Illegals, Unemployment and Food Stamps Down, Markets Soar

Thanks Obama.
He's not in office.

His work in office still effects the economy. New presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year.

I had a lot of issues with Obama but the economy was the one thing he did right. Pulled us out of a recession.

So having 47 million, a record on food stamps, meant a good economy. Record numbers not in the workforce meant a good economy.

Your response takes me back to early to mid 2009 when Obama had been in office 6 months. Something were going poorly with the economy. His supporters stated that it can't be his fault, he hasn't been if office long enough. Funny thing was when something went well with the economy, those same people were quick to give him credit despite having not been in office long enough to get blame when things went poorly. Explain to me how if new Presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year, how could Obama positively effect the economy in less than a year but not negatively effect it.
Got to love the liberal logic, Bush is responsible for the shit economy under Obama and Obama is responsible for the booming economy under Trump.

Its not liberal logic, its economics. A president cannot have an effect on the economy in a mere 7 months. In 2018 I'll give Trump props if he maintains the growth. But for right now its too early.

Yes yes we know Republicans are to blame for the failures of Democrat administrations and Democrats take credit for Republican successes. You people are laughable. FYI the stated platform of a POTUS can absolutely effect the economy by lowering or boosting consumer, investor, and owner confidence even before said platform has been enacted, that's economics.

These things have been growing before Trump took office. Its been growing for the last few years. And it takes more than a president's words and speeches to improve consumer confidence.

The economy has been growing but conservative media didn't report or dismissed under Obama.

Like I said, if Trump can maintain this growth by the end of the first quarter of 2018. I'll give him credit.

But Trump didn't create this growth.

Besides his words, what policies has Trump implemented in these 7 months to even drive down unemployment or boost consumer confidence?

The economy was stagnant under Obama, it didn't even reach the pre recession until his last year in office with a Republican controlled House and Senate, the economy is now booming because confidence is way up thanks to the Trump win, you don't get to blame your failures and take credit for the successes of others, that's not how the adult world works snowflake.

Trump and the Congresses calls for tax cuts and reforms boosts owner confidence to hire new people and expand, the same is true for investor confidence for calls to lower the capital gains tax, the economy is built on perception and forecasting for the future, the policies don't even need to be enacted for them to have a huge impact.

So basically a president can just say he's going to do things and the economy will grow?lol

President's speeches do not drive down unemployment rates. Under Obama unemployment was decreasing. When he left office it was 5.0% . Unemployment rates were in a decline trend and would have been decreasing regardless of who was elected president.

You mentioned tax cuts but that doesn't necessarily mean economic growth. As we saw during Bush's era.

I'm in now way shape or form saying Obama ran the perfect economy. Because he didn't. He did little to close the wage gap. Wages stayed stagnat.

But to give Trump credit for the current economy is just silly.

That's what Obama claimed with the stimulus that had to be passed immediately upon him taking office in 2009. His claim was unemployment wouldn't go above 8% if it was passed. The Democrats that controlled both houses jumped to it. If I recall correctly, unemployment went way over 10%.

My wages didn't stay stagnant. There's a reason for that. As far as the wage gap is concerned, I don't give a shit as long as mine are going up. If others don't have theirs do the same, that's not my problem or my concern.
Its not liberal logic, its economics. A president cannot have an effect on the economy in a mere 7 months. In 2018 I'll give Trump props if he maintains the growth. But for right now its too early.

Yes yes we know Republicans are to blame for the failures of Democrat administrations and Democrats take credit for Republican successes. You people are laughable. FYI the stated platform of a POTUS can absolutely effect the economy by lowering or boosting consumer, investor, and owner confidence even before said platform has been enacted, that's economics.

These things have been growing before Trump took office. Its been growing for the last few years. And it takes more than a president's words and speeches to improve consumer confidence.

The economy has been growing but conservative media didn't report or dismissed under Obama.

Like I said, if Trump can maintain this growth by the end of the first quarter of 2018. I'll give him credit.

But Trump didn't create this growth.

Besides his words, what policies has Trump implemented in these 7 months to even drive down unemployment or boost consumer confidence?

The economy was stagnant under Obama, it didn't even reach the pre recession until his last year in office with a Republican controlled House and Senate, the economy is now booming because confidence is way up thanks to the Trump win, you don't get to blame your failures and take credit for the successes of others, that's not how the adult world works snowflake.

