Illegals, Unemployment and Food Stamps Down, Markets Soar

Thanks Obama.
He's not in office.

His work in office still effects the economy. New presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year.

I has a lot of issues with Obama but the economy was the one thing he did right. Pulled us out of a recession.
In a few more years, that hell Obama took us out of, will pail in comparrison over the hell Trump is gonna leave us in....and its gonna be bad, really bad.

For your kind unwilling to do for themselves, it should be. For the rest of us that show personal responsibility for ourselves and our families, it will be great.
Thanks Obama.
He's not in office.

His work in office still effects the economy. New presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year.

I had a lot of issues with Obama but the economy was the one thing he did right. Pulled us out of a recession.

So having 47 million, a record on food stamps, meant a good economy. Record numbers not in the workforce meant a good economy.

Your response takes me back to early to mid 2009 when Obama had been in office 6 months. Something were going poorly with the economy. His supporters stated that it can't be his fault, he hasn't been if office long enough. Funny thing was when something went well with the economy, those same people were quick to give him credit despite having not been in office long enough to get blame when things went poorly. Explain to me how if new Presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year, how could Obama positively effect the economy in less than a year but not negatively effect it.

And I agree. Whatever gains or losses the economy made in 2009 had nothing to do with Obama. Even if it were a gain. Credit would go to Bush.

Credit didn't go to Bush. Obama supporters saying he couldn't get blamed because of the short time in office were giving him credit despite the time in office being the same. Now, those same ones still give Obama credit for the good and blame Trump for the bad.

I guess when the only reason you support someone in office is because he's black, you'll make any excuse for him before or after.

Obama couldn't have been blamed for the economic disaster in 2009. Just like if the economy were bad now, Trump couldn't be blamed for it. It would be Obama's fault.

No one is blaming Trump for all the bad. Anything that Trump is blames for is his own doing. Most people's grip with Trump is his unhinged attitude, nepotism and juvenile behavior.

No one has blamed him for any economic issues.
I disagree. Most "people" [read SJW, far left, and regressive's] "gripe" with Trump is that they lost. If we want to psychoanalyze it, their "vision" for the nations future was just shot down and they don't know how to deal with it because they've never had to deal with a "loss" in their coddled little lives. It should also be noted that the loudly bitching ones are the same ones who cheer on anarchists and foreign terrorist groups who violently oppose supporters of the President. In other words they're worthless chaff who's opinions don't particularly matter.

"Decent" American's on the left don't particularly have a "gripe" with President Trump anymore than one might typically have for a "opposition" president, basically they're waiting to see what he does and hoping things work out in America's best interest. Then there's the "real" American left, those classical liberals who are not so intellectually dishonest as to feign outrage nor ignorance as to President Trump's speaking style and actions - they can see that it's just a difference of opinion as to /how/ to make America great again vs calling everyone who disagrees with their particular political pathway as "Nazi's" or "Traitors" (which is patently rediculious and childish.)
He's not in office.

His work in office still effects the economy. New presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year.

I had a lot of issues with Obama but the economy was the one thing he did right. Pulled us out of a recession.

So having 47 million, a record on food stamps, meant a good economy. Record numbers not in the workforce meant a good economy.

Your response takes me back to early to mid 2009 when Obama had been in office 6 months. Something were going poorly with the economy. His supporters stated that it can't be his fault, he hasn't been if office long enough. Funny thing was when something went well with the economy, those same people were quick to give him credit despite having not been in office long enough to get blame when things went poorly. Explain to me how if new Presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year, how could Obama positively effect the economy in less than a year but not negatively effect it.

And I agree. Whatever gains or losses the economy made in 2009 had nothing to do with Obama. Even if it were a gain. Credit would go to Bush.

Credit didn't go to Bush. Obama supporters saying he couldn't get blamed because of the short time in office were giving him credit despite the time in office being the same. Now, those same ones still give Obama credit for the good and blame Trump for the bad.

I guess when the only reason you support someone in office is because he's black, you'll make any excuse for him before or after.

Obama couldn't have been blamed for the economic disaster in 2009. Just like if the economy were bad now, Trump couldn't be blamed for it. It would be Obama's fault.

No one is blaming Trump for all the bad. Anything that Trump is blames for is his own doing. Most people's grip with Trump is his unhinged attitude, nepotism and juvenile behavior.

No one has blamed him for any economic issues.

