I'm a black father struggling so hard with the talk? What to say......???

Maybe I should say to my son, If you are being arresting go willingly rather than try to shoot the cop with his own weapon?

Tell your son that most cops are not rogue maniacs and more whites are killed
If he is pulled over .always cooperate and you will have your day in court
Maybe I should say to my son, If you are being arresting go willingly rather than try to shoot the cop with his own weapon?

No, you need to move to one of the progressive cities where they are getting rid of the evil murderous police.

DId you know that police officers will just decide, randomly to go hunt down and murder innocent black males, for no reason? Because racism?

Maybe I should say to my son, If you are being arresting go willingly rather than try to shoot the cop with his own weapon?

No, you need to move to one of the progressive cities where they are getting rid of the evil murderous police.

DId you know that police officers will just decide, randomly to go hunt down and murder innocent black males, for no reason? Because racism?

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I, as a white, was taught to be respectful and do as they ask if ever pulled over, because if you aren’t, things won’t go well, and don’t expect us to bail you out. Maybe start with something similar?
I was wondering if "The Talk" that every Black Father has with kids is the reason that all of these Black men resist arrest? Maybe it instills an early fear that comes out during an arrest.
You need to tell your son that he has no reason to fear them
Tell him that when the cops pull him over:
1. Have his driver's license and registration (and proof of insurance if required in that state) ready for the officer.
2. Keep BOTH hands on the steering wheel, in plain sight.
3. Obey EVERY instruction.
4. Don't lie or give him lip. Be polite.
5. Don't have illegal drugs in the vehicle. If your state allows the use of marijuana, don't be smoking it while driving. The law treats marijuana use the same way alcohol is, thus if you smoke it while driving, you will get ticketed for being DUI. Needless to say, don't get drunk and drive.
6. If for some reason, the cop must arrest you for some serious infraction....DON'T RESIST! If you do, you are only going to escalate the situation in a way that will not only be bad for you, but add more jail time, or worse, you could end up very D E A D!
7. A lot of people, white and black alike, mostly whites, end up dead because of RESISTING ARREST. That is the number one cause of negative encounters with the cops.
8. Almost forgot....DON'T let your passengers use or have illegal drugs on their persons while in your car either. If it's in your car, you get pinched for it, as well as your friends.

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