Trump and the Congresses calls for tax cuts and reforms boosts owner confidence to hire new people and expand, the same is true for investor confidence for calls to lower the capital gains tax, the economy is built on perception and forecasting for the future, the policies don't even need to be enacted for them to have a huge impact.

So basically a president can just say he's going to do things and the economy will grow?lol

President's speeches do not drive down unemployment rates.

They absolutely do by boosting owner confidence to take the risk of expanding and/or hiring new employees.

Under Obama unemployment was decreasing. When he left office it was 5.0% .

Made up numbers not the real unemployment rate.

So under Obama the numbers were fake? But now Trump is in office the numbers are real?

So you mean to tell me Trump decreased the unemployment rate from 9% to 4.5% in 7 months?
Thanks Obama.
He's not in office.

His work in office still effects the economy. New presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year.

I had a lot of issues with Obama but the economy was the one thing he did right. Pulled us out of a recession.

So having 47 million, a record on food stamps, meant a good economy. Record numbers not in the workforce meant a good economy.

Your response takes me back to early to mid 2009 when Obama had been in office 6 months. Something were going poorly with the economy. His supporters stated that it can't be his fault, he hasn't been if office long enough. Funny thing was when something went well with the economy, those same people were quick to give him credit despite having not been in office long enough to get blame when things went poorly. Explain to me how if new Presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year, how could Obama positively effect the economy in less than a year but not negatively effect it.

And I agree. Whatever gains or losses the economy made in 2009 had nothing to do with Obama. Even if it were a gain. Credit would go to Bush.
Ya'll lefties can believe whatever fantasy you want, but as a business person and a capitalist, there is no doubt Trump's election has boosted my, and my fellow business owner and rich friends', confidence amazingly.

In November 2016 I was ready to follow in the footsteps of many of my friends and move out of the country because I felt the election of Hillary Clinton sent America down a path that I would not be part of (socialism/communism.) By December 2016 I'd made over $100k off the market surge on the tails of President Trump's election - money I immediately put into small business ventures in the lower 48. I've funded four start-ups now (though my clothing manufacture business guy decided not to go forward - I was rather excited about that one too :( Ah well, can't win them all)

That's $100k and four businesses that would /not/ exist had President Trump not been elected. Regardless of what you think, 100% guarantee that the current surge is Trump's baby.
Ya'll lefties can believe whatever fantasy you want, but as a business person and a capitalist, there is no doubt Trump's election has boosted my, and my fellow business owner and rich friends', confidence amazingly.

In November 2016 I was ready to follow in the footsteps of many of my friends and move out of the country because I felt the election of Hillary Clinton sent America down a path that I would not be part of (socialism/communism.) By December 2016 I'd made over $100k off the market surge on the tails of President Trump's election - money I immediately put into small business ventures in the lower 48. I've funded four start-ups now (though my clothing manufacture business guy decided not to go forward - I was rather excited about that one too :( Ah well, can't win them all)

That's $100k and four businesses that would /not/ exist had President Trump not been elected. Regardless of what you think, 100% guarantee that the current surge is Trump's baby.
Dudettte, Your guy wants to lower taxes on the rich and cut benefits for the poor; why wouldn't the rich be more confident?
Ya'll lefties can believe whatever fantasy you want, but as a business person and a capitalist, there is no doubt Trump's election has boosted my, and my fellow business owner and rich friends', confidence amazingly.

In November 2016 I was ready to follow in the footsteps of many of my friends and move out of the country because I felt the election of Hillary Clinton sent America down a path that I would not be part of (socialism/communism.) By December 2016 I'd made over $100k off the market surge on the tails of President Trump's election - money I immediately put into small business ventures in the lower 48. I've funded four start-ups now (though my clothing manufacture business guy decided not to go forward - I was rather excited about that one too :( Ah well, can't win them all)

That's $100k and four businesses that would /not/ exist had President Trump not been elected. Regardless of what you think, 100% guarantee that the current surge is Trump's baby.
Dudettte, Your guy wants to lower taxes on the rich and cut benefits for the poor; why wouldn't the rich be more confident?

