I'm a mean, mean man ...

... at least so I get told. But that just encourages me. It tells me my punches are landing in a tender spot.

I've done a buncha different things in life. Like most children, I started out conservative, and then grew out of it. Employment, being in the military, those sorts of things usually create liberals. But since I was once a conservative, I understand what drives them, so I can help them. I'm here as a beacon of hope, to let them know there is a way out, that they are _not_ trapped forever in the nightmare world of conservatism.

Oh, some have called me snarky and sarcastic, and say that I engage in a bit of trolling. I wonder where they get such ideas.

I live in Indianapolis, IN. Got a couple cats to spoil, and a huge yard to mess around with. My hobbies are geekly things, and loudly asking certain people to repeat what they just said to me about ThosePeople. See, being I'm one of the whitest white men on planet earth, a certain type often assumes I'm one of them, and thus lets down their guard.

I don't give negs, and I don't care if I get them. I like it rough. Not stupid, but rough. I've learned that if someone constantly posts graphics of political cartoons or insult cartoons in a discussion thread, that person is almost certainly stupid. I have little patience with anyone complaining how meeeeeeeaaaaaan someone is. Heat, kitchens, all that. Meeting a libertarian especially fills me with "fresh meat, how sweet" glee.

You'll see me around. We'll have fun.



Hope you don't get banned to quickly, cuz we needs fresh troll meat.
It's called "the search function". You are aware this board has one, right?

It showed a rather ordinary pack of playground bullies piling on this Black_Label kid. Old story. They're truly a force to be reckoned with, as long as they outnumber you by at least 5:1. I've even read tales of some of them taking on targets nearly half their size, so I know not to underestimate them.


Socks don't last. shame, this version of you was funnier than the last.
It's called "the search function". You are aware this board has one, right?

It showed a rather ordinary pack of playground bullies piling on this Black_Label kid. Old story. They're truly a force to be reckoned with, as long as they outnumber you by at least 5:1. I've even read tales of some of them taking on targets nearly half their size, so I know not to underestimate them.


Socks don't last. shame, this version of you was funnier than the last.

Love it when people come here, pretending to be new, and know everything about a forum and its members. Dead giveaway.
Thanks Ernie!

"Hi, you have received -1112 reputation points from Ernie S."

You like me, you really like me!
Negged for whining about negs.

We've got another rep whiner! Just what we need...another whiner. :rolleyes:
Another drooling lib troll with a big ego and evidently nothing with which to back it up.

Why that almost NEVER happens here.


(At least its avie is honest. It does appear to be a bit of a pussy.)
... at least so I get told. But that just encourages me. It tells me my punches are landing in a tender spot.

I've done a buncha different things in life. Like most children, I started out conservative, and then grew out of it. Employment, being in the military, those sorts of things usually create liberals. But since I was once a conservative, I understand what drives them, so I can help them. I'm here as a beacon of hope, to let them know there is a way out, that they are _not_ trapped forever in the nightmare world of conservatism.

Oh, some have called me snarky and sarcastic, and say that I engage in a bit of trolling. I wonder where they get such ideas.

I live in Indianapolis, IN. Got a couple cats to spoil, and a huge yard to mess around with. My hobbies are geekly things, and loudly asking certain people to repeat what they just said to me about ThosePeople. See, being I'm one of the whitest white men on planet earth, a certain type often assumes I'm one of them, and thus lets down their guard.

I don't give negs, and I don't care if I get them. I like it rough. Not stupid, but rough. I've learned that if someone constantly posts graphics of political cartoons or insult cartoons in a discussion thread, that person is almost certainly stupid. I have little patience with anyone complaining how meeeeeeeaaaaaan someone is. Heat, kitchens, all that. Meeting a libertarian especially fills me with "fresh meat, how sweet" glee.

You'll see me around. We'll have fun.

Save your breath mate. You'll need it to inflate your girlfriend tonight.
Sorry for the delay, but there's that pesky employment thing intefering with posting. I know most of the conservatives here wouldn't understand.

So, I see the consensus from those conservatives is that I'm a mean, mean man. What a surprise. And no, I don't ever get tired of being right. It's just the Cassandra thing that gets a little old.

And Ernie, Si, Liability? If I don't get your negs every 2 days like clockwork, I'm going to start asking around as to whether you're okay. Don't make me have to worry about you. I would join in the fun with you there, if it weren't for that stupid "grownup" thing I've got going on.
Sorry for the delay, but there's that pesky employment thing intefering with posting. I know most of the conservatives here wouldn't understand.

So, I see the consensus from those conservatives is that I'm a mean, mean man. What a surprise. And no, I don't ever get tired of being right. It's just the Cassandra thing that gets a little old.

And Ernie, Si, Liability? If I don't get your negs every 2 days like clockwork, I'm going to start asking around as to whether you're okay. Don't make me have to worry about you. I would join in the fun with you there, if it weren't for that stupid "grownup" thing I've got going on.
For myself, no I don't think you're mean. I think you're an egotistical, narcissistic pussy. The ego part confuses the shit out of me. From where I sit, you have no cause for such self esteem.
You come on here, either as a new member or a retread of an old one and immediately show your ass.
As for myself, Si Modo, Liability and others who may not have recognized your superiority, we've earned the right to be skeptical, and we don't like ass holes.
This leaves you a choice. You can back off with the bullshit and discuss issues civilly or you can be our new project.
Personally, I would prefer the latter as we are short one chew toy at the moment.
Nice touch, the sputtering and cursing and then demanding civility.

Do you and your homies in the gang have a specific thread to invite me to? Recognize that I'm not going to disagree with you just for the sake of disagreeing. I might agree with you, and where would that leave you all? Remember to plan for that.
Nice touch, the sputtering and cursing and then demanding civility.

Do you and your homies in the gang have a specific thread to invite me to? Recognize that I'm not going to disagree with you just for the sake of disagreeing. I might agree with you, and where would that leave you all? Remember to plan for that.

Try this one. I'll let you get into it and revisit in a couple hours.

Best of luck.
I guess it is about time to run Shamoo here through the gauntlet....

What is the land airspeed velocity of an unladen European swallow?
Nice touch, the sputtering and cursing and then demanding civility.

Do you and your homies in the gang have a specific thread to invite me to? Recognize that I'm not going to disagree with you just for the sake of disagreeing. I might agree with you, and where would that leave you all? Remember to plan for that.

Try this one. I'll let you get into it and revisit in a couple hours.

Best of luck.

Looks like he stalked you there and commented on malt liquor, leaving no coherent thought on the OP subject in his wake

I noticed that. I'm waiting for him to call me a racist so I can post a picture of my second wife.
Sorry for the delay, but there's that pesky employment thing intefering with posting. I know most of the conservatives here wouldn't understand.

So, I see the consensus from those conservatives is that I'm a mean, mean man. What a surprise. And no, I don't ever get tired of being right. It's just the Cassandra thing that gets a little old.

And Ernie, Si, Liability? If I don't get your negs every 2 days like clockwork, I'm going to start asking around as to whether you're okay. Don't make me have to worry about you. I would join in the fun with you there, if it weren't for that stupid "grownup" thing I've got going on.
Meh, you're about as mean as any whiny pussy is.
Nice touch, the sputtering and cursing and then demanding civility.

Do you and your homies in the gang have a specific thread to invite me to? Recognize that I'm not going to disagree with you just for the sake of disagreeing. I might agree with you, and where would that leave you all? Remember to plan for that.
The gang?


Gee, which sock could you be?

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