"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" - Network, 1976


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The below clip truly expresses what has been called the "silent majority" are feeling today...and I know because I'm one of them.

While I can't do anything physically, like the rioters are doing to our country...I'm hopefully speaking for people like me that are really tired of the truly biased media coverage of all the events that have occurred under Trump. I am amazed at the people that hate Trump. Supposedly intelligent. Sophisticated. Open minded. But when it comes to Trump...they are livid. They hate him and people like me and millions like me. WHY? Are they not intelligent enough to look beyond Trump's flaws? I truly don't know why this anti-trumpers are so childish. So juvenile to ONLY see Trump flaws...which is easy to do.
Trump hasn't taken a salary.
Trump up till the media totally exaggerated the COVID had a great economy and that was probably the major reason the Media has been so childish.

And so I'm not doing anything radical as Peter Finch did above in the movie and have people stand at their windows and holler like "Howard Beale" did in the movie.
But you can mark this date and location as a prediction that will come true on 11/3/20...millions of Americans like me will pull the lever for Trump because when you compare the destructive democrats.."disband the cops"..."tear down symbols"... destroy national anthem and totally desecrate our flag...Americans are going to say what is there to compare to? An nearly 80 year old candidate who loves smelling little girls' hair, who's son has been paid by the Chinese for secrets... Truly NO comparison!
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 4.26.37 PM.png

If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally

Obama Held More Than Double the Number of Children in Shelters Compared to Trump White House

The number of undocumented children being held without their parents in U.S. government custody has seen a 21 percent increase in the past month after the Trump administration announced its "zero tolerance" crackdown on families caught crossing the border illegally, it has emerged.
Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Administration for Children and Families spokesperson Kenneth Wolfe told Newsweek on Wednesday that it had as many as 10,852 undocumented children in its custody—a significant jump from the 8,886 that were in the agency's custody on April 29, according to the Washington Post. spokesman for HHS's Administration for Children and Families told
Hmmm, i wonder where President Trump got his idea from, to hold children without their parents? Or was it just Obama's ICE still enforcing Obama policies?
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
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As I already said, I am not trying to make an argument, I am simply trying to answer the question, why do people seem to hate Trump so much? And yes Bill Clinton is the poster child for amorality. And Hillary is not far behind. And yes I see the hypocrisy.
Also, Hilary and Trump have both called a whole segment of our population subhuman. These do not seem to be the musings of individuals who care one bit You or me. Even amoral? Again and again the Clintons and Trump have used their fortunes to shield themselves from the legal ramifications of their behavior. Be it shady real estate deals (actually talking about Clinton’s here), rape (again Clinton), or refusing to pay for work that has been done because it’s cheaper to pay lawyers (Trump), or creating a company that you use as collateral to accumulate more wealth and then go bankrupt leaving your fellow investors high and dry (Trump in Atlantic City). So yes, the Clintons appear to be pieces of human refuse unfit to serve, but please set the same critical eye toward our current president ( who by the way was a democrat and one of the Clintons biggest donors for years).
Again, I’m really not trying to disagree, simply answering questions you are asking.
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
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As I already said, I am not trying to make an argument, I am simply trying to answer the question, why do people seem to hate Trump so much? And yes Bill Clinton is the poster child for amorality. And Hillary is not far behind. And yes I see the hypocrisy.
Also, Hilary and Trump have both called a whole segment of our population subhuman. These do not seem to be the musings of individuals who care one bit You or me. Even amoral? Again and again the Clintons and Trump have used their fortunes to shield themselves from the legal ramifications of their behavior. Be it shady real estate deals (actually talking about Clinton’s here), rape (again Clinton), or refusing to pay for work that has been done because it’s cheaper to pay lawyers (Trump), or creating a company that you use as collateral to accumulate more wealth and then go bankrupt leaving your fellow investors high and dry (Trump in Atlantic City). So yes, the Clintons appear to be pieces of human refuse unfit to serve, but please set the same critical eye toward our current president ( who by the way was a democrat and one of the Clintons biggest donors for years).
Again, I’m really not trying to disagree, simply answering questions you are asking.
Because those few on the left who have the Lame Stream Media on their side do nothing but attack the rightful president who beat out some sick, loud mouthed bitch, who kept falling down.
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
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As I already said, I am not trying to make an argument, I am simply trying to answer the question, why do people seem to hate Trump so much? And yes Bill Clinton is the poster child for amorality. And Hillary is not far behind. And yes I see the hypocrisy.
Also, Hilary and Trump have both called a whole segment of our population subhuman. These do not seem to be the musings of individuals who care one bit You or me. Even amoral? Again and again the Clintons and Trump have used their fortunes to shield themselves from the legal ramifications of their behavior. Be it shady real estate deals (actually talking about Clinton’s here), rape (again Clinton), or refusing to pay for work that has been done because it’s cheaper to pay lawyers (Trump), or creating a company that you use as collateral to accumulate more wealth and then go bankrupt leaving your fellow investors high and dry (Trump in Atlantic City). So yes, the Clintons appear to be pieces of human refuse unfit to serve, but please set the same critical eye toward our current president ( who by the way was a democrat and one of the Clintons biggest donors for years).
Again, I’m really not trying to disagree, simply answering questions you are asking.
Because those few on the left who have the Lame Stream Media on their side do nothing but attack the rightful president who beat out some sick, loud mouthed bitch, who kept falling down.
1) I kind of thought we were having a nice civil conversation about the seemingly massive political divide in this nation. Not another screaming match about who lacks the intellect and moral fortitude our nation values.
2) Like I would no more presume to know what a Masai warrior thinks of post modernism, I hoped this would be an opportunity for us all to have a honest disagreement that did not devolve into any of us spewing that same old tired rhetoric that serves no one but those already in power. Maybe, this could even lead to a deeper understanding and maybe someone (maybe me) would see a different perspective and be moved by it.
So, unless you truly believe that Americans are too stupid to see political disagreements should never devolve into culture wars, or we risk the democracy that everyone here, other than Russian Bots/stooges (looking right at you Pole Chic!) and the crazed radicals from the left or the right, report to want.
May I ask with all respect for you to tone down your language and truly focus on exchanging ideas.
Or you could just call me a “Libtard” or some other insult and we can be on our individual ways.
The OP has
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
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How dare you make Biden out to be a pedophile.