Of course. Would you like to take a guess at what us rich people do when we're confident we could make more money? (Hint: I've already given you the answer)
Ya'll lefties can believe whatever fantasy you want, but as a business person and a capitalist, there is no doubt Trump's election has boosted my, and my fellow business owner and rich friends', confidence amazingly.

In November 2016 I was ready to follow in the footsteps of many of my friends and move out of the country because I felt the election of Hillary Clinton sent America down a path that I would not be part of (socialism/communism.) By December 2016 I'd made over $100k off the market surge on the tails of President Trump's election - money I immediately put into small business ventures in the lower 48. I've funded four start-ups now (though my clothing manufacture business guy decided not to go forward - I was rather excited about that one too :( Ah well, can't win them all)

That's $100k and four businesses that would /not/ exist had President Trump not been elected. Regardless of what you think, 100% guarantee that the current surge is Trump's baby.
Dudettte, Your guy wants to lower taxes on the rich and cut benefits for the poor; why wouldn't the rich be more confident?

Of course. Would you like to take a guess at what us rich people do when we're confident we could make more money? (Hint: I've already given you the answer)
Expatriate it and let the poor, "take the blame"?
Ya'll lefties can believe whatever fantasy you want, but as a business person and a capitalist, there is no doubt Trump's election has boosted my, and my fellow business owner and rich friends', confidence amazingly.

In November 2016 I was ready to follow in the footsteps of many of my friends and move out of the country because I felt the election of Hillary Clinton sent America down a path that I would not be part of (socialism/communism.) By December 2016 I'd made over $100k off the market surge on the tails of President Trump's election - money I immediately put into small business ventures in the lower 48. I've funded four start-ups now (though my clothing manufacture business guy decided not to go forward - I was rather excited about that one too :( Ah well, can't win them all)

That's $100k and four businesses that would /not/ exist had President Trump not been elected. Regardless of what you think, 100% guarantee that the current surge is Trump's baby.
Dudettte, Your guy wants to lower taxes on the rich and cut benefits for the poor; why wouldn't the rich be more confident?

Of course. Would you like to take a guess at what us rich people do when we're confident we could make more money? (Hint: I've already given you the answer)
Expatriate it and let the poor, "take the blame"?

Again, if you lefties want to [play] stupid that's your choice - just understand that you're not being honest with yourself and live with it.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting pretty on a half a mill gain since the President's election, and my latest business investments haven't even come to fruition yet heh
Yes yes we know Republicans are to blame for the failures of Democrat administrations and Democrats take credit for Republican successes. You people are laughable. FYI the stated platform of a POTUS can absolutely effect the economy by lowering or boosting consumer, investor, and owner confidence even before said platform has been enacted, that's economics.

These things have been growing before Trump took office. Its been growing for the last few years. And it takes more than a president's words and speeches to improve consumer confidence.

The economy has been growing but conservative media didn't report or dismissed under Obama.

Like I said, if Trump can maintain this growth by the end of the first quarter of 2018. I'll give him credit.

But Trump didn't create this growth.

Besides his words, what policies has Trump implemented in these 7 months to even drive down unemployment or boost consumer confidence?

The economy was stagnant under Obama, it didn't even reach the pre recession until his last year in office with a Republican controlled House and Senate, the economy is now booming because confidence is way up thanks to the Trump win, you don't get to blame your failures and take credit for the successes of others, that's not how the adult world works snowflake.

Trump and the Congresses calls for tax cuts and reforms boosts owner confidence to hire new people and expand, the same is true for investor confidence for calls to lower the capital gains tax, the economy is built on perception and forecasting for the future, the policies don't even need to be enacted for them to have a huge impact.

So basically a president can just say he's going to do things and the economy will grow?lol

President's speeches do not drive down unemployment rates.

They absolutely do by boosting owner confidence to take the risk of expanding and/or hiring new employees.

Under Obama unemployment was decreasing. When he left office it was 5.0% .

Made up numbers not the real unemployment rate.

So under Obama the numbers were fake? But now Trump is in office the numbers are real?

So you mean to tell me Trump decreased the unemployment rate from 9% to 4.5% in 7 months?

