Im a rightie and i think we need to SMASH PUTIN

Originally posted by shockedcanadian
He invaded another country that didn't attack him.

If anything Russia was too patient and waited too long to draw the line and stop NATO's advance.

The country should have bombed the shit out of the Baltic states before they joined in 2004
Let Europe do Europe ... not our table ...

This whole conflict is because the psycho criminal Zelensky kept putting pressure on Putin by murdering thousands of ethnic Russian people in the Donbas region, and pushing the EU to allow Ukraine to become a member of NATO.
Putin was finally feed up and forced to take preemptive measures.
When the Russian army finally is victorious. They should publicly hang Zelensky in the town center of Kyiv. ... :thup:
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The funny thing about the whole Ukraine Unity thing, for Americans, is that the very same people who are selling you your very vehement opinion of Russia and newfound love for the Ukrainians, were the ones who sold Trump hatred, COVID-19 hysteria, and COVID vaccine worship. I myself cannot fathom how so many Americans have been swallowed by the media they claim to hate. We must all be smarter than that.

Well said. ^^

It's easy, the hypnotized sheeple are being told exactly how to think, from one thing to the next. Before was Saint Fauci now is Saint Zelensky....tomorrow only God knows what will it be :dunno:

As I've stated before in other threads.............Russia itself isn't the problem...........

It's those who get placed in power that are the problem. If the people were left to rule themselves, they'd be happy with just being peaceful and open to better things.

I agree about getting rid of Putin. His head is stuck in the 1950's, his ego is bigger than all US sports players put together, and he has never had any regard for the people of Russia, only to be the biggest tyrant he can be.
"This war, Miss Barham, to which we Americans are so insensitive, is the result of 2,000 years of European greed, barbarism, superstition, and stupidity. Don't blame it on our Coca-Cola bottles. Europe was a going brothel long before we came to town."

-- James Garner, "The Americanization of Emily"
This whole conflict is because the psycho criminal Zelensky kept putting pressure on Putin by murdering thousands of ethnic Russian people in the Donbas region
You are claiming that Zelenski murdered thousands of people in the Donbas region. I challenge you to name a few of his murder victims. After all, if you are sure of that, you should at least be able to name a few of those people out of all those thousands that you allege that Zelenski murdered.

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