I'm Happy Obama is Politically Failing- Are You?

Happy days. Every day that I wake up happy, means Obama is not.

That equates to a positive moment for our country

Good times

Won't be much longer now......:eusa_boohoo:


LOL. Our President is a two term President. When he was elected in 2008, the nation what headed straight down into an economic maelstrom that appeared to be a repeat of '29 or worse. Half a million jobs a month going away, stock market in freefall, and the whole nation holding it's breath. In the time he has served as President, we have turned that around, the market is at record levels, unemployment now under 7% and continueing to improve. And manufacturing starting to return to our nation. All this in spite of the best efforts of the GOP to prevent any improvement.

What you idiots are clearly and totally afraid of, is that President Obama will end his terms with a booming economy and low unemployment, with a nation in good economic shape, and getting better. You would rather Americans suffer than see the President succeed.

And what qualification/education/ experience did Obama bring to the table that gives him credit for the longest and weakest recovery in US history? Come on did anyone even then think that the world's biggest economy wasn't going to recover? It always has even if it did go into depression. What no one wanted was to feel the pain of the stupid loans made but investment companies. No suffering for this age group we put it all on our children, let them pay it off.
He prevented us from having more unfounded brain-farts, like yet another unproductive war.

Have you forgotten the surge in the Afghanistan war? The Obama war? Lybia, again Obama's war? Syria? So easy to forget his many failures isn't it?

We have troops on the ground in Libya and Syria? How many? And for how long? And Obama started the war in Afghanistan? When did he do that? While he was in the Senate?

Come on dude. Obama's has enough fuck ups with out making shit up.

Dude, his record in Afghanistan is far worse then Bush's. He voted for the war in Afghanistan and the democrats could have gotten out at any time just by defunding the war. He has been at war in Afghanistan for 5 of his years and he admits it has been a failure. All those lives and he says he failed, now it is time for you to admit the same.

I guess just bombing the crap out of a people is not really a war. It seems to me that the only wars that the liberals like are the ones where we use weapons that kill without fear of being killed. I guess that is what all men would want but it seems awfully 1984.
The country was doing pretty well under Bush, except for the largest intelligence failure in US history which enabled 9/11 which led to Bush starting two wars that the CIA designed 30 years ago to never end. Yeah, everything was great. The PATRIOT Act let the government spy on Americans without warrants or justification, Americans were legally allowed to torture POWs to death in secret prisons, and he left office overseeing the 2nd largest financial crash in US history with unemployment rates reaching Reagan's levels in the 1980s.

Yeah, that's history there, no doubt. History has already decided if Bush was a good President. History has decided "No, he wasn't."

Obama didn't promise ME anything. He was the only choice for anyone who wanted to change Bush's policies. Progressives can admit that we were lied to. Republicans still can't admit that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq.

And the NSA was not "all Obama"?
The National Security Agency: Declassified
System and Conscience: NSA Bulk Surveillance and the Problem of Freedom
Still clueless after all these years. That's what happens when Google is your only source for information.
"Google" is not the National Security Archives. Do you know what the National Security Archives are? If you don't know what the National Security Archives are then don't call anyone else "clueless".

I know what is still classified...you only know what they let you know.
Happy days. Every day that I wake up happy, means Obama is not.

That equates to a positive moment for our country

Good times

Won't be much longer now......:eusa_boohoo:


LOL. Our President is a two term President. When he was elected in 2008, the nation what headed straight down into an economic maelstrom that appeared to be a repeat of '29 or worse. Half a million jobs a month going away, stock market in freefall, and the whole nation holding it's breath. In the time he has served as President, we have turned that around, the market is at record levels, unemployment now under 7% and continueing to improve. And manufacturing starting to return to our nation. All this in spite of the best efforts of the GOP to prevent any improvement.

What you idiots are clearly and totally afraid of, is that President Obama will end his terms with a booming economy and low unemployment, with a nation in good economic shape, and getting better. You would rather Americans suffer than see the President succeed.

The UE numbers don't hold weight. The economy was on life support-enter FED- now with the reduction in QE, things are not fairing so well. Enter the weather myth for recent slowdown.

In regards to the market, well of course its going up. Directly in line with the FED balance sheet that is a failed product of a failed Presidency. Furthermore, the market is also going up because business are not hiring at needed levels due to many regulations, taxations and then of course the behemoth Obamacare.

