Illinois Loses Most Jobs in Nation Following Tax Hikes

Ok then. You "like" lies and lying. Got it. :thup:

Not at all. Leftists can see Chicago as a success. You know, much the same way they see North Korea as a success.

And this would be another one of those statements you cannot "prove"? :lol:

Gee, you missed my point. Gasp. :cool:

Leftists will point to a pile of shit and claim it smells like roses if it serves their agenda. Leftists are notorious about trying to define reality.

Normal people, however, smell a pile of shit.
Not at all. Leftists can see Chicago as a success. You know, much the same way they see North Korea as a success.

And this would be another one of those statements you cannot "prove"? :lol:

Gee, you missed my point. Gasp. :cool:

Leftists will point to a pile of shit and claim it smells like roses if it serves their agenda. Leftists are notorious about trying to define reality.

Normal people, however, smell a pile of shit.

No, you changed the point after I nailed you. cannot point to anyone who believes what happened in Chicago serves any agenda. You simply made it up.

And for "Leftists will point to a pile of shit and claim it smells like roses if it serves their agenda" it applies to the wingnuts as well.

How else do you explain their "agenda" of saying Social Security and Medicare are bad, socialist programs?

And that Americans are in favor of cutting off all forms of welfare and doing away with minimum wage?

How about the wingnuts trying to increase government control over the private lives of the citizens like criminalizing abortion and euthanasia and outlawing gay marriage?

Those things "sell like a pile of shit" to the average citizen yet the wingnuts try and get it to smell like roses.

Pull someone else's legs. Mine are long enough already.

Indiana put an end of the year goal on steal IL businesses. IT ONLY TOOK THEM 6 MONTHS TO HIT THE GOAL!!! Everything now is just gravy. I am scared to see how many they steal come Jan 1st!
The Newspaper HEADLINE companies that aren't getting backdoor deals by Don Quinn are in fact moving out of the state and quicker than expected!

NEWS/TALK 1010 WCSI Radio - WCSI Weather - Columbus Indiana
Indiana‘s efforts to steal away business from Illinois appear to be paying off. When Illinois enacted a cluster of tax hikes to rein in a ballooning deficit, Indiana Commerce Secretary Mitch Roob says he predicted a dozen Illinois businesses would migrate to Indiana by the end of the year. It took six months.

Roob is counting two companies which picked Indiana over Illinois without any extra incentives. Along with those, he says three companies have moved to Indiana, and seven more which had facilities in both states have consolidated operations in Indiana. Indiana tried a similar strategy in California without much luck so far.

Sames words different article!
In an ongoing effort to attract businesses to move from Illinois, state Commerce Secretary Mitch Roob says Indiana’s success has exceeded expectations.

In a presentation to the Indiana Economic Development Corporation board meeting Thursday, Roob announced 12 businesses had either relocated, consolidated or come to Indiana without the state having to use incentives in 2011.

The goal of the effort had originally been to win 12 businesses from Illinois in 12 months; Roob says that the state accomplishing it in only six months is an indication of how frustrated Illinois businesses are.

“The level of dissatisfaction,” he said, “is really significant in the business community there and people are…have had enough.”

Roob says Indiana must stay the course with its fiscal policy as it continues to try and poach Illinois businesses.

“We’ll do what the governor has done,” he said, “what the General Assembly has done and what local governments throughout our states have done which is live inside their means.”

Roob says Indiana hopes Illinois gets its house in order, but until it does, the state will continue to do its best to attract companies frustrated with Illinois’ business climate.
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Quinn made waves when he was raised taxes on the middle class to the near the highest in the nation (note: Other states like CA and HI have higher potential taxes, but they are at higher income levels, Quin's 5% is on you even if you have $50K or less) and raising our corporate tax to top THREE in the nation (top three in the world).

Immediately corporation (like Caterpillar) threatened to move, shockingly - to some- none did! Why not? Because Don Quin gave them backdoor deals that lowered their taxes to little to none to EVEN GETTING A negative tax amount (meaning they got money back!)!

So who got hit with the higher taxes? The Small Businesses! The LLC, LP, LLP, GP, S-Corps etc that have flow through taxation and hit with the 2% income tax increase. The smaller C-Corps that don't have powerful state lobbyist, don't make headslines when they relocate, but collectively employ 1000s of Illinoisians!