If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
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As I already said, I am not trying to make an argument, I am simply trying to answer the question, why do people seem to hate Trump so much? And yes Bill Clinton is the poster child for amorality. And Hillary is not far behind. And yes I see the hypocrisy.
Also, Hilary and Trump have both called a whole segment of our population subhuman. These do not seem to be the musings of individuals who care one bit You or me. Even amoral? Again and again the Clintons and Trump have used their fortunes to shield themselves from the legal ramifications of their behavior. Be it shady real estate deals (actually talking about Clinton’s here), rape (again Clinton), or refusing to pay for work that has been done because it’s cheaper to pay lawyers (Trump), or creating a company that you use as collateral to accumulate more wealth and then go bankrupt leaving your fellow investors high and dry (Trump in Atlantic City). So yes, the Clintons appear to be pieces of human refuse unfit to serve, but please set the same critical eye toward our current president ( who by the way was a democrat and one of the Clintons biggest donors for years).
Again, I’m really not trying to disagree, simply answering questions you are asking.

I'm not sure where either Hillary or Trump ever called a whole segment of our population subhuman.
See that's where you get in trouble. Gross exaggerations. NO substantiation!
Now Hillary did call people like me and I quote her...
You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
And she admitted she was grossly generalist..!!!
But I don't ever recall a Trump declaration equal to "deplorables".
Now Trump did say and I'm quoting:
President Donald Trump is continuing his habit of painting immigrants as criminals, highlighting gang connections, calling family reunification a national security threat and bemoaning the death of a pro football player involved in a car accident with a man living in the country illegally.
Speaking to law enforcement officials at the White House on Tuesday, Trump singled out the MS-13 gang, which is believed to be behind 25 killings on New York's Long Island in the past two years, and has become a prime target of the Trump administration.
Trump: "We've really never seen anything quite like this, the level of ferocity, the level of violence, and the reforms we need from Congress to defeat it," Trump told law enforcement officials and lawmakers, eventually threatening another federal government shutdown if Democrats don't agree to pass an immigration package he said would help keep gang members out.

