I'm Happy Obama is Politically Failing- Are You?

You don't understand the extent of my dislike for what he (Obama) is doing to this country. The only way it will stop, or change, is for everything he want's to 'change', fails.

I'm often amazed at the hatred of our President in spite of his many successes? It can't be based on what is happening in America, it must rather be an aspect of the personality of the haters. Consider the piece below or consider how well America is doing since 2007/08 and you know reason and rationality have no place for the hateful person.

"Of all the myths and falsehoods that Republicans have spread about President Obama, the most pernicious and long-lasting is that the $832 billion stimulus package did not work. Since 2009, Republican lawmakers have inextricably linked the words “failed” and “stimulus,” and last week, five years after passage of the Recovery Act, they dusted off their old playbook again....

The stimulus could have done more good had it been bigger and more carefully constructed. But put simply, it prevented a second recession that could have turned into a depression. It created or saved an average of 1.6 million jobs a year for four years. (There are the jobs, Mr. Boehner.) It raised the nation’s economic output by 2 to 3 percent from 2009 to 2011. It prevented a significant increase in poverty — without it, 5.3 million additional people would have become poor in 2010."


The above bolded is obviously an Freudian slip, ending the sentence with a question mark. The stimulus package did do some short term good but in my opinion it did some very bad things for the future. Was it a failure, I guess it depends if one were able to get to a government teat or not. Did it increase employment? Not apparently. Did it fix our infrastructure, again not apparently. What it apparently fixed was a depression that never happened and may never had happened. But there are other things. The NSA spying, if this were Bush the left would be apoplectic and rightfully so. The killing of Americans without due process how do we allow that to happen? And now the new rooms and the FCC.

It ain't hatred for Obama for most people. It is hatred of what he had done to the country to which we may never recovery. YOU make it about him, being black gives him the perfect OUT. How many people were rooting for Wilson to win the Super Bowl? They didn't give a crap about his color they wanted to see results. At the very least I thought electing Obama would unite the country but because of HIM the exact opposite happened. The "police acted stupidly." "if I had a son he would look like Trayvon." He is not a uniter he only inspires with his rhetoric not action.
Obama was elected to "change" Bush's failed policies, but he didn't. He kept most of the bullshit in place and even amplified some of it. So what it all comes down to is the fact that Republicans are mad at Barack Obama for being as terrible as George W. Bush.
Beat the Repubs twice. And so far has kept us out of worthless wars. Oh and Obama was overseeing the country when my 401k and home equity came bouncing back from the disaster brought to us by the past President who rethugs don't want his name ever mentioned. But you know who I am talking about. And it ain't Bill Clinton.
I proved that you're a traitor to the US?

I'll defer on the credit for that.


IF you have enough honesty, would you please tell us exactly what has O'Hussein done for you ?

just one good thing.., but, if you have more than one, post them also.., OK ?

Fuck, at least ask something hard.

Obama beat the best Republican Presidential candidate that was offered. Not just once, but twice. Thank god. To the rethugs unending embarrassment.

There you go, more than one.

And Bush beat the best of the democrats twice without a very sympathetic MSM so what does that tell you? Obama is the first affirmative action president that is what his election tells me. No qualification, no experience running anything, promising not to run then running out on his Senate position. He is a frat boy we elected president and the state of the Union has suffered because of it. That said, McCain would have been not much better. Romney, should have won.
Romney would have given the 1% anything that they wanted regardless of them even asking for it.
Obama was elected to "change" Bush's failed policies, but he didn't. He kept most of the bullshit in place and even amplified some of it. So what it all comes down to is the fact that Republicans are mad at Barack Obama for being as terrible as George W. Bush.

The country was doing fairly well under Bush until a nightmare started in 2007. The democrats took power and completely ignored Bush. That is history there is no doubt. Bush was way too liberal for my taste but he certainly didn't do to this country what Obama has done.

Then there is the fact that Bush didn't promise YOU what Obama promised YOU. Obama promised to change the Patriot act and he certainly did, now he is killing Americans without due process. The NSA? All Obama. You are correct Obama kept what Congress passed under Bush and put it on steroids.
dimocrap scum can't point to an example of a government and economic system they would like to emulate.

Which is typical of leftist radical scum. You can't pin them down because, frankly, they don't know just yet what they can get away with.... How much raw power they'll have.

dimocrap scum can't point to a working system they'd like to model themselves after because one doesn't exist. Never has.

