I'm 100% Pro Life......Tim Scott

I didn't say it was. The focus is never on the choices prior to sex. The focus is never on making good choices and being sexually responsible.
Rather we applaud the opposite.

I would imagine that every man and woman (except for the mentally handicapped), they know how babies are made. So if you know how to reproduce, and there are mechanisms to stop reproducing while enjoying sex, then be responsible. Instead, the narrative is "my body my choice". That's great, then make better choices instead of relying and demanding the last resort. There are cases, where abortion can be a "choice"; rape, significant health risk to the mother/child" and other circumstances that I can't think of currently.

However, repeated abortions as a method of birth control, should be minimized in our society (and I believe that stat has dropped significantly). I just wish the narrative would change to represent all the choices, not just one.
We should revere the act of procreation and the responsibility of sex and our ability to bring intelligent life to this world
Instead, some portray the narrative that unprotected sex and their sexual freedom and getting that WAP tapped is paramount to any outcome, preventable or not, may have. And men, if you inpregnate a woman who has an abortion, you are equally culpable.
And none of that is your business. Not one iota of it. Run along.
And none of that is your business. Not one iota of it. Run along.
But politicians have made it "Our" business. They have turned abortion into a politically divisive tool. Therefore, my opinion is relevant. If you have nothing to add to a conversation of any relevance. Why don't you "run along" and find another forum to troll in.
Gop will some day nominate a person of color, but not as long as Trump is available will that happen.
But politicians have made it "Our" business. They have turned abortion into a politically divisive tool. Therefore, my opinion is relevant. If you have nothing to add to a conversation of any relevance. Why don't you "run along" and find another forum to troll in.
Then vote against those politicians.
I do.

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