I’m hearing hearsay reports that the anti 2A crap in Virginia is crumbling

Anyone heard any different
Several representatives getting cold feet

It's not about 2A. It's about common sense firearms regulations. And that ain't it. It won't survive the first round of a Federal Court the way it's written. And I doubt if it will even be presented the way it's written. But beware, many of us common sense gun regulation guys can write it pass mustard. Things like

There is no such thing as an Assault Rifle

Limiting mags to only 10 rounds does not meet the Heller Ruling. (yes, one Judge bounced a states laws over that one but suggested 20 round limits but stated that 15 rounds would meet the criteria

They can ban the AR-15 as long as they specifically state that the banned weapon is "AR-15 and it's various Clones" but they have to grandfather in the ones that are in possession. But they can rule that you can't sell them, give them away, inherit them or even transport them without a special license issued by the State and the State has to make it reasonable to obtain such a license. Although a Federal FFL or an EFL should cover it as well.

They can limit you buying guns to 3 or 4 per month rather than the 2 that the proposal says.

I won't go on with the rest of it but it needs cleaned up and thought out better. And a lot of common sense put in place of the panic. What I have listed have all been upheld in numerous Federal Courts including Heller V DC in the Supreme Court ruling. States have rights.

If you want to go on about the absolution of the 2A, got a new angle on it. You ready for it? Or are you going to go with common sense gun laws. And I don't find the Virginia laws even with my rewrite as a common sense law. Maybe for Alexandria but not the entire state of Virginia.
The problem with "common sense" gun regulation, is that it is always a one-sided affair and it's never enough.

"Let's just do some common sense regulation and cut down on the magazine capacity. We just want this common-sense restriction."

That won't stop violence or mass shootings. we all know it won't. We can all see this coming. A mass shooter can carry 15 magazines of 10 rounds, and will kill just as many people as he would with 5 30-round mags. Once we realize our mistake, there will be no going back. That regulation will stay even though it does nothing.

Then we move to the next one:

"Let's just ban A.R.-15's and all clones."

Anybody who's ever even fucking seen a goddamn gun knows if that will not do anything to stop a mass shooter who is motivated. There are literally hundreds of equal or more power semi-auto rifles that can do the same job. AK clones immediately come to mind. Furthermore, gun designers can take the ideals and concepts of the AR-15 and design an entirely new rifle system that is comparable in effectiveness and versatility, but not a clone of the AR, so they are still legal.

But, we won't go back to lifting the AR purchase ban or lifting the ban on mags-cap over 10 rounds. FUCK No! We leave those stupid regulations in place, and move to the next one:

"Let's just limit everyone to manual action rifles and shotguns."

Anyone who has ever used or seen the use of a pump action shotgun knows that it will do a whole lot more damage than an AR in a closes-quarters mass shooting.

Then, comes the next one. So on and so forth until the right is completely erased, WHICH IS THE REAL OBJECTIVE!!!

REAL common sense gun regulation would not restrict the type of firearm or number one could purchase. rather, it would focus on the individual making the purchase.

I am perfectly capable of owning and maintaining a full auto weapon. I have passed multiple background checks on the state and national level. I have never even been arrested. I do not allow, nor have I ever allowed, anyone to have access to my weapons. I am safe. Common sense dictates that I pose no risk and I should be allowed to have any firearm I want.

If you want to limit or restrict certain people from having certain weapons because they are not qualified, do not restrict others who ARE qualified from having those weapons. Stop making regulation one directional. Otherwise, no reasonable mind could believe the intent is there anything other than a complete and total ban.

Anyone heard any different
Several representatives getting cold feet

It's not about 2A. It's about common sense firearms regulations. And that ain't it. It won't survive the first round of a Federal Court the way it's written. And I doubt if it will even be presented the way it's written. But beware, many of us common sense gun regulation guys can write it pass mustard. Things like

There is no such thing as an Assault Rifle

Limiting mags to only 10 rounds does not meet the Heller Ruling. (yes, one Judge bounced a states laws over that one but suggested 20 round limits but stated that 15 rounds would meet the criteria

They can ban the AR-15 as long as they specifically state that the banned weapon is "AR-15 and it's various Clones" but they have to grandfather in the ones that are in possession. But they can rule that you can't sell them, give them away, inherit them or even transport them without a special license issued by the State and the State has to make it reasonable to obtain such a license. Although a Federal FFL or an EFL should cover it as well.