Obama claimed that if a $787 billion dollar stimulus was passed unemployment wouldn't go above 8%. It went above 10% and you lefties want to blame Bush. Since Obama made the claim, it's his fault when it failed.

Most people's gripe, meaning the losers of the election, with Trump is that he beat Hillary. They can't handle that the one they never thought would lose lost to someone they consider an idiot. If you think someone is an idiot yet you can't beat him/her, that doesn't say a lot about you.
I disagree. Most "people" [read SJW, far left, and regressive's] "gripe" with Trump is that they lost. If we want to psychoanalyze it, their "vision" for the nations future was just shot down and they don't know how to deal with it because they've never had to deal with a "loss" in their coddled little lives. It should also be noted that the loudly bitching ones are the same ones who cheer on anarchists and foreign terrorist groups who violently oppose supporters of the President. In other words they're worthless chaff who's opinions don't particularly matter.

"Decent" American's on the left don't particularly have a "gripe" with President Trump anymore than one might typically have for a "opposition" president, basically they're waiting to see what he does and hoping things work out in America's best interest. Then there's the "real" American left, those classical liberals who are not so intellectually dishonest as to feign outrage nor ignorance as to President Trump's speaking style and actions - they can see that it's just a difference of opinion as to /how/ to make America great again vs calling everyone who disagrees with their particular political pathway as "Nazi's" or "Traitors" (which is patently rediculious and childish.)

They simply can't handle they lost. Sad part is they consider Trump an idiot, unhinged, childish, etc. yet they still lost. It's like the team losing an athletic event then blaming the referees for their failures.
His work in office still effects the economy. New presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year.

I had a lot of issues with Obama but the economy was the one thing he did right. Pulled us out of a recession.

So having 47 million, a record on food stamps, meant a good economy. Record numbers not in the workforce meant a good economy.

Your response takes me back to early to mid 2009 when Obama had been in office 6 months. Something were going poorly with the economy. His supporters stated that it can't be his fault, he hasn't been if office long enough. Funny thing was when something went well with the economy, those same people were quick to give him credit despite having not been in office long enough to get blame when things went poorly. Explain to me how if new Presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year, how could Obama positively effect the economy in less than a year but not negatively effect it.

And I agree. Whatever gains or losses the economy made in 2009 had nothing to do with Obama. Even if it were a gain. Credit would go to Bush.

Credit didn't go to Bush. Obama supporters saying he couldn't get blamed because of the short time in office were giving him credit despite the time in office being the same. Now, those same ones still give Obama credit for the good and blame Trump for the bad.

I guess when the only reason you support someone in office is because he's black, you'll make any excuse for him before or after.

Obama couldn't have been blamed for the economic disaster in 2009. Just like if the economy were bad now, Trump couldn't be blamed for it. It would be Obama's fault.

No one is blaming Trump for all the bad. Anything that Trump is blames for is his own doing. Most people's grip with Trump is his unhinged attitude, nepotism and juvenile behavior.

No one has blamed him for any economic issues.

Obama claimed that if a $787 billion dollar stimulus was passed unemployment wouldn't go above 8%. It went above 10% and you lefties want to blame Bush. Since Obama made the claim, it's his fault when it failed.

Most people's gripe, meaning the losers of the election, with Trump is that he beat Hillary. They can't handle that the one they never thought would lose lost to someone they consider an idiot. If you think someone is an idiot yet you can't beat him/her, that doesn't say a lot about you.

Who didn't fault Obama. Despite what Fox News was telling you, a lot of people on the left didn't agree with the stimulus bill. Maybe centrist democrats, but a lot of people saw it was a failure.

Secondly, when you Trumpsters realize this isn't about who lost. Its about what is happening now. I voted for Hilary but only because she was the lesser of the evil. If the Republican Party had elected someone else as their party's nominee I have may have voted republican. But they instead chose Agent Orange.

I wanted to be proven wrong about Trump. I wanted him to be a good leader. But all he has shown since inauguration day is his ass. I wanted to be wrong about Trump so bad.

Most people on the left don't give a shit about Hilary. We didn't want her anyway. The right are the ones who keep bringing Hilary up and thinking people are sad about her not winning. People are upset that Trump is leading this country into hell and not because Hilary lost.
I disagree. Most "people" [read SJW, far left, and regressive's] "gripe" with Trump is that they lost. If we want to psychoanalyze it, their "vision" for the nations future was just shot down and they don't know how to deal with it because they've never had to deal with a "loss" in their coddled little lives. It should also be noted that the loudly bitching ones are the same ones who cheer on anarchists and foreign terrorist groups who violently oppose supporters of the President. In other words they're worthless chaff who's opinions don't particularly matter.