Now as far as Trump being "anti-immigrant"... THAT is a total farce by the MSM.... PROOF?
Well I just did a google search on news regarding "Trump anti-immigrant"... results: 155,000 news articles...
BUT when I ask: "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" 5 results!
With Trump having married a "LEGAL Immigrant" and his grandmother a "LEGAL Immigrant" and 50+ million of us like me with a legal immigrant relative or being a legal immigrant, how stupid do you people especially the MSM continue to OFFEND people like US by
calling us "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"?
So if you can't show proof for your vast generalizations which are VASTLY wrong... why are you responding?

Now you are so right about Trump's business dealings. NO question. But to correct people like you misperceptions Trump has personally
never declared personal bankruptcy. Thousands of people legitimate people have declared BUSINESS bankruptcies as Trump has and there
is a gross distinction. My major disagreement with you is not only your inaccuracies with your claims but more importantly, you are
holding Trump to a higher standard than any other president! Geez read what the Democrat Lyndon Johnson said:

Johnson's biographer Robert Dallek writes that Johnson explained his decision to nominate Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying, “when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”

Now think what the MSM would do to Trump! But you haven't especially the MSM ever held the Democrats to the fire for their racism!

Just remember what the attached shows and take that into consideration every time you read/watch MSM...
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
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I don't know where you copied that collage from, but its all fake pictures.
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
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As I already said, I am not trying to make an argument, I am simply trying to answer the question, why do people seem to hate Trump so much? And yes Bill Clinton is the poster child for amorality. And Hillary is not far behind. And yes I see the hypocrisy.
Also, Hilary and Trump have both called a whole segment of our population subhuman. These do not seem to be the musings of individuals who care one bit You or me. Even amoral? Again and again the Clintons and Trump have used their fortunes to shield themselves from the legal ramifications of their behavior. Be it shady real estate deals (actually talking about Clinton’s here), rape (again Clinton), or refusing to pay for work that has been done because it’s cheaper to pay lawyers (Trump), or creating a company that you use as collateral to accumulate more wealth and then go bankrupt leaving your fellow investors high and dry (Trump in Atlantic City). So yes, the Clintons appear to be pieces of human refuse unfit to serve, but please set the same critical eye toward our current president ( who by the way was a democrat and one of the Clintons biggest donors for years).
Again, I’m really not trying to disagree, simply answering questions you are asking.
Because those few on the left who have the Lame Stream Media on their side do nothing but attack the rightful president who beat out some sick, loud mouthed bitch, who kept falling down.
1) I kind of thought we were having a nice civil conversation about the seemingly massive political divide in this nation. Not another screaming match about who lacks the intellect and moral fortitude our nation values.
2) Like I would no more presume to know what a Masai warrior thinks of post modernism, I hoped this would be an opportunity for us all to have a honest disagreement that did not devolve into any of us spewing that same old tired rhetoric that serves no one but those already in power. Maybe, this could even lead to a deeper understanding and maybe someone (maybe me) would see a different perspective and be moved by it.
So, unless you truly believe that Americans are too stupid to see political disagreements should never devolve into culture wars, or we risk the democracy that everyone here, other than Russian Bots/stooges (looking right at you Pole Chic!) and the crazed radicals from the left or the right, report to want.
May I ask with all respect for you to tone down your language and truly focus on exchanging ideas.
Or you could just call me a “Libtard” or some other insult and we can be on our individual ways.
But the problem you have evidenced is your looking for a "fair and balanced" discussion. It can't be as long as the MSM continues to influence people who DON"T think clearly or logically. You may want to intellectually argue distinctions and that is very easy on my part because almost all my comments are backed up by links, substantiation, etc. which is generally missing.
But the biggest distinction though is the continual bashing of Trump on "personal" dislikes by not only the general uninformed public but the biased hateful MSM! And that's what I would hope my contributions do, i.e. show how this MSM has jaundiced inaccurately Trump as President.
Finally I frequently when I read the Trump bashing remember what my Mom said.."When you point your finger, 3 are pointing back at you!
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
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I don't know where you copied that collage from, but its all fake pictures.
Prove that they are fake! PLEASE substantiate that each picture is WRONG!
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
View attachment 368772

View attachment 368767

I don't know where you copied that collage from, but its all fake pictures.

OK check this video...

If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
View attachment 368772

View attachment 368767

I don't know where you copied that collage from, but its all fake pictures.
Prove that they are fake! PLEASE substantiate that each picture is WRONG!

