I’m hearing hearsay reports that the anti 2A crap in Virginia is crumbling

Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?
You have never used a firearm, have you?

The best home defense weapon is actually a short-barrel rifle or the like. You want a weapon that is:
1. semi-automatic
2. short enough for close-quarters engagement
3. able to be shoulder-fired for better accuracy in high-stress situations
4. chambered in a mid-sized round, preferably subsonic (like .300 blackout)
5. capable of receiving a high-capacity magazine (that will give you plenty of ammo without needing to search around in the dark for another magazine)

Something like this:

But the bullshit SBR restrictions should be immediately stricken or repealed so this weapon can be widely sold and distributed as a home-defense weapon.

You have a shitty hobby, that's all.
Well, that's like, your opinion, man.
If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
A handgun is better than trying to hold the fort with a bolt-action deer rifle, but the better weapon is the one in the picture above.

That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
you know nothing of our country then.

How Chicago Became ‘Chiraq’

Editor’s Note: Over the July 4 weekend, 82 people were shot and 14 of them killed in Chicago. It’s not the first time a holiday was marred by gun violence. Over Easter, 45 people were shot in the city that's come to be known as “Chiraq.”

President Obama may have gotten our troops out of Iraq, but the gunfire in his hometown of Chicago is still earning it a searing nickname coined by young people who live there.

Bring it on mthr fker, you don't know shit about my country.
That is to prevent fascist snots from pushing their own personal agendas on anyone else in this country intended for liberty.

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
Self defense from what exactly?

Anything. anytime any year, any decade. Self defense is ongoing every minute of every day. Encounters with strangers who wish to take you on exists all of the time. Grocery store, restaurant, gas station, airport, on the road, etc..... You are ignorant for not knowing that. Ever hear of driving defensively? Car rage? ever go down the wrong street in the wrong neighborhood? Come to Chicago, I'll show those streets and neighborhoods. I feel sorry, your parents didn't explain how to protect yourself, it is quite obvious you need it, cause bad people have trapped you into what you are today.
Rural Idaho previously and I appreciated the heck out of having the right to self defense.

I've lived in suburban N.J., the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, and never had a situation in which I ever needed a gun. I live in a very, very diverse neighborhood now, people from just about every country in the world, a neighborhood that really can't be considered a suburb, and if you fall, more than one person comes to help you up. We here don't need to be armed just to go to the grocery store.

You seem to live in fear that is far out of proportion to any evil that might be out there. That fear is being stoked by evil people for political reasons.
So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
Self defense from what exactly?

Anything. anytime any year, any decade. Self defense is ongoing every minute of every day. Encounters with strangers who wish to take you on exists all of the time. Grocery store, restaurant, gas station, airport, on the road, etc..... You are ignorant for not knowing that. Ever hear of driving defensively? Car rage? ever go down the wrong street in the wrong neighborhood? Come to Chicago, I'll show those streets and neighborhoods. I feel sorry, your parents didn't explain how to protect yourself, it is quite obvious you need it, cause bad people have trapped you into what you are today.
Rural Idaho previously and I appreciated the heck out of having the right to self defense.

I've lived in suburban N.J., the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, and never had a situation in which I ever needed a gun. I live in a very, very diverse neighborhood now, people from just about every country in the world, a neighborhood that really can't be considered a suburb, and if you fall, more than one person comes to help you up. We here don't need to be armed just to go to the grocery store.

You seem to live in fear that is far out of proportion to any evil that might be out there. That fear is being stoked by evil people for political reasons.
No you are ignorant of the real world like many out there who have never been face to face with someone who fully had evil intentions. You don't like guns so don't buy or own one but you have absolutely no right whatsoever to attempt to deny me or anyone else the right to own one and carry one if we feel the need to do so.
I've lived in suburban N.J., the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, and never had a situation in which I ever needed a gun. I live in a very, very diverse neighborhood now, people from just about every country in the world, a neighborhood that really can't be considered a suburb, and if you fall, more than one person comes to help you up. We here don't need to be armed just to go to the grocery store.
Yes. That describes most people.

Millions of drivers in the U.S. are never involved in a car collision. So, we don't need seat belts or air bags?

Just said in the Impeachment Trial by Hakeem Jeffries (D-New York):

"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the individual."

Like owning a machine gun manufactured after 1986???