"Decent" American's on the left don't particularly have a "gripe" with President Trump anymore than one might typically have for a "opposition" president, basically they're waiting to see what he does and hoping things work out in America's best interest. Then there's the "real" American left, those classical liberals who are not so intellectually dishonest as to feign outrage nor ignorance as to President Trump's speaking style and actions - they can see that it's just a difference of opinion as to /how/ to make America great again vs calling everyone who disagrees with their particular political pathway as "Nazi's" or "Traitors" (which is patently rediculious and childish.)

They simply can't handle they lost. Sad part is they consider Trump an idiot, unhinged, childish, etc. yet they still lost. It's like the team losing an athletic event then blaming the referees for their failures.

Heh bad example, I've watched way too much Football...

That said, meh, most of the crying ones are college kids, easily sucked in by peer pressure and not exactly "on their own" nor "mature" yet. The majority of them will come around when they grow up and start providing for their own families. The sadder part is the criminal ones who will never come around and will live their entire lives like third world citizens, they've most likely already dropped out of high school, joined gangs, got addicted to drugs, and most likely they've had friends or family killed, if not killed people themselves... I have a very military family with many veterans, and yet, I cannot imagine this equivalent of spending one's life in a war (or living in what amounts to a warzone) - much less would I ever choose to do so willingly. I cannot help but wonder about the intelligence of the ones making those choices... I oft feel it is akin to peer pressure and feel that we can beat it, if only we could be honest about what was happening. The SJW think they are doing good, but they are causing more harm than good - if /they/ had hearts they would stop playing games with other peoples lives, but like their masters, they are inherently selfish, greedy, entitled brats who care nothing for the damage they and their votes are causing... ~SMH~
Markets soar, subprime lending is back, unlock the doors and let the suckers in....Be a good capitalist and go into debt today...
Ya'll lefties can believe whatever fantasy you want, but as a business person and a capitalist, there is no doubt Trump's election has boosted my, and my fellow business owner and rich friends', confidence amazingly.

In November 2016 I was ready to follow in the footsteps of many of my friends and move out of the country because I felt the election of Hillary Clinton sent America down a path that I would not be part of (socialism/communism.) By December 2016 I'd made over $100k off the market surge on the tails of President Trump's election - money I immediately put into small business ventures in the lower 48. I've funded four start-ups now (though my clothing manufacture business guy decided not to go forward - I was rather excited about that one too :( Ah well, can't win them all)

That's $100k and four businesses that would /not/ exist had President Trump not been elected. Regardless of what you think, 100% guarantee that the current surge is Trump's baby.
Dudettte, Your guy wants to lower taxes on the rich and cut benefits for the poor; why wouldn't the rich be more confident?

Of course. Would you like to take a guess at what us rich people do when we're confident we could make more money? (Hint: I've already given you the answer)
Expatriate it and let the poor, "take the blame"?

Again, if you lefties want to [play] stupid that's your choice - just understand that you're not being honest with yourself and live with it.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting pretty on a half a mill gain since the President's election, and my latest business investments haven't even come to fruition yet heh
The right wing is literally, incredible, when y'all claim that.

The Only thing the right wing likes to do most, is complain about the "hard working poor" sending money home.
Ya'll lefties can believe whatever fantasy you want, but as a business person and a capitalist, there is no doubt Trump's election has boosted my, and my fellow business owner and rich friends', confidence amazingly.

In November 2016 I was ready to follow in the footsteps of many of my friends and move out of the country because I felt the election of Hillary Clinton sent America down a path that I would not be part of (socialism/communism.) By December 2016 I'd made over $100k off the market surge on the tails of President Trump's election - money I immediately put into small business ventures in the lower 48. I've funded four start-ups now (though my clothing manufacture business guy decided not to go forward - I was rather excited about that one too :( Ah well, can't win them all)

That's $100k and four businesses that would /not/ exist had President Trump not been elected. Regardless of what you think, 100% guarantee that the current surge is Trump's baby.
Dudettte, Your guy wants to lower taxes on the rich and cut benefits for the poor; why wouldn't the rich be more confident?

Why shouldn't those that have been overpaying get a break those refusing to do for themselves start supporting themselves for a change?
You must be on the right wing. The hardest workers, are the poor, not the rich.
Ya'll lefties can believe whatever fantasy you want, but as a business person and a capitalist, there is no doubt Trump's election has boosted my, and my fellow business owner and rich friends', confidence amazingly.