They can limit you buying guns to 3 or 4 per month rather than the 2 that the proposal says.

I won't go on with the rest of it but it needs cleaned up and thought out better. And a lot of common sense put in place of the panic. What I have listed have all been upheld in numerous Federal Courts including Heller V DC in the Supreme Court ruling. States have rights.

If you want to go on about the absolution of the 2A, got a new angle on it. You ready for it? Or are you going to go with common sense gun laws. And I don't find the Virginia laws even with my rewrite as a common sense law. Maybe for Alexandria but not the entire state of Virginia.
Common sense would be the understanding that gun control laws only effect law abiding citizens. Those with criminal intent will ignore your "common sense".

Funny, in 2016, there were 127 Felons on Parole that were bagged under the Universal Background Check. They not only have to serve the rest of their time with no parole but they have time tacked on with no parole. That's 127 violent criminals that were taken off the street with a simple background check. Methinks you give Criminals more credit for smarts than they really have.

Just from simple background checks, our inner city gun crimes went down. Now, if only we could get Kansas to stop selling to everyone out of parking lots and trying to ship them to Denver. Chicago has the same problem with Indiana except it's only a few minutes drive and much harder to detect.

But we are getting even. Kansas ships guns to Colorado, we ship MJ to Kansas. Ain't Karma a bitch.

In 2016 there were 6.1 million felons, congratulations the back ground check caught 127 morons. Given the statistics for repeat offenders your justification for infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens is retarded.

I can't help it that in your state that you allow your convicted violent felons to buy guns and terrorize the good people.

And the figure from the FBI is that out of those 6.1 million felons, about 1.2 mil will be considered violent. And out of that 6.1 mil only 1.4 percent will be violent with a firearm. That means just over 17,000 were involved murders and even a smaller amount will have used a firearm in their crime. Meaning, if we stopped 127 cold in Colorado we reduced the violent crime rate by a very large degree. That is at least 127 lives saved that is directly attributed to something as simple as a background check for a firearm. If that inconveniences you you have two choices. Put up with it or don't try and buy a gun here. You are from out of state and guess what, you won't pass the background check. Or maybe you are a convicted felon that thinks that we are discriminating against violent felons by depriving you the tools to commit your violence. Guess you will have to use a baseball bat but that would mean getting mighty close to your victim and he just might kick your ass.
Anyone heard any different
Several representatives getting cold feet

It's not about 2A. It's about common sense firearms regulations. And that ain't it. It won't survive the first round of a Federal Court the way it's written. And I doubt if it will even be presented the way it's written. But beware, many of us common sense gun regulation guys can write it pass mustard. Things like

There is no such thing as an Assault Rifle

Limiting mags to only 10 rounds does not meet the Heller Ruling. (yes, one Judge bounced a states laws over that one but suggested 20 round limits but stated that 15 rounds would meet the criteria

They can ban the AR-15 as long as they specifically state that the banned weapon is "AR-15 and it's various Clones" but they have to grandfather in the ones that are in possession. But they can rule that you can't sell them, give them away, inherit them or even transport them without a special license issued by the State and the State has to make it reasonable to obtain such a license. Although a Federal FFL or an EFL should cover it as well.

They can limit you buying guns to 3 or 4 per month rather than the 2 that the proposal says.

I won't go on with the rest of it but it needs cleaned up and thought out better. And a lot of common sense put in place of the panic. What I have listed have all been upheld in numerous Federal Courts including Heller V DC in the Supreme Court ruling. States have rights.

If you want to go on about the absolution of the 2A, got a new angle on it. You ready for it? Or are you going to go with common sense gun laws. And I don't find the Virginia laws even with my rewrite as a common sense law. Maybe for Alexandria but not the entire state of Virginia.
Common sense would be the understanding that gun control laws only effect law abiding citizens. Those with criminal intent will ignore your "common sense".

Funny, in 2016, there were 127 Felons on Parole that were bagged under the Universal Background Check. They not only have to serve the rest of their time with no parole but they have time tacked on with no parole. That's 127 violent criminals that were taken off the street with a simple background check. Methinks you give Criminals more credit for smarts than they really have.