So they throw it in the market. They make their profit one way or the other..

The country was doing fairly well under Bush until a nightmare started in 2007. The democrats took power and completely ignored Bush. That is history there is no doubt. Bush was way too liberal for my taste but he certainly didn't do to this country what Obama has done.

The country was doing pretty well under Bush, except for the largest intelligence failure in US history which enabled 9/11 which led to Bush starting two wars that the CIA designed 30 years ago to never end. Yeah, everything was great. The PATRIOT Act let the government spy on Americans without warrants or justification, Americans were legally allowed to torture POWs to death in secret prisons, and he left office overseeing the 2nd largest financial crash in US history with unemployment rates reaching Reagan's levels in the 1980s.

Yeah, that's history there, no doubt. History has already decided if Bush was a good President. History has decided "No, he wasn't."

Then there is the fact that Bush didn't promise YOU what Obama promised YOU. Obama promised to change the Patriot act and he certainly did, now he is killing Americans without due process. The NSA? All Obama. You are correct Obama kept what Congress passed under Bush and put it on steroids.
Obama didn't promise ME anything. He was the only choice for anyone who wanted to change Bush's policies. Progressives can admit that we were lied to. Republicans still can't admit that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq.

And the NSA was not "all Obama"?
The National Security Agency: Declassified
System and Conscience: NSA Bulk Surveillance and the Problem of Freedom
Still clueless after all these years. That's what happens when Google is your only source for information.

Why google when you can listen to nuts like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck..right?

The only time America can succeed is when obama fails. So yes I'm glad he's failing. He just isn't failing enough.
Happy days. Every day that I wake up happy, means Obama is not.

That equates to a positive moment for our country

Good times

Won't be much longer now......:eusa_boohoo:


LOL. Our President is a two term President. When he was elected in 2008, the nation what headed straight down into an economic maelstrom that appeared to be a repeat of '29 or worse. Half a million jobs a month going away, stock market in freefall, and the whole nation holding it's breath. In the time he has served as President, we have turned that around, the market is at record levels, unemployment now under 7% and continueing to improve. And manufacturing starting to return to our nation. All this in spite of the best efforts of the GOP to prevent any improvement.

What you idiots are clearly and totally afraid of, is that President Obama will end his terms with a booming economy and low unemployment, with a nation in good economic shape, and getting better. You would rather Americans suffer than see the President succeed.

The UE numbers don't hold weight. The economy was on life support-enter FED- now with the reduction in QE, things are not fairing so well. Enter the weather myth for recent slowdown.

In regards to the market, well of course its going up. Directly in line with the FED balance sheet that is a failed product of a failed Presidency. Furthermore, the market is also going up because business are not hiring at needed levels due to many regulations, taxations and then of course the behemoth Obamacare.

So they throw it in the market. They make their profit one way or the other..


The country was doing pretty well under Bush, except for the largest intelligence failure in US history which enabled 9/11 which led to Bush starting two wars that the CIA designed 30 years ago to never end. Yeah, everything was great. The PATRIOT Act let the government spy on Americans without warrants or justification, Americans were legally allowed to torture POWs to death in secret prisons, and he left office overseeing the 2nd largest financial crash in US history with unemployment rates reaching Reagan's levels in the 1980s.

Yeah, that's history there, no doubt. History has already decided if Bush was a good President. History has decided "No, he wasn't."

Obama didn't promise ME anything. He was the only choice for anyone who wanted to change Bush's policies. Progressives can admit that we were lied to. Republicans still can't admit that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq.

And the NSA was not "all Obama"?
The National Security Agency: Declassified
System and Conscience: NSA Bulk Surveillance and the Problem of Freedom
Still clueless after all these years. That's what happens when Google is your only source for information.

Why google when you can listen to nuts like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck..right?


I listen to he who works behind the door, behind the door, in the vault.
LOL. Our President is a two term President. When he was elected in 2008, the nation what headed straight down into an economic maelstrom that appeared to be a repeat of '29 or worse. Half a million jobs a month going away, stock market in freefall, and the whole nation holding it's breath. In the time he has served as President, we have turned that around, the market is at record levels, unemployment now under 7% and continueing to improve. And manufacturing starting to return to our nation. All this in spite of the best efforts of the GOP to prevent any improvement.