You are disgusting. Put one of them up and put a link and I'll tell you . Repeat.....
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
View attachment 368772

View attachment 368767

I don't know where you copied that collage from, but its all fake pictures.

OK check this video...

You are disgusting, that video was slowed down.
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
View attachment 368772

View attachment 368767

I don't know where you copied that collage from, but its all fake pictures.

OK check this video...

You are disgusting, that video was slowed down.

I'm disgusting? For slowing down a video of a dirty OLD OLD man fondling young people! That is who you want for a president!
Speaks highly of your tastes.
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
View attachment 368772

View attachment 368767
As I already said, I am not trying to make an argument, I am simply trying to answer the question, why do people seem to hate Trump so much? And yes Bill Clinton is the poster child for amorality. And Hillary is not far behind. And yes I see the hypocrisy.
Also, Hilary and Trump have both called a whole segment of our population subhuman. These do not seem to be the musings of individuals who care one bit You or me. Even amoral? Again and again the Clintons and Trump have used their fortunes to shield themselves from the legal ramifications of their behavior. Be it shady real estate deals (actually talking about Clinton’s here), rape (again Clinton), or refusing to pay for work that has been done because it’s cheaper to pay lawyers (Trump), or creating a company that you use as collateral to accumulate more wealth and then go bankrupt leaving your fellow investors high and dry (Trump in Atlantic City). So yes, the Clintons appear to be pieces of human refuse unfit to serve, but please set the same critical eye toward our current president ( who by the way was a democrat and one of the Clintons biggest donors for years).
Again, I’m really not trying to disagree, simply answering questions you are asking.

I'm not sure where either Hillary or Trump ever called a whole segment of our population subhuman.
See that's where you get in trouble. Gross exaggerations. NO substantiation!
Now Hillary did call people like me and I quote her...
You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
And she admitted she was grossly generalist..!!!
But I don't ever recall a Trump declaration equal to "deplorables".
Now Trump did say and I'm quoting:
President Donald Trump is continuing his habit of painting immigrants as criminals, highlighting gang connections, calling family reunification a national security threat and bemoaning the death of a pro football player involved in a car accident with a man living in the country illegally.
Speaking to law enforcement officials at the White House on Tuesday, Trump singled out the MS-13 gang, which is believed to be behind 25 killings on New York's Long Island in the past two years, and has become a prime target of the Trump administration.
Trump: "We've really never seen anything quite like this, the level of ferocity, the level of violence, and the reforms we need from Congress to defeat it," Trump told law enforcement officials and lawmakers, eventually threatening another federal government shutdown if Democrats don't agree to pass an immigration package he said would help keep gang members out.

Now as far as Trump being "anti-immigrant"... THAT is a total farce by the MSM.... PROOF?
Well I just did a google search on news regarding "Trump anti-immigrant"... results: 155,000 news articles...
BUT when I ask: "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" 5 results!
With Trump having married a "LEGAL Immigrant" and his grandmother a "LEGAL Immigrant" and 50+ million of us like me with a legal immigrant relative or being a legal immigrant, how stupid do you people especially the MSM continue to OFFEND people like US by
calling us "ANTI-IMMIGRANT"?
So if you can't show proof for your vast generalizations which are VASTLY wrong... why are you responding?

Now you are so right about Trump's business dealings. NO question. But to correct people like you misperceptions Trump has personally
never declared personal bankruptcy. Thousands of people legitimate people have declared BUSINESS bankruptcies as Trump has and there
is a gross distinction. My major disagreement with you is not only your inaccuracies with your claims but more importantly, you are
holding Trump to a higher standard than any other president! Geez read what the Democrat Lyndon Johnson said:

Johnson's biographer Robert Dallek writes that Johnson explained his decision to nominate Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying, “when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”

Now think what the MSM would do to Trump! But you haven't especially the MSM ever held the Democrats to the fire for their racism!