In November 2016 I was ready to follow in the footsteps of many of my friends and move out of the country because I felt the election of Hillary Clinton sent America down a path that I would not be part of (socialism/communism.) By December 2016 I'd made over $100k off the market surge on the tails of President Trump's election - money I immediately put into small business ventures in the lower 48. I've funded four start-ups now (though my clothing manufacture business guy decided not to go forward - I was rather excited about that one too :( Ah well, can't win them all)

That's $100k and four businesses that would /not/ exist had President Trump not been elected. Regardless of what you think, 100% guarantee that the current surge is Trump's baby.
Dudettte, Your guy wants to lower taxes on the rich and cut benefits for the poor; why wouldn't the rich be more confident?

Of course. Would you like to take a guess at what us rich people do when we're confident we could make more money? (Hint: I've already given you the answer)
Expatriate it and let the poor, "take the blame"?

Again, if you lefties want to [play] stupid that's your choice - just understand that you're not being honest with yourself and live with it.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting pretty on a half a mill gain since the President's election, and my latest business investments haven't even come to fruition yet heh
The right wing is literally, incredible, when y'all claim that.

The Only thing the right wing likes to do most, is complain about the "hard working poor" sending money home.

... I've never heard that complaint before. Do you have links to cite this?

I've heard the right complain about illegals sending money home, I've heard the right complain about welfare abuse, I've heard the right complain about single parent families causing generational welfare. I've heard the right say that increasing minimum wage hurts small business. I've heard the right say that McDonald's and similar low skill jobs are not meant to raise a family on. All of which I can see where they are coming from, even if I think it's not so black and white...
Dudettte, Your guy wants to lower taxes on the rich and cut benefits for the poor; why wouldn't the rich be more confident?

Of course. Would you like to take a guess at what us rich people do when we're confident we could make more money? (Hint: I've already given you the answer)
Expatriate it and let the poor, "take the blame"?

Again, if you lefties want to [play] stupid that's your choice - just understand that you're not being honest with yourself and live with it.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting pretty on a half a mill gain since the President's election, and my latest business investments haven't even come to fruition yet heh
The right wing is literally, incredible, when y'all claim that.

The Only thing the right wing likes to do most, is complain about the "hard working poor" sending money home.

... I've never heard that complaint before. Do you have links to cite this?

I've heard the right complain about illegals sending money home, I've heard the right complain about welfare abuse, I've heard the right complain about single parent families causing generational welfare. I've heard the right say that increasing minimum wage hurts small business. I've heard the right say that McDonald's and similar low skill jobs are not meant to raise a family on. All of which I can see where they are coming from, even if I think it's not so black and white...
Dear, the right wing Only complains about the poor:

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says
Of course. Would you like to take a guess at what us rich people do when we're confident we could make more money? (Hint: I've already given you the answer)
Expatriate it and let the poor, "take the blame"?

Again, if you lefties want to [play] stupid that's your choice - just understand that you're not being honest with yourself and live with it.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting pretty on a half a mill gain since the President's election, and my latest business investments haven't even come to fruition yet heh
The right wing is literally, incredible, when y'all claim that.

The Only thing the right wing likes to do most, is complain about the "hard working poor" sending money home.

... I've never heard that complaint before. Do you have links to cite this?

I've heard the right complain about illegals sending money home, I've heard the right complain about welfare abuse, I've heard the right complain about single parent families causing generational welfare. I've heard the right say that increasing minimum wage hurts small business. I've heard the right say that McDonald's and similar low skill jobs are not meant to raise a family on. All of which I can see where they are coming from, even if I think it's not so black and white...
Dear, the right wing Only complains about the poor:

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says

Oh, you're just playing "stupid" again - got it. ~rolls eyes~
Expatriate it and let the poor, "take the blame"?

Again, if you lefties want to [play] stupid that's your choice - just understand that you're not being honest with yourself and live with it.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting pretty on a half a mill gain since the President's election, and my latest business investments haven't even come to fruition yet heh
The right wing is literally, incredible, when y'all claim that.

The Only thing the right wing likes to do most, is complain about the "hard working poor" sending money home.

... I've never heard that complaint before. Do you have links to cite this?