What you idiots are clearly and totally afraid of, is that President Obama will end his terms with a booming economy and low unemployment, with a nation in good economic shape, and getting better. You would rather Americans suffer than see the President succeed.

The UE numbers don't hold weight. The economy was on life support-enter FED- now with the reduction in QE, things are not fairing so well. Enter the weather myth for recent slowdown.

In regards to the market, well of course its going up. Directly in line with the FED balance sheet that is a failed product of a failed Presidency. Furthermore, the market is also going up because business are not hiring at needed levels due to many regulations, taxations and then of course the behemoth Obamacare.

So they throw it in the market. They make their profit one way or the other..



Forget the Unemployment Rate—People Still Don't Have Jobs

By Joshua Green January 10, 2014

The bad news in Friday’s jobs report was that, despite the decline in the unemployment rate to 6.7 percent, the economy created only 74,000 jobs last month. The unemployment rate fell because people are leaving the labor force. So the unemployment rate is a misleading indicator of the relative health of the labor market—it’s much worse than it looks. Here’s a much better glimpse of how weak the recovery has been:

Forget the Unemployment Rate?People Still Don't Have Jobs - Businessweek

The chart above, from my Bloomberg News colleague Mike Dorning, shows the percentage of 25- to 54-year-olds (prime working-age adults) who have a full- or part-time job. As you can see, it fell off a cliff during the Great Recession. And five years later it has barely budged. This is one reason why it’s still too early to end federal emergency unemployment compensation.
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Obama was elected to "change" Bush's failed policies, but he didn't. He kept most of the bullshit in place and even amplified some of it. So what it all comes down to is the fact that Republicans are mad at Barack Obama for being as terrible as George W. Bush.

The country was doing fairly well under Bush until a nightmare started in 2007. The democrats took power and completely ignored Bush. That is history there is no doubt. Bush was way too liberal for my taste but he certainly didn't do to this country what Obama has done.

The country was doing pretty well under Bush, except for the largest intelligence failure in US history which enabled 9/11 which led to Bush starting two wars that the CIA designed 30 years ago to never end. Yeah, everything was great. The PATRIOT Act let the government spy on Americans without warrants or justification, Americans were legally allowed to torture POWs to death in secret prisons, and he left office overseeing the 2nd largest financial crash in US history with unemployment rates reaching Reagan's levels in the 1980s.

Yeah, that's history there, no doubt. History has already decided if Bush was a good President. History has decided "No, he wasn't."

Then there is the fact that Bush didn't promise YOU what Obama promised YOU. Obama promised to change the Patriot act and he certainly did, now he is killing Americans without due process. The NSA? All Obama. You are correct Obama kept what Congress passed under Bush and put it on steroids.
Obama didn't promise ME anything. He was the only choice for anyone who wanted to change Bush's policies. Progressives can admit that we were lied to. Republicans still can't admit that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq.

And the NSA was not "all Obama"?
The National Security Agency: Declassified
System and Conscience: NSA Bulk Surveillance and the Problem of Freedom

Yes there was an intelligence failure that led to 911. What was that failure? Do you remember?

Zacarias Moussaoui was in custody. It was discovered that he had no background in aviation but he wanted to take flying lessons only to the point of wanting to fly a plane but not take off or land. He had other suspicious activities in his background. Including a warning about Moussaoui's involvement with a radical mosque from the French. The FBI office in Minneapolis wanted to search his laptop and presented a 26 page report to the FISA court to secure a search warrant for Moussaoui's laptop. The request was denied. Attorneys reviewed the 26 page report on August 24 and determined that it was not sufficient to constitute an emergency. The search warrant was denied. The laptop had all the plans for the 911 attack.

According to the notes, an attorney identified as "Tim" clashed with an FBI investigator identified as "Gary". Tim said that Gary had accused Moussaoui of wanting the fly a plane into the World Trade Center just to get people spun up.

The FISA approval was put in place by Bill Clinton. None of it had anything to do with President Bush. Further, Jaimie Gorelick, a Bill Clinton appointee, who miraculously was allowed to keep her job under President Bush, sent out a memo that Foreign Intelligence warnings should not be used to undermine civil liberties.