All dimocrap scum got is pie-in-the-sky, horse shit mantras about 'justice' and 'equality'.

Whatever the fuck that is.

We Republicans, OTOH, can point to 235 years of uninterrupted progress. WE freed the Black Man. WE gave women the right to vote. WE fought for Civil Rights. We...

The list is endless.

dimocrap scum bitch. It's all they know how to do...

Tell me, dimocrap scum....

Where in this World do people live better than American Citizens?


Where in this World are people more free than in the USA?


Where in this World is racial inequality fought with more zeal?

Nowhere. You scumbags think Americans are racist? You're idiots. Go to Europe, especially France. Think we got problems? You're wrong.... As usual.

Where in this world are people more free to move from one class (ie; poor to rich) than in the USA?

Nowhere. How many Presidents have we had that were born dirt poor? Many.

Where in this world is advanced education more available than in this Country?


Where in this world are people more free to move around, relocate and travel?


In Germany, for example. If you move from one Burg to another, you have to notify the authorities in the places you're moving from and to.

You also can't Home School your children in Germany.

You dimocrap scum? You people that think life is so unfair?

You're stupid. Literally. I mean, if you can't be happy and successful in this Country, the greatest that has ever or WILL ever exist.......

You're stupid.

Republicans have a plan for our economic and political system.... One that works. One that's worked for 235 years.

dimocrap scum..... Where's yours? Who you gonna model yourselves after?

N Korea? Cuba? Venezuela? The Soviet Union?

The failed socialist economies of Europe? The Technocracy of China?

Who? What?

All you scumbag dimocrap scum got is bumper-sticker slogans and shit coming out of your mouths like diarrhea. It's all you ever got.

Every problem this Country has ever had.... WE have fixed... From slavery to women's suffrage to Civil Rights.

And usually having to fight dimocrap scum for 100 years to get it done.

You people got shit. And the sooner people wake up and put your entire party on the trash heap of history, the better.

Wouldn't mind putting a few dimocraps themselves in the trash, either
IF you have enough honesty, would you please tell us exactly what has O'Hussein done for you ?

just one good thing.., but, if you have more than one, post them also.., OK ?

Fuck, at least ask something hard.

Obama beat the best Republican Presidential candidate that was offered. Not just once, but twice. Thank god. To the rethugs unending embarrassment.

There you go, more than one.

He prevented us from having more unfounded brain-farts, like yet another unproductive war.

Have you forgotten the surge in the Afghanistan war? The Obama war? Lybia, again Obama's war? Syria? So easy to forget his many failures isn't it?

Fuck, at least ask something hard.

Obama beat the best Republican Presidential candidate that was offered. Not just once, but twice. Thank god. To the rethugs unending embarrassment.

There you go, more than one.

He prevented us from having more unfounded brain-farts, like yet another unproductive war.

Have you forgotten the surge in the Afghanistan war? The Obama war? Lybia, again Obama's war? Syria? So easy to forget his many failures isn't it?

And don't forget.... the lying cocksucker-in-chief also gave our victory in Iraq to the Iranians.

Iran runs Iraq now, thanks to the lying cocksucker-in-chief.

dimocrap scum are good at letting our brave men in the Military die for nothing. They LOVE giving hard-fought victories away to the enemy.

Viet Nam and now Iraq.

The United States Military needs to wake up

Fuck, at least ask something hard.

Obama beat the best Republican Presidential candidate that was offered. Not just once, but twice. Thank god. To the rethugs unending embarrassment.

There you go, more than one.

He prevented us from having more unfounded brain-farts, like yet another unproductive war.

Have you forgotten the surge in the Afghanistan war? The Obama war? Lybia, again Obama's war? Syria? So easy to forget his many failures isn't it?

We have troops on the ground in Libya and Syria? How many? And for how long? And Obama started the war in Afghanistan? When did he do that? While he was in the Senate?

Come on dude. Obama's has enough fuck ups with out making shit up.
He prevented us from having more unfounded brain-farts, like yet another unproductive war.

Have you forgotten the surge in the Afghanistan war? The Obama war? Lybia, again Obama's war? Syria? So easy to forget his many failures isn't it?

We have troops on the ground in Libya and Syria? How many? And for how long? And Obama started the war in Afghanistan? When did he do that? While he was in the Senate?