DON QUINN AND THEY IL POLITICIAN MAFESTO'S RAISED TAXES ON SMALL BUSINESS!!! This is the very people they campaigned on protecting!
The first heard about this from a Republican State legislator, and S-Corp Stakeholder/Owner, on the radio. What he said is Democrats raised the corporate tax and personal income tax on all the small and med business in IL and actually LOWERED the large business. He talked specifically about Motorola. Motorola was one of the HEADLINE companies saying they were planning on leaving if the tax was raised. So what did Quinn do, gave them a backdoor deal worth $100 mil (basically gave them a State Corp tax cut to 0%). Same thing happen with Caterpillar. When Caterpillar announce it was leaving Illinois, Quinn personally made a call to keep them. He did the same thing, basically cut their corporate tax rate to 0%). The funny thing is these companies aren't hiring and still shipping many jobs overseas.

Which companies aren't get these back door deals? The S-Corps, LLC, LP (all which are hit with the personal income tax) and the small C-Corps. These are the companies that are hiring. These are the companies that will bring jobs to IL. Yet Quinn doesn't care about them, even though the Democrats supposedly work for the little man!

Why doesn't he care about them:
(1) When companies the size Caterpillar even threatens to leave, they make the head of the wall street journal, but when a company with 100-200 employees actually does leave, it doesn't even make the local papers.

(2) Relocation costs deter small businesses more than large ones. Large ones can write it off against profits for lower Federal taxes and break even. Smaller Corps usually don't have profits high enough, so they end up in the red.

(3) Small corps don't have lobbist. Larges corps do.

(4) Large Corps make huge campaign contributions, small corps make small ones!

The sheep that Democrats fool, think they are sticking it to the large corps. That Quinn and the Democrats are making them pay their fair share. When in fact they lower the taxes on the headline making corps and raise it on everyone else!

The wrong way to support Illinois businesses - Chicago Tribune
Recently, Gov. Pat Quinn has been offering some of Illinois' largest corporations incentive packages to keep them from relocating. Motorola was given $100 million in tax breaks; Navistar pocketed $65 million; Chrysler received a $62 million investment package; all in all nearly $500 million in incentives have been given to at least 80 large private corporations in the last two years.

Even The Wall Street Journal recently editorialized on Illinois' high corporate tax rates and special tax breaks that Quinn has doled out with little transparency or accountability. The editorial reminded us that handing out favors one business at a time is "politically corrupting and an ineffective economic development strategy."

I hear local business owners complain about burdensome regulation, ever-increasing taxes and other issues like workers' compensation — but none of those businesses is getting taxpayer subsidies to lessen the blow of the tax hike. Some employ several hundred people, others just a few, but none receives the red carpet treatment these huge multinationals get from the governor's office.

Small and medium-size businesses are vital to Illinois' economic recovery and are the vehicles that support entrepreneurship and innovation. Why should a local business have to pay a tax that a massive corporation is essentially exempted from? I am not criticizing the corporations that call Illinois home, rather the fundamental unfairness of deeming our smaller firms unworthy of similar tax relief. Instead of rushing to provide special deals for our largest corporations, we need to focus on supporting all our struggling businesses by lessening the regulatory and tax burden across the board. The easiest way to attract business is to lower taxes.

The state owes millions of dollars to small businesses that have not received their tax refunds in the past few years. All the while, these companies must continue to pay taxes, even though they have not received what is owed them. We need to pass Senate Bill 1741 that would allow those businesses to write off money they are owed from their future tax liability.
Scott Walker's Wisconsin lost 8,200 jobs last month (12,500 in the private sector).

Relative to population, that was at least as bad as Illinois's job losses that are the subject of this thread.

Is it thus fair to say that Governor Walker is to blame? Or would I have to prove cause and effect?


Gee, doesn't ANYONE want to tell us why Wisconsin did just as badly as Illinois last month?


Glad to see you posted to link!:lol:
Scott Walker's Wisconsin lost 8,200 jobs last month (12,500 in the private sector).

Relative to population, that was at least as bad as Illinois's job losses that are the subject of this thread.

Is it thus fair to say that Governor Walker is to blame? Or would I have to prove cause and effect?


Really? So 12,500 jobs were lost in the Private Sector? 8,200 total job losses? So what you're saying is the Public Sector added 3,300 jobs? Pardon me if I find that rather hard to believe.

Table 5. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by state and selected industry sector, seasonally adjusted

Hear me then, believe me now.

I know it's hard to imagine that the only reason Scott Walker's Wisconsin job numbers weren't a total disaster is that Wisconsin added several thousand government jobs.