The current U6 real unemployment rate is 8.6%.
Terribly unfashionable to mention these things, especially in the wake of Trump's stunning victory, but these are good things. <Russia/Russia/Russia is way cooler, eh?>

July jobs report: U.S. has added a million jobs in Trump's first six months
We had to suck it up and accept the decision of the public and constitutional law of Obama's presidency. Why can't the opposition to President Trump's presidency accept his? Things are getter better in this country now that the disasterous 8 year regime of Obama's is over. Wealth is growing. People are going back to work. Illegal border crossings are down. MS-13 is getting its ass kicked out of our country.

Why would anybody be against this unless their true motivation is the destruction of our Country by liberal policies run by crooked politicians like Hillary Clinton and financed by George Soros?
These things have been growing before Trump took office. Its been growing for the last few years. And it takes more than a president's words and speeches to improve consumer confidence.

The economy has been growing but conservative media didn't report or dismissed under Obama.

Like I said, if Trump can maintain this growth by the end of the first quarter of 2018. I'll give him credit.

But Trump didn't create this growth.

Besides his words, what policies has Trump implemented in these 7 months to even drive down unemployment or boost consumer confidence?

The economy was stagnant under Obama, it didn't even reach the pre recession until his last year in office with a Republican controlled House and Senate, the economy is now booming because confidence is way up thanks to the Trump win, you don't get to blame your failures and take credit for the successes of others, that's not how the adult world works snowflake.

Trump and the Congresses calls for tax cuts and reforms boosts owner confidence to hire new people and expand, the same is true for investor confidence for calls to lower the capital gains tax, the economy is built on perception and forecasting for the future, the policies don't even need to be enacted for them to have a huge impact.

So basically a president can just say he's going to do things and the economy will grow?lol

President's speeches do not drive down unemployment rates.

They absolutely do by boosting owner confidence to take the risk of expanding and/or hiring new employees.

Under Obama unemployment was decreasing. When he left office it was 5.0% .

Made up numbers not the real unemployment rate.

So under Obama the numbers were fake? But now Trump is in office the numbers are real?

So you mean to tell me Trump decreased the unemployment rate from 9% to 4.5% in 7 months?

The current U6 real unemployment rate is 8.6%.

So that means Trump is quoting false unemployment numbers?
Thanks Obama.
He's not in office.

His work in office still effects the economy. New presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year.

I had a lot of issues with Obama but the economy was the one thing he did right. Pulled us out of a recession.

So having 47 million, a record on food stamps, meant a good economy. Record numbers not in the workforce meant a good economy.

Your response takes me back to early to mid 2009 when Obama had been in office 6 months. Something were going poorly with the economy. His supporters stated that it can't be his fault, he hasn't been if office long enough. Funny thing was when something went well with the economy, those same people were quick to give him credit despite having not been in office long enough to get blame when things went poorly. Explain to me how if new Presidents do not have an effect on the economy for at least a year, how could Obama positively effect the economy in less than a year but not negatively effect it.

And I agree. Whatever gains or losses the economy made in 2009 had nothing to do with Obama. Even if it were a gain. Credit would go to Bush.

Credit didn't go to Bush. Obama supporters saying he couldn't get blamed because of the short time in office were giving him credit despite the time in office being the same. Now, those same ones still give Obama credit for the good and blame Trump for the bad.

I guess when the only reason you support someone in office is because he's black, you'll make any excuse for him before or after.
Ya'll lefties can believe whatever fantasy you want, but as a business person and a capitalist, there is no doubt Trump's election has boosted my, and my fellow business owner and rich friends', confidence amazingly.

In November 2016 I was ready to follow in the footsteps of many of my friends and move out of the country because I felt the election of Hillary Clinton sent America down a path that I would not be part of (socialism/communism.) By December 2016 I'd made over $100k off the market surge on the tails of President Trump's election - money I immediately put into small business ventures in the lower 48. I've funded four start-ups now (though my clothing manufacture business guy decided not to go forward - I was rather excited about that one too :( Ah well, can't win them all)

That's $100k and four businesses that would /not/ exist had President Trump not been elected. Regardless of what you think, 100% guarantee that the current surge is Trump's baby.
Dudettte, Your guy wants to lower taxes on the rich and cut benefits for the poor; why wouldn't the rich be more confident?

Why shouldn't those that have been overpaying get a break those refusing to do for themselves start supporting themselves for a change?

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