Come on dude. Obama's has enough fuck ups with out making shit up.

That's the thing.

He doesn't really have that many fuckups.

And when he does fuck up? It's generally because he was catering to Republicans and got backstabbed.

Think Lucy and Charlie Brown.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=055wFyO6gag]Charlie Brown, Lucy and the Football. - YouTube[/ame]
Lets not focus on the failure of a politician, but on the success of our country. We should remove the obstacle to the success of this great nation of ours, not simply hope for it to sit there and rot away, along with more of our rights and freedoms with it.

I agree with my grandson TK...it's one thing that Obabble's policies are being blocked...it's another that so much time and resources and credibility are being wasted.
Obama was elected to "change" Bush's failed policies, but he didn't. He kept most of the bullshit in place and even amplified some of it. So what it all comes down to is the fact that Republicans are mad at Barack Obama for being as terrible as George W. Bush.

The country was doing fairly well under Bush until a nightmare started in 2007. The democrats took power and completely ignored Bush. That is history there is no doubt. Bush was way too liberal for my taste but he certainly didn't do to this country what Obama has done.

The country was doing pretty well under Bush, except for the largest intelligence failure in US history which enabled 9/11 which led to Bush starting two wars that the CIA designed 30 years ago to never end. Yeah, everything was great. The PATRIOT Act let the government spy on Americans without warrants or justification, Americans were legally allowed to torture POWs to death in secret prisons, and he left office overseeing the 2nd largest financial crash in US history with unemployment rates reaching Reagan's levels in the 1980s.

Yeah, that's history there, no doubt. History has already decided if Bush was a good President. History has decided "No, he wasn't."

Then there is the fact that Bush didn't promise YOU what Obama promised YOU. Obama promised to change the Patriot act and he certainly did, now he is killing Americans without due process. The NSA? All Obama. You are correct Obama kept what Congress passed under Bush and put it on steroids.
Obama didn't promise ME anything. He was the only choice for anyone who wanted to change Bush's policies. Progressives can admit that we were lied to. Republicans still can't admit that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq.

And the NSA was not "all Obama"?
The National Security Agency: Declassified
System and Conscience: NSA Bulk Surveillance and the Problem of Freedom
Obama was elected to "change" Bush's failed policies, but he didn't. He kept most of the bullshit in place and even amplified some of it. So what it all comes down to is the fact that Republicans are mad at Barack Obama for being as terrible as George W. Bush.

The country was doing fairly well under Bush until a nightmare started in 2007. The democrats took power and completely ignored Bush. That is history there is no doubt. Bush was way too liberal for my taste but he certainly didn't do to this country what Obama has done.

The country was doing pretty well under Bush, except for the largest intelligence failure in US history which enabled 9/11 which led to Bush starting two wars that the CIA designed 30 years ago to never end. Yeah, everything was great. The PATRIOT Act let the government spy on Americans without warrants or justification, Americans were legally allowed to torture POWs to death in secret prisons, and he left office overseeing the 2nd largest financial crash in US history with unemployment rates reaching Reagan's levels in the 1980s.

Yeah, that's history there, no doubt. History has already decided if Bush was a good President. History has decided "No, he wasn't."

Then there is the fact that Bush didn't promise YOU what Obama promised YOU. Obama promised to change the Patriot act and he certainly did, now he is killing Americans without due process. The NSA? All Obama. You are correct Obama kept what Congress passed under Bush and put it on steroids.
Obama didn't promise ME anything. He was the only choice for anyone who wanted to change Bush's policies. Progressives can admit that we were lied to. Republicans still can't admit that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq.

And the NSA was not "all Obama"?
The National Security Agency: Declassified
System and Conscience: NSA Bulk Surveillance and the Problem of Freedom
Still clueless after all these years. That's what happens when Google is your only source for information.
Happy days. Every day that I wake up happy, means Obama is not.

That equates to a positive moment for our country

Good times

Won't be much longer now......:eusa_boohoo:


Are you suggesting the GOP is succeeding? :cuckoo:

It's kind of ridiculous to hope your president fails whether you like him or not. In fact, it's downright immature. A positive moment for our country? He is here until 2017 whether you like it or not. Your logic is completley flat.

You don't understand the extent of my dislike for what he (Obama) is doing to this country. The only way it will stop, or change, is for everything he want's to 'change', fails.