Sorry, but the statistics in that report don't back up your claims. I see total Wisc. jobs going from 2,737.0 (in thousands) to 2,766.9 during the three month time period shown. I also see government jobs going from 420.5 to 421.0 in that same period. So total jobs increased by 29.9 thousand and government jobs increased by 500. So you took the one bad month of the three and ignored the others?
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Scott Walker's Wisconsin lost 8,200 jobs last month (12,500 in the private sector).

Relative to population, that was at least as bad as Illinois's job losses that are the subject of this thread.

Is it thus fair to say that Governor Walker is to blame? Or would I have to prove cause and effect?


Gee, doesn't ANYONE want to tell us why Wisconsin did just as badly as Illinois last month?


Methinks that Walker's assault on working men and women didn't quite pan out as well as expected. :eusa_whistle:


His assult on the working man? :cuckoo:

What slander! He wants to take on the communist public sector unions! These Unions harm the working men and women of the great state of Wisconsin!
And what I find most amusing is that it was Governor Walker's policies that allowed local government to retain the workers that you're now pointing at as proof that his policies didn't work. If you'll recall he said that if passed his policies would allow teachers and other public employees to keep their jobs.
So under Walker, private sector employment for the three months shown is up 29.9 thousand and government employment didn't decline at all. So explain to me again why Walker's agenda was a failure?
Really? So 12,500 jobs were lost in the Private Sector? 8,200 total job losses? So what you're saying is the Public Sector added 3,300 jobs? Pardon me if I find that rather hard to believe.

Table 5. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by state and selected industry sector, seasonally adjusted

Hear me then, believe me now.

I know it's hard to imagine that the only reason Scott Walker's Wisconsin job numbers weren't a total disaster is that Wisconsin added several thousand government jobs.

Sorry, but the statistics in that report don't back up your claims. I see total Wisc. jobs going from 2,737.0 (in thousands) to 2,766.9 during the three month time period shown. I also see government jobs going from 420.5 to 421.0 in that same period. So total jobs increased by 29.9 thousand and government jobs increased by 500. So you took the one bad month of the three and ignored the others?

NICE! Great way to stick it back in NYC's face!

Notice how NYC, Da Chicken and Rdean will ignore the fact (and thread) about Don Quinn providing backdoor tax deals to make sure the headline moving large corporations remain in the state with 0 to little State taxes, while the little guys pay through the roof!

They will ignore the fact that Indiana set high 2011 goals in steal businesses from IL and hit those HIGH goals in only SIX MONTHS!!!
Really? So 12,500 jobs were lost in the Private Sector? 8,200 total job losses? So what you're saying is the Public Sector added 3,300 jobs? Pardon me if I find that rather hard to believe.

Table 5. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by state and selected industry sector, seasonally adjusted

Hear me then, believe me now.

I know it's hard to imagine that the only reason Scott Walker's Wisconsin job numbers weren't a total disaster is that Wisconsin added several thousand government jobs.

Sorry, but the statistics in that report don't back up your claims. I see total Wisc. jobs going from 2,737.0 (in thousands) to 2,766.9 during the three month time period shown. I also see government jobs going from 420.5 to 421.0 in that same period. So total jobs increased by 29.9 thousand and government jobs increased by 500. So you took the one bad month of the three and ignored the others?

Well of course he did.

Why would anyone want to look at all the facts and get a true picture of whats going on??

Its much easier to cherry pick and get the answer you want.
Really? So 12,500 jobs were lost in the Private Sector? 8,200 total job losses? So what you're saying is the Public Sector added 3,300 jobs? Pardon me if I find that rather hard to believe.

Table 5. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by state and selected industry sector, seasonally adjusted

Hear me then, believe me now.

I know it's hard to imagine that the only reason Scott Walker's Wisconsin job numbers weren't a total disaster is that Wisconsin added several thousand government jobs.

Sorry, but the statistics in that report don't back up your claims. I see total Wisc. jobs going from 2,737.0 (in thousands) to 2,766.9 during the three month time period shown. I also see government jobs going from 420.5 to 421.0 in that same period. So total jobs increased by 29.9 thousand and government jobs increased by 500. So you took the one bad month of the three and ignored the others?

I was talking about this month and made that clear.

Illinois's job numbers are up 50,000 from a year ago. Want to use that number?
Quinn made waves when he was raised taxes on the middle class to the near the highest in the nation (note: Other states like CA and HI have higher potential taxes, but they are at higher income levels, Quin's 5% is on you even if you have $50K or less) and raising our corporate tax to top THREE in the nation (top three in the world).

