Illegals, Unemployment and Food Stamps Down, Markets Soar

Thanks Obama.
Us capitalist's (aka business owners) are drunk-love stupid hiring because the nation's come back to embracing us as valuable citizens.

Thank you to the voting public which has restored our faith in what this nation represents, and where it's headed. <3 Jump on, we're off like a rocket :)
Thanks Obama.

Got to love the liberal logic, Bush is responsible for the shit economy under Obama and Obama is responsible for the booming economy under Trump.

Its not liberal logic, its economics. A president cannot have an effect on the economy in a mere 7 months. In 2018 I'll give Trump props if he maintains the growth. But for right now its too early.
Terribly unfashionable to mention these things, especially in the wake of Trump's stunning victory, but these are good things. <Russia/Russia/Russia is way cooler, eh?>

July jobs report: U.S. has added a million jobs in Trump's first six months

Trump is riding the Obama wave, that orange mf hasn't lifted a finger to do shit for these numbers, but sign deregulation shit that sooner or later, as with Bush is gonna back fire on us all. Already the banks and the mortgage industry is back to preditory lending, the CC industry is back to issuing credit to anybody that breaths and I'm proof...My credit is lowsy and I get cc offers daily and all of Walstreet is anticipating huge tax breaks. But the high, always in the end bursts in the face of tax payers and you heard it hear first...besides, there's no one looking over their shoulders anymore like Warren and Obama and they all know the nut in the white house could give a damn, he's got stock over there!!
Thanks Obama.
He's not in office.

His work in office still effects the economy. New presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year.

I has a lot of issues with Obama but the economy was the one thing he did right. Pulled us out of a recession.
In a few more years, that hell Obama took us out of, will pail in comparrison over the hell Trump is gonna leave us in....and its gonna be bad, really bad.
Thanks Obama.

Got to love the liberal logic, Bush is responsible for the shit economy under Obama and Obama is responsible for the booming economy under Trump.

Its not liberal logic, its economics. A president cannot have an effect on the economy in a mere 7 months. In 2018 I'll give Trump props if he maintains the growth. But for right now its too early.

Yes yes we know Republicans are to blame for the failures of Democrat administrations and Democrats take credit for Republican successes. You people are laughable. FYI the stated platform of a POTUS can absolutely effect the economy by lowering or boosting consumer, investor, and owner confidence even before said platform has been enacted, that's economics.
Thanks Obama.
He's not in office.

His work in office still effects the economy. New presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year.

I has a lot of issues with Obama but the economy was the one thing he did right. Pulled us out of a recession.

It was the worst economic recovery since the great depressions, recessions are supppsed to end and they're supposed to end much more quickly.
Thanks Obama.

Got to love the liberal logic, Bush is responsible for the shit economy under Obama and Obama is responsible for the booming economy under Trump.

Its not liberal logic, its economics. A president cannot have an effect on the economy in a mere 7 months. In 2018 I'll give Trump props if he maintains the growth. But for right now its too early.

Yes yes we know Republicans are to blame for the failures of Democrat administrations and Democrats take credit for Republican successes. You people are laughable. FYI the stated platform of a POTUS can absolutely effect the economy by lowering or boosting consumer, investor, and owner confidence even before said platform has been enacted, that's economics.

These things have been growing before Trump took office. Its been growing for the last few years. And it takes more than a president's words and speeches to improve consumer confidence.

The economy has been growing but conservative media didn't report or dismissed under Obama.

Like I said, if Trump can maintain this growth by the end of the first quarter of 2018. I'll give him credit.

But Trump didn't create this growth.

Besides his words, what policies has Trump implemented in these 7 months to even drive down unemployment or boost consumer confidence?
Thanks Obama.

Got to love the liberal logic, Bush is responsible for the shit economy under Obama and Obama is responsible for the booming economy under Trump.

Its not liberal logic, its economics. A president cannot have an effect on the economy in a mere 7 months. In 2018 I'll give Trump props if he maintains the growth. But for right now its too early.

Yes yes we know Republicans are to blame for the failures of Democrat administrations and Democrats take credit for Republican successes. You people are laughable. FYI the stated platform of a POTUS can absolutely effect the economy by lowering or boosting consumer, investor, and owner confidence even before said platform has been enacted, that's economics.

These things have been growing before Trump took office. Its been growing for the last few years. And it takes more than a president's words and speeches to improve consumer confidence.

The economy has been growing but conservative media didn't report or dismissed under Obama.

Like I said, if Trump can maintain this growth by the end of the first quarter of 2018. I'll give him credit.

But Trump didn't create this growth.

Besides his words, what policies has Trump implemented in these 7 months to even drive down unemployment or boost consumer confidence?