Just remember what the attached shows and take that into consideration every time you read/watch MSM...
View attachment 368817
First, Trump has called liberals the “worst kind of people“, he has described people moving in mass through Central America and Mexico toward the US as murders and rapists. Then went on describe many of “these Dreamers“ as criminals and bad hombres. He has stated time and time again that Dems must hate America. Now in fairness, just because you agree with his assessment does not make it anything less than a dehumanizing of fellow citizens.
I’m leaving your immigrant rant alone...not sure how it’s relevant.
Also, I never said Trump personally declarEd bankruptcy, in fact by saying he left fellow investors high and dry after using his company as collateral for other investments. When those investments went south his holdings in AC were not valued highly enough and he had no choice but to divide those companies holding to pay the debt collectors...most of which he still hasn’t paid.
But please don’t get me wrong, he played the game to win. He used his wealth as leverage and expanded his wealth further, that’s just smart capitalism. And if the rules are in your way...break them, ignore them, or “invest” in changing the rules. All of this said, I’d like leadership that is a bit more straightforward and less self-serving.
Lyndsey Graham called him out on trying to get tax payers to improve the neighbors property next to Trump Towers DC, when the FBI has long planned to move their HQ out of DC.
LynDsey GRaHam! Mitch McConnell said flat out it has no place in a bil about CV relief and would not be included in a final bill.
All right,I see your rant on immigration and raise you one about corruption.
As to your comparing Trump to other presidents, it’s kind of hard to do that when your talking about 50 years ago. JFK screwed everything that moved but no one reported it. Clinton did not get the same consideration and neither has Trump. Not sure that’s progress but it is what it is.
And Obama is in some circles still thought to be a Muslim or a Nigerian citizen. Both clearly untrue but he still had media outlets asking him to respond. The man released his birth certificate and then folks say “well you can fake that”.
All I’m saying is that not one President is treated fairly by the media, they want $$$$$$ and playing nice doesn’t get the click bait going like a juicy headline,
Trump Molests Puppy
Obama Member of Saudi Royal Family
Trump Owned by Russia
Its all BS meant to keep us outraged and clicking.
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
View attachment 368772

View attachment 368767
As I already said, I am not trying to make an argument, I am simply trying to answer the question, why do people seem to hate Trump so much? And yes Bill Clinton is the poster child for amorality. And Hillary is not far behind. And yes I see the hypocrisy.
Also, Hilary and Trump have both called a whole segment of our population subhuman. These do not seem to be the musings of individuals who care one bit You or me. Even amoral? Again and again the Clintons and Trump have used their fortunes to shield themselves from the legal ramifications of their behavior. Be it shady real estate deals (actually talking about Clinton’s here), rape (again Clinton), or refusing to pay for work that has been done because it’s cheaper to pay lawyers (Trump), or creating a company that you use as collateral to accumulate more wealth and then go bankrupt leaving your fellow investors high and dry (Trump in Atlantic City). So yes, the Clintons appear to be pieces of human refuse unfit to serve, but please set the same critical eye toward our current president ( who by the way was a democrat and one of the Clintons biggest donors for years).
Again, I’m really not trying to disagree, simply answering questions you are asking.
Because those few on the left who have the Lame Stream Media on their side do nothing but attack the rightful president who beat out some sick, loud mouthed bitch, who kept falling down.
1) I kind of thought we were having a nice civil conversation about the seemingly massive political divide in this nation. Not another screaming match about who lacks the intellect and moral fortitude our nation values.
2) Like I would no more presume to know what a Masai warrior thinks of post modernism, I hoped this would be an opportunity for us all to have a honest disagreement that did not devolve into any of us spewing that same old tired rhetoric that serves no one but those already in power. Maybe, this could even lead to a deeper understanding and maybe someone (maybe me) would see a different perspective and be moved by it.
So, unless you truly believe that Americans are too stupid to see political disagreements should never devolve into culture wars, or we risk the democracy that everyone here, other than Russian Bots/stooges (looking right at you Pole Chic!) and the crazed radicals from the left or the right, report to want.
May I ask with all respect for you to tone down your language and truly focus on exchanging ideas.
Or you could just call me a “Libtard” or some other insult and we can be on our individual ways.
I find it kind of hard to believe that the progs who are destroying this nation from within, are the very people i used to fight against in the old USSR. There can only be one outcome....
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
View attachment 368772