Immediately corporation (like Caterpillar) threatened to move, shockingly - to some- none did! Why not? Because Don Quin gave them backdoor deals that lowered their taxes to little to none to EVEN GETTING A negative tax amount (meaning they got money back!)!

So who got hit with the higher taxes? The Small Businesses! The LLC, LP, LLP, GP, S-Corps etc that have flow through taxation and hit with the 2% income tax increase. The smaller C-Corps that don't have powerful state lobbyist, don't make headslines when they relocate, but collectively employ 1000s of Illinoisians!

DON QUINN AND THEY IL POLITICIAN MAFESTO'S RAISED TAXES ON SMALL BUSINESS!!! This is the very people they campaigned on protecting!
The first heard about this from a Republican State legislator, and S-Corp Stakeholder/Owner, on the radio. What he said is Democrats raised the corporate tax and personal income tax on all the small and med business in IL and actually LOWERED the large business. He talked specifically about Motorola. Motorola was one of the HEADLINE companies saying they were planning on leaving if the tax was raised. So what did Quinn do, gave them a backdoor deal worth $100 mil (basically gave them a State Corp tax cut to 0%). Same thing happen with Caterpillar. When Caterpillar announce it was leaving Illinois, Quinn personally made a call to keep them. He did the same thing, basically cut their corporate tax rate to 0%). The funny thing is these companies aren't hiring and still shipping many jobs overseas.

Which companies aren't get these back door deals? The S-Corps, LLC, LP (all which are hit with the personal income tax) and the small C-Corps. These are the companies that are hiring. These are the companies that will bring jobs to IL. Yet Quinn doesn't care about them, even though the Democrats supposedly work for the little man!

Why doesn't he care about them:
(1) When companies the size Caterpillar even threatens to leave, they make the head of the wall street journal, but when a company with 100-200 employees actually does leave, it doesn't even make the local papers.

(2) Relocation costs deter small businesses more than large ones. Large ones can write it off against profits for lower Federal taxes and break even. Smaller Corps usually don't have profits high enough, so they end up in the red.

(3) Small corps don't have lobbist. Larges corps do.

(4) Large Corps make huge campaign contributions, small corps make small ones!

The sheep that Democrats fool, think they are sticking it to the large corps. That Quinn and the Democrats are making them pay their fair share. When in fact they lower the taxes on the headline making corps and raise it on everyone else!

The wrong way to support Illinois businesses - Chicago Tribune
Recently, Gov. Pat Quinn has been offering some of Illinois' largest corporations incentive packages to keep them from relocating. Motorola was given $100 million in tax breaks; Navistar pocketed $65 million; Chrysler received a $62 million investment package; all in all nearly $500 million in incentives have been given to at least 80 large private corporations in the last two years.

Even The Wall Street Journal recently editorialized on Illinois' high corporate tax rates and special tax breaks that Quinn has doled out with little transparency or accountability. The editorial reminded us that handing out favors one business at a time is "politically corrupting and an ineffective economic development strategy."

I hear local business owners complain about burdensome regulation, ever-increasing taxes and other issues like workers' compensation — but none of those businesses is getting taxpayer subsidies to lessen the blow of the tax hike. Some employ several hundred people, others just a few, but none receives the red carpet treatment these huge multinationals get from the governor's office.

Small and medium-size businesses are vital to Illinois' economic recovery and are the vehicles that support entrepreneurship and innovation. Why should a local business have to pay a tax that a massive corporation is essentially exempted from? I am not criticizing the corporations that call Illinois home, rather the fundamental unfairness of deeming our smaller firms unworthy of similar tax relief. Instead of rushing to provide special deals for our largest corporations, we need to focus on supporting all our struggling businesses by lessening the regulatory and tax burden across the board. The easiest way to attract business is to lower taxes.

The state owes millions of dollars to small businesses that have not received their tax refunds in the past few years. All the while, these companies must continue to pay taxes, even though they have not received what is owed them. We need to pass Senate Bill 1741 that would allow those businesses to write off money they are owed from their future tax liability.

And despite it all Illinois is STILL the BEST STATE TO LIVE IN TO MAKE A LIVING.

Rankings of the Best 10 States for Making a Living

At $41,986.51, Illinois had the best adjusted-average income. The unemployment rate in Illinois is not especially low, but the state benefits from relatively high average wages, a low state tax rate, and a below-average cost of living. As an added plus, you can make good use of your money once you earn it in Illinois. Four of the best banks in America, based on a analysis of factors like customer service, checking account fees, and savings and money market rates, have operations in Illinois.

