I'm Happy Obama is Politically Failing- Are You?

And now that I come to think of it, since when is it good to wish for someone to fail? I don't want Obama's policies to fail, I don't want him to fail. All I will simply do is oppose them, to my detriment if I must, because that's what I believe. So to say about one politician of either party "I'm glad he's failing" is like saying you want cats to fall off the face of the Earth because you think dogs are superior.

What I want Obama to do is put the well being of his people over his ambitions.

Cool.. How do we become 'his people'? You're right, it's not all inclusive


His people, as in fellow Americans. He's the president, as much as both of us wish that weren't the case. And what are you implying by that remark?
Dig it.... After 4 months I think it's time again to bring the OP up for discussion. Multiple failures , as another OP reported, continue to mount.

I'm glad that Obama has proved me, and 50% of other Americans, that BO has not made the cut. And as I stated in another thread, very lucky this country has not gone Ukraine in the streets

This last 6 years in America have been like watching a mammal die a slow death. I used to not allow that in my hunting days.

But in this case, watching Obama just screw everything up is worth the price of admission


Hmmmm. How does the improved economy jive with your slow death story?

After 6 years even a blind squirrel can find an acorn every now and then...

If you call this improvement. Well, thats like saying at least the titanic has some amount of rafts. lol


Like finally getting Osama Bin Laden? Oh, that's right ... Obama was golfing while his secretary ordered the hit, my bad.
And now that I come to think of it, since when is it good to wish for someone to fail? I don't want Obama's policies to fail, I don't want him to fail. All I will simply do is oppose them, to my detriment if I must, because that's what I believe. So to say about one politician of either party "I'm glad he's failing" is like saying you want cats to fall off the face of the Earth because you think dogs are superior.

What I want Obama to do is put the well being of his people over his ambitions.

Cool.. How do we become 'his people'? You're right, it's not all inclusive


His people, as in fellow Americans. He's the president, as much as both of us wish that weren't the case. And what are you implying by that remark?

Nothing.. I just consider his people, ambitions, etc. are one in the same. They are indeed inclusive and I don't qualify for admission.

I lack the absence of common sense.....

Hmmmm. How does the improved economy jive with your slow death story?

After 6 years even a blind squirrel can find an acorn every now and then...

If you call this improvement. Well, thats like saying at least the titanic has some amount of rafts. lol


Like finally getting Osama Bin Laden? Oh, that's right ... Obama was golfing while his secretary ordered the hit, my bad.

Yea.. whatever....


Cool.. How do we become 'his people'? You're right, it's not all inclusive


His people, as in fellow Americans. He's the president, as much as both of us wish that weren't the case. And what are you implying by that remark?

Nothing.. I just consider his people, ambitions, etc. are one in the same. They are indeed inclusive and I don't qualify for admission.

I lack the absence of common sense.....


Well no, we don't qualify for inclusion if we oppose his ambitions now do we? But then again, he is still our leader, regardless of what we think about him or if we voted for him. To tell the truth, I guess I'm going off of what my grandmother used to teach me. He's still the president. You don't have to like the man, his policies or what he stands for, but you should respect the office he holds. That is at least what I was taught.

I guess the times have indeed changed.
After 6 years even a blind squirrel can find an acorn every now and then...

If you call this improvement. Well, thats like saying at least the titanic has some amount of rafts. lol


Like finally getting Osama Bin Laden? Oh, that's right ... Obama was golfing while his secretary ordered the hit, my bad.

Yea.. whatever....



... Or righting the economy after a certain catastrophic collapse?

No, the numbers are fake ... the liberal media covering for the 'chosen one' again.
Like finally getting Osama Bin Laden? Oh, that's right ... Obama was golfing while his secretary ordered the hit, my bad.

Yea.. whatever....



... Or righting the economy after a certain catastrophic collapse?

No, the numbers are fake ... the liberal media covering for the chosen one again.

Who says he did anything of the sort? Christian or no, have you read the parable Jesus told of the two men who built their houses on rock and sand? Let's apply that here.

This economy is built on sand. It won't stand up to the next storm that comes blowing in. That storm is our debt. So, what has he done to build it on the rock?
Yea.. whatever....



... Or righting the economy after a certain catastrophic collapse?

No, the numbers are fake ... the liberal media covering for the chosen one again.

Who says he did anything of the sort? Christian or no, have you read the parable Jesus told of the two men who built their houses on rock and sand? Let's apply that here.

This economy is built on sand. It won't stand up to the next storm that comes blowing in. That storm is our debt. So, what has he done to build it on the rock?


Obama was supposed to re-build the foundation of our economy?

Things were better when the economy was heading south in 07?
... Or righting the economy after a certain catastrophic collapse?

No, the numbers are fake ... the liberal media covering for the chosen one again.

Who says he did anything of the sort? Christian or no, have you read the parable Jesus told of the two men who built their houses on rock and sand? Let's apply that here.

This economy is built on sand. It won't stand up to the next storm that comes blowing in. That storm is our debt. So, what has he done to build it on the rock?


Obama was supposed to re-build the foundation of our economy?

Yeah, that is generally implied when he says he will "fix the economy." Or was I hearing things?
Like finally getting Osama Bin Laden? Oh, that's right ... Obama was golfing while his secretary ordered the hit, my bad.