View attachment 368767
As I already said, I am not trying to make an argument, I am simply trying to answer the question, why do people seem to hate Trump so much? And yes Bill Clinton is the poster child for amorality. And Hillary is not far behind. And yes I see the hypocrisy.
Also, Hilary and Trump have both called a whole segment of our population subhuman. These do not seem to be the musings of individuals who care one bit You or me. Even amoral? Again and again the Clintons and Trump have used their fortunes to shield themselves from the legal ramifications of their behavior. Be it shady real estate deals (actually talking about Clinton’s here), rape (again Clinton), or refusing to pay for work that has been done because it’s cheaper to pay lawyers (Trump), or creating a company that you use as collateral to accumulate more wealth and then go bankrupt leaving your fellow investors high and dry (Trump in Atlantic City). So yes, the Clintons appear to be pieces of human refuse unfit to serve, but please set the same critical eye toward our current president ( who by the way was a democrat and one of the Clintons biggest donors for years).
Again, I’m really not trying to disagree, simply answering questions you are asking.
Because those few on the left who have the Lame Stream Media on their side do nothing but attack the rightful president who beat out some sick, loud mouthed bitch, who kept falling down.
1) I kind of thought we were having a nice civil conversation about the seemingly massive political divide in this nation. Not another screaming match about who lacks the intellect and moral fortitude our nation values.
2) Like I would no more presume to know what a Masai warrior thinks of post modernism, I hoped this would be an opportunity for us all to have a honest disagreement that did not devolve into any of us spewing that same old tired rhetoric that serves no one but those already in power. Maybe, this could even lead to a deeper understanding and maybe someone (maybe me) would see a different perspective and be moved by it.
So, unless you truly believe that Americans are too stupid to see political disagreements should never devolve into culture wars, or we risk the democracy that everyone here, other than Russian Bots/stooges (looking right at you Pole Chic!) and the crazed radicals from the left or the right, report to want.
May I ask with all respect for you to tone down your language and truly focus on exchanging ideas.
Or you could just call me a “Libtard” or some other insult and we can be on our individual ways.
I find it kind of hard to believe that the progs who are destroying this nation from within, are the very people i used to fight against in the old USSR. There can only be one outcome....

100% agree with you and the outcome will be a landslide vote for Trump...BECAUSE the VAST majority of Americans are "constructive"
people...NOT destructive. The history of America is "Building", Constructing,i.e. progress.
NO country in the world has helped raise the poverty level of nearly 1 billion people in the world.

Today, about 10% of the world population lives in extreme poverty, while in 1990 the corresponding figure was about 37%.
Two centuries ago almost everyone in the world lived in extreme poverty.

So my confidence in the majority of Americans favor "CONSTRUCTION" VS "DESTRUCTION" and this majority see the "DESTRUCTIVE" nature of the cities run by Democrats who appear feckless in law and order. This majority DO NOT want a President who has as Biden shown time and again willing to kiss the Destroyers' ass! If you favor CONSTRUCTIVE behavior...vote for Trump.
If you are looking for an actual answer, people hate Trump because he has drawn lines between who is with him and who is against him. He has acted in ways that many people believe display his amorality. And in all fairness, putting young children in detention centers to dissuade their parents from trying to enter this country illegally may be effective, but fairly uncaring and heartless.
Also, some who feel that this country has never generally accepted them (be they Dreamers or people of color, or homosexuals), his rhetoric and policies appear to be an attempt at moving us back to a time when they did not have the basic protections that many of us take for granted. So they and people who believe in a multi-cultural nation feel like President Trump is trying to undo what they see as the progress of the last 300 years of history in this country.
Not asking you to agree but you seemed to want to understand what folks on the other side of this political divide are seeing.
I appreciate your observations.
So please give me some examples of Trump's "amorality", i.e. lack of moral principles.
Because I thought a President was human. Was Clinton amoral? Is Biden amoral with his obvious actions like the below photos show?
Also... you realize that Obama built the detention centers? Remember the Internet has memories. So who started the cages?
Finally I am personally offended by your position Trump is anti-immigrant. See I have a relative that is a LEGAL immigrant as 50 million other Americans like me with relatives OR are "Legal" immigrants. My relatives and the other 50 million went through a lot of obstacles to become a citizen and when people call us like Trump "anti-immigrant" it is very very offensive! No different than calling blacks..N*****s! We like Trump find it grossly offensive that ILLEGALS that break the laws and then people feel sorry for them, like you do? Where is your passion for the people that LEGALLY gave up their citizenship to become Americans while these "ILLEGALS" don't! That is morally wrong!
View attachment 368772

