned for their welfare out on the streets protesting the number of people that die each year at the hands of those who traiffic in human misery, murder, and all sorts of other crimes and use these poor people for this.

I have no idea what you are talking about here. Do you?

According to the United States Border Patrol, 1,954 people died crossing the U.S–Mexico border between the years 1998-2004...

Migrant deaths along the Mexico ? United States border - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The twenty-first-century slave trade is all about greed. Gangs like MS-13 love the fact that illegal aliens are brought to the United States to work in low-paying jobs, because they support the coyotes who prey on illegal immigrants. Employers profit by hiring below-market labor off the books while honest, middle-class taxpayers pay heavily when “guest workers” need health services or when their children need an education. The unions look forward to a future day when they can recruit from the ranks of illegal immigrants, while the Democratic Party eyes them as future welfare recipients and even voters. Meanwhile, the rest of us pay for their social services with our taxes
21st Century Slave Trade: The 'Guest Worker' Amnesty - HUMAN EVENTS

Mexican officials say the violence killed 6,290 people last year — and more than 1,000 in the first eight weeks of 2009. Warring drug cartels are blamed for more than 560 kidnappings in Phoenix in 2007 and the first half of 2008, and killings in Atlanta, and Birmingham, Ala.

U.S. plans for Mexico border violence - U.S. news - Security -

I can go on but I won't, so yes. I do know what I'm talking about, the fact remains all the protests out there have little if anything to do with the poor immigrant who want to better themselves and make a life for their family because if it did the protests would advocate for stopping all of this rather than blaming states that wish to stop or name calling individuals that wish to as well.

As for the the real world. here are a few statistics. for you,

Washington, DC: Police arrested 847,864 persons for marijuana violations in 2008, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s annual Uniform Crime Report, released today. The total marks a three percent decrease in marijuana arrests from 2007, when law enforcement arrested a record 872,721 Americans for cannabis-related violations.

So while you may think it's all theory , the reality of the situation is very different and I stand by each word I have placed here. I live in a state that has for the most part depended on illegal immgrant labor to feed it's thirst for cheap housing and cheap labor. In doing so, there is ZERO noble intentions other than using these poor people for anything other than that and on the other side, you have people whish to use them for nothing more than as a head count in the next elections allowing for all of the crime to continue. While you may think it's not a big deal to smoke that joint, ot do whatever you wish because it's "expanding" your mind and it's somehow an an open-minded view, those views sometimes have consequences , like. the murder, human traffic, and crime that supports it. Again , if the fact these poor people are considered criminals because they choose to come into this nation bothers you then perhaps it's time to redouble your efforts on behalf of those people who are the real victims here and make it so it's not a crime or focus your anger on those that use them?
I'm sure a lot are voting too..:rolleyes:

(AP) — When Maria Gianni is knocking on voters’ doors, she’s not bashful about telling people she is in the country illegally. She knows it‘s a risk to advertise to strangers that she’s here illegally — but one worth taking in what she sees as a crucial election.

The 42-year-old is one of dozens of volunteers — many of them illegal immigrants — canvassing neighborhoods in the Seattle area trying to get naturalized citizens to cast a ballot for candidates like Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, who is in a neck-to-neck race with Republican Dino Rossi.

Pramila Jayapal, head of OneAmerica Votes, says the campaign is about empowering immigrants who may not feel like they can contribute to a campaign because they can’t vote.

“Immigrants really do matter,” Jayapal said. “If we can’t vote ourselves, we’re gonna knock on doors, or get family members to vote.”

So far the illegal immigrants going door-to-door aren’t meeting opposition. Craig Keller, an organizer for Respect WA, a group pushing for stricter immigration law in the Washington, said he doesn’t mind illegal immigrants volunteering for vote drives, he just wants to make sure mistakes on the voter rolls don’t allow them to vote.

“Anybody can go out and wave a sign, but when it comes to who’s making the choices, there’s no question they need to be citizens,” Keller said.

In close elections across the country, the immigrant and minority vote is considered key for candidates, especially Democrats.

Earlier this week in Nevada, a television ad urging Latinos not to vote sparked outcry from Democrats, who called it a dirty trick meant to keep Hispanics home and boost Republican candidates. Univision and Telemundo — the nation’s two largest Spanish-language networks — canceled the ad, which the Republican group Latinos for Reform had planned to eventually run in Nevada, Florida, California, Texas and Colorado through the Nov. 2 election.

Seattle is home to a wide array of immigrant communities, from Latinos to east Africans and Asians.

Congress declined this year to consider overhauling the country’s immigration law, much to the chagrin of immigrant advocates who had expected Democrats to do so by now.

Still, OneAmerica Votes launched one of the largest get-out-the-vote campaigns in the state on behalf of Democratic candidates. The organization is an offshoot of OneAmerica, one of the state’s largest and the most influential immigrant-rights advocacy group.

Through home visits, phone banks and mailings the organization is aiming to reach about 40,000 registered voters in the Seattle area in an attempt to help Democrats gain ground in key races. Volunteers include other types of people who can’t vote, such as legal permanent residents.

About 150 volunteers rolled out in nine cities across Washington this past week, knocking on 3,000 doors.

In Bellevue, a city of nearly 123,000 east of Seattle, Gianni knocked on 25 doors and spoke to 15 people, she said.

One man, a naturalized citizen from the Philippines, said he knew what she was going through after she shared she was in the country illegally.

“There’s always a risk,” Gianni said in Spanish about her legal status. “But if there’s a change, I would feel like I contributed, even in a small part, to a change we all need.”

Gianni arrived in the United States on a visa 13 years ago looking for work and stayed. For a while her only son lived here, but has since moved back to Mexico.

“In order for there to be a change to our broken immigration system,” she said, “I believe one has to fight.”

Can anyone believe this.....

In order for there to be a change to our broken immigration system,” she said, “I believe one has to fight.”[/QUOTE]

One of the reasons it's broken is good ol USA with all the goodness and generosity it offers gets it's teeth kicked in by people who enter on a visa or with out and overstays their welcome.Then they suck out all they can with visits to the ER for health care and quickly learns how to steal from the system and then has the balls to be critical of how this country runs things.....

All the Libs here will say good for these people we need to take care of them.
Un Effin believable.:cuckoo:
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Just another corrupt Democrat-controlled area of the country. The corrupt Democrat "Community Organizers" will be out in force rigging Elections. People need to pay very close attention to what's going on at their polling places. The "Community Organizers" are more powerful than ever. They have one of their own in the White House for God's sake. So i'm not surprised by this at all. Just get out and vote but stay vigilant. The Democrats are incredibly desperate and that makes them even more dangerous.
Yeah, riiiight. The righties avocating against the "illegals" are just trying to save lives! OMG, do you actually believe that? That's what the Arizona "papers please" law was about? That's what all the blather in this very thread is about? Please spare me.

If you want to stop deaths at the border, stop blocking sane immigration policy! Start treating these immigrants like we did white immigrants in the past. We need these people and they need us. Just let them be Americans.

The violence will stop.
It's gonna be another "Community Organizer" free-for-all on Nov. 2nd. Just like it was in 2008. Hopefully it wont be enough for the Democrats this time around though. So beware of the "Community Organizers",they will be hard at work rigging Elections all across the nation. Just vote but stay vigilant. Report anything suspicious at your polling place.
Over half the world would like to live in the U.S. for a "better life". Should we let in over 3 BILLION people? Why do illegals get to cut to the front of line, while millions of people around the world follow the rules and wait legally for years to live in the U.S.?


The more the merrier.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

If they wish to be welcomed here they should try entering through the golden door instead of jimmying the back window.

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