Yea.. whatever....



... Or righting the economy after a certain catastrophic collapse?

No, the numbers are fake ... the liberal media covering for the 'chosen one' again.

The economy is righted?

Good grief. Even Carter could of done a better job.

Why is Obama holding down the economy?

You don't understand the extent of my dislike for what he (Obama) is doing to this country. The only way it will stop, or change, is for everything he want's to 'change', fails.

I'm often amazed at the hatred of our President in spite of his many successes? It can't be based on what is happening in America, it must rather be an aspect of the personality of the haters. Consider the piece below or consider how well America is doing since 2007/08 and you know reason and rationality have no place for the hateful person.

"Of all the myths and falsehoods that Republicans have spread about President Obama, the most pernicious and long-lasting is that the $832 billion stimulus package did not work. Since 2009, Republican lawmakers have inextricably linked the words “failed” and “stimulus,” and last week, five years after passage of the Recovery Act, they dusted off their old playbook again....

The stimulus could have done more good had it been bigger and more carefully constructed. But put simply, it prevented a second recession that could have turned into a depression. It created or saved an average of 1.6 million jobs a year for four years. (There are the jobs, Mr. Boehner.) It raised the nation’s economic output by 2 to 3 percent from 2009 to 2011. It prevented a significant increase in poverty — without it, 5.3 million additional people would have become poor in 2010."

In other news..


January 10, 2014
President Obama's Legacy Of Economic Failure
By Wayne Brough

Upon returning from the winter holidays, Congress launched the new year with a debate over raising the minimum wage and extending unemployment benefits. President Obama is an enthusiastic supporter of these efforts, and no doubt, his upcoming State of the Union address will focus on the need for continued government interventions to shore up the lagging economy as well as addressing concerns over persistent income inequality.

Unfortunately, this debate is a distraction from the larger question of restoring economic growth and the abject failure of the administration's various stimulus programs to boost the economy. Rather than promoting economic prosperity and expanding the economic pie, the administration's economic legacy will be viewed as an attempt to divvy up the existing pie, while saddling the economy with massive debt levels and a rising tide of regulation that has stymied even the best of entrepreneurs seeking to expand economic output and create new jobs.

Read the rest here:

RealClearMarkets - President Obama's Legacy Of Economic Failure
I just saw a video clip on FNC of Obama saying, "Raising the minimum wage won't increase taxes or spending".
I guess he's going to get the money from his 'personal stash', same place he got te money for this from:
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Like finally getting Osama Bin Laden? Oh, that's right ... Obama was golfing while his secretary ordered the hit, my bad.

Yea.. whatever....



... Or righting the economy after a certain catastrophic collapse?

No, the numbers are fake ... the liberal media covering for the 'chosen one' again.

Just 12 WTF Charts

Sometimes you just have to sit back, look at some charts, and say WTF...

Of course, there are those who see these charts and through no self-referential cognitive-dissonance of their own (well in fact entirely for that status quo engendering reason) will proclaim... that proves it - US is cleanest dirty shirt and money is flooding back to 'safety' - however - that is entirely disingenuous...

Just 12 WTF Charts | Zero Hedge
Happy days. Every day that I wake up happy, means Obama is not.

That equates to a positive moment for our country

Good times

Won't be much longer now......:eusa_boohoo:


Gotta part company with you on this one. I would rather see the country united and prospering.

I don't know what's in the guy's head, but when you say you want to fundamentally change something that many people love, it's a pretty safe bet that they're not going to mind if you fail.

It's also reasonable for them to question why you would want to fundamentally change something that you say you love.


Try harder......please.
Happy days. Every day that I wake up happy, means Obama is not.

That equates to a positive moment for our country

Good times

Won't be much longer now......:eusa_boohoo:


Gotta part company with you on this one. I would rather see the country united and prospering.

Roger that.. Again, we would be much worse off today if many of these failures had not happened. Of course we don't want to see that happen and expect those who hold the keys to liberty to make better decisions.

However, we must play the hand we're dealt unfortunately, we just can't fold. Obamas plans in some cases failed and for that I gain peace

Happy days. Every day that I wake up happy, means Obama is not.

That equates to a positive moment for our country

Good times

Won't be much longer now......:eusa_boohoo:


Gotta part company with you on this one. I would rather see the country united and prospering.

Roger that.. Again, we would be much worse off today if many of these failures had not happened. Of course we don't want to see that happen and expect those who hold the keys to liberty to make better decisions.

However, we must play the hand we're dealt unfortunately, we just can't fold. Obamas plans in some cases failed and for that I gain peace


So, you AREN'T happy to see Obama fail?

Got it.
Gotta part company with you on this one. I would rather see the country united and prospering.

Roger that.. Again, we would be much worse off today if many of these failures had not happened. Of course we don't want to see that happen and expect those who hold the keys to liberty to make better decisions.

However, we must play the hand we're dealt unfortunately, we just can't fold. Obamas plans in some cases failed and for that I gain peace


So, you AREN'T happy to see Obama fail?

Got it.

Thanks for proving my point..

Think I will fire off some Communication Breakdown for the Zep!!


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