I've heard the right complain about illegals sending money home, I've heard the right complain about welfare abuse, I've heard the right complain about single parent families causing generational welfare. I've heard the right say that increasing minimum wage hurts small business. I've heard the right say that McDonald's and similar low skill jobs are not meant to raise a family on. All of which I can see where they are coming from, even if I think it's not so black and white...
Dear, the right wing Only complains about the poor:

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says

Oh, you're just playing "stupid" again - got it. ~rolls eyes~
lol. Y'all are dealing with the one per mil, not the one percent on this one, right wingers.

"Willful blindness is a moral turpitude".
Again, if you lefties want to [play] stupid that's your choice - just understand that you're not being honest with yourself and live with it.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting pretty on a half a mill gain since the President's election, and my latest business investments haven't even come to fruition yet heh
The right wing is literally, incredible, when y'all claim that.

The Only thing the right wing likes to do most, is complain about the "hard working poor" sending money home.

... I've never heard that complaint before. Do you have links to cite this?

I've heard the right complain about illegals sending money home, I've heard the right complain about welfare abuse, I've heard the right complain about single parent families causing generational welfare. I've heard the right say that increasing minimum wage hurts small business. I've heard the right say that McDonald's and similar low skill jobs are not meant to raise a family on. All of which I can see where they are coming from, even if I think it's not so black and white...
Dear, the right wing Only complains about the poor:

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says

Oh, you're just playing "stupid" again - got it. ~rolls eyes~
lol. Y'all are dealing with the one per mil, not the one percent on this one, right wingers.

"Willful blindness is a moral turpitude".

Waaahhhh rich people are doing something legal and I want their money... No fucks given here sorry
The right wing is literally, incredible, when y'all claim that.

The Only thing the right wing likes to do most, is complain about the "hard working poor" sending money home.

... I've never heard that complaint before. Do you have links to cite this?

I've heard the right complain about illegals sending money home, I've heard the right complain about welfare abuse, I've heard the right complain about single parent families causing generational welfare. I've heard the right say that increasing minimum wage hurts small business. I've heard the right say that McDonald's and similar low skill jobs are not meant to raise a family on. All of which I can see where they are coming from, even if I think it's not so black and white...
Dear, the right wing Only complains about the poor:

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says

Oh, you're just playing "stupid" again - got it. ~rolls eyes~
lol. Y'all are dealing with the one per mil, not the one percent on this one, right wingers.

"Willful blindness is a moral turpitude".

Waaahhhh rich people are doing something legal and I want their money... No fucks given here sorry
Expatriating money is not illegal. The right wing is only moral enough to complain about the poor, not the rich, under our form of Capitalism.
... I've never heard that complaint before. Do you have links to cite this?

I've heard the right complain about illegals sending money home, I've heard the right complain about welfare abuse, I've heard the right complain about single parent families causing generational welfare. I've heard the right say that increasing minimum wage hurts small business. I've heard the right say that McDonald's and similar low skill jobs are not meant to raise a family on. All of which I can see where they are coming from, even if I think it's not so black and white...
Dear, the right wing Only complains about the poor:

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says

Oh, you're just playing "stupid" again - got it. ~rolls eyes~
lol. Y'all are dealing with the one per mil, not the one percent on this one, right wingers.

"Willful blindness is a moral turpitude".

Waaahhhh rich people are doing something legal and I want their money... No fucks given here sorry
Expatriating money is not illegal. The right wing is only moral enough to complain about the poor, not the rich, under our form of Capitalism.

Investing in foreign businesses isn't illegal either, this is oft what happens when you tax businesses out of the nation - they just set up "home base" somewhere else and report their income there. Besides, your ilk just wants to Robin Hood and waste it on crap that ultimately helps no one. I don't blame em one bit frankly.
Dear, the right wing Only complains about the poor:

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says

Oh, you're just playing "stupid" again - got it. ~rolls eyes~
lol. Y'all are dealing with the one per mil, not the one percent on this one, right wingers.

"Willful blindness is a moral turpitude".

Waaahhhh rich people are doing something legal and I want their money... No fucks given here sorry
Expatriating money is not illegal. The right wing is only moral enough to complain about the poor, not the rich, under our form of Capitalism.

Investing in foreign businesses isn't illegal either, this is oft what happens when you tax businesses out of the nation - they just set up "home base" somewhere else and report their income there. Besides, your ilk just wants to Robin Hood and waste it on crap that ultimately helps no one. I don't blame em one bit frankly.
Why complain about the hard working poor, sending money home? Money is money. Capitalism doesn't care; only socialism cares.

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