Just from simple background checks, our inner city gun crimes went down. Now, if only we could get Kansas to stop selling to everyone out of parking lots and trying to ship them to Denver. Chicago has the same problem with Indiana except it's only a few minutes drive and much harder to detect.

But we are getting even. Kansas ships guns to Colorado, we ship MJ to Kansas. Ain't Karma a bitch.

In 2016 there were 6.1 million felons, congratulations the back ground check caught 127 morons. Given the statistics for repeat offenders your justification for infringing on the rights of law abiding citizens is retarded.

I can't help it that in your state that you allow your convicted violent felons to buy guns and terrorize the good people.

And the figure from the FBI is that out of those 6.1 million felons, about 1.2 mil will be considered violent. And out of that 6.1 mil only 1.4 percent will be violent with a firearm. That means just over 17,000 were involved murders and even a smaller amount will have used a firearm in their crime. Meaning, if we stopped 127 cold in Colorado we reduced the violent crime rate by a very large degree. That is at least 127 lives saved that is directly attributed to something as simple as a background check for a firearm. If that inconveniences you you have two choices. Put up with it or don't try and buy a gun here. You are from out of state and guess what, you won't pass the background check. Or maybe you are a convicted felon that thinks that we are discriminating against violent felons by depriving you the tools to commit your violence. Guess you will have to use a baseball bat but that would mean getting mighty close to your victim and he just might kick your ass.
Your so full of shit.
Report: Colorado’s violent crime rate continues to climb
Denver violent crime rate saw largest rise among large cities in 2018
CBI says violent crime rose 25 percent in Colorado since 2013
Anyone heard any different
Several representatives getting cold feet

It's not about 2A. It's about common sense firearms regulations. And that ain't it. It won't survive the first round of a Federal Court the way it's written. And I doubt if it will even be presented the way it's written. But beware, many of us common sense gun regulation guys can write it pass mustard. Things like

There is no such thing as an Assault Rifle

Limiting mags to only 10 rounds does not meet the Heller Ruling. (yes, one Judge bounced a states laws over that one but suggested 20 round limits but stated that 15 rounds would meet the criteria

They can ban the AR-15 as long as they specifically state that the banned weapon is "AR-15 and it's various Clones" but they have to grandfather in the ones that are in possession. But they can rule that you can't sell them, give them away, inherit them or even transport them without a special license issued by the State and the State has to make it reasonable to obtain such a license. Although a Federal FFL or an EFL should cover it as well.

They can limit you buying guns to 3 or 4 per month rather than the 2 that the proposal says.

I won't go on with the rest of it but it needs cleaned up and thought out better. And a lot of common sense put in place of the panic. What I have listed have all been upheld in numerous Federal Courts including Heller V DC in the Supreme Court ruling. States have rights.

If you want to go on about the absolution of the 2A, got a new angle on it. You ready for it? Or are you going to go with common sense gun laws. And I don't find the Virginia laws even with my rewrite as a common sense law. Maybe for Alexandria but not the entire state of Virginia.
Common sense would be the understanding that gun control laws only effect law abiding citizens. Those with criminal intent will ignore your "common sense".

Would you saw voter ID only effects legit voters ?
There is no sense in permitting people to own rapid-fire weapons that can mow down scores of people in seconds. There is no civilian use for them. I can see allowing people to have pistols, rifles, shotguns for shooting sports. We did. But no one has come up with any plausible reason why civilians need weapons of war. No, the British aren't coming, except for some musicians and actors. Weapons of this type should be kept in armories for use in emergencies by sworn police officers and the National Guard.

As a resident of Virginia, I fully support the current the efforts of our state legislature. We have had too many mass shootings, and there have been too many instances of hoodlum gangs running around in the woods training to be soldiers when we don't know whom they wish to fight. Then there was that screwball local police chief in Pennsylvania some years back who made a video of himself spraying bullets all around while shouting something about "them! Them"! Enough is enough. Taliban fighters are not arriving by the boat loads.
What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you stupid drips get?
What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you stupid drips get?

which was written in the era of single-shot muskets and need for a militia. Both of which have been replaced in the ensuing centuries. You may keep your musket. Just remember to kneel down so the fellas behind you can get a shot in without blowing your head off and you can reload.
What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you stupid drips get?