The biggest intelligence failure of the 20th century was a DEMOCRAT intelligence failure that need not have happened.

Special Report: A Review of the FBI's Handling of Intelligence Information Related to the September 11 Attacks (Full Report)

This would not be nearly as important as it is, IF the obama regime had not followed the same procedure in dismissing the warnings given by Russia about the Tsaranaev brothers which led to the Boston Bombing. Clearly democrats have no interest in preventing terrorist attacks and may even perceive some kind of advantage in facilitating them. On January 24 of this year, Eric Holder issued new rules prohibiting investigation of radical mosques.

The terrorist attacks that have occurred in this country only occurred because of cooperation by democrats from Bill Clinton to Eric Holder to barack obama. Bush had nothing to do with it.
The UE numbers don't hold weight. The economy was on life support-enter FED- now with the reduction in QE, things are not fairing so well. Enter the weather myth for recent slowdown.

In regards to the market, well of course its going up. Directly in line with the FED balance sheet that is a failed product of a failed Presidency. Furthermore, the market is also going up because business are not hiring at needed levels due to many regulations, taxations and then of course the behemoth Obamacare.

So they throw it in the market. They make their profit one way or the other..



Forget the Unemployment Rate—People Still Don't Have Jobs

By Joshua Green January 10, 2014

The bad news in Friday’s jobs report was that, despite the decline in the unemployment rate to 6.7 percent, the economy created only 74,000 jobs last month. The unemployment rate fell because people are leaving the labor force. So the unemployment rate is a misleading indicator of the relative health of the labor market—it’s much worse than it looks. Here’s a much better glimpse of how weak the recovery has been:

Forget the Unemployment Rate?People Still Don't Have Jobs - Businessweek

The chart above, from my Bloomberg News colleague Mike Dorning, shows the percentage of 25- to 54-year-olds (prime working-age adults) who have a full- or part-time job. As you can see, it fell off a cliff during the Great Recession. And five years later it has barely budged. This is one reason why it’s still too early to end federal emergency unemployment compensation.

People don't want to work with me because I'm insane. No worries - I hired myself. Every month I get employee of the month. :)

If the unemployment figures are bogus, which ones do we use?

Here's a great idea - let's not worry about the economy ... If we think in a forwardly, optimistic manner, we can do whatever the hell we want - regardless of who is president.

If times are tough, we hunker down and reinvent ourselves if necessary. Why is it the presidents job to find me gainful employment?

What does he have to do with me working hard and making good decisions?

By the way, the one thing I disagree with him on is unemployment. It's a crutch.
Republicans don't just want the president to fail. They want the entire country to fail.
the percentage of 25- to 54-year-olds (prime working-age adults) who have a full- or part-time job

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What? What exactly did he say that I am supposed to argue with? :cuckoo:

The fact that Obama's legacy is crumbling right before your very eyes and you're too blind to see it.

It's not "crumbling" at all.

People are pissed, no doubt, but it's obvious to everyone outside your right wing bubble what's going on.

Obama is president of the United States. As Bush pointed out, he's the Decider.

And unlike the Democrats, Republicans do not accept that.

Come 2014, they will learn the results of their folly.

He's the decider? What the fuck does that even mean?
The fact that Obama's legacy is crumbling right before your very eyes and you're too blind to see it.

It's not "crumbling" at all.

People are pissed, no doubt, but it's obvious to everyone outside your right wing bubble what's going on.

Obama is president of the United States. As Bush pointed out, he's the Decider.

And unlike the Democrats, Republicans do not accept that.

Come 2014, they will learn the results of their folly.

He's the decider? What the fuck does that even mean?

For real, WTF?

I can wait for this one...

Obama hasn't failed. He has succeeded at weakening and crippling this country beyond his wildest expectations.
The fact that Obama's legacy is crumbling right before your very eyes and you're too blind to see it.

It's not "crumbling" at all.

People are pissed, no doubt, but it's obvious to everyone outside your right wing bubble what's going on.

Obama is president of the United States. As Bush pointed out, he's the Decider.

And unlike the Democrats, Republicans do not accept that.

Come 2014, they will learn the results of their folly.

He's the decider? What the fuck does that even mean?


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