ILLEGALS refuse to leave field - causing a soccer game to be canceled.

Yes...the Right finally has an out...SOMEONE ELSE will do something.

Of course, the Right could also collectively take personal action into their own hands.......gasoline and a match anyone ?

I am simply saying that the criminal aliens will vote Pub and the Dims are fucking up.
I am simply saying that the criminal aliens will vote Pub and the Dims are fucking up.

I know.
But I am simply saying the Right is an absolute failure and has adamantly refused to make even the slightest effort to save their nation, culture and family. The vast majority on the Right hasn't voted in decades and will not now.

I'm so disgusted with the apathy and weakness on the Right I changed to Independent.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
I know.
But I am simply saying the Right is an absolute failure and has adamantly refused to make even the slightest effort to save their nation, culture and family.

I'm so disgusted with the apathy and weakness on the Right I changed to Independent.

Most Pubs are uniparty.

There are only a handful of Patriots in Congress.

People like Clay Higgins are rare. It is a shame.
Unless I missed something… the video in the article didn't show what was claimed in the title. I keep seeing a bunch of articles with this same exact theme that to me seem purposely designed to stoke rage and fear in the public. And NGL, some of these articles to me sound ridiculously fake. If so, the question is why keep putting out stories like this?

You always have to think a few steps ahead whenever the powers-that-shouldn't-be purposely try to get the public angry about something. There's always a reason for that. Problem - Reaction - Solution. You have to ask, what is their "solution" which is the agenda in the first place? Hint: the "solution" to the problem always involves curtailing our liberty or privacy.

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Unless I missed something… the video in the article didn't show what was claimed in the title. I keep seeing a bunch of articles with this same exact theme that to me seem purposely designed to stoke rage and fear in the public. And NGL, some of these articles to me sound ridiculously fake. If so, the question is why keep putting out stories like this?

You always have to think a few steps ahead whenever the powers-that-shouldn't-be purposely try to get the public angry about something. There's always a reason for that. Problem - Reaction -Solution. You always have to ask, what is the "solution" which is the agenda in the first place? Hint: the "solution" to the problem always involves curtailing our liberty or privacy.

I also wondered just that. But the underlying claim, Boys soccer game canceled because of? Seems not in dispute.

Where’s the NY Marxist 24-7 denial on CNN? I wouldn’t know. Maybe some have seen it?
When these illegals flip blue states to red, the left is going to lose it.

For now the problem is registration of illegals across multiple states (In exchange for EBT card). They may no longer be located in said state or aware of what they actually signed up for.

But, rest assured, many of their names are on the voter rolls. As homeless or a shelter address? Whatever. They will vote D yet never know it. 2000 mules to run ballots if needed.
I also wondered just that. But the underlying claim, Boys soccer game canceled because of? Seems not in dispute.

Where’s the NY Marxist 24-7 denial on CNN? I wouldn’t know. Maybe some have seen it?
The video doesn't say anything about that, but is someone disputing the article? The answer is no. No one with any credibility anyway

A Texas fire department has warned of an encounter with “candy” that tested positive for fentanyl.​

This is what they bring with them. For your 14yr old kids to suck on during JHS. After all, the cool kids are doing it.
buttercup a "funny" isn't a credible response. Always trying to create a conspiracy out of nothing

It's not a conspiracy. Problem-Reaction-Solution is a known strategy used to bring about a particular agenda or goal.

The powers-that-be create a problem, the public reacts (with anger or fear) then the government comes to the rescue with a "solution" to the problem, which was the agenda in the first place.

This isn't anything new.

I find it truly amazing that you always act as if everything is honest, the government is pure and trustworthy, the media always tells the truth, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just a crazy conspiracy theorist.

If that's what you believe, then although I think it's incredibly naive and ignorant, whatever, you do you. But stop constantly taking swipes at me for stating things you don't like to hear, and not agreeing with your naive MSM views.
For now the problem is registration of illegals across multiple states (In exchange for EBT card). They may no longer be located in said state or aware of what they actually signed up for.

But, rest assured, many of their names are on the voter rolls. As homeless or a shelter address? Whatever. They will vote D yet never know it. 2000 mules to run ballots if needed.

They will become citizens and then flip pub like the Cuban and Venezuelans in Miami.

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