Illinois Court To Hear Case Challenging Cruz's Presidential Eligibility

Interesting fallout from all this New Birfer movement.....

If at some point America's Kenyan President is ruled simply not President - merely Kenyan.....

And if said (no longer) "president" had managed to get a supreme court justice approved.....

Then would not said "Justice" be out and any decision he/she/it participated in voided?

If at some point Donald Trump is ruled to be a chimpanzee

if said Chimpanzee manages to climb the White House fence

Then would not said Chimpanzee resemble Henry?
Looks like Ted Cruz is not eligible! Read the qualifications for president.

Illinois Court To Hear Case Challenging Cruz's Presidential Eligibility

A judge in Illinois will hear arguments on Friday for a case challenging Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) eligibility to run for president, according to USA Today.

Lawrence Joyce filed a complaint with the Illinois Board of Elections charging that Cruz is not a "natural born citizen." The board of elections ruled against Joyce earlier in February, writing that Cruz "is a natural born citizen by virtue of being born in Canada to his mother who was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth as the candidate did not have to take any steps or go through a naturalization process at some point after his birth."

Joyce appealed the decision and Judge Maureen Ward Kirby will hear arguments for the case at the Circuit Court of Cook County in Chicago on Friday.

Joyce told USA Today that he is a Ben Carson supporter, and that he is worried that if Cruz secures the Republican nomination, his candidacy will then be derailed by lawsuits filed by Democrats.

"What I fear is that Ted Cruz becomes the nominee, come September, Congressman Alan Grayson of Florida will go forward with his threats and probably several other Democrats will file suit to prevent Ted Cruz from being on the ballot," Joyce said.

"And at that point, I fear they'll get a string of victories in the lower courts and the funding for Ted Cruz would dry up, his numbers would plummet in the polls, he may be forced to give up the nomination," he added.


I think it's funny that it's a Ben Carson supporter.


Both are un-electable at the national level.

And Carson's pretty much out of it anyway.
Interesting fallout from all this New Birfer movement.....

If at some point America's Kenyan President is ruled simply not President - merely Kenyan.....

And if said (no longer) "president" had managed to get a supreme court justice approved.....

Then would not said "Justice" be out and any decision he/she/it participated in voided?

If at some point Donald Trump is ruled to be a chimpanzee

if said Chimpanzee manages to climb the White House fence

Then would not said Chimpanzee resemble Henry?

Looks like there was a helpful adult somewhere nearby. Said person has my thanks for helping one so obviously need!
Cruz needs to drop out for the good of the Republican Party anyway. If Cruz drops out most of his supporters most likely goto Rubio. Rubio then over takes Trump and he polls well against Hillary.
Cruz needs to drop out for the good of the Republican Party anyway. If Cruz drops out most of his supporters most likely goto Rubio. Rubio then over takes Trump and he polls well against Hillary.
Two problems for Rubio with evangelicals...after the gay marriage ads took pounds of flesh from Trump....

1. Rubio was raised (spent his formative years) in Las Vegas: land of outright acceptance and promotion of all things debauchery and anti-evangelical.

2. One of Rubio's top campaign staff is an ardent gay marriage supporter.

Two strikes.

If the GOP wants to defeat Trump's conservative evangelical edge, Rubio has deadly vulnerabilities.

Rich Beeson, a deputy campaign manager for Sen. Marco Rubio, is causing a bit of a stir among the conservative evangelical crowd after reports surfaced he signed a petition pressing the U.S. Supreme Court to side with the pro-“gay” marriage plaintiffs in the landmark case Obergefell v. Hodges....Rubio didn’t sign the brief, which staffers with other Republican presidential campaigns, both past and present, have also signed. But Rubio, according to LifeSite News, has other ties to homosexual activists that, when combined with his campaign staffer’s signature, could prove problematic for the public-relations image he’s worked to create as a supporter of traditional marriage. ‘Gay’-marriage skeletons pop out of Rubio, Cruz closets
Synthaholicpost: 13573998 said:

Thank you for pointing out that President Obama is a natural born citizen.
Sorry, Obama is not a natural born Citizen.
Why not?
His birth was governed by the British Act of 1948.
His mother was an American, and he was born in Hawaii. The British have nothing to do with it.

Even if you contend that he was born outside the U.S., his situation would be exactly like Cruz. Is Cruz a natural born citizen?
Two problems for Rubio with evangelicals
The evangelicals have shown themselves to be full of shit, as they voted overwhelmingly for Trump.

So we now know that religious piety means nothing, a history of church-going means nothing, 3 marriages means nothing, adultery means nothing, being ignorant of the bible (2 Corinthians...) mean nothing.

The only thing that matters to them is Party, over Principles.

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