Sorry to burst your bubble. If you hate Illinois so much move away. In fact, I insist.

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Table 5. Employees on nonfarm payrolls by state and selected industry sector, seasonally adjusted

Hear me then, believe me now.

I know it's hard to imagine that the only reason Scott Walker's Wisconsin job numbers weren't a total disaster is that Wisconsin added several thousand government jobs.

Sorry, but the statistics in that report don't back up your claims. I see total Wisc. jobs going from 2,737.0 (in thousands) to 2,766.9 during the three month time period shown. I also see government jobs going from 420.5 to 421.0 in that same period. So total jobs increased by 29.9 thousand and government jobs increased by 500. So you took the one bad month of the three and ignored the others?

I was talking about this month and made that clear.

Illinois's job numbers are up 50,000 from a year ago. Want to use that number?

Do you REALLY want to use Illinois as your "template" for what we should be doing? In case you didn't get the memo they are probably the only State in the country in worse shape than California. I believe Illinios currently has a deficit of over 13 billion dollars which is getting larger by the second.
Sorry, but the statistics in that report don't back up your claims. I see total Wisc. jobs going from 2,737.0 (in thousands) to 2,766.9 during the three month time period shown. I also see government jobs going from 420.5 to 421.0 in that same period. So total jobs increased by 29.9 thousand and government jobs increased by 500. So you took the one bad month of the three and ignored the others?

I was talking about this month and made that clear.

Illinois's job numbers are up 50,000 from a year ago. Want to use that number?

Do you REALLY want to use Illinois as your "template" for what we should be doing? In case you didn't get the memo they are probably the only State in the country in worse shape than California. I believe Illinios currently has a deficit of over 13 billion dollars which is getting larger by the second.

All I did was ask anyone to prove that the tax hikes caused the job losses. No one can. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.

BTW, my state, NY, had the most jobs added last month.
I was talking about this month and made that clear.

Illinois's job numbers are up 50,000 from a year ago. Want to use that number?

Do you REALLY want to use Illinois as your "template" for what we should be doing? In case you didn't get the memo they are probably the only State in the country in worse shape than California. I believe Illinios currently has a deficit of over 13 billion dollars which is getting larger by the second.

All I did was ask anyone to prove that the tax hikes caused the job losses. No one can. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.

BTW, my state, NY, had the most jobs added last month.

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't? That's the best argument you can come up with? Pay attention then, my liberal friend, because that huge tax increase that Democrats pushed through the Illinois State legislature back in January is about to cause an exodus of businesses to neighboring States. Caterpillar, one of the States biggest employers is already threatening a move.

The following shows the number of Illinois people employed. It's hard for me to fathom how anyone can look at THAT and not see a correlation between tax hikes and job losses.
Illinois Policy Institute - Blog - AS SEEN ON DRUDGE: Illinois Loses Most Jobs in Nation
Do you REALLY want to use Illinois as your "template" for what we should be doing? In case you didn't get the memo they are probably the only State in the country in worse shape than California. I believe Illinios currently has a deficit of over 13 billion dollars which is getting larger by the second.

All I did was ask anyone to prove that the tax hikes caused the job losses. No one can. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.

BTW, my state, NY, had the most jobs added last month.

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't? That's the best argument you can come up with? Pay attention then, my liberal friend, because that huge tax increase that Democrats pushed through the Illinois State legislature back in January is about to cause an exodus of businesses to neighboring States. Caterpillar, one of the States biggest employers is already threatening a move.

The following shows the number of Illinois people employed. It's hard for me to fathom how anyone can look at THAT and not see a correlation between tax hikes and job losses.
Illinois Policy Institute - Blog - AS SEEN ON DRUDGE: Illinois Loses Most Jobs in Nation

If you can prove the tax hikes cause the job loss, then do so.

I've already proven that other states with no tax hikes had comparable job losses.
I never believe those BS lists! They base them on what criteria? There own. I remember not to long ago they stated one of the best cities in the country to live was Niles, IL. I grew up in a burb right next to Niles. Niles had it's nice points, but it doesn't compare to other IL burbs like Naperville, Northbrook, Highland Park, Oak Brook, etc.!