So you admit that your desire for whatever weapons you like is not intended to defend this country, but to aim at your own fellow citizens. I don't think that the guys who wrote the second amendment in the 18th Century ever anticipated that someone identifying as an American would ever want to use these weapons against their fellow Americans. They expected patriotism, not the lack of it.

we already have "fascist snots" pushing their personal agendas Americans. Just look, for instance, at the trump administration and the other right-wing politicians trying to make sure that they can shove cult shit down Americans' throats, discriminate against LGBT Americans, govern the bodies of female Americans. Fascism has arrived already.
sure, it's called self defense. here let me help with a definition of what that means.

/ˈˌself dəˈfens,ˈˌself dēˈfens/

  1. the defense of one's person or interests, especially through the use of physical force, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to a charge of violent crime.
Self defense from what exactly? You must live in a war zone, but I'm not aware of any war zone within the U.S. You seem to live in a world populated by imaginary boogeymen. I don't think that you want to help women and LGBTs, who are the present targets of fascism in the U.S., so are there monsters in your neighborhood? The Taliban is bashing your door in?

You have a shitty hobby, that's all. It's nothing that warrants you to act so holy, or prance around playing self-appointed noble patriotic warrior. This isn't Hollywood. If you think someone is going to break into your house, a pistol will do.
Self defense from what exactly?

Anything. anytime any year, any decade. Self defense is ongoing every minute of every day. Encounters with strangers who wish to take you on exists all of the time. Grocery store, restaurant, gas station, airport, on the road, etc..... You are ignorant for not knowing that. Ever hear of driving defensively? Car rage? ever go down the wrong street in the wrong neighborhood? Come to Chicago, I'll show those streets and neighborhoods. I feel sorry, your parents didn't explain how to protect yourself, it is quite obvious you need it, cause bad people have trapped you into what you are today.
Rural Idaho previously and I appreciated the heck out of having the right to self defense.

I've lived in suburban N.J., the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, and never had a situation in which I ever needed a gun. I live in a very, very diverse neighborhood now, people from just about every country in the world, a neighborhood that really can't be considered a suburb, and if you fall, more than one person comes to help you up. We here don't need to be armed just to go to the grocery store.

You seem to live in fear that is far out of proportion to any evil that might be out there. That fear is being stoked by evil people for political reasons.
No, I live with rights I was given, the ability to defend myself. BTW the, message board bullshit you just posted can’t be confirmed and not taken as fact! Live in your world, I truly don’t care. Why do you care about mine?

So your airport doesn’t screen passengers? Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha.

You’re one of those fks that wants everyone to do what you do!
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I've lived in suburban N.J., the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, and never had a situation in which I ever needed a gun. I live in a very, very diverse neighborhood now, people from just about every country in the world, a neighborhood that really can't be considered a suburb, and if you fall, more than one person comes to help you up. We here don't need to be armed just to go to the grocery store.
Yes. That describes most people.

Millions of drivers in the U.S. are never involved in a car collision. So, we don't need seat belts or air bags?

There you go. His airport doesn’t screen passengers. I also bet he wants men to piss with little girls
The constitution and the 2nd Amendment were written to protect us citizens from the very people who think we dont need protection from the constitution
There is no sense in permitting people to own rapid-fire weapons that can mow down scores of people in seconds. There is no civilian use for them. I can see allowing people to have pistols, rifles, shotguns for shooting sports. We did. But no one has come up with any plausible reason why civilians need weapons of war. No, the British aren't coming, except for some musicians and actors. Weapons of this type should be kept in armories for use in emergencies by sworn police officers and the National Guard.

As a resident of Virginia, I fully support the current the efforts of our state legislature. We have had too many mass shootings, and there have been too many instances of hoodlum gangs running around in the woods training to be soldiers when we don't know whom they wish to fight. Then there was that screwball local police chief in Pennsylvania some years back who made a video of himself spraying bullets all around while shouting something about "them! Them"! Enough is enough. Taliban fighters are not arriving by the boat loads.
Functionally there is no difference between an AR-15 and a semi-automatic .227 hunting rifle so there's that.
Point number two of you don't know what the fuck your talking about is, no weapon I fired while serving in the US Army can be purchased legally by the civilian population. Your weapons of war comment is complete bullshit.
Last point whatever education you've had it was substandard, because the 2nd Amendment has fuck all to do with the British and everything to do with the chance that the US government will become a threat to the freedom of its citizens.
There is no sense in permitting people to own rapid-fire weapons that can mow down scores of people in seconds. There is no civilian use for them.
Again, I quote the Democrat from New York at the impeachment trial:

"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the individual."
~Hakeem Jeffries (D-New York)


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