I'm actually considering marriage

Of course.

(Certain stalkers are making fun of me for that.)

I like scrambled too.
I always say scrambled because you canā€™t screw that up. And it shows Iā€™m not high maintenance. If she is an egg expert eventually sheā€™ll insist on making you her famous eggs shit on a shingle
After a couple months of dating a wonderful woman I am finally considering marriage. I've sowed my wild oats and at 34 I think it may be time to settle down and raise a family. She and I share many common interests and both of us have good careers. I am finally going to meet her parents as we are invited for dinner at their home. I hope to make a good impression.
Look....take a deep breath.....two Ibuprofen....and sleep for a day. You'll see the light. LOL...
Just kidding

With the right person it is the greatest thing on earth....
Good luck and many blessings.
Look....take a deep breath.....two Ibuprofen....and sleep for a day. You'll see the light. LOL...
Just kidding

With the right person it is the greatest thing on earth....
Good luck and many blessings.
And really would it be so bad to stop doing all the dumb bachelor shit we do like not change out pillow cases? Or fully cleaning our toilets.
And really would it be so bad to stop doing all the dumb bachelor shit we do like not change out pillow cases? Or fully cleaning our toilets.
oh geezus yeah...... I used to clean my house like once a month with a hand grenade and a flame thrower....lol......
can't get away with that now... the misses will lave my head.
And then they say ā€œat least I have my kid from that failed marriageā€ Thatā€™s true but now youā€™re contributing to our fatherlessness problem.

And I canā€™t imagine having to go to sleep in a house that my kids arenā€™t in. But uncle Billy has sleepovers with mommy
I know Billy was here. He's the only one (when he does) hangs the toilet paper that way.

Seriously, the reasons for failed marriages go way beyond sex and money.
I know Billy was here. He's the only one (when he does) hangs the toilet paper that way.

Seriously, the reasons for failed marriages go way beyond sex and money.
I highly recommend getting a toothpaste tube key....

I know Billy was here. He's the only one (when he does) hangs the toilet paper that way.

Seriously, the reasons for failed marriages go way beyond sex and money.
Communication and trust are the keys to a good marriage in my opinion.
the biggest downside to waiting till your that age is youve cheated yourself out of a life with your grandchildren,,

if your kids wait till the same age did you will be in your 70s when your grandchildren are born and you wont have much of a life with them,, or them with you,,

I'm waiting for the AI mechanical bodies that can take a full on mind transfer from the flesh brain.....lol....
Can't wait to jog at 40 mph!
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I waiting for the AI mechanical bodies that can take a full on mind transfer from the flesh brain.....lol....
Can't wait to jog at 40 mph!
Will you raise a clone and raise them for when you eventually expire? If thatā€™s an option?
Will you raise a clone and raise them for when you eventually expire? If thatā€™s an option?
Hah....well not unless it is actually Me.....that I can't be sure of can I? How does one transfer Identity?
Very revealing thread. I'm sure that Blaster believes he's in his right mind, considering the pros and cons of marrying someone he's only known for a few months. So I'll take him at his word.

But who in their right mind would plan to get married in Bidenā€™s economy, if it's as disastrous as he regularly claims it is? They say that marriage is a crap shoot, but that doesn't compare to the crap shoot of hoping and praying that Trump will win in November.

No, I think it's clear that Blaster does believe the economy is good and getting better. Otherwise it would be crazy to think about getting married.
Hah....well not unless it is actually Me.....that I can't be sure of can I? How does one transfer Identity?
Itā€™s 100% you. As a child. I will have different experiences than you had but itā€™ll grow up to be 99-9% just like you because letā€™s face it, we are who we are. Nothing can make me gay or conservative. No way my clone could become a gay conservative.
Very revealing thread. I'm sure that Blaster believes he's in his right mind, considering the pros and cons of marrying someone he's only known for a few months. So I'll take him at his word.

But who in their right mind would plan to get married in Bidenā€™s economy, if it's as disastrous as he regularly claims it is? They say that marriage is a crap shoot, but that doesn't compare to the crap shoot of hoping and praying that Trump will win in November.

No, I think it's clear that Blaster does believe the economy is good and getting better. Otherwise it would be crazy to think about getting married.
Depends on which Fox News show heā€™s watching. The serious ones say the economy is great. Stock market too. Inflation coming down. But not on hannity
Hah....well not unless it is actually Me.....that I can't be sure of can I? How does one transfer Identity?
How do you feel about trannys competing with girls in weightlifting? Is there any upbringing that would change how you feel about this?

And do you think a tranny swimmer could have been raised to be a macho dude who thinks like you?
How do you feel about trannys competing with girls in weightlifting? Is there any upbringing that would change how you feel about this?

And do you think a tranny swimmer could have been raised to be a macho dude who thinks like you?

The issue is a bit more complex than people realize. The difference between the sexes
Starts in the womb. Nature versus nurture? Nurture can do much. However it cannot rise above preprogrammed gene sets....

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