Why don't you tell us what that change will look like? I certainly don't want the kind of change we saw in this country from 2000 to 2008, or can you remember back that far?

In 2000 the unemployment rate was 4%. By the beginning of 2009 it was 9.3%

In 2000 we were not at war. By 2008 we were still heavily involved in two unnecessary wars with a charge on the national credit card of $2,000,000,000,000+

and Bush's approval rating was 22%.

Is that the kind of change you are looking for?
Are you suggesting the GOP is succeeding? :cuckoo:

It's kind of ridiculous to hope your president fails whether you like him or not. In fact, it's downright immature. A positive moment for our country? He is here until 2017 whether you like it or not. Your logic is completley flat.

You don't understand the extent of my dislike for what he (Obama) is doing to this country. The only way it will stop, or change, is for everything he want's to 'change', fails.


Why don't you tell us what that change will look like? I certainly don't want the kind of change we saw in this country from 2000 to 2008, or can you remember back that far?

In 2000 the unemployment rate was 4%. By the beginning of 2009 it was 9.3%

In 2000 we were not at war. By 2008 we were still heavily involved in two unnecessary wars with a charge on the national credit card of $2,000,000,000,000+

and Bush's approval rating was 22%.

Is that the kind of change you are looking for?

So, that's the price for Obama's agenda - socialism?

Happy days. Every day that I wake up happy, means Obama is not.

That equates to a positive moment for our country

Good times

Won't be much longer now......:eusa_boohoo:


LOL. Our President is a two term President. When he was elected in 2008, the nation what headed straight down into an economic maelstrom that appeared to be a repeat of '29 or worse. Half a million jobs a month going away, stock market in freefall, and the whole nation holding it's breath. In the time he has served as President, we have turned that around, the market is at record levels, unemployment now under 7% and continueing to improve. And manufacturing starting to return to our nation. All this in spite of the best efforts of the GOP to prevent any improvement.

What you idiots are clearly and totally afraid of, is that President Obama will end his terms with a booming economy and low unemployment, with a nation in good economic shape, and getting better. You would rather Americans suffer than see the President succeed.
You don't understand the extent of my dislike for what he (Obama) is doing to this country. The only way it will stop, or change, is for everything he want's to 'change', fails.


Why don't you tell us what that change will look like? I certainly don't want the kind of change we saw in this country from 2000 to 2008, or can you remember back that far?

In 2000 the unemployment rate was 4%. By the beginning of 2009 it was 9.3%

In 2000 we were not at war. By 2008 we were still heavily involved in two unnecessary wars with a charge on the national credit card of $2,000,000,000,000+

and Bush's approval rating was 22%.

Is that the kind of change you are looking for?

So, that's the price for Obama's agenda - socialism?


OH GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOCIALISM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shriek, cry, moan, throw ashes and wearing sackcloth. Tear out hair, and act in other manners lacking sanity.
The country was doing fairly well under Bush until a nightmare started in 2007. The democrats took power and completely ignored Bush. That is history there is no doubt. Bush was way too liberal for my taste but he certainly didn't do to this country what Obama has done.

The country was doing pretty well under Bush, except for the largest intelligence failure in US history which enabled 9/11 which led to Bush starting two wars that the CIA designed 30 years ago to never end. Yeah, everything was great. The PATRIOT Act let the government spy on Americans without warrants or justification, Americans were legally allowed to torture POWs to death in secret prisons, and he left office overseeing the 2nd largest financial crash in US history with unemployment rates reaching Reagan's levels in the 1980s.

Yeah, that's history there, no doubt. History has already decided if Bush was a good President. History has decided "No, he wasn't."

Then there is the fact that Bush didn't promise YOU what Obama promised YOU. Obama promised to change the Patriot act and he certainly did, now he is killing Americans without due process. The NSA? All Obama. You are correct Obama kept what Congress passed under Bush and put it on steroids.
Obama didn't promise ME anything. He was the only choice for anyone who wanted to change Bush's policies. Progressives can admit that we were lied to. Republicans still can't admit that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq.

And the NSA was not "all Obama"?
The National Security Agency: Declassified
System and Conscience: NSA Bulk Surveillance and the Problem of Freedom
Still clueless after all these years. That's what happens when Google is your only source for information.
"Google" is not the National Security Archives. Do you know what the National Security Archives are? If you don't know what the National Security Archives are then don't call anyone else "clueless".

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