which was written in the era of single-shot muskets and need for a militia. Both of which have been replaced in the ensuing centuries. You may keep your musket. Just remember to kneel down so the fellas behind you can get a shot in without blowing your head off and you can reload.
It makes no difference. You still do not have the right to infringe on any law abiding citizens rights in this country; and if you think you do you will definitely have a fight on your hands; and I don't even care for guns myself but I fully support the right for everyone who is not a law breaker to own whatever they desire in the way of weapons. That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.
That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you stupid drips get?

which was written in the era of single-shot muskets and need for a militia. Both of which have been replaced in the ensuing centuries. You may keep your musket. Just remember to kneel down so the fellas behind you can get a shot in without blowing your head off and you can reload.
You're an ignorant fool. You apparently know nothing of history, philosophy, law or anything else. You're actually too stupid to even open your mouth except to breath and if I had my way, you wouldn't even be allowed to do that.
again, the left is trying to say americans cannot and will not be allowed to defend themselves. Know that. That is the effort, under their thumb.

They want your property
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That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
Self defense from what exactly?

Anything. anytime any year, any decade. Self defense is ongoing every minute of every day. Encounters with strangers who wish to take you on exists all of the time. Grocery store, restaurant, gas station, airport, on the road, etc..... You are ignorant for not knowing that. Ever hear of driving defensively? Car rage? ever go down the wrong street in the wrong neighborhood? Come to Chicago, I'll show those streets and neighborhoods. I feel sorry, your parents didn't explain how to protect yourself, it is quite obvious you need it, cause bad people have trapped you into what you are today.
What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you stupid drips get?

which was written in the era of single-shot muskets and need for a militia. Both of which have been replaced in the ensuing centuries. You may keep your musket. Just remember to kneel down so the fellas behind you can get a shot in without blowing your head off and you can reload.
You're an ignorant fool. You apparently know nothing of history, philosophy, law or anything else. You're actually too stupid to even open your mouth except to breath and if I had my way, you wouldn't even be allowed to do that.

So what do you know, if anything? You sound like some bimbo who has a "rank" in one of these white gangs that run around in the woods with your penis extenders playing soldier. You monkeys just make sure that you don't bother anyone else.
That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
I am a female and I have in the past carried a weapon for self defense and it worked even though I didn't actually have to shoot a couple of would be rapist. You live a protected charmed life but not everyone does, It is a portion of our Rights in this country and if you don't like that GTFO asap and go to a place where citizens can be abused by government or whoever but cannot defend themsleves.
That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
Self defense from what exactly?

Anything. anytime any year, any decade. Self defense is ongoing every minute of every day. Encounters with strangers who wish to take you on exists all of the time. Grocery store, restaurant, gas station, airport, on the road, etc..... You are ignorant for not knowing that. Ever hear of driving defensively? Car rage? ever go down the wrong street in the wrong neighborhood? Come to Chicago, I'll show those streets and neighborhoods. I feel sorry, your parents didn't explain how to protect yourself, it is quite obvious you need it, cause bad people have trapped you into what you are today.
Rural Idaho previously and I appreciated the heck out of having the right to self defense.
That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
Self defense from what exactly?

Anything. anytime any year, any decade. Self defense is ongoing every minute of every day. Encounters with strangers who wish to take you on exists all of the time. Grocery store, restaurant, gas station, airport, on the road, etc..... You are ignorant for not knowing that. Ever hear of driving defensively? Car rage? ever go down the wrong street in the wrong neighborhood? Come to Chicago, I'll show those streets and neighborhoods. I feel sorry, your parents didn't explain how to protect yourself, it is quite obvious you need it, cause bad people have trapped you into what you are today.
Rural Idaho previously and I appreciated the heck out of having the right to self defense.
yep. there are sooo many examples, that one cannot talk into all of them. Late at night someone opens a window in your home and enters and shoots you, and your family while you're sleeping. If they think that doesn't happen, they know absolutely nothing of life. period. People in shopping malls getting gunned down. I'm telling you, the mass ignorance of a leftist can't be measured. they are that inhumane. Abortion is but one phase of their morality hate.
That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
I am a female and I have in the past carried a weapon for self defense and it worked even though I didn't actually have to shoot a couple of would be rapist. You live a protected charmed life but not everyone does, It is a portion of our Rights in this country and if you don't like that GTFO asap and go to a place where citizens can be abused by government or whoever but cannot defend themsleves.

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