The economy was stagnant under Obama, it didn't even reach the pre recession until his last year in office with a Republican controlled House and Senate, the economy is now booming because confidence is way up thanks to the Trump win, you don't get to blame your failures and take credit for the successes of others, that's not how the adult world works snowflake.

Trump and the Congresses calls for tax cuts and reforms boosts owner confidence to hire new people and expand, the same is true for investor confidence for calls to lower the capital gains tax, the economy is built on perception and forecasting for the future, the policies don't even need to be enacted for them to have a huge impact.
Thanks Obama.

Got to love the liberal logic, Bush is responsible for the shit economy under Obama and Obama is responsible for the booming economy under Trump.

Its not liberal logic, its economics. A president cannot have an effect on the economy in a mere 7 months. In 2018 I'll give Trump props if he maintains the growth. But for right now its too early.

Yes yes we know Republicans are to blame for the failures of Democrat administrations and Democrats take credit for Republican successes. You people are laughable. FYI the stated platform of a POTUS can absolutely effect the economy by lowering or boosting consumer, investor, and owner confidence even before said platform has been enacted, that's economics.

These things have been growing before Trump took office. Its been growing for the last few years. And it takes more than a president's words and speeches to improve consumer confidence.

The economy has been growing but conservative media didn't report or dismissed under Obama.

Like I said, if Trump can maintain this growth by the end of the first quarter of 2018. I'll give him credit.

But Trump didn't create this growth.

Besides his words, what policies has Trump implemented in these 7 months to even drive down unemployment or boost consumer confidence?

The economy was stagnant under Obama, it didn't even reach the pre recession until his last year in office with a Republican controlled House and Senate, the economy is now booming because confidence is way up thanks to the Trump win, you don't get to blame your failures and take credit for the successes of others, that's not how the adult world works snowflake.

Trump and the Congresses calls for tax cuts and reforms boosts owner confidence to hire new people and expand, the same is true for investor confidence for calls to lower the capital gains tax, the economy is built on perception and forecasting for the future, the policies don't even need to be enacted for them to have a huge impact.

So basically a president can just say he's going to do things and the economy will grow?lol

President's speeches do not drive down unemployment rates. Under Obama unemployment was decreasing. When he left office it was 5.0% . Unemployment rates were in a decline trend and would have been decreasing regardless of who was elected president.

You mentioned tax cuts but that doesn't necessarily mean economic growth. As we saw during Bush's era.

I'm in now way shape or form saying Obama ran the perfect economy. Because he didn't. He did little to close the wage gap. Wages stayed stagnat.

But to give Trump credit for the current economy is just silly.
Got to love the liberal logic, Bush is responsible for the shit economy under Obama and Obama is responsible for the booming economy under Trump.

Its not liberal logic, its economics. A president cannot have an effect on the economy in a mere 7 months. In 2018 I'll give Trump props if he maintains the growth. But for right now its too early.

Yes yes we know Republicans are to blame for the failures of Democrat administrations and Democrats take credit for Republican successes. You people are laughable. FYI the stated platform of a POTUS can absolutely effect the economy by lowering or boosting consumer, investor, and owner confidence even before said platform has been enacted, that's economics.

These things have been growing before Trump took office. Its been growing for the last few years. And it takes more than a president's words and speeches to improve consumer confidence.

The economy has been growing but conservative media didn't report or dismissed under Obama.

Like I said, if Trump can maintain this growth by the end of the first quarter of 2018. I'll give him credit.

But Trump didn't create this growth.

Besides his words, what policies has Trump implemented in these 7 months to even drive down unemployment or boost consumer confidence?

The economy was stagnant under Obama, it didn't even reach the pre recession until his last year in office with a Republican controlled House and Senate, the economy is now booming because confidence is way up thanks to the Trump win, you don't get to blame your failures and take credit for the successes of others, that's not how the adult world works snowflake.

Trump and the Congresses calls for tax cuts and reforms boosts owner confidence to hire new people and expand, the same is true for investor confidence for calls to lower the capital gains tax, the economy is built on perception and forecasting for the future, the policies don't even need to be enacted for them to have a huge impact.

So basically a president can just say he's going to do things and the economy will grow?lol

President's speeches do not drive down unemployment rates.

They absolutely do by boosting owner confidence to take the risk of expanding and/or hiring new employees.

Under Obama unemployment was decreasing. When he left office it was 5.0% .

Made up numbers not the real unemployment rate.

Unemployment rates were in a decline trend and would have been decreasing regardless of who was elected president.

The real unemployment rate was above 9% under Obama, nearly 95 million Americans were out of the labor force, it was the worst labor force participation rate since Carter, people simply gave up and dropped out so spare me the BS, Obama didn't do a damn thing to help real unemployment.

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