Quinn made waves when he was raised taxes on the middle class to the near the highest in the nation (note: Other states like CA and HI have higher potential taxes, but they are at higher income levels, Quin's 5% is on you even if you have $50K or less) and raising our corporate tax to top THREE in the nation (top three in the world).

Immediately corporation (like Caterpillar) threatened to move, shockingly - to some- none did! Why not? Because Don Quin gave them backdoor deals that lowered their taxes to little to none to EVEN GETTING A negative tax amount (meaning they got money back!)!

So who got hit with the higher taxes? The Small Businesses! The LLC, LP, LLP, GP, S-Corps etc that have flow through taxation and hit with the 2% income tax increase. The smaller C-Corps that don't have powerful state lobbyist, don't make headslines when they relocate, but collectively employ 1000s of Illinoisians!

DON QUINN AND THEY IL POLITICIAN MAFESTO'S RAISED TAXES ON SMALL BUSINESS!!! This is the very people they campaigned on protecting!
The first heard about this from a Republican State legislator, and S-Corp Stakeholder/Owner, on the radio. What he said is Democrats raised the corporate tax and personal income tax on all the small and med business in IL and actually LOWERED the large business. He talked specifically about Motorola. Motorola was one of the HEADLINE companies saying they were planning on leaving if the tax was raised. So what did Quinn do, gave them a backdoor deal worth $100 mil (basically gave them a State Corp tax cut to 0%). Same thing happen with Caterpillar. When Caterpillar announce it was leaving Illinois, Quinn personally made a call to keep them. He did the same thing, basically cut their corporate tax rate to 0%). The funny thing is these companies aren't hiring and still shipping many jobs overseas.

Which companies aren't get these back door deals? The S-Corps, LLC, LP (all which are hit with the personal income tax) and the small C-Corps. These are the companies that are hiring. These are the companies that will bring jobs to IL. Yet Quinn doesn't care about them, even though the Democrats supposedly work for the little man!

Why doesn't he care about them:
(1) When companies the size Caterpillar even threatens to leave, they make the head of the wall street journal, but when a company with 100-200 employees actually does leave, it doesn't even make the local papers.

(2) Relocation costs deter small businesses more than large ones. Large ones can write it off against profits for lower Federal taxes and break even. Smaller Corps usually don't have profits high enough, so they end up in the red.

(3) Small corps don't have lobbist. Larges corps do.

(4) Large Corps make huge campaign contributions, small corps make small ones!

The sheep that Democrats fool, think they are sticking it to the large corps. That Quinn and the Democrats are making them pay their fair share. When in fact they lower the taxes on the headline making corps and raise it on everyone else!

And despite it all Illinois is STILL the BEST STATE TO LIVE IN TO MAKE A LIVING.

Rankings of the Best 10 States for Making a Living

At $41,986.51, Illinois had the best adjusted-average income. The unemployment rate in Illinois is not especially low, but the state benefits from relatively high average wages, a low state tax rate, and a below-average cost of living. As an added plus, you can make good use of your money once you earn it in Illinois. Four of the best banks in America, based on a analysis of factors like customer service, checking account fees, and savings and money market rates, have operations in Illinois.

Sorry to burst your bubble. If you hate Illinois so much move away. In fact, I insist.

All I did was ask anyone to prove that the tax hikes caused the job losses. No one can. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.

BTW, my state, NY, had the most jobs added last month.

Maybe they did, maybe they didn't? That's the best argument you can come up with? Pay attention then, my liberal friend, because that huge tax increase that Democrats pushed through the Illinois State legislature back in January is about to cause an exodus of businesses to neighboring States. Caterpillar, one of the States biggest employers is already threatening a move.

The following shows the number of Illinois people employed. It's hard for me to fathom how anyone can look at THAT and not see a correlation between tax hikes and job losses.
Illinois Policy Institute - Blog - AS SEEN ON DRUDGE: Illinois Loses Most Jobs in Nation

If you can prove the tax hikes cause the job loss, then do so.

I've already proven that other states with no tax hikes had comparable job losses.

The sad fact is, they can't. Oh they can point their fingers and try to make up bullshit stories but when it comes right down to it all they have is an opinion about something they know nothing about.

Methinks that Walker's assault on working men and women didn't quite pan out as well as expected. :eusa_whistle:


If you guys actually think Public Sector Union Employee's in Wisconsin are Average American working class people. You are fools.

Try working on a garbage truck or in a classroom for a few weeks. There's no way you'd last longer than that.


Try being a Employer or a Farmer. None of you Public Sector Union Pussies could handle a few days of that.
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