I'm 100% Pro Life......Tim Scott

are you retarded?

you can be 100% pro life but you have to work with the way things are... have to face reality.

Better a 15 week ban or whatever than wholesale slaughter of all babies regardless of age..

Have you forgotten there are dimrats in Congress... true story... in EVERY state there are dimrat congresspersons
Word Salad ^^^^^^
You can be pro-life and not be required to advocate for the extreme position instantly. I think the pro-life movement needs to largely focus on simply identifying and proclaiming how messed up Biden and the Democrats are in their support of abortion up until, or even after, birth.

Most people think that’s not okay, including biology and science. It’s infanticide. We will look back on todays democrats generations later and marvel at how barbaric they were to unborn children, much like we do today when we look back at 60’s Democrats and wonder how they could be so blatantly racist in enforcing Jim Crow.

These things take time, you can advocate for incremental steps and not have your “pro-life” card rescinded
You can be pro-life and not be required to advocate for the extreme position instantly. I think the pro-life movement needs to largely focus on simply identifying and proclaiming how messed up Biden and the Democrats are in their support of abortion up until, or even after, birth.

Most people think that’s not okay, including biology and science. It’s infanticide. We will look back on todays democrats generations later and marvel at how barbaric they were to unborn children, much like we do today when we look back at 60’s Democrats and wonder how they could be so blatantly racist in enforcing Jim Crow.

These things take time, you can advocate for incremental steps and not have your “pro-life” card rescinded

The law was viability which is well before birth. The country passed a late term abortion ban. That was the law. It's not anymore.
You can change your mind about the sanctity of life. Whatever 15 or 20 weeks is still better than any democrat in the freaking Country.
Isn't it racist to challenge a black American?

If Scott is contradicting recent claims for political gain .. his exploratory committee will provide pessimistic results for next steps and / or the appropriate response.
No. You see Biden opened that door for every white liberal loon to say any disgusting thing they want with no repercussions as long as the Black person identifies as a Republican or Conservative. They ain't black as Biden would say.
A politician can support something but still understand the realities facing the country.

So, just to address the point in general. Either side you can take the hard line and really gain nothing.

RvW was overturned but anyone who wants an abortion can still get one.

So a pragmatic politician says "ok, let's pass a law that bans them everywhere at 15 weeks.

Does either side really get what it wants? No. But sometimes that is what has to be done.
From my understanding that is what nations in Europe have. 15 weeks. If true. That would fit in with the oncoming new globalist rulers' dictums. Joe is not an American President. He is a globalist stooge. In royalty terms, perhaps a Duke to the Kings that rule from Europe. He has screwed American over many times and is far more comfortable in Europe than here. Deep down in his diminished mind he knows what he is doing. He is destroying the greatest experiment ever in human history to return us to the vassal states of peasantry.
How can you be 100% Pro-Life yet support abortion up to 15 or 20 weeks?

C'mon Tim...... Your Stance is like being "Almost Pregnant."

you can support life, but also respect the idea that abortion should be legal and rare. What one personally believes and what one believes the law should allow don't have to be the same thing.

I know this critical thinking stuff is tough for dembots
Let's also not forget about all the choices that can be made prior to sex;
  • Don't have sex
  • Have protected sex
  • Don't have sex with men that pressure to have unprotected sex
    • choose better men
  • Choose sex that doesn't include vaginal intercourse if you don't have protection: Oral, Anal, Hand jobs. Plenty of ways to enjoy "sex" that doesn't lead to pregnancy
The discussion is always about the choice after pregnancy, and never the choices that can be made prior. As if pregnancy is some viral infection or disease that came on by no fault of either party involved. But I guess when you're chasing after the WAP and girls are dying get that WAP banged, what ya gonna do. Might as well give them an outlet that ignores the consequences.
All of that is good advice, but it is not your or my or anybody's business to either tell a woman how to handle her sex life or to get involved in it.
you can support life, but also respect the idea that abortion should be legal and rare. What one personally believes and what one believes the law should allow don't have to be the same thing.

I know this critical thinking stuff is tough for dembots
You are gaslighting.
That's the position Dems fear the most because it's what most of the country would be OK with.
I have always said that viability outside the womb should be the boundary.

The thing is most people who get abortions do so well before that time so basically 99% of all abortions would be legal and republicans do not want that.
I have always said that viability outside the womb should be the boundary.

The thing is most people who get abortions do so well before that time so basically 99% of all abortions would be legal and republicans do not want that.

Most would be fine with it, some States would go past it, but those are the States the abortion rights people should just give up and spend their $$ on transport for adult women who want an abortion and move them out of State.
I agree.
Limits on weeks.
Why are Dems fearful of what Scott said.
Sounds reasonable to me.

If a pregnant woman has 15 weeks to decide on abortion or not, that seems like plenty of time and the woman needs to make her decision.

20 weeks is too long into the pregnancy.
It all depends on what the exceptions are. Some severe defects aren’t picked up until after 15 weeks.
All of that is good advice, but it is not your or my or anybody's business to either tell a woman how to handle her sex life or to get involved in it.
I didn't say it was. The focus is never on the choices prior to sex. The focus is never on making good choices and being sexually responsible.
Rather we applaud the opposite.

I would imagine that every man and woman (except for the mentally handicapped), they know how babies are made. So if you know how to reproduce, and there are mechanisms to stop reproducing while enjoying sex, then be responsible. Instead, the narrative is "my body my choice". That's great, then make better choices instead of relying and demanding the last resort. There are cases, where abortion can be a "choice"; rape, significant health risk to the mother/child" and other circumstances that I can't think of currently.

However, repeated abortions as a method of birth control, should be minimized in our society (and I believe that stat has dropped significantly). I just wish the narrative would change to represent all the choices, not just one.
We should revere the act of procreation and the responsibility of sex and our ability to bring intelligent life to this world
Instead, some portray the narrative that unprotected sex and their sexual freedom and getting that WAP tapped is paramount to any outcome, preventable or not, may have. And men, if you inpregnate a woman who has an abortion, you are equally culpable.

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