View attachment 368767
As I already said, I am not trying to make an argument, I am simply trying to answer the question, why do people seem to hate Trump so much? And yes Bill Clinton is the poster child for amorality. And Hillary is not far behind. And yes I see the hypocrisy.
Also, Hilary and Trump have both called a whole segment of our population subhuman. These do not seem to be the musings of individuals who care one bit You or me. Even amoral? Again and again the Clintons and Trump have used their fortunes to shield themselves from the legal ramifications of their behavior. Be it shady real estate deals (actually talking about Clinton’s here), rape (again Clinton), or refusing to pay for work that has been done because it’s cheaper to pay lawyers (Trump), or creating a company that you use as collateral to accumulate more wealth and then go bankrupt leaving your fellow investors high and dry (Trump in Atlantic City). So yes, the Clintons appear to be pieces of human refuse unfit to serve, but please set the same critical eye toward our current president ( who by the way was a democrat and one of the Clintons biggest donors for years).
Again, I’m really not trying to disagree, simply answering questions you are asking.
Because those few on the left who have the Lame Stream Media on their side do nothing but attack the rightful president who beat out some sick, loud mouthed bitch, who kept falling down.
1) I kind of thought we were having a nice civil conversation about the seemingly massive political divide in this nation. Not another screaming match about who lacks the intellect and moral fortitude our nation values.
2) Like I would no more presume to know what a Masai warrior thinks of post modernism, I hoped this would be an opportunity for us all to have a honest disagreement that did not devolve into any of us spewing that same old tired rhetoric that serves no one but those already in power. Maybe, this could even lead to a deeper understanding and maybe someone (maybe me) would see a different perspective and be moved by it.
So, unless you truly believe that Americans are too stupid to see political disagreements should never devolve into culture wars, or we risk the democracy that everyone here, other than Russian Bots/stooges (looking right at you Pole Chic!) and the crazed radicals from the left or the right, report to want.
May I ask with all respect for you to tone down your language and truly focus on exchanging ideas.
Or you could just call me a “Libtard” or some other insult and we can be on our individual ways.
I find it kind of hard to believe that the progs who are destroying this nation from within, are the very people i used to fight against in the old USSR. There can only be one outcome....

100% agree with you and the outcome will be a landslide vote for Trump...BECAUSE the VAST majority of Americans are "constructive"
people...NOT destructive. The history of America is "Building", Constructing,i.e. progress.
NO country in the world has helped raise the poverty level of nearly 1 billion people in the world.

Today, about 10% of the world population lives in extreme poverty, while in 1990 the corresponding figure was about 37%.
Two centuries ago almost everyone in the world lived in extreme poverty.

So my confidence in the majority of Americans favor "CONSTRUCTION" VS "DESTRUCTION" and this majority see the "DESTRUCTIVE" nature of the cities run by Democrats who appear feckless in law and order. This majority DO NOT want a President who has as Biden shown time and again willing to kiss the Destroyers' ass! If you favor CONSTRUCTIVE behavior...vote for Trump.
You guys have kind of gotten off topic here a bit. All we are discussing is why people appear to hate Trump. I am not saying I agree with those opinions, simply trying to explain to someone who doesn’t see the reasoning behind it.
You guys are just irrationally blasting the far left...do us all a big favor and take the extreme progressives down with logic not emotion. Many of the folks hitting the streets in cities are privilege white kids who think playing revolution is fun. Where do you think this same crowd would be if actual fighting broke out? Dead in the first 5 minutes of shooting, hiding in an alley sitting in a puddle of their own pee, or crying for mommy to make the mean men with the guns to stop shooting at them. The modern day progressive is not actually a traditional progressive in any real sense any way. Real progressives are about progress, hence you want the police to curb their use of force and you go and start conversations with police departments. You create community engagement through programs that help people, you don’t stand with a sign and chant catchy sayings.
You want real progressives go look up the history of the Black Panthers.
By the way, the far right it’s just as off target..the Hullabaloo...come on give me break. They are more or less the exact same thing as the whackos in Portland, in fact they are some of the whackos in Portland.
My point here is that if you are angry great, but try to create reasonably well thought out arguments other than : Left bad, Big Government evil, Trump great, he will win a Yuge victory just like last time. You see none of that is an argument and with that you are not going to convince anyone that doesn’t already agree with you. This being a democracy changing people’s minds so they’ll agree with you is kind of the point. You see why we need better civics programs. It’s getting to the point that I can’t even tell uninformed patriotic Americans from